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Homeo Advice for symptoms Page 6 of 17

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Sir should i stop taking alopathic medicine prescribed to me? or can i take it with Homeopathic medicine?

And after how many days i report back after taking Nux Vomica 3o ??

provision last decade
You may stop allopathic medicines in phased manner by cutting down the doses. Please report back after 3 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr.kadwa
I have taken Nux Vomica 30 for 3 days.I am feeling some improvement in my some symptoms.But still some symptoms is there.

Sir i have visited to so many Alopathic doctors for my all problem they says it is IBS.
Yesterday i was feeling SORE THROAT(very itching and burning sensation pain in throat)so i went to doctor he says there is no problem in throat and sore throat is due to acid comes in throat (ACID REFLUX) that's why i have burning feeling in throat.

i feel that my stomach is SQUEEZING from inside and that something is STUCK in stomach so after eating little food i feel fullness in stomach BURNING feeling in Chest most of the day.
And CRAMP like PAIN in STOMACH with Stomach burning sensation.I observed when I had heavy meals my problem become worse.i pass stool with very pain in stomach,Sometime stool is hard and sometime loose motion.
Stomach pain also starts after eating.

But still there are some following CURRENT & RECURRING symptoms:

1-Very much General weakness & Sleepy feeling all day.FEEL EXHAUSTED MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY with little work and chronic fatigue.FATIGUE has becaome a part of my life now.Severe laziness.Basically, no drive for anything.
Mostly low BP.

2-Very much GASTRIC problem.

3-very much Whitish excretion from Mouth after eating food and bathing( Especially now a days).

4- -NASAL CONGESTION(left nostril)
5-White coated Tongue.

6-CONSTIPATION and Sometime either DIARRHOEA feeling and seems like dark brown unprocessed stool comes out.Has an urgency for bowel movements with PAIN, but only small amounts come out.But feeling of complete evacuation.Sometime white mucus come out with stool. I get Relief from abdomen PAIN temporarily after passing stool.

7-Anxiety &Stress increase above feelings .i became very much Nervous in important situtations ans i am also very Anxiety and stress person. i have mental tensions and stress.

8-Sleep...Not good, Sometime even I feel, my mind is continuous working working while I sleep, restless.

9-Feel very thirsty.
10- Stomach Burning and Bad breathe.

11-Very much SNEEZING.and watery fluid excretion from nose.(FLU like situation)

Sir plz...give special attention to me.And prescribed me medicine.I shall be very thankful to u.

[message edited by provision on Tue, 10 Jul 2012 06:53:26 BST]
provision last decade
plz...i am waiting?

provision last decade

[message deleted by provision on Tue, 10 Jul 2012 07:11:15 BST]
provision last decade
Please take Nux Vomica 200 in the morning and evening for 3 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr.Kadwa
i started late but i have taken Nux Vomica200 for 3 days.i am FEELING IMPROVEMENT in some of my stomach symptoms But still there are some symptoms remaining and some symptoms are REOCCURRING from when i left taking nux vomica200.

1-After taking Nux Vomica 200 for 3 days i am feeling much better but still regularly 2 or 3 times in a days I again feel that my stomach is SQUEEZING from inside on very UPPER portion of stomach and that something is STUCK in very upper portion of stomach. And sometimes start light STOAMCH PAIN.
This symptom particularly increases or reoccured in ANXIETY or STRESS SITUATIONS.

2-' ' ' 'I feel FULLNESS IN STOMACH after eating little food and then no more urge to eat food. And my stoamach becomes very tight. After frequently taking food i started BURNING SENSATION In chest.
And there started constant BELCHING (burping, ructus, or eructation) for 3 to 4 hours without sound after taking food with same BURNING SENSATION in chest which is very uncomfort for me.' ' ' '

3-STOMACH BURNING feeling in Chest has again start other wise i was feeling improvement in this symptom.


5-I again feel ACID REFLUX because there was very itching and burning feeling in throat this symptom is but mostly after getting up from sleep in the morning.

6-Still very much GASTRIC PROBLEM.

7-CONSTIPATION: i am passing stool after 3 days and stool is very dry and dark brown seems like unprocessed stool comes out.Has an urgency for bowel movements but only small amounts come out.Sometime white mucus come out with stool.


There are some CURRENT & RECURRING symptoms:

9-Very much General weakness & Sleepy feeling all day.FEEL EXHAUSTED MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY with little work and chronic fatigue.Mostly low BP.
I fell very weak both physically and mentally.
Because of this i'm unable to concentrate on my studies.

10-Very much Whitish excretion from Mouth frequently after eating food and also after bathing.(I feel need to pull up excretion from nose towards mouth and then split out from throat with pressure.i also feel mostly some excretion in throat like something is hanging in throat).

11-White coated Tongue

12-NASAL CONGESTION(left nostril).I Am in very trouble in taking breath especially in HUMIDITY ENVIORMENT.

13-My body remains warm like hot but temperature remains 97c.

14-Bitter taste of mouth when get up in the morning.

Sir plz,, suggest me further.

Sir i have started a new forumn for my mother's problem plz..also suggest here
[message edited by provision on Sat, 28 Jul 2012 02:40:14 BST]
provision last decade
Please take Antimonium Crud 200 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in next 7 days.

If this doesn't help, take Lycopodium 200 in the morning and evening for 3 days.
kadwa last decade
Sir I want to clarify some symptoms that:

1-My TONGUE is LIGHTLY white coated BUT sometimes whiteness increases on tongue.

2-And i feel burning sensation in RECTUM after passing stool and this feeling remains for sometime.

3-In BELCHING which starts after eating food which remains nearly all the day.It feels me like some hot thing is coming out of my stomach.And then constant BURNING SENSATION in chest area. And during BREATHING it also feel HOT feeling in chest when breath in or breath out.

4-Sir i am a patient of IBS but i also feeling some of GERD symptoms.

5-My most prevailing symptom is that i feel constant BURNING & HOT feeling in chest which remains mostly all the day .And i also avoid very much from spicy foods. And very much GASTRIC PROBLEM.And sometimes ACID REFLUX in Throat.

So is there any change in prescribed medicine due to above symptoms ???

[message edited by provision on Sat, 28 Jul 2012 10:17:51 BST]
provision last decade
No change in the prescribed medicines.
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr.Kadwa
i have taken Antimonium Crud 200 for 3 days and 7 days has also passed.
I was feeling 50-60% IMPROVEMENT in many symptoms but now after 7 days symptoms are REOCCURRING fastly especially BURNING SENSATION IN CHEST & ACID REFLUX and BELCHING Reoccuring fastly.

1-Still I again feel that my stomach is SQUEEZING from inside on very UPPER portion of stomach and that something is STUCK in very upper portion of stomach. And sometimes start light STOAMCH PAIN.


3-HEAVINESS in STOMACH.(In start i was feeling relief but now again has started after eating food)


5-BURNING SENSATION IN CHEST & ACID REFLUX .(In start i was feeling relief but now again Burning feeling has started especialy when i intake air i feel very hot burning in chest)

6-BELCHING ( it creates burning feeling in chest and In start i was feeling relief but now again has started after eating food)

7-CONSTIPATION: i am passing stool after 3 days and stool is very dry and dark brown seems like UNDIGESTED FOOD comes out in stool.Has an urgency for bowel movements but only small amounts come out.Sometime LIGHT GREENISH mucus come out with stool.

8-Very much foamy Whitish excretion like phelgum from Mouth frequently after eating food.(I feel need to pull up excretion from nose towards mouth and then split out from throat with pressure.

9-NASAL CONGESTION(left nostril).I Am in very trouble in taking breath especially in HUMIDITY ENVIORMENT.

10-My body remains warm like hot but temperature remains 97c.

11-TONGUE Is still lightly white coated.

Sir i am not taking any DAIRY PRODUCTS from last 1 month because i feel that these aggravates my symptoms.

Sir i want to tell that my stomach symptoms increases ANXIETY or STRESS SITUATIONS.And my ANXIETY REASONS are LACK OF CONFIDENCE, INFERRIORTY COMPLEXITY which creats stress situations for me.

Sir i am not taking any alopathic medicine for my above symptoms.

PLZ...suggest further should i proceed to LYCOPODIUM 200 ??

[message edited by provision on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 01:49:39 BST]
provision last decade
Yes. Please go ahead with Lyc 200.
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr.Kadwa
i have taken Lyco200 as u prescribed and i will post response after 7 days.

But right now i am facing SORE THROAT with pain in throat and YELLOWISH EXCRETION is coming and LIGHT FEVER with light pain in full body.
So plz suggest me medicine for sore throat problem

provision last decade
nux vomica 30 thrice a day for 2 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr.Kadwa
i have taken Lycopodium 200 for 3 days and 7 days has also passed.
I WAS feeling Very Much IMPROVEMENT in many symptoms but now after 7 days SYMPTOMS ARE REOCCURRING again fastly.
Especially i was feeling relief in Anxiety,Constipation and chest burning.

1-Sometimes I again feel that my stomach is SQUEEZING from inside on very UPPER portion of stomach and that something is STUCK in very upper portion of stomach. And sometimes start light STOAMCH PAIN.

2-ABDOMEN BLOATING especially after eating food ( NO IMPROVEMENT)

3-HEAVINESS in STOMACH.(In start i was feeling relief but now again has started after eating food)


5-BURNING SENSATION IN CHEST & ACID REFLUX .(In start i was feeling relief but now again Burning feeling has started especialy when i intake air i feel very hot burning in chest)

6-BELCHING ( it creates burning feeling in chest and In start i was feeling relief but now again has started after eating food)

7-CONSTIPATION:is looking better But some undigested food parts comes out with stool.

8-Very much foamy Whitish excretion like phelgum from Mouth frequently after eating food.(I feel need to pull up excretion from nose towards mouth and then split out from throat with pressure.

9-Very Much NASAL CONGESTION(left nostril).I Am in very trouble in taking breath especially in HUMIDITY ENVIRONMENT.

10-SHORTNESS OF BREATH.(Started in this week)

ALL my stomach symptoms increases with ANXIETY or STRESS SITUATIONS.

PLZ...suggest further.(i am taking Nux Vomica30 from yesterday as u prescribed)
[message edited by provision on Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:14:24 BST]
provision last decade
Please give update once you are done with nux doses.
kadwa last decade
hi dr.kadwa
i have taken nux vomica 30 as u prescribed.
I feel little improvement in Chest Burning and Belching but sometime i again feel that these symptoms are REOCCURRING.And no major improvement in other symptoms.

Now a days i am feeling severe
1-Abdomen Bloating after eating,
2-Very much gastric problem,
3-Constipation(Dark Brown Stool with undigested food in stool)
4-Burning sensation in chest & Acid reflux,
5-Bubbling sound in stomach from last 2 weeks.
6-Nasal congestion(very severe now a days)
7-Very much foamy Whitish excretion like phelgum from Mouth frequently after eating food.
8-Feel SORE THROAT when get up after sleep from last some days.

But i am feeling very much IMPROVEMENT in anxiety and depression and i am feeling relax from last some days.
and i am also feeling IMPROVEMENT in squezing pain in stomach.

plz prescribe further.

[message edited by provision on Fri, 24 Aug 2012 06:34:42 BST]
provision last decade
Please take Carbo Veg 200 at bed time for 5 days and report back after 10 days.
kadwa last decade
Dr.Kadwa thanks for Ur attention.i shall start Carbo Veg 200.

1--i want to ask that can i take DAIRY PRODUCTS(like milk,yogurt) because i have listen that IBS patients should avoid dairy product?

2--And sir plz..tell me that why SO MUCH FOAMY, CLEAR WHITISH, LIGHT THICK, STICKY Excretion(Phelgum/Mucus) from Mouth comes out frequently after eating food then i have to expel out the mucus by pull up excretion from nose towards mouth and then split out from throat with pressure.
And mostly when i get up after sleep my THROAT BLOCKED with phelgum/mucus.
When i am bathing Occasionally i feel the mucus stuck in my throat/nasal cavity and cannot get out.
Whenever i speak for long period i again feel need to expel out mucus from mouth.
I feel excess mucus accumulates in the back of the nose.
Broken or cracking voice
Mucus feeling in the back of the throat
Difficulty in breathing
Congestion in the nasal and sinus passages.
Nausea feeling sometimes.

These above symptom is not decreasing by any medicine from last 2 years.
Is it due to digestive system or respiratory system??
It will cure?

[message edited by provision on Fri, 24 Aug 2012 17:11:55 BST]
provision last decade
Please take kali bichromicum 200 in the morning for 5 days. You should also take Carbo Veg 200 in the evening as told earlier. Please report after 10 days.

Please take food that doesn't disagree. A person knows well himself what agrees and what disagrees. Your digestive system should overrule your tongue!!

[message edited by kadwa on Sat, 25 Aug 2012 07:37:14 BST]
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr.Kadwa
i have taken kali bichromicum 200 and Carbo Veg 200 as u prescribed.

When i was taking Carbo Veg 200 i was feeling NO IMPROVEMENT in HEARTBURN so i started alopathic medicine(OMEPRAZOLE 20mg and DOMPERIDONE 10mg) in emergency because my exams were on these days.And i know that on exam days i was feeling severe Acidity due stress and anxiety of exams.
So now a days i am having following symptoms:
1-Abdomen Bloating after eating,
2-Very Very much GASTRIC PROBLEM.
3-CONSTIPATION HAS AGAIN STARTED(Dark Brown Stool with undigested food in stool)
4-BURNING SENSATION IN CHEST & ACID REFLUX(But now i am feeling some little reilef after Exams and i think it has reduced because now i have no Stress and Anxiety).
5-Feel SORE THROAT when get up after sleep.
6-HEAVINESS in STOMACH.(In start i was feeling relief but now again has started after eating food)
7-Nausea Feeling.
8-Feel nery much Fatigue and general weakness after some Hardwork and mental work.
9-MOUTH ULCERS(Aphthous ulcer type) on the inner side of lips and cheeks from last one week.
10-General weakness has again start with little mental and physical work.
11-Feel mentally EXHAUSTED.

Sir my stomach symptoms becomes worse with ANXIETY and STRESS.My anxiety and stress creates from follwing Things:

-Get confused with little complication even on tough topic in study.
-Not confident on myself. -Inferiority Complex.
-Feel that my personality has -some flaws
-I mostly underestimate myself and got confused.
-Anticipate anxiety.
-Small things causes anxiety and depression in me.Mostly i tried to become PERFECTIONIST and this thing also create problems for myself.every time i want to see all things attached to my life in a perfect and logical order.And also create Expectations in mind accordingly and then i waste time. OVERREACT and devote attention to tiny details.
-VERY POOR DECISION because of PERFECTIONIST nature and tried to find perfect thing in eating, in wearing and every other matter of life etc..
---Strong anxiety can be easily triggered just by thinking of almost anything. Nervous and sensitive to others.

Sir i have taken kali bichromicum 200 as u prescribed but there is NO IMPROVEMENT in my overall symptoms.So my current symptoms are
SO MUCH FOAMY, CLEAR WHITISH, LIGHT THICK, STICKY Excretion(Phelgum/Mucus) from Mouth comes out frequently after eating food then i have to expel out the mucus by pull up excretion from nose towards mouth and then split out from throat with pressure.
And mostly when i get up after sleep my THROAT BLOCKED with phelgum/mucus.
When i am bathing Occasionally i feel the mucus stuck in my throat/nasal cavity and cannot get out.
Whenever i speak for long period i again feel need to expel out mucus from mouth.
I feel excess mucus accumulates in the back of the nose.
Broken or cracking voice
Mucus feeling in the back of the throat
Congestion in the nasal and sinus passages.
Nausea feeling sometimes.

Ver much DIFFICULTY in breathing now a days due to HUMIDITY in air.And i feel that my both Nostrils has blocked.So now a days i am taking Xylometazoline Hydrochloride Nasal Spray temporarily.

Sir plz.. prescrib me for my BOTH problems.Both are not curing and consistnantly REOCCURRING.
[message edited by provision on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 08:15:45 BST]
provision last decade
sir plz i am waiting ?
plz reply to my above post.
thankful to you.
provision last decade
Hi Dr.Kadwa
i have taken kali bichromicum 200 and Carbo Veg 200 as u prescribed.

When i was taking Carbo Veg 200 i was feeling NO IMPROVEMENT in HEARTBURN so i started alopathic medicine(OMEPRAZOLE 20mg and DOMPERIDONE 10mg) in emergency because my exams were on these days.And i know that on exam days i was feeling severe Acidity due stress and anxiety of exams.
So now a days i am having following symptoms:
1-Abdomen Bloating after eating,
2-Very Very much GASTRIC PROBLEM.
3-CONSTIPATION HAS AGAIN STARTED(Dark Brown Stool with undigested food in stool)
4-BURNING SENSATION IN CHEST & ACID REFLUX(But now i am feeling some little reilef after Exams and i think it has reduced because now i have no Stress and Anxiety).
5-Feel SORE THROAT when get up after sleep.
6-HEAVINESS in STOMACH.(In start i was feeling relief but now again has started after eating food)
7-Nausea Feeling.
8-Feel nery much Fatigue and general weakness after some Hardwork and mental work.
9-MOUTH ULCERS(Aphthous ulcer type) on the inner side of lips and cheeks from last one week.
10-General weakness has again start with little mental and physical work.
11-Feel mentally EXHAUSTED.

Sir my stomach symptoms becomes worse with ANXIETY and STRESS.My anxiety and stress creates from follwing Things:

-Get confused with little complication even on tough topic in study.
-Not confident on myself. -Inferiority Complex.
-Feel that my personality has -some flaws
-I mostly underestimate myself and got confused.
-Anticipate anxiety.
-Small things causes anxiety and depression in me.Mostly i tried to become PERFECTIONIST and this thing also create problems for myself.every time i want to see all things attached to my life in a perfect and logical order.And also create Expectations in mind accordingly and then i waste time. OVERREACT and devote attention to tiny details.
-VERY POOR DECISION because of PERFECTIONIST nature and tried to find perfect thing in eating, in wearing and every other matter of life etc..
---Strong anxiety can be easily triggered just by thinking of almost anything. Nervous and sensitive to others.

Sir i have taken kali bichromicum 200 as u prescribed but there is NO IMPROVEMENT in my overall symptoms.So my current symptoms are
SO MUCH FOAMY, CLEAR WHITISH, LIGHT THICK, STICKY Excretion(Phelgum/Mucus) from Mouth comes out frequently after eating food then i have to expel out the mucus by pull up excretion from nose towards mouth and then split out from throat with pressure.
And mostly when i get up after sleep my THROAT BLOCKED with phelgum/mucus.
When i am bathing Occasionally i feel the mucus stuck in my throat/nasal cavity and cannot get out.
Whenever i speak for long period i again feel need to expel out mucus from mouth.
I feel excess mucus accumulates in the back of the nose.
Broken or cracking voice
Mucus feeling in the back of the throat
Congestion in the nasal and sinus passages.
Nausea feeling sometimes.

Ver much DIFFICULTY in breathing now a days due to HUMIDITY in air.And i feel that my both Nostrils has blocked.So now a days i am taking Xylometazoline Hydrochloride Nasal Spray temporarily.

Sir plz.. prescrib me for my BOTH problems.Both are not curing and consistnantly REOCCURRING.

provision last decade
Please take three doses of Arsenicum Album 200 at a gap of 12 hours and see how that affects in next few days.

If that doesn't help please take Lycopodium 200 in the same way and report back after few days.
kadwa last decade
Hi Dr,Kadwa
i have taken Arsenicum Album 200 and now i am seeing its effects.

But now from yesterday i have Herpes labialis on outer side of my lower lips.
i eat last day BEEF barbecue and then when i get up in the morning i have one Herpes labialis on my lower lips outer side .
i also have WET DREAM on this night.

i am attaching a example PICTURE of my current situation.

sir i have to give interview after 4 day for my job so plz suggest me medicine to cure it completely beore interview.

[message edited by provision on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 07:11:51 BST]
[message edited by provision on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 05:46:21 BST]
provision last decade
Hi Dr,Kadwa
i have taken Arsenicum Album 200 and now i am seeing its effects and i will update later my stomach problem.

But now from yesterday i have Herpes labialis (Cold Sores) on outer side of my lower lips.These are filled with water and i am feeling very itching on them.
Alopathic doctors says these are viral.

i eat last day BEEF barbecue and then when i get up in the morning i have one Herpes labialis on my lower lips outer side .
i also have WET DREAM on this night.

i am attaching a example PICTURE of my current situation.

sir i have to give interview after 4 day for my job so plz suggest me medicine to cure it completely before interview.

[message edited by provision on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 05:45:59 BST]

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provision last decade

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