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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem

Ive been having a major sleep problem for a few years. The insomnia just comes in spells lasting up to 3 months and then just goes on its own. Ive tried going to a doctor in India and he gave me some medicine which seemed to work initially but then stopped working and the doctor insisted I take the medication for a few months for it to take proper effect. Ive tried almost everything now and am getting a bit weary now of dealing with this problem. Can anyone recommend anything please. Thanks
  crabcanc on 2005-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 30c is your remedy.

Please follow the following instructions to use it:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml from the bottle.
Put in 3 pellets or 1 drop of the remedy into the bottle.
Bang the bottle hard on a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like it does when you open a bottle of soda. This is called succussing and it must be done 4 times before every dose. This raises the potency of the remedy slightly.
Sip 1 teaspoonful of the potentized water from the bottle just before
Store the bottle in the fridge and ensure that it is succussed before every dose.

Report progress in 3 days after you start the treatment.
Joe De Livera last decade
How long should I take this remedy for before getting any results?
crabcanc last decade
You should be able to notice the results overnight after taking your first dose of Arnica in the manner described above. If you have taken it already you should have noticed that you would have slept soundly.

It is a remedy that you can take daily for as long as you like. It is essential however that you succuss the remedy by banging the bottle prior to each dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
I took the medicine last nite but didnt get any desired results. Any suggestions?
crabcanc last decade
I do not think that Arnica can help you with your insomnia.

You may use another remedy Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets after dinner and see if it can help you.

It is understood of course that you do not drink any stimulants after 6.00PM like coffee, tea, cola drinks etc all of which contain caffein.

Listening to soft music on a radio placed near your bed preferably with an automatic sleep timer can also help to overcome your insomnia.

Exercise is also essential to promote sleep and I hope that you will use this simple remedy to ensure that your body demands sleep.

Since you already have the Arnica you may continue to use it as recommended as it can help your general sense of wellness. Dose twice daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
I will continue Arnica. I dont have Nat Phos at the moment so Ill have to order it and it will take a couple of days before I can take it.
Ive tried exercising. It used to tire me but the moment I lie in bed, I dont feel sleepy.
Im consuming a couple of glasses of wine each night to give me at least a couple of hours of sleep a night as opposed to none. Is that advisable if Im taking homoepathic medicine at night?
I was on allopathy sleeping tablets for 2 years and I wonder if these spells of insomnia are side effects. They come and go for no reason. But the insomnia can be triggered if something causes me to lose my normal sleep pattern.
My insomnia started around 5-6 years back when I broke up with my ex boyfriend and was quite hurt mentally. But now Im quite happily married.
Ill try Nat Phos in a couple of days. Hope something helps. Ive tried a lot of other homeo remedies..even accupuncture...but nothing works.
crabcanc last decade
Your problem is due, I believe, to the alcohol that you take. I had not thought of advising against taking it as I am a teetotaler myself and it is fortunate that I remembered to advise you not to take any stimulants, in my last post.

Keep up the regular exercise and use the Arnica and my advice of using the radio. All you want is some type of white noise which you can get by tuning the radio away from any channel. This constant sound helps to calm the brain and promotes sleep.

I have had reports of Nat Phos6x also helping with sleep and it would be interesting to see how it helps you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Ive started taking alcohol on a regular basis because I was tired of not sleeping at all. Ill stop taking it completely and take Arnica as well as Nat Phos. I just dont understand why these bouts come and go. Ill listen to the radio as well.
Im feeling quite unwell today from the lack of sleep. Im feeling slight nausea as well.
Thanks for replying to my post by the way. Your like a higher being out there...watching over me! Thanks again.
crabcanc last decade
Do I take Nat Phos just in tablet form or do I dilute it in water?
How long before I expect any results?
crabcanc last decade
I took 4 tablets of Nat Phos last night and it didnt work. I had a warm bath and a glass of milk before bed time as well...and put the radio on.
Do I continue taking Nat Phos?
crabcanc last decade
Continue with the Nat Phos and the radio for a week and if after that time you do not notice any improvent in your sleep pattern I can suggest another remedy that can help you to sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade
The Nat Phos and radio seem to be working. I have stopped taking alcohol and try and relax in the evenings. I read a book at bed time and have the radio on. How long before I stop the medicine and do I continue taking Arnica...if so what would the dosage be?
crabcanc last decade
Glad to learn that you have solved your problem with insomnia.

My advice to you is to use Arnica 6c every night for as long as you like as it will help you to relax and to sleep deeply while also helping your body to recover during the period of deep sleep. You should feel a difference in your state of wellness which will help you in your future life.

This remedy is perfectly safe to be used on a daily basis in the potency that I have indicated of 6c and you should use the same method that I have indicated above of the wet dose which is succussed before you take a teaspoonful every night before sleep.

You may like to know that I use this same formula every night and have used it since 1996.

And of course NO Alcohol may be taken as you used to take it originally to help you to sleep. In fact why not give it up altogether ?

At age 75 I have yet to taste whiskey or other strong alcoholic drinks.
Joe De Livera last decade
I think its a good idea to give up alcohol completely. Ive not taken it ever since you advised me not to do so..and I dont feel like Ive missed out anything. I used to LOVE drinking..
I might find it difficult to not do it socially...but Im sure I can have some soft drink or something.
Should I continue Nat Phos?
Ill take Arnica once every night before bed time in the manner you prescribed.
Im not sure Ive solved my insomnia problem as Ive faced this before...where I suddenly start sleeping and I think Ive solved the problem..and then it comes back after a few months. But my attitude has changed and Ive began to respect my body more and to regulate what Im feeding it.
Let me know about the Nat Phos...and by the way..does it really help to reduce weight? Im sure I could do with a few kilos off me!
crabcanc last decade
I am indeed glad to learn from you that you have decided to abstain from alcohol completely. Although I have never met you except on this forum, I am glad that I was in some way responsible for your taking this decision to abstain from alcohol. If, as you state, you loved to drink which you informed me quite by chance was to be able to sleep, you may eventually have reached the status of an alcoholic from which state any return would have been very difficult.

You have already discovered that you can sleep soundly with the Arnica 6c. If you would like to lose some weight you may use the Nat Phos 6x but this is taken dry on the tongue and 2 pills constitutes a dose which is taken after both lunch and dinner. The great advantage is that both remedies promote sleep taken singly or together. The only proviso about Nat Phos is that it is extremely sensitive for weight loss purposes to coffee, cold drinks and any foods with Saltpeter like sausages, bacon etc when it does not help with weight redution although it will still work to help with any gastric conditions.

Do keep me advised of your progress and feel free to contact me for any advice on your problems.
Joe De Livera last decade
Ill bear these in mind. I must say..I do love my bacon and sausages! Hmm..Ill try a week without these in my diet. Im sure Ill survive!
In case you think Im a fat alcoholic who loves her bacon...Im not...but you know what women are like...they are always happy to lose a few inches off their waist!
crabcanc last decade
couldnt sleep last nite for some reason...as well as I did the last couple of nights.
I had a coke at 1830 hrs...do you think that might affect my sleep? am getting worried now.
please advise
crabcanc last decade
The coke is the reason why you could not sleep soundly. I am glad that you mentioned this fact as I would otherwise not have been able to figure out the reason why the Arnica did not work last night.

I would strongly advise you to cut out drinking any bottled drinks except spring water from a reliable branded source. It is far cheaper that coke and alcohol and although I would not like to recommend you abstain from all alcohol, you should avoid both especially coke as far as possible.

Coke is laced with coca which is the base of cocaine and the cola is all caffeine. Both these drugs have traditionally been used in the manufacture of this drink which is very popular as it inhibits that tired feeling and it is only rarely that the user figures out what price he or she will pay for this temporary pep up.

Please read my post of June 28 which I copy below:

It is understood of course that you do not drink any stimulants after 6.00PM like coffee, tea, cola drinks etc all of which contain caffein.
Joe De Livera last decade
My mistake. I dont usually drink coke or fizzy drinks but since Ive stopped alcohol, I thought Id have a cold drink! Hope things are different tonight!
crabcanc last decade
I never drink coke...just once a month or maybe not even once a month...I didnt realise it could affect my sleep. Anyway..I slept last nite..so am quite happy today. Is it okay to drink decaff coffee or tea?
crabcanc last decade
I would not advise you to drink Decaff Coffee which is not really decaffeinated as it still has the taste of the coffee and still has a reduced concentration of caffeine in it.

You may however drink all the tea you would like to have. It is strange that although it does have some caffeine, this does not seem to interfere with sleep.

Drink it but not before 4 hours before the time you sleep.

I hope you will remember the distress you suffered as a result of your lack of sleep which you have overcome with the Arnica and I would not like you to go back to your old routine which would have had serious after effects if you had not started on the Arnica.
Joe De Livera last decade
Ill keep off the coffee. I thought it was the Nat Phos that was helping me sleep...should I continue with it then and should I take Arnica only at bed time or twice a day?
I dont want to go back to the distress I suffered and last night I was worrying about that and because of the worry, I couldnt sleep properly. But I hope Ill get over it soon.
crabcanc last decade
I have observed that both Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 6c do promote sleep. The Nat Phos helps by accelerating the passage of food after a meal through the gut but the action of the Arnica 6c still remains a mystery to me but the fact is that both help insomnia and you may safely use both especially the Nat Phos if you would also like to lose weight.

Where do you live ?
Joe De Livera last decade
Im from India but married and settled in the U.K.
Ive been taking homeopathy since I was a child. My uncles were homeo doctors. Where do u live.
crabcanc last decade
Been waking up very early the past two nights..around 0400 a.m. This morning was experiencing severe upper back pain which I have been getting for a few days now..and maybe this is waking me up early mornings.
I tried to sleep on a harder bed but my body is aching today. Something or the other always seems to come between me and my sleep!
crabcanc last decade

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