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Hello JustSayin,
I took a dose of Sepia 30 as per your advice few hours ago this afternoon around 1 pm.
It gave me some relief instantly at time time. But my pain hasn’t stopped yet. so far I have only felt like about 30% better. I am still in pain. There is a strong continuous pain inside my uterus or at least my Uterus area. Feels like the same pain that I was having post my Uterus Polyps surgery done in October last year.
Sometimes I feel like I am having pain in a wound and sometimes it’s like a cramp. It’s a bearing down pain. Feels like something big thing is bothering me inside.
Please help me ease this pain.
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-04-12 01:48:50]
depression1 3 weeks ago
Try Nux-v 30c.
Directions - Drop a single pellet into a cup of water and stir gently to dissolve the pellet completely. Take ½ teaspoon of this water solution.

Cramping, bearing down pain started after Sepia or were there before ?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-04-12 04:12:41]
JustSayin2 3 weeks ago
Cramping and bearing down feelings were there before Sepia.

I am little better (about 20%) than last night this morning regarding the pain. It’s not too much intense but still there is a continuous pain. The Uterus is still tender. More pain when pressed. There is a mild depression /Sadness as well.

I just took a dose of Nux Vomica 30 at 12.40 pm April 12
Will update you soon.
Thanks and Regards
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-04-12 16:45:32]
depression1 2 weeks ago
Hello JustSayin,
Good morning. It’s 8.48 AM here.
The intensity of My Uterus pain has lessened but not gone yet after taking the two remedies (sepia 30 and Nux Vom 30) that you prescribed recently.
The pain is still bothersome and I am still feeling too tired. Can’t think of going back to work and lift those heavy boxes.
I feel like some kind of wound is bothering me in my Uterus.
There is no cramp but there is still pain. The whole pelvic area seems sick.
Please help
[Edited by depression1 on 2024-04-13 12:50:52]
depression1 2 weeks ago
Take single dose of Gels 30c. Wait for 2 hrs if the some kind of wound sensation is still there, then take a dose of Calendula 6c.

Take 1/2 tsp of both the remedies form their respective remedy soln.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-04-13 16:58:13]
JustSayin2 2 weeks ago
Hello JustSayin,
Gelsemium 30 didn’t help me much so I took Calendula 6c yesterday evening as per your advice. I have been waiting for the effects of the remedy till this morning.
I feel like I am 50-60% better now. The wound feeling is improved and intense pain is not there. A mild pain is still there. What I am feeling right now is some kind of burning sensation around my uterus region. It’s like burning after you apply rubbing alcohol in the fresh wound to kill bacteria. This sensation is more while I sit or lie down. There is a mild pain spreaded in my pelvic region.
Do you think this is an aggravation from the phosphorus I took ?
Because this was a sudden onset after few days of taking a dose of Phosphorc acid 200.
Please suggest what should I do next ?
depression1 2 weeks ago
Could be due to Ph-ac 200c, symptoms sometimes take time to develop so its difficult to confirm beforehand whether its due to the remedy or not.

If Calendula helped with the “wound feeling” then its probably the same affected region where you had the procedure before. As Ph-ac has a symptom of “Uterus bloated, as if filled with the wind”, this may have aggravated the same region by distension.
The ensuing weakness may also have been the result of Ph-ac. How about weakness now, any better?

If the burning does not bother you too much, it is better to just observe for the moment.
JustSayin2 2 weeks ago
Hello JustSayin,
Update after 2 days of taking Calendula 6c
The weakness has been better.
Yes, I had the same bloated Uterus feeling few days back(after the dosage of Phos-ac. So it’s a post remedy effect as you said.
I do not have the bloated in Uterus feeling now.

I was better in the wound sensation after Calendula. It hasn’t completely gone yet though. The burning sensation is not bothering me too much. The mild pain and heaviness in the Uterus area is still there. More while I sit down.
I feel like my pelvic region has become so weak because of whatever is happening lately.
Should I still wait and watch further symptoms ? Please suggest
depression1 2 weeks ago
Try Calc-carb 30c if you feel that there is no further improvement in pelvic weakness, mild pain and heaviness around the uterus.

For the wound feeling you can take another dose of Calendula 6c if you feel like it.
JustSayin2 2 weeks ago
Hello JustSayin,
I took a dose of Calc Carb 30 yesterday evening. Till today afternoon I felt like “This was the remedy I needed for my pelvic region problems “. But, since around 5 pm today, I am experiencing continuous mild pain again.
FYI I didn’t take another dose of Calendula 6c as Calc Carb was working for me until this afternoon.
I am experiencing the same kind of pain like my post Surgery in October 2023.
I am going back to work tomorrow after a week of rest but I am not completely healed yet. I don’t know if I will be able to work tomorrow . Should I take another dose of Calc Carb 30c ?
Please suggest.
depression1 2 weeks ago
If it is only a mild continuous pain, try Arnica 6c. If it feels like a wound feeling, try Calendula 6c. What about the pelvic weakness, heaviness around the uterus?
JustSayin2 2 weeks ago
Pelvic weakness and heaviness around the Uterus have been lessened (about 50-60% gone)but not completely gone.
I would like to try Arnica this time. Will update you soon.
This pain is making me feel so sick and helpless.
I am little depressed too. I have a burning feeling inside my head and my head is little heavy too.
I couldn’t do too much of a physical work today. I was unwillingly working today at Work.
This pain is really bothersome.
depression1 2 weeks ago
I have taken two dosages of Arnica 6c in 3 days.
The first dose gave me a little relief so on the third day I took another dose of the same.
It helped me more a little. I am hoping the discomfort will go away completely soon.
If I can’t get a satisfactory result, can I try Cantharis if incase it’s a UTI or does Arnica help with UTIs too ?
I do not have any other UTI symptoms other than the pain in my lower abdomen towards vagina (now).
I am not sure if it’s my bladder or still the Uterus wounds that are giving me these discomforts.
Please suggest.
depression1 last week
You can buy a UTI test strips at the drug store and that will show if there is a uti. Cantharis and other remedies mask the infection if there is one.
I have never seen one uti cured on this forum and I have tried myself on here and gone to a homeopath for uti- I felt better but the bacteria was not stopped and then needed double doses of antibiotics.
simone717 last week
Cantharis is not indicated for your symptoms, so dont take it. Dont take any more doses of Arnica either, just observe for now.
JustSayin2 last week
Hello JustSayin and Simone,
Thank you for your suggestions.
I didn’t have to take Cantharis . I think Arnica helped me here.
I barely have any pelvic pain now. Hope Arnica continues working for me further.
Thanks, I really appreciate your help towards me.
depression1 last week

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