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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 9 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Many thanks, Sameer.

I've heard it contended that Carcinosin from many tumors is more effective than carcinosin from just one.

Do you think there's any truth in this?
kitfire last decade
I dont think that is the reason for no response here.

You should buy the 'normal' Carcinosin
sameervermani last decade

this practitioner gives patients progesterone and serotonin in homeopathic form:


This seems weird to me. Have you ever heard of this treatment?
kitfire last decade
There's been no response Sameer.
kitfire last decade
I have sent a little more information to you, and wonder if you might look at it at a time convenient to you.

Many thanks.
kitfire last decade
Hi kit,

I have analyzed the case again.

Please take 3 doses of ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30c, and report back in a week.

sameervermani last decade
Thankyou Sameer... I've read that Argentums are outgoing (I am not).

Are they introverted in some instances too?
kitfire last decade
Yes, they can be very much introverted.

It is listed in 'italics' in the rubric

Aversion to company
sameervermani last decade

On another thread you advised not to rub medical creams into the skin the same day a remedy was taken.

Is it ok to apply a moisturiser or could this cause an antidote?
kitfire last decade
Moisturiser is fine.
sameervermani last decade
No change, I'm afraid.

kitfire last decade
Hi kit,

Please take 3 doses of ALUMINA 30c, and report in 1 week.

Good luck,
sameervermani last decade
Thankyou very much.

Just wondered - have heard of a remedy called 'Graphites'... do you think my symptoms resonate to that at all?
kitfire last decade

is the Alumina to help with mental confusion?
kitfire last decade
Well yeah, it has all kinds of mental symptoms.

Please take it and report back.
sameervermani last decade

I was assuming it was ok to brush with peppermint toothpaste 1 hour before the dose.... Could this be antidoting things?

Should only homeopathic toothpaste be used?
kitfire last decade
That should be ok. Although you might want to increase the gap to 2 hours so that there is no flavor left in your mouth when you take the dose.
sameervermani last decade

There has been no change this week.
kitfire last decade
Hi kit,

Please get Carcinosin LM3, 30 mlm teat dropper bottle from Helios. Update me when you have it with you.

sameervermani last decade
I have it thanks.
kitfire last decade
Okay, first dose, take out 4 drops of Carc LM3 in 120 ml spring water in a disposable cup, stir with a disposable spoon, and take a teaspoon from there.

Throw the cup away.
sameervermani last decade
Report in 72 hours.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, is a teaspoon the max allowed or is it ok to drink the whole 120ml?

Is LM very powerful?
kitfire last decade
Take the teaspoon only. LMs are extremely penetrating.
sameervermani last decade
The bottle I have has kind of a long dropper. Do you mean take just 4 little drops from the end of it, or 4 full lengths of the dropper? Does my question make sense?

I think I've had some gradual benefit from the alumina, because I've started to become much neater, although my mood didn't improve. I used salt toothpaste.
kitfire last decade
Do not take the Carc dose yet if you are getting benefit from Alumina.

Please take a single dose of Alumina 200c, and report back in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade

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