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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I would like to ask about sepia, or sepia 30 perhaps as a long term remedy for chronic exhaustion due to endometriosis and overgrowths in reproduction system in general.
I used it before and it seemed to work but it seemed to loose efficacy as I used it several times. What would be the right dosage for the following symptoms? Ideally would like to keep them at bay, before they actually appear. (I am a very busy person and need to perform at all times, very demanding activity)

the tiredness expresses itself as need to lay down and sleep every 2 hours approximately, during the whole day. even writing an email is exhausting. It comes with some pain around left ovary. Pain does not need to be extreme for tiredness to appear. Pain gets worse with movement, and body calls for absolute rest.

As a character I am rather absent minded, need time for myself, rather independent. Generally slow, ocasionally very fast with work. People say that I appear as a fragile person, not strong. I have frickles, yellowish/pale skin, and dark eyes-hair. Born in Spain.

Many thanks for any advice
  merce on 2011-04-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is not enough information to base a remedy choice. Did you choose this remedy yourself or was it prescribed for you by someone else?

Are you wanting someone to take your case here and supervise it?

David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
many thanks for your reply
I just found this forum
I saw that some people ask about their own situation and the get advice through the forum. I did not think of wanting or not wanting someone to supervise it. I wanted someone to advice through the forum. I think this is what forms are for. people help other people, and it seems that their are people withe some experience n homeopathic remedies linked to the forum.

Sepia 30 was prescribed by a homepath, who seemed unsure and asked me to try a series of different remedies. None really sorted the problem and we stopped communication. Out of all the things she prescribed sepia seemed the most effective, but also seemed to stop working after I had used it 4 or 5 times. First it seemed the effect for 5-6 days, then it seemed to reduce to 4, and then noting at all. But now I am wondernig if the times when it worked it wasnt sepia but my own body was more fit itself?. I am suffering at the moment from extreme fatigue and i dont have anything elese at hand or that I may know of, to help the situation

If the information supplied is insufficient (thank you very much for advicing on this) I am very happy to provide more information. What is missing?

many thanks again for kindly replying to my post

[message edited by merce on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 07:19:53 BST]
merce last decade
if the homeopacy cant offer support, I can only abandon Homepathy and go back to proper western medicine and drugs, perhaps learn about nutrition
thanks to all
merce last decade
You haven't been very clear - did you want someone to take your case and supervise management of it?

There are actual qualified practitioners here, like myself. To give advice, we would need a proper case taken (although the amounts of information may vary depending on which practitioner takes up your case).

If you have been to a homoeopath already, you know that we need a lot of information - typically a homoeopath (in real life) might take 1-2 hours to take down all your details, symptoms, background, history and so on. For someone here to make suggestions something along those lines would have to be done.

It doesn't sound like you have had 'proper' homoeopathic medicine yet. You can choose to go back to Orthodox medicine (homoeopathy is as Western as Pharmaceutical medicine is) if you wish, but I suspect you will come aways disappointed as so many others do.

What follows is my intake form. You can also go to the following sites to educate yourself on how homoeopaths take cases and how you can help provide the information needed to make confident prescriptions.





It is important to describe all your problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information.

1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?

Move from one problem to the next, doing the same thing. IT IS VITAL THAT YOU GIVE A COMPLETE PICTURE OF YOUR HEALTH BY PROVIDING ALL PROBLEMS YOU HAVE, EVEN IF NOT CONNECTED TO THE MAIN ONE, AND EVEN IF YOU CONSIDER IT OF LESS IMPORTANCE. You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide.

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.

Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
3. What your sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to, especially things you notice you are more sensitive to than others.
6. What your general level of energy is like and when is it better or worse, and what activities strongly affect it.
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like
8. Describe your menstrual cycle in detail (premenstrual, first day, second day, etc)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thank you very much for your advice so far. It is much appreciated. I just dont understand perhaps what the forum is for. There are homepaths around that I could hire to take care of my case, but I cant afford them. I am a full-time student with diffcultly to pay for university fees and living costs in london. I failed to secure a grant or scholaship. What people in my situation do is to seek for help in the internet, in order to avoid incresing the load of strees due to severe finantial restrictions. Could you tell me how much the analysis that you propose, or as you call it 'a proper case taken' wold cost?
Anyhow I appreciarte your kind response very much
merce last decade
No-one here charges for their services (as far as I know or as far as forum policy permits).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you David,
in that case yes. It would be really great if someone qualified coud take up my case in the forum. I just did not even suspect that this would be a possibility in the real world. Sorry about that.
I will next go to your links and answer all your questions
Many thanks again
merce last decade
David, these are the answers to the questions you sent. Please let me know if you would need me to elaborate on any point

1. What exactly happens?
I have a problem with suspected endometriosis. I also suffer from recurring periods of exhaustion that make my work almost impossible. I also suffer from insomnia. By now I suspect these are all symptoms of some basic hormonal imbalance or some other underlaying cause that remains invisible in blood tests. Tyroid function and tyroid hormon levels appear correct in blood test. What I wish out of a treatment is a reliable level of energy and alertness that would allow me to do my work properly and to have a normal life. This should help me with recurring exhaustion-tiredness and with insomnia. I have been prescribed to take the combined pill continously and have period every 3 months

2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
Pain is deep inside lower abdomen, sometimes it becomes a general sensation of discomfort in lower abdomen as if period was to come, sometimes a much more localized pain in a point of intensity between left ovary and uterus, as pressure, there is not enough space down there inside, sometimes more sharp pain in middle lower uterus, bit similar to biting metal with tooth, although not exactly, this worries me more. I visualize it as a vertical line with the same intensity in all points, I also feel pressure when I feel the 'line', no space. It feels deep.

This comes with exhaustion. Exhaustion appears before pain as a more generalised, frequent condition. Pain may or nor follow.
Exhaustion is more intense when pain follows. Genreally exhaustion feels like this: imagine a marionette doll whose movement depends on someone holding strings in various degrees of tension. Someone has cut or dropped all of my strings, I feel like my body is disintegrating in space, someimtes the tiredness almost hurts, as if there was no blood circulating, no pressure, no gravity. I am not able to sit in my desk, I need to lie down. On an episode when the problem of endometriosis developed to constant high level of pain on April last year, (I could not walk, regular painkiller intake, indometacine most effective, went to hospital for pain control, bits of morfin), the tierdness became rhythmic and more violent so to speak. I write, and work in a desk. Every 2 hours my body dropped suddenly in a matter of seconds and I had to go from chair-desk to bed situation. This would last the entire day, day after day. As I got weaker I was in bed all the time taking painkillers, the dropping became fainting around 3pm every day and my body had stopped functioning. I could not eat, I was throwing up stomach liquids (green colour). Trying to swalow a bit of juice would make a ball in my throught and make me faint. I was taking the simple pill for endometriosis, this appear to make things worse. The intensity of the situation was resolved by changing to combined pill. It has kept thigs under control for a year, but I still suffer from chronic fatigue and sometimes pain, although pain now does not require painkillers, it is not comparable. I have now period every 3 months, and after the last period things seemed to have got worse again, even though I am still on the combined pill, went from insomnia before having period to not being able to keep myself awake and having to sleep every 3 hours after having period.

3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
Taking or not taking the pill, and before I started the pill, I really could not tell, perhps stress, but I believe it is not the environment as much as some imbalance that exists already inside my body
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
The pill to some extent, as it has stopped endometriosis pain attacks, but I have not been able to identify a particular relief for tiredness or insomnia
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
Already answered, otherwise I don’t know
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
I used to have endometriosis attacks the night before to period coming, in the middle of the night, a.m. (since many years) This would include sweat and shiver, vomitinig, diarrea, loosing sight, fainting, in 1 hour till indometacine intake and other painkillers stopped it. Then extreme relaxation and peace. This used to happen about 3 times per year till last april when after the attack pain started to build up and ended up in hospital for pain control.
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?
The attacks have been there for a long time for no apparent reason. When it become much worse April last year, I was under a lot of stress fro work (unforeseen deadline, adding to existing deadlines, all equal in importance and urgency), and to some extent personal in the form of moral demands from important long term friends (spend time with them) at the same time as work related stress

I had sever liver insufficiency between 2 and 4 years old. Ok since then. I have bad circulation, in particular legs, lower back pain at times, can’t find bed position sometimes, it is fine during the day. I had to correct my bones, spine shape, teeth as a child. I have always suffered from fatigue (strings are cut). Can get headache easily if yogging too much, or in sauna. I have suffered migrains sometimes. I have had sciatica, (lower back pain that prevents movement) some years ago, often due to being exposed to cold dampness. Exercise makes me feel better. I am easily cold. Have better resistance to hot weather

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically. Nothing significant enough

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.
I do not find it helpful to discuss problems with others, I need to understand them in my own terms. I am extremely intuitive and react without knowing why and then also rationalize a lot and find answers my self. A way I deal with problems is writing. Writing emails to the person involved, till through writing the problem becomes clear. The first emails are more intuitive, less rational and can hurt the other person. I am extremely independent. Need my own space. But if I get close to a friend I feel easily abandoned, almost irrationally, by any detail from this person that may indicate indifference.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.
I do research. I took a lot of interest in nutrition. I try to continue working when not feeling fir because taking time off work gives me more pressure, although I may choose to do easier tasks. I work for my self (PhD studies, deadline in less than 2 years, no weekends free). I find very difficult to take time off work. I always make work plans that are more ambitious than what is realistic, but I have no choice, because I have no time. I often make work more comprehensive and full than it needs to be. Tens to make my life more difficult than it needs to be. I think the reason why I do that is because I am very curious to always read more sources, etc. I need to be in control.
When I feel exhausted, even the most simple task appears extremelly difficult to accomplish, and I can loose my nerves easily in front of minor obstacles, such as can burst in tears of desperation out of lack of anergy, impossibility, even in a public space.
I am generally optimistic (this makes me overestimate what I can actually achieve), can get depressed at times due to lack of energy, but I would not describe myself as having a marked tendency to depression.

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved. Finding a stable situation (work, life) that I am satisfied with. It seems to require huge amounts of work, and there is no guarantee that this is possible. For example I live in a country I am not specially attached to, just need to be here for my PhD. I am 38 and live like an undergraduate sharing house with 5 other people to afford rent. They are about 35 average, (at least they are people I know long term, not people I found by adds). It feels like an endless race to find a position where I can find a job that excites me and believe in, and finding literally a corner in the world that feels appropriate, like my place. Good friends who I hardly ever have time to see, help this situation. On the other hand I have travelled the world a lot and enjoy very much meeting other cultures and ways of living, in particular simple ways of life. This may have been the happiest periods of my life. I feel my work in conflicts with my personal life to some extent. I don't even take sundays free. Although my work (research) is something I am truly interested in and without it no life would make much sense. I am constantly pronouncing the sentence: “I don’t have time” be it to supervisors, work colleagues and to friends and family.

Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.
I had liver insufficiency as told above. Parents used to fight. My mother has hard temper, but can aslo be extremelly swet. She shouted a lot if a stupid glass broken, etc. Generally Violent at home, lots of shouting at each other. My older sister too difficult strong temper. We are 2 sisters only. Father is calm.
Catholic religion, educated under the premises of sin and guilt, not sure I ever took that serious myself.
As a baby was extremelly obedient, never cried or give any kind of trouble, my parents say. As child I was shy, never spoke a word. I had not yet learnt that I was expected to do so. I had huge respect for adults. Even though I understood they were wrong in some opinion and I saw the correct solution to a problem, I tended to take their side and believe in it just out of respect. I did not speak unless I had something to say. As I did not speak I was a lonely child in school. I could not make friends easily, ever invited to birthday parties. This always made me very sad and feel excluded.
I could never engage with small talk. Now I talk much more but have more things to say as well, I guess. I prefer small social gatherings, or seeing friends one to one, more than parties and big gatherings. This has always been the case since childhood, I was scared of groups of children but felt good once I 'broke the ice'. Still, when I am in a big gathering I surprise myself as actually enjoying it quite a lot and happy to be part off.

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
Not much to say in this respect. I like most foods. Sometimes hate chocolate, feels poisoning, not always, it varies. I cant deal with deep-fried, makes me throw up. I hate smell of cigarret buts from previous day. I am not big eater, sometimes crave for cake may be. I cant eat a lot because it makes me feel bad, sleepy, headache, so I eat less several times a day. Having sweet desert after lunch of dinner would be fatal, headache and sleepiness guaranteed,
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate. I hate artificial drinks with bubbles (beer ok) and flavoured teas. Sometimes I crave for white wine. Wite wine seems to enliven me a little. Having sweet drink with food, specially artificial, would give me very bad digestion
3. What your sleep is like
Already described above: tendency to insomnia. This can become very intense and problematic for my work. Sometimes I fall asleep every two hours, it is uncontrollable (less often than insomnia). Also problem for my work. Sometimes I am lucky and become normal.
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you. Humidity and cold makes me vulnerable. Sun energy of course. Much prefer heat even in extreme tropical settings.
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to, especially things you notice you are more sensitive to than others. Cold weather. Cold+ wet weather. Prolonged lack of sunlight. Car pollution. Deep fried food smell. bit of hey feber since I am 30 y.o.
6. What your general level of energy is like and when is it better or worse, and what activities strongly affect it.
Explained above: recurring exhaustion. I would love to find the cause in order to find solution. Seems impossible task. Genreally the wors time of day is after lunch, early afternoon between 1pm and 5pm, best concentration, evening, night and early morning
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like. Normal
8. Describe your menstrual cycle in detail (premenstrual, first day, second day, etc) As I am taking the pill and having period every 3 months, there is not much blood coming out just tissue, starts very slowly and lasts for 5 days. Before the pill it was about 3 days, bleeding was not extreme, not little. Could get delayed or come early with 2-3 days difference.
[message edited by merce on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:02:04 BST]
[message edited by merce on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:06:20 BST]
merce last decade
Ok this has given me some good access points to go deeper into your case. You may end up repeating yourself but that is fine, I often need to hear things repeated to be sure they are what I should be looking at.

Can you describe more for me on:

'Not enough space'

'Biting metal with tooth'

'Disintergrating in space'

'Tiredness became rhythmic'

'Moral demands from friends'

'Need my own space'

'Feel abandoned'

'Pressure, deadlines'

'Make work more comprehensive and full than it needs to be'


'Feels like an endless race'

'Work conflicts with my personal life'

'Extremely obedient'

I can't see a clear description of the insomnia - can you do that for me as well?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by merce on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 08:39:24 BST]
merce last decade
Hello David,
I would like to erase my last post, at some point, whenever you have got the information you need. I feel it is too personal to be kept online.
Please let me know if this is a possibility, and when I can do it without limiting your ability to deal with my case. I would then pass my request to the moderator.
Many thanks again for all your help and advice so far.
merce last decade
Ok I have copied that last post to a document on my computer to study so you can remove it anytime
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
sorry to jump in but how can one delete a post?
girl2010 last decade
thank you so much for copying the post onto your own system.
merce last decade
to girl2010:
I am not sure actually. I have just tried two ways. 1/ press 'report to moderator' within the post to be deleted; 2/ go to TERMS AND CONDITIONS which appears when you try to reply to a post, and there is a form to communicate with the moderator, who i guess is the person who can make modifications in the forum
merce last decade
oh ok thanksss
girl2010 last decade
Hello David,
this is my new post to bump my post up to the top of the forum
many thanks also for replying
merce last decade
oh, also I thought since you have many patients in the forum, may be also good to remind you that I had deleted my last post, the largest one, answering your last questions. You said I could delete it because you had copied to your computer...
merce last decade
Ah yes. My apologies without the post to remind me it has fallen out of my field of vision. I will get back on it asap.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok!, no problem at all.
i have a copy of that post in my computer that i could send to you in case you couldnt find it, as it has been some time
merce last decade
No I believe I have it all, but I just had no reminder to go back to studying it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
wondering if homeopathy treats cases of chronic fatigue,
and at the same time, keeping my case visible.
many thanks
[message edited by merce on Wed, 18 May 2011 16:17:06 BST]
merce last decade
I have spent quite a lot of time studying your case. There are a lot of Hydrogen symptoms in your case, which most likely means that it is an Acid remedy you need (hydrogen forms an acid with other elements).

The specific type of exhaustion leads to the acid - the issue around friendship and communication could be phosphorous. That is what I have found harder to work out. What are you exhausted from, what causes exhaustion, what do you do so much of that you reach a point where you just drop?

What can you tell me?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thank you very much, David. Much appreciated.
I guess the reason why I cant get around the tiredness and lack of energy is that it does not seem to come from anything specific I do, it rather seems to be a defining characteristic of mine, in same way as I have dark eyes and dark hair. But I can give you some examples and detail:
things that seem to exhaust me faster are talking, and writing, in general exteriorizing thoughts. Reading and thinking is ok, such as making diagrams or tables and drawing relations between points, this is ok although there is always a constant level of tiredness, but if I write a paragraph where I am inspired and thoughts come out and I write it fast I am super exhausted suddenly. Same when I exteriorize in spoken form. A relaxed conversation with a friend is OK, but if it is a matter of dealing with important work issues, whether it is management or intellectual it will make me drop completely. I don't have great sleep. May wake up a couple of times with small noises, and I may get periods of time (when stress) when I have insomnia. I usually feel exhausted when I wake up in the morning. I usually wake without alarm, either my body gets used to a time, or I wake up with slight change in morning light. I feel blood circulation is bad. I constantly need to have my legs up, stretch them, or massage the base of my feet (always red, and legs, seems blood accumulates there). Eating makes me very tired and digestion takes all my energy away. If I want to go for a run I need to wait almost 3 hours, otherwise I easily get pain towards left lower part of my stomach. Exercise itself does not exhaust me. Sometimes I bike to the center of london (40 min. and back) and is OK, also yogging), exsercise seems to help.
Usually when I reach the point that I just drop, I have been sitting in my desk working, and suddenly in a matter of seconds, there is no energy, I can't grasp the text or screen contents at all, and have to lie down. I lie down almost automatically without thinking. My body does it.
merce last decade
So the quality of the exhaustion is that it is sudden.

But describe more on that experience of an important work matter coming up. Try to describe that more vividly to me. What happens, what is it about, what are you feeling?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.