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Guano Australis

, Guano.

Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Guano Australis in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Violent headache as from a band around head. Itching of nostrils, back, thighs, genitals. Symptoms like hay-fever.

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Pain, headache; as if head were open

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Guano Australis

Carb-ac > relationships
Compare: Chrysarobin (locally in ringworm of the scale 5-10 Per cent. in Glycerine and Alcohol. Equal parts). Ars.; Kreosote.; Carbo; Guano ( Violent headache as from a band around head. Itching of nostrils, back, thighs, genitals. Symptoms like hay-fever.)

Am-caust > appendix
Toxicological (1, Wibmer, proving, Buchner's Repertorium; 2, Vetter, Hufeland's Journal, 78; 3, Chrestien, Gaz. d. Santé; 4, Schlegel, Material, etc., 1801; 5, Mankiewicz, Virch. Archiv., 45; 6, Winter, Med. Chir. cent. Bl., took 3 drachms; 7, Hiff, Lancet, 49; 8, Br. J. of Hom., 21; 9, Souchard, in N. A. J. of H., 17; 10, Imbert-Gourbeyre, J. d. Chim. Med., 1854; 11, Gaz. d. Hôp., in N. Z. f. H. K., 17; 12, Watson, Times, 1845, "Guano Fumes;" 13, Wibmer, Effects of Inhalation; 14, Cattel, in B. J. of Hom., 11).

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Guano Australis is not available to buy over the counter.

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