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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 7 of 20

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Oh dear noname...what will happen to us??
crabcanc last decade
Dear justagirl.
please contact Mr.Joe De Livera for all your ailments.Iam unable to recommend u any medicine.very sorry ,this is not to discourage u,soon as i get through my personal problem which is disturbing me for last many days.i will contact u.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
i have just completed reading all the 7 pages of your sleep stories... i too wanted to post a problem in the same lines.. not for me .. my mother.. she is suffering through insomnia as well..
her root cause is depression!.. we shifted our house many times.. whenever she shifts she goes down in depression.. we shifted to bangalore from bombay 5 yrs back..and she wasnt able to get sleep for almost two yrs.. after that when she did get over it my grand parents shifted with us as my grandfather had become bed ridden and needed our attention... she again lost her sleep looking at him in that condition.. once his condition improved.. she started sleeping again.. and now recently due to some financial crisis at home my father has been very ill mentally.. and looking at him she has once again fallen into the deep pit of insomnia!!.. i hate to see u ppl in the same problem.. she doesnt want to get addicted to the sleeping pills... please help..

another thing.. whenever she goes to bed these days.. her stomach starts grumbling.. she feels like going to the loo.. this happens as soon as she hits the bed.. before that she's allright.. and this stomach problem is a recent addition..
varun_arya last decade
You would know the usual remedies that I have prescribed for Insomnia since you have read the many sleep remedies that I and others have posted.

My vote is always for Arnica which you can use in the water dose succussed as I have instructed.

In your mother's case I would like you to use Nat Mur 30c twice daily for her depression and this should make her mind more relaxed and comfortable. You can use Arnica 30c also twice daily for her sleep and it must constitute the last dose before sleep. Keep an hour between the 2 remedies as it will promote sleep.

You have also noticed that she has a problem with her digestion after meals. Nat Phos 6x is the remedy dose 2 tablets after lunch and dinner.

You can use Nat Mur 30c twice daily for your father too as it will help him to get over his depression.

Please report the response of your parents in a week after you start on this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:31:04 GMT]
justagirl last decade
thanks Joe.. i'll immediately get on with the remidies ..
since u have taken my father's case as well.. he has been on sleeping pills (restyll) for years.. and now he feels that his mental responses have slowly become weak.. he wants to cry but tears wont roll... he's not able to express.. his alertness.. willingness to get out of the financial crisis..
maybe this'll help u diagnose the problem better.. as far as mom goes.. i'll immediately put her onto the prescription u have given..
varun_arya last decade
one more question joe.. the arnica 30c should be taken according tot he procedure u have listed earlier.. as in after potentizing it..
what about Nat Mur 30c?.. u said twice daily.. but what quatity.. please tell me both in liquid and globules.. i dont know which one i'll be able to get..
varun_arya last decade
You can use all c potency remedies succussed as they are more effective to help the body.

Nat Phos 6x however cannot be succussed as there is not advantage in doing so. If you decide to dissolve the tablets in water, this is OK but you have to drink all the water.

You can get the liquid remedy but the Nat P will always be in tablets.

Let me know how your mother responds to the therapy I have suggested.
Joe De Livera last decade
homeopathy will always help u.it will never disappoint u.people who use aurum met for depression.this nobel metal never disappoint them.i am sure.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:31:44 GMT]
justagirl last decade
I am feeling so sad today, and I must admitt that I am having signs of depression, as I was crying yesterday for 2 hours, for no reason at all. This is not something new, it has happened many times before, and is happening more frequently now. I was feeling so sad yesterday for no reason known to me, and was crying like anything, my husband was trying to pacify me, but no use. I am tired of this behaviour of mine, I don't want to cry like this everyday, without reason, It 's not like me, Also I don't feel confident and have lost interest in most of th ethings I used to like. Earlier I thought, it is all because of me being very emotional, but emotional people don't cry without reasons. Also, after behaving like this, I feel worse, I mean , I feel more guilty for upsetting my husband. I feel bad for why I have become like this ? What has happened to me, why this has happened to me, I used to be jolly , happy going ......... why all this for me, pleas help me, I want'to get out of this, I think, no sleep is one reason for this, and this is one reason for no sleep, it is a cycle going on like this...... Joe , what do you think, which remedy can help me, I tried Ignatia Amara in the past, but I don't know whetehr it helped me or not,I don't remember.... Anybody, please ... help me.
noname last decade
I feel that it is time you snapped out of you feeling of self pity which is obviously getting you nowhere. You say that you feel sad for no reason and this is precisely the problem that you have to get out of ASAP.

Have you followed my advice and taken Arnica 30c in the succussed dose. Have you taken the Nat Mur 30c ? You have to take these remedies to get over your present state of mind and the sooner you do so the better.

Get out of your surroundings, take a weekend off from your studies and try to enjoy life while you are still young. Try not to get into that rut of self pity which you must try hard to get out of if you wish to help yourself.

I also recommend that you do some exercise daily like a jog in the park. The main point is that you get out of your daily routine as all this will help you with your ailment which is possibly self inflicted.

Take the remedies that I have indicated and let me know how they helped you.

Look at life positively and will yourself to overcome your present status.

Also, if you believe in God, it might help to pray.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Joe

How should I take Nat Mur 30 C ? By following the same method as for Arnica? I did put 3 globules in 400 ml of spring water and bang it on cushion etc.
And take a spoon twice a day, is this how I should take it.

Thanks Again

noname last decade
Dear Joe: I've just discovered this forum and am from the USA. I submitted a reply concerning my problems of which lack of a regualr sleep pattern is one of them. I am wondering if it is possible to purchase some of the arnica globules here in the states or is this something that is just available in Europe? Is the word "succussed" a coined word for the homeopathic profession as I've never heard it used before. Thank you for your reply before hand. sinogirl
sinogirl last decade
I also should mention that I am taking Adderall to help me get over my sleepiness during the day and overall lethargy, otherwise I am at a loss to function. Would takign this contraindicate usage of arnica or whatever homeopathyic remedy you would suggest. thanks again, sinogirl
sinogirl last decade

As I mentioned in my email to you yesterday, it would make life much easier for all of us who post on this forum if you can please modify your software to ensure that when I receive an email alert, I am automatically taken to the last page where the latest post is located. The situation now is that I start with page 1 and later after jiggling about at the bottom of page 1 I eventually am taken to page 7.

Thank you for trying to help all of us who post on this forum

Joe De Livera last decade

This should be fixed now. Please try again.

moderator last decade
Dear justagirl,
How are you today? I found that when I cried after a long period of insomnia, letting out my emotions helped and I found that that night, I was able to sleep...and the coming nights as well...but this lasted only for a few nights..and the insomnia returned again.
I have tried ignatia and it didnt help me. I hope youre alright. joe is right, try and relax and do things you enjoy for a while...
Hope youre okay.
crabcanc last decade
You might also like to try meditation. It's not a cure for insomnia, but if you can meditate when you can't sleep, you'll feel a lot better. This organisation could help:

robertm last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:32:39 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Hi Joe

I was trying to find the dose for Nat Mur 30C on the forum, last threads etc. but I could n't find any. Could you please tell me , how should I take it, same method as Arnica ( and how many globules should I put into spring water).

noname last decade
You may use just 3 globules Nat Mur 30c in 400ml spring water and take a teaspoonful twice daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
Aur met is a metal.all metals are deep acting but slow.Aur met is the topmost medicine in the world for depression with hoplessness,u can use it continuously and the best way is to take 6c in the morning and 200c at night.Give it some time at least 15 days.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:33:24 GMT]
justagirl last decade
hie joe..
i am back with some good news...
its been 2 days since my mother has been on ur prescription... arnica 30c.. nat mur 30c.. nat phos 6x... she reported good sleep today.. though she had taken a sleeping pill.. she said her sleep was satisfying.. she seems cheerful too.. her stomache problem though continues..
i'll just explain her stomache prblem for u to clearly understand it..
she says she gets it rght after lunch and dinner.. she passes a lot of gas.. and a lot of burning in her stomache.. should i continue with nat phos 6x..?.. i have suggested her to take very light dinner so that it is digested easily..
varun_arya last decade
dear justagirl,
Ive been in the same boat as you are. That is why I started this forum. When nothing helps:nothing helps!
I still dont sleep well...hardly get 3 hours a night...but that is better than nothing at all. I think Arnica is great to keep you calm at night....as although it hasnt been giving me sleep, it helps me to stay calm and not panic that I havent been sleeping and its almost morning. I know how it feels..as Im going through the same problem. There is a book by Deepak Chopra on insomnia...and he talks about ayurveda and how to deal with this problem by treating your dosha..that is the type of body you are. You might want to try that. He recommends massaging your body with sesame oil..if you are a 'vata' type of person, which I assume you are..due to your problem. I think you should try your homeo medicines for a bit longer than just one day and expect results. Ive been advised to at least wait for 10 days.
take care
crabcanc last decade

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