Jelly-fish, Medu.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Medusa in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Compare: Pyrarara; physalia (urticaria); Urtica; Homar.; Sepia Sep.
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Numbness; burning, pricking heat
Vesicular eruption, especially on face, arms, shoulders, and breasts
Nettle rash ( Apis Mel Apis.; Chloralum Chloral.; Dulcamara Dulc.)
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Female; Marked action on Lacteal glands
The secretion of milk was established after lack of it in all previous confinements.
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Urt-u > relationships
Compare: Medusa; Nat-mur.; Lac. Can.; Ricin (diminished mammary secretion); Bombyx; Rhus; Apis; Chloral.; Astac.; Puls ( urticaria); Boletus luridus and Anacard ( urticaria tuberosa); Lycop. AND Hedeoma (uric acid conditions); Formica.
Urt-u > relationships
Compare Gout, fever, spleen, Nat m. Dropsy, uraemia, gravel, gout, Ur. ac., Urea, Urinum. Fever, vertigo, spleen, Querc. Spleen, Cean. Rheumatism of right deltoid, Sang. Secretion of milk, Ric., Puls. Urticaria, Apis, Nat. m., Ast. fl., Medusa, Homar, Pariet. Causation.
PHY > relationships
Compare Medusa, Urt. ur.
Colch > skin
Itching over the whole body, as from burning nettles or from jelly-fish,