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Homeopathy Forum Archive: biochemic

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase biochemic. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

36 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for biochemic:
Calcarea Carbonica3
Calcarea Fluorata10
Calcarea Phosphorica8
Calcarea Sulphurica2
Ferrum Phosphoricum3
Kali Muriaticum3
Kali Phosphoricum3
Natrum Muriaticum7
Natrum Phosphoricum2
Natrum Sulphuricum2
Pulsatilla Nigricans2
Rhus Tox2

Use of tissue salts in biochemic and homeopathic preparations 2

All 12 tissue salts have both biochemic as well as homeopathic preparations of same potency. Example: Calcarea Fluor has 6x potency in both biochemic and homeopathic preparations. ...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata
Started by Arak. Last post: 2021-08-17

Liquid Biochemic salts 9

Hello, Kindly advice how to use liquid biochemic salts as the tables are very expensive from the local health shops and amazon. I have all 12 remedies, I just add a few drops in...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Fluorata, Silicea, Natrum Phosphoricum, Nicotinum, Sulphur
Started by Vimmi1. Last post: 2017-09-25

Combination of biochemic and traditional homeo medicines 0

I have one querry related to making using biochemic tablets instead of globules with homeo medicine (like arnica 200)....
Started by vkg. Last post: 2017-09-24

Can pcod be cure by biochemic salts 1

My daughter 20 y old suffering from pcod. Ovarian cyst observed causing heavy periods sometimes for 30 days!! Mood swings hair on face etc pl help...
Started by Kity. Last post: 2016-04-20

Biochemic Salts 2

Hello, I want to know if we can take the 12 biochemic salts everyday.. I plan to take 1 salt every month and change the salt the next month. I want to use the biochemic salts as s...
Started by occultme. Last post: 2016-03-18

Homeopathy and biochemics as prenatal supplements 0

Dear friends, I will be grateful for any suggestions or help in understanding how I can use biochemics and homeopathy as prenatal supplements.[Edited by AH2015 on 2020-01-30 00:31:...
Started by AH2015. Last post: 2015-05-19

**Pls Help - Biochemic Remedies** 9

Help please. I need to know which tissue salt potencies are most effective in terms of supplementing and power in curing chronic symptoms of disease? I have used 6x and seen great...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Phosphorica, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Sulphurica
Started by Alister777. Last post: 2014-05-22

Biochemic salts 0

namaste, i recently read in net and in a book by devendra vora that biochemical salts can be taken prophylactic by corresponding sun signs people ie relation of biochemic salts to ...
Started by bkhs26. Last post: 2014-05-05

Biochemic cell salts 2

Can biochemic cell salts bring permanent cure to diseases?...
Remedies: Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphorica
Started by Rex123. Last post: 2013-03-04

Taking biochemic medicines 2

can i take kali phos 6x natrum mur. 6x silecia 12x calc. phos 12x calc. flor 6x at a time that is 4 tablets from each at a time ,tell me that that it will be good or i should ta...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by smurfs. Last post: 2013-02-17

Could Biochemic cell/tissue salts cause hyperkalemia? 7

I have been taking cell salts for awhile now and recently been diagnosed with hyperkalemia(high potassium levels). This is very dangerous and I was wondering if cell salts play a r...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Kali Muriaticum, Silicea
Started by bekind20thers. Last post: 2012-12-10

BIochemic Remedy Query 2

Hi, I have a few questions regarding biochemic, answers seeked. 1)Are biochemic tablets sucked like homeopathy or chewed (what is preferable if both are ok) 2) Does one have to ...
Started by samur420. Last post: 2010-11-14

Biochemic Salt Question 0

I am currently taking Bio Chemic salt combinations, my query is 1) Can we take bio chemic salt tablets with water or should it be sucked slowly like homeopathy and are there any a...
Started by samur420. Last post: 2010-10-13

Question about Biochemic Remedies. 8

Hi, I heard a lot about Biochemic remedies and am taking a combination of those and feeling relieved, my question is what is the dosage of bio chemic, the power strengths of them ...
Remedies: Bioplasma, Digitalis Purpurea, Calcarea Fluorata, Arnica Montana, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Sulphurica, Ferrum Phosphoricum
Started by samur420. Last post: 2010-10-03

How are Biochemic combinations made? 0

I have heard of homeopathy dilutions mixed together and sold in bio combinations otc, but Tissue salts are available in tablet forms, so how is a combination made out of them , are...
Started by samur420. Last post: 2010-10-02

Biochemic tissue salts in liquid form 0

I was wondering where you can get tissue salts in liquid form in the UK? (The tablets have lactose in them!)...
Started by susie1611. Last post: 2010-08-19

Kali Phos 30x biochemic tablets? 6

I have been instructed to purchase this remedy. Is me simply picking up the kali phos 30x remedy (bioron pellets), the same thing as the biochemic tablets? Or is this something c...
Remedies: Bioplasma, Calcarea Fluorata
Started by qbsbrown. Last post: 2009-12-21

Can my son take Biochemic 28 alongwith other homeopathic medicine 1

My son (3 years) is suffering a lot from allergy (cold / cough). Normally he is on Allium Cepa and Spongia Tosta. Can I give him BioChemic 28 alongwith homeopathic medicine ? He i...
Remedies: Allium Cepa, Spongia Tosta
Started by timepaas. Last post: 2009-12-16

Swan flue - preventive biochemic remedy 18

i suggested to many friends to give biochemic remedy -- ferrum phos 30x 4 pills daily till the danger of swan flue is there. all those who are using this remedy are so far sa...
Remedies: Gelsemium Sempervirens, Bryonia, Belladonna, Rhus Tox, Phosphorus, Arsenicum Album, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Bioplasma, Calcarea Fluorata, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Natrum Sulphuricum, Sulphur, Ferrum Metallicum, Baptisia Tinctoria, Influenzinum
Started by Rajendra. Last post: 2009-09-08

Attn:doctors! Please help! Troublr with biochemic and homeopathy medicines with doses 1

Dear friends/doctors, I am finding difficulty in understanding homeopathy and biochemic dose. I am very new to these two therapies. A doctor told me to take Nat Mur,Ferrum Phos,...
Remedies: Kali Iodatum, Iodium
Started by tantrik. Last post: 2009-08-19

Swan Flue - Preventive Biochemic Remedy 0

I suggested to many friends to give biochemic remedy -- ferrum phos 30x 4 pills daily till the danger of swan flue is there. All those who are using this remedy are so far safe. ...
Started by Rajendra. Last post: 2009-08-13

Biochemic book 2

please let me know the address of the publisher of the book called 'simplest remidy for all diseases'by b.s.darbari...
Started by dr.prithviraj . Last post: 2007-11-16

Biochemic salts problem 1

i have been taking biochemic salts (cell salts) all 12 of them in a combination..i live in london and nelsons pharmacy sell combination cell salts (all 12 mixed together) in 6x. i...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by Tommys. Last post: 2006-12-28

Treatment of gingival pyorrhea with biochemic salts 0

Hello everybody, Does anyone know a proper biochemic salt for treatment of chronic gingival pyorrhea. I wonder whether Silica would be a right choice, because I have a few metal c...
Started by Blanca. Last post: 2006-12-14

Hyland's brand remedies - Standard vs. Biochemic 2

Regarding the recent question of 'standard' versus 'biochemic" remedies, I wrote to Hyland's to see what they said about their own remedies. Here is my note ...
Remedies: Bioplasma
Started by Truthfinder. Last post: 2006-05-04

Using biochemic salt for 9moths old from last 5 months 15

himy son has gers and i hv been giving him biochemic salt SILICA 6x twice in a day ( 5 months now). i want to know if there is any harm in giving him silica?also if i stop it the s...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Bioplasma, Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Phosphorica
Started by cheenu. Last post: 2006-02-24

Biochemic treatment for cervical spondolysis 1

what is the biochemic treatment for cervical spondolysis which is pressing nerves C5-6...
Remedies: Kalmia Latifolia, Cimicifuga Racemosa , Sticta Pulmonaria
Started by manayya. Last post: 2006-02-18

Biochemic remedies- taking single vs combination 2

1]Can anybody tell me what Dr.Schussler has recommended regarding the intake of biochemic remedies vis-a-vis single remedy and combination remedies.In practical what has been the e...
Started by rayofhope. Last post: 2006-02-18

Planter facitis treatment in biochemic 1

is there any treatment to plantar facitis in biochemic...
Remedies: Ruta Graveolens, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Rhus Tox, Tuberculinum
Started by manayya. Last post: 2006-02-07

BIOCHEMIC MEDICINES.. can different salts be taken together?? 1

e.g. Salts like Kali Mur & CALC FLUOR or Calc phos -- Can they be taken together.. Will that reduce effectiveness ??...
Remedies: Bioplasma
Started by Gautam. Last post: 2006-01-10

Difference between biochemic and homoeopathic 21

can anyone plz explanin to me the difference between the 12 salts that are available in the biochemic form and the same 12 salts available in the homeopathic form.. what is the dif...
Remedies: Bioplasma, Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Phosphorica, Silicea, Kali Muriaticum, Natrum Muriaticum, Alpha-dinitrophenolum, Phytolacca Decandra, Kali Phosphoricum
Started by yogeshnagpal. Last post: 2005-11-23

Self Prescription with biochemic salts 5

It is true that homeopathic potencies are 100% dangerous if prescribed wrongly. I would like to know whether Biochemic Cell Salts are equally dangerous and whether the biochemic ce...
Remedies: Bioplasma
Started by yogeshnagpal. Last post: 2005-11-18

Biochemic Cell Salts-Can all 12 prove effective?? 12

In Cell Salt reportizing some health issues for myself and my sister, I found that there were 8 cell salts that ranked equally important for my sister's concerns. They were:Na...
Remedies: Silicea, Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Carbonica, Sanicula Aqua, Bioplasma, Sulphur, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Phosphorus, Kali Sulphuricum, Chromicum Oxydatum, Magnesia Phosphorica, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Phosphoricum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Kali Muriaticum, Kali Phosphoricum, Cuprum Metallicum, Thea Sinensis
Started by Jane525. Last post: 2005-10-30

Confused about Biochemic or Homeopathic?? 3

Can anyone enlighten me on this one. If I take one of the cell salts in 6x tablet form ( Nat Phos or Ferrum Phos) does this mean that it is not Homeopathic and in fact the materi...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Phosphorica
Started by julie05. Last post: 2005-08-25

Biochemic medicine 12

Dear membersI have the following questionsWhat are biochemic medicinesare they different than homeopathy.....for example Nutram Mur 6x homeopathic medicine will be different than ...
Remedies: Camphora , Silicea, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Kali Phosphoricum, Bioplasma, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by sazim1. Last post: 2005-06-15

Biochemics remedy? 0

Hi,waht biochemic remedy might be good for glandular cysts?...
Started by askomacic. Last post: 2005-04-18

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.