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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 5 of 11

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Sameer, my fingernails have not been growing properly for about five years. They reacha certain point and then break off. My physician told me this was fungal infection.

Are there any homeopathic remedies which might help with this?
kitfire last decade
Finger nail symptoms can be very useful in deciding the remedy.

Please describe it more.

Are the nails brittle ?

They do not grow at all ?

Are they distorted ?

Are they crippled?

Are they corrugated ?

Any pain ?

Is there visible fungus there ?
sameervermani last decade
Are the nails brittle ?
Yes. They split every day.

They do not grow at all ?
They grow up to a point, but never make it over the ridge of the finger as they should.

Are they distorted ?
They seem to grow disproportionately to the sides of the nail, and are particularly liable to split there. It's also difficult to stop them growing into my fingers at the sides.

Are they crippled?
I suppose, yes, as there's a limit to how far they can grow.

Are they corrugated ?
Yes. Corrigated and with a yellow tinge.

Any pain ?
Not in terms of the actual growth... Just when the splits in the nail catch on anything.

Is there visible fungus there ?
Yes. It grows daily around the sides of some of the nails, so I have to file them every day.
kitfire last decade
This seems to correspond very well to Silicea type finger nails.

So, let us try going to Silicea 200c , three doses equally spaced on a single day.

Dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml water, stir and 1 spoon from here is 1 dose.
sameervermani last decade
Is that with a dessert spoon or a teaspoon?
kitfire last decade
Teaspoon is fine.
sameervermani last decade
Also, I've heard that when you use pillules dissolved, uptake is actually throught the nerves of the tongue.

Does this mean you shouldn't actually swallow the water? Sorry if the question sounds silly!
kitfire last decade
Keep the water in the mouth for about 5 seconds, that is more than enough.
sameervermani last decade

does it make a difference whether the water is hot or cold?
kitfire last decade
Also, should I leave Ignatia for the moment?

Many thanks.
kitfire last decade
Water should not be hot.

Normal unrefrigerated water is fine.

Ignatia does seem to be a part of the case as well. It is a tough decision as to whether to go to Ignatia first or Silicea first.

You have the Ignatia with you right now ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes - 30C. Have sent away for the Silicea.
kitfire last decade
Hmm.. let us start with 3 doses of Ignatia 30c spaced by 1 hour then, and wait for 1 week for the changes.

sameervermani last decade
Thankyou once again.
kitfire last decade

As an aside, my feet seem to stay very cold in bed, unlike the rest of me. I mention this because I've read it might indicate Silicea further. Earlier this evening, they were so cold indoors (with socks on) that they started to numb.

Also. I read in the materia medica that silicea often stays with the prover for life. My mind started doing somersaults, as I think I took something like 30/5 of it (as per instructed by Nelson's), before I checked it with you and you said that it was too much remedy.

Do you think I might have taken too much of it already?
kitfire last decade
dont worry , a 30c taken for a few days would not cause long term provings , especially as we know you are not hypersensitive to remedies.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

No change from Ignatia so far. :(

Should I take the Silicea when the week is up?
kitfire last decade
Also, would it be possible to ask what I should take if there's no effect from the Silicea?

kitfire last decade
Please go ahead with Silica when the week is up.

I will analyze everything again from the beginning in case Silica does not work.
sameervermani last decade
Silica has really improved my fingernails: they are actually forming a proper ending now, and have started to grow out over the ridge for the first time in about six years. The nails stopped splitting and ingrowing the first day I took Silica. There is still a little fungus there, but it is confined to discreet patches, and I'm hopeful it will grow out.

Unfortunately the Silica did not have a beneficial effect on my mood.

I just wanted to say, on the one hand, I can occasionally be irritable (though I dislike to be) at some times, and on a short fuse. But when I get really depressed I become quite apathetic. I don't know if that's a contradiction. I'm going round in circles a lot at the minute - like there's something I should do but I can't put my finger on what. Also the despair is becoming quite marked, and I think I'm different to everyone else.
kitfire last decade

Silica is a very slow and deep acting medicine, hence we must wait for 10 days to see if also brings some mental changes as well.

When were the doses taken ?

sameervermani last decade
Last Wednesday: 7 days ago.
kitfire last decade
Okay, please wait for 3-4 more days. In the meanwhile I will go through the case from hte beginning.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, might it be possible to send my symptoms to you tomorrow by email?
kitfire last decade
Please feel free to do so.

Send me all the symptoms in your own words in the form of a list if possible.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, I have emailed you.

kitfire last decade

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