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, Kit-remc.

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From a massive natural pharmacopoeia and over 200 years of intense observation and research, Hyland's pharmacists have carefully chosen a set of 29 unique homeopathic medicines (plus an extra bottle of Arnica Arnica Montana) that apply to the widest range of everyday ailments, from coughs and colds to headaches and nervous tension.

And, every Hyland's Remedy Chest also includes an extensive homeopathic reference guide to all the remedies contained in the chest and the symptoms they address.

This kit contains the following 30 remedies, in 250 tablet bottles, by Hylands:
1. Aconite Aconitum Napellus
2. Allium Cepa Allium Cepa
3. Antimonium Tartaricum Antimonium Tartaricum
4. Apis Mel Apis Mellifica
5. Arnica Arnica Montana (2 bottles)
6. Arsenicum Album Arsenicum Album
7. Belladonna Belladonna
8. Bryonia Bryonia Alba
9. Calc phos Calcarea Phosphorica
10. Cantharis Cantharis
11. Carbo Veg Carbo Vegetabilis
12. Chamomilla Chamomilla
13. Ferrum Phosphoricum Ferrum Phosphoricum
14. Gelsemium Sempervirens Gelsemium Sempervirens
15. Hep Sulph Calc Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
16. Hypericum Perforatum Hypericum Perfoliatum
17. Ignatia Ignatia Amara
18. Ipecacuanha Ipecacuanha
19. Ledum Palustre Ledum Palustre
20. Magnesia Phosphorica Magnesia Phosphorica
21. Merc Viv Mercurius Vivus
22. Nux Vomica Nux Vomica
23. Phosphorus Phosphorus
24. Pulsatilla Pulsatilla Nigricans
25. Rhus Tox Rhus Toxicodendron
26. Ruta Graveolens Ruta Graveolens
27. Spongia Tosta Spongia Tosta
28. Sulphur Sulphur
29. Veratrum Album Veratrum Album

is not available to buy over the counter.
var ABCbasket=""; var warning='Orders for Boiron (USA) will not ship until March 14th.:c:';