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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 8 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes it definitely will interfere with the remedy.

You need to tone down your tea consumption to at most 1-2 cups a day for at-least 2-3 days after the remedy.
sameervermani last decade
Oh dear.... perhaps it's not so surprising that well indicated remedies have been failing to act. I have been having six cups of tea a day. Do you think it's worth trying some of them again?
And what is the maximum alcohol that may be consumed while taking the remedies.

Confession... I took to 1M Aurum pillules on Sunday night. Sorry... was feeling really depressed... I came to my senses and had a cup of tea to try to antidote... Is it still safe to take the Cocculus? I hope so as I'm just getting very depresssed at the moment.
kitfire last decade
Do not take the Cocculus so soon after the 1M Aurum.

Please wait for 1 week and report back status before you take Cocculus.
sameervermani last decade
6 cups of tea is way too much tea , and yes, it might have interfered with a lot of the remedies we have tried.

Please wait for 1 week still, and report back the symptoms at the end of it.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, have I 'missed the boat' with the 30C of those other remedies? It's forbidden to repeat them isn't it?

kitfire last decade
Well it is not STRICTLY written on stone and especially if the tea was the cause of failure, that means, you did not allow your body to respond to the doses.

And, the forbidden part comes into play, when you have ALLOWED your body to respond to the doses. Also, the remedy can be repeated at points in future e.g. I have repeated 200c of same medicine at a gap of an year or so after being on other remedies in the period between. It is mechanical successive repetition which causes problems.

Do not feel sad, please form a detailed list of symptoms, and I will analyze it from the beginning again. We will come out of it, but you will have to be patient.

e.g.As an example look at a list in the following thread in a post made on 2008-12-10

sameervermani last decade
Thankyou very much, Sameer.
kitfire last decade
Sameer, I have emailed a list of my symptoms to you.

When you say cut tea consumption to 2 a day max, do you mean teacups specifially as opposed to mugs?
kitfire last decade
Yeah teacups.

Please wait for a day or 2.

I have received your e-mail.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Kit,

Please take 3 doses of Phosphorus 30c equally spaced by 30 mins.

Keep tea to a minimum (at most 1 or 2 cups a day).

Report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Sameer, I was reading Kent p.286 (I think). He was saying some remedies had foods which imitated them and must be avoided (fats food for Pulsatilla, for Calc Carb. even taking a bath!).

Is that so, and does Phosphorus carry any prhibited foods with it?
kitfire last decade
Dont worry, eat and healthy balanced diet, and avoid tea and NO COFFEE
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, I was running today on a roadside and the road contained a strong smell of petrol fumes at one point. I was jogging on it for about five minutes.

Would this antidote the remedy if I took the phosphorus today? If so I will take it tomorrow.
kitfire last decade
Let us not assume that it got anti-doted.

Please wait for 3-4 days to see if there is some response, and report back.
sameervermani last decade
Three day report: No change! I am way surprised.

I don't know... maybe I'm not actually depressed but think I am?
kitfire last decade
please take a single dose of

Calcarea Carb 1m

keep tea down to once a day, no coffee at all.

report in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Many thanks, Sameer. You must be a very caring person.
kitfire last decade
Dear Sameer,

There has been no change in my symptoms after nine days.

I wonder if I could send my latest symptom picture to you a day early, so I can try and buy the next medicine. (It's in your gmail inbox).
kitfire last decade
Hi kit,

Please take 3 doses of Cocculus Indicus 30c.

Report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Thankyou Sameer. I have one query:

I ate something spict#y today at 16:00. Do I need to wait a full 24 hours before taking the remedy, or is it ok to take tomorrow morning?
kitfire last decade
It is ok to take it tomorrow morning.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, the Cocculus didn't have effect.

Do you think perhaps I'm Natrum?
kitfire last decade
Please wait for 2-3 days.

I will analyze this again.
sameervermani last decade

is it possible that I have tried the remedy but taken it at too low a dosage?

Or will there always be some mental improvement from taking the right remedy?
kitfire last decade
Hi kitfire,

Let us try a higher dose of Carcinosin this time.

Please take a single dose of Carcinosin 1M, and make sure nothing enters your mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after the dose.

Report in 2 weeks.

sameervermani last decade
Many thanks, Sameer.

I've heard it contended that Carcinosin from many tumors is more effective than carcinosin from just one.

Do you think there's any truth in this?
kitfire last decade

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