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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 2 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks, Sameer.

There has been no change from the Staphysagria. Could you advise me what I might try next?

kitfire last decade
Is Dr Sameer still around at the moment?
kitfire last decade

I was on a short vacation, and will be replying over the next 2 days or so.

sameervermani last decade
Oh, thanks. I hope you enjoyed it.

A question for when you return if you don't mind- do you think the 30C may be too low to help?

I also have a constant cold and sneezing since the weather changed a week ago, and wondered if this was relevant.
kitfire last decade
Apologies kitfire, I will go over this as soon as I get some time.
sameervermani last decade
Please take 3 doses of Thuja 30c equally spaced on a single day.

Take care that nothing enters your mouth, 1 hour before and 1 hour after taking the remedy.

Report status in 5 days after the 3 doses.

Reduce tea to a minimum for 3-4 days.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks very much Sameer.

I'm currently using the Nelsons 30c brand. The instructions on their bottle stipulate taking two doses for six times on the first day, then two doses four times a day for the next four days or until symptoms improve.

Is this far too much?
kitfire last decade

Please dont that much , that is way too much dosage and can be extrememly harmful.

These instrutions are designed for fast consumption so that the companies can sell more of the remedy.

So, just 1 day of dosage is enough with a total of 3 doses.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

There's been no change in status from the Thuja. Could you recommend what next to try?

So far I've taken

- Sepia
- Pulsatilla
- Stavesacre
- Thuja

and also Arsenicum and Silica for a cold and an ear infection.
kitfire last decade
When did u take Arsenicum and Silica ?
sameervermani last decade
The silica was before the pulsatilla, the arsenicum the before the thuja. But they didn't overlap (in terms of five day stints).
kitfire last decade
And, what was your response to Arsenicum and Silicea ?
sameervermani last decade
Well, the AA cleared by catarrh (sp?) and the silica cleared my ear infection beautifully. They just didn't elevate my mood.
kitfire last decade
What potency did you take Silica at and how many doses ?

There was no improvement in your mood from Silica ?

Are you taking any other precription medications ?
sameervermani last decade
I believe I took 4 doses of it - (this was when I was following the Nelson's prescription). No improvement from mood - apart from happiness that my ear had stopped hurting!
kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

Please take 3 doses of Natrum Mur 30c equally spaced on a single day.

Nothing should enter the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after each dose.

Report in 3 days after the 3 doses.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

there has been no change in mood. What do you think I could do next?

Many thanks and have a good day.
kitfire last decade
Wait for 3 more days, and if there is no change, then take 3 doses of

Aurum Metallicum 30c

equally spaced on 1 single day.

Nothing should enter the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after each dose.
Report in 3 days after the doses.
sameervermani last decade
Bless you.
kitfire last decade
Dear Sameer,

For the first two days, the aurum met really seemed to stem my negative thoughts, and cap the feelings of sadness. I was feeling much more positive about everything, and changed my eating and started running and tidying everything, things like that. I thought the mood would last.

Last night I watched a really sad film. I don't know if that's what caused my low mood to return, but today everything has seemed bleak. It may have something to do with it being a grey monday, while the weather was lovely over the weekend. I can't understand why my mood would improve so rapidly and then drop again after two days.

What do you think I should do?
kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

let us wait for 4 more days and see if this was just a blip in the overall improvement.

In the meanwhile, can you please try to describe your problem again in your own words without using the questionnaire as sometimes questionnaires tend to bias us towards certain remedies.

sameervermani last decade
Erm... ok.

I guess I still feel pretty apart from people. Like I really miss friends I've had from the past, but somehow feeling sad prevents me from getting close to people at the moment and I cut myself off.

I like work when I'm doing it, but self-doubt creeps in very quickly when I stop. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but I always worry that something's about to go wrong. There are things I've neglected to do and I think about them from the moment I wake up. Sometimes I wake up feeling free, and think I have to make the most of the ten seconds or so before I remember my problems again. Most of the time I feel like they're hanging over me. I feel like I don't want to socialise to any extent until they are resolved.

I still love humor and like to laugh a lot. I'm able to forget my problems a little, but sometimes I read about other people's exploits and think I should have done them. I love listening to music at the moment.

I try to insulate myself against feeling either particularly sad or particularly angry, but I find this hard to do when I read of some of the terrible things that go on in the papers.
kitfire last decade
Sorry - I just noticed you advised someone else that a single dose of 30C was two of the little pillules. I took just one each time. Do you think that means I've taken too little of the remedy? Should 3 more pillules?
kitfire last decade
No,you dont need to take 3 more.

What you took is fine.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

The remedy is definitely having some effect. I'm continuing to eat healthily and run. I feel enthused about reading and finding out new facts about the world. I'm more even-tempered than I was before.

That said, I've been down for two days this week. One time was when someone asked me about something that's really worrying me. I was down the whole day, and it seemed that that was too great a reaction to be functionally healthy to me.

So I guess it's made a marked difference, but not quite as much as I'd like.

Should I do anything else?

kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

These are chronic problems, which will not vanish in a few days. Your body is trying to fight with the disease.

Right now, it would be best to wait.

No more doses, as the last dose is working, update me in 1 week from now.

sameervermani last decade

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