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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 10 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do not take the Carc dose yet if you are getting benefit from Alumina.

Please take a single dose of Alumina 200c, and report back in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Thankyou Sameer.

Your kind advice is appreciated as always.
kitfire last decade

I am currently experiencing allergic hayfever reactions.

I am planning to take the Alumina 200C tomorrow.

I have been prescribed allopathic antihistamine for the hayfever, but would prefer to take mixed pollen 30C.

Will either allopathic antibacterial eyedrops & antihistamine antidote the Alumina? Alternatively, would Mixed Pollen 30C have to be taken at a different time to the Alumina and, if so, how far apart would the two homeopathic remedies have to be, time-wise?
kitfire last decade
Dont take Mixed Pollen 30c.

Better to take anti-histamine if needed, than intervening homeopathically with an incorrect remedy.

Homeopathic intervention will interfere with chronic cure if the remedy is not correct.

If you can form a detailed list of symptoms for the hayfever, I can see if something comes up.
sameervermani last decade

I popped into a cafe and someone started cleaning in there.

Can furniture polish antidote homeopathic remedy?
kitfire last decade
If you are exposed to an odor for long durations, where it starts affecting you, then it can antidote.
sameervermani last decade
The main problem is actually conjunctivitis. It affects my right eye more severely, but usually both eyes. They go red and produce a white stringish discharge in large amounts. It's just uncomfortable at the moment. Last week before I got eyedrops it was painful too.

The sneezing can be just a slightly runny nose. At other times I can sneeze continually from 10 in the morning to 4 the following morning. When this happens I get tired out and my sinuses get infected (yellow discharge).
kitfire last decade
Do you keep hearing music heard previously ? Your e-mail said a song gets stuck in your head.
sameervermani last decade
Yes, usually.
kitfire last decade
Please take 3 doses of Lycopodium 30c, and report in 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
The Lycopodium seems to have helped my hayfever a lot. No eye trouble or sneezing fits since the 30C. The one remaining symptom I have is slight mucus in my nose but this may be down to the milk I drink.

The Alumina 200c had an effect but seemed to wear off more quickly than the Alumina 30C. It made me more tidy and together, and seemed to quiet my mind while it lasted.

It didn't make me feel greatly uplifted, but I was more confident because I felt more together. But now I'm messy again, and finding it didn't to get out of bed once more.
kitfire last decade
When did you take Lyc 30c, and when did you take Alumina 200 ?
sameervermani last decade
Let me see...

Looking at the dates here, the Alumina 200c would have been 29/04/2009, and the Lyc 06/05/2009.
kitfire last decade
And, till when did the effect of Alumina last ?
sameervermani last decade
I would say it was wearing off by about 03/05/2009. I think that was a Sunday. I was feeling down and disorganised by then.
kitfire last decade
And, no mental benefit from the Lycopodium ?
sameervermani last decade
Hmm. I'm not really sure. I *have* been 'counting my blessings' a little more in terms of the health that I have, friends and things like this.

Does that count?
kitfire last decade
Hi kit,

We can give this 1 more week to be sure.

Update me next Friday.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, can I ask:

do you think Carcinosinum or Lycopodium could be my similimum?

Do you think Saccarhum might be of any help?
kitfire last decade
Hi kit,

Very difficult to say as there has not been much progress with any remedy.

Aurum as well just flattered to deceive
sameervermani last decade
Not to worry. Bless you and have a good week.
kitfire last decade
There's been no change Sameer.

I tried the Carc LM3 and there was no reaction from that either. That was 5 days ago.
kitfire last decade

do you think it's worth trying any more remedies?

If not thankyou very much for all your help.
kitfire last decade
Hi kit,

Please take 3 doses of Natrum Carbonicum 30c, and report in 1 week.

I have not given up yet. I just forgot to reply to your thread in the flurry of posts :)
sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sameer.

What is the mental difference between Natrum Carb and Natrum Mur?
kitfire last decade
sameervermani last decade

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