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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 2 of 20

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Been waking up very early the past two nights..around 0400 a.m. This morning was experiencing severe upper back pain which I have been getting for a few days now..and maybe this is waking me up early mornings.
I tried to sleep on a harder bed but my body is aching today. Something or the other always seems to come between me and my sleep!
crabcanc last decade
Would you like to give me more details of you back pain ?
Have you caught a chill ?
Where is it located ? Spine or side ?
Do you get it when you bend down ?
Joe De Livera last decade
It is on the centre upper back..spread around the spine but feels quite local and concentrated. It is worse when Im sitting on the floor with my legs stretched out. I do feel some pain when I bend down.
Do you practice Homeopathy..and where do you come from?
crabcanc last decade
Rhus Tox 30c may help you. Dose 2 pellets taken 3 times daily.

I am not qualified but have about 30 years of exposure to Homeopathy. I am the CEO of a family owned business organization and Homeopathy to me is a hobby which I use to help all who come to me free of charge.

I live in Colombo Sri Lanka.
Joe De Livera last decade
Half the cases of insomnia can be solved by potentized Coffie.

Take a pinch of any coffie (instant, raw or roasted bean). and mix it in one liter of mineral water. Take a sip of this water about 2 hrs before going to sleep.

This thing will work only if you try not to take Cola, Tea or Coffie after this dose.
kuldeep last decade
Ill give the pinch of coffee a try..thanks for the advice. All these years Ive been having problems with insomnia and the homeopaths Ive seen were trying to give me a constitutional remedy..but somehow nothing worked. The Arnica seems to be working.
Been taking Nat Phos but am not passing water that regularly as Ive read many people are doing when they take Nat Phos. It will be interesting to see the effects it has on me as Im not really overweight but could do with shedding off a few kilos.
Thanks so much Joe and Kuldeep. Will keep you posted. Cheers!
crabcanc last decade
Coffea works on people who are not coffie addicts. Otherwise Chamomila will work.

Even Chamomila herbal tea may do the job.
kuldeep last decade
Oh Ive been down the Chamomilla road before and it hasnt worked. I have tried Coffea 200 as well at bed time and that didnt help either. The Arnica and Nat Phos combination seem to be helping as Im getting sleep.
I read at bed time and have the radio on as Joe suggested. The combination seems to be helping for now at least.
I wonder if taking a pinch of coffee at bed time as you recommended will interfere with the homeo medicine Im currently taking.
Ive still got back pain inspite of taking Rhus Tox..any suggestions? I try and do yoga whenever I can.
rukasree last decade
Suggest you keep on using the therapy I indicated as it seems to have helped you to sleep.

I would prefer that you do not take any Coffee as it may antidote the beneficial effects of Arnica and Nat Phos
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for the speedy reply again Joe,
do you have any more suggestions for my back?
crabcanc last decade
for your sleep problem i would suggest to take 5 drops of Arsenic Album 30 just before goning to sleep.it will definitely help i believe if it fail then i shell tell you a combined remedies.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks for the reply.

Should I mix the drops with water or just take them directly.

Ive been waking up at 0400 the past couple of mornings and havent been able to get back to sleep.

Im sure Ive taken Ars Alb 200 before but could give it another try. It was thought to be my constitutional remedy.
rukasree last decade
it is better to mix medicine in water.if you tell me the exact cause of your sleeplessness i shall help you a lot.
sajjadakram635 last decade
At the moment, the insomnia occurs in spells that last a couple of months or more. They come for no reason and go just like that...but after causing me a lot of distress. The insomnia itself was triggered when I broke up with my ex boyfriend and was very hurt mentally. Now Im happily married and have settled down..but the insomnia still persists. I was on allopathic sleeping pills for two years (1999-2001)....and dont want to go back down that road.
rukasree last decade
Sorry there was a problem with my log in ...used my husbands ID to log on and my symptoms were displayed under the log in rukasree. Sorry.

At the moment, the insomnia occurs in spells that last a couple of months or more. They come for no reason and go just like that...but after causing me a lot of distress. The insomnia itself was triggered when I broke up with my ex boyfriend and was very hurt mentally. Now Im happily married and have settled down..but the insomnia still persists. I was on allopathic sleeping pills for two years (1999-2001)....and dont want to go back down that road.
crabcanc last decade
The last couple of nights Ive been waking up at around 0230 and 0400 and I find it very difficult to get back to sleep. The weather is quite hot at the moment here and my room has been quite warm. Im using a fan at night but wonder if the weather is a cause of my waking up. I seemed to have been sleeping better before the last two nights.
what do I do?
crabcanc last decade
your case is very typical one if the cause of your sleeplessness is hot weather arrange cooling in your room and if the boyfriend is still in your mind use natrum mur 10m three doses in a day and then wait it will take away the boyfriend from your mind you can also use ignatia 30 four tims daily it is a wonderful remedy for any kind of depression that may cause sleeplessness.thank you for joining.
sajjadakram635 last decade
The hot weather is only a recent thing. It used to be cold recently...and I still couldnt sleep.
I might have Nat Mur with me but not in the 10m potency.
Is there any other potency I could use?
Ive tried ignatia before. It didnt help me. Im not depressed...
crabcanc last decade
natrum mur high like 10 m and cm works.keep on contacting we shall not leave you helpless and uncured.
sajjadakram635 last decade
what about my problem of waking up at 0200 or 0400 in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep most of the time? What should I take for it? Im still taking Arnica and Nat Phos.
rukasree last decade
your last symptom points to nux vomica.
sajjadakram635 last decade
thanks for the reply.
what potency should I take this in? and how many times a day?
crabcanc last decade
nux vomica 200c can be repeated thrice daily .wont harm.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks for the reply
Ill try the first dose tonight and let you know in a couple of days.
Where are you from?
crabcanc last decade
thanks i am from lahore pakistan.where are you from.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Wow...thats amazing. Im settled in the U.K. but am originally from India.
Ive still been getting up at around 0200 hours. But it seems its because Im uncomfortable in bed and either too warm or cold or the matress is not right. Im taking Nux Vomica 30 thrice. Should I increase the potency? Im going to do something about the bedding and see if it helps.
crabcanc last decade

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