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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 9 of 20

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear crabcanc,
I dont know you are a male or female,avena sativa not only promote sleep,it is also a powerful libidinal agent for males.
Someone in this forum has objected the use of arnica in tincture form.without any prejudice,i can quote many a old masters of homeopathy.they prescribed arnica in tincture form thrice daily without having any bad effect,but i dont want to waste valuable time of anybody in controversies.it is a bad practice.some one use in tincture,some one in 3x,6c,30c,200c,1000c,10m,cm.it is their personal experience and i dont think it is objectionable.the other day some one was telling me that 450ml bottle in subcontinent cost only a pound or two,but in europe it must be expensive.
if u want to use arnica and avena sativa combined.u can do so with out any hesitation,the quantity as recommonded arnica few drops and avena as sussested.thanks.sajjad.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear crabcanc,
I dont know you are a male or female,avena sativa not only promote sleep,it is also a powerful libidinal agent for males.
Someone in this forum has objected the use of arnica in tincture form.without any prejudice,i can quote many a old masters of homeopathy.they prescribed arnica in tincture form thrice daily without having any bad effect,but i dont want to waste valuable time of anybody in controversies.it is a bad practice.some one use in tincture,some one in 3x,6c,30c,200c,1000c,10m,cm.it is their personal experience and i dont think it is objectionable.the other day some one was telling me that 450ml bottle in subcontinent cost only a pound or two,but in europe it must be expensive.
if u want to use arnica and avena sativa combined.u can do so with out any hesitation,the quantity as recommonded arnica few drops and avena as sussested.thanks.sajjad.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:42:06 GMT]
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:42:40 GMT]
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:43:11 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Computer on fritz!
justagirl last decade
But pulsatilla women is reserved women.she never expose herself.she is silent and weeps only.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:43:51 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Im going to try using Avena Sativa. I think the benefits of arnica will outweigh the side effects if it helps one to sleep. I think it has been helping me and there is nothing worse than not sleeping night after night..and dealing with dizziness and memory loss!
Im going to continue arnica!
crabcanc last decade
Im going to try using Avena Sativa. I think the benefits of arnica will outweigh the side effects if it helps one to sleep. I think it has been helping me and there is nothing worse than not sleeping night after night..and dealing with dizziness and memory loss!Im going to continue arnica!
crabcanc last decade
You are not a pulsatillA patient.pul weeps ,weeps and weeps,but on this symptom alon,we cannot prescribe pulsatilla.it will be wrong prescription.pulsatilla is newely young girl unmarried but quite young. she dont tell their symptoms even to the physician.u are telling your self in the forum,to your mother,to your boy friend.the pulsatilla no doubt weepy mood but is positive thinker and when she is married she face lot of problems in her daily life then she become sepia women,a negative thinker.can i suggest u to take kali bromatum 30 thrice daily atleast for 7 days then contact me again.i will again suggest u something.please do what i say.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Homeopathy prescribed conveniently - THIS FOR THAT

Brain Fag = Phosphoric acid, Silicea, Zinc.Met.,
Excessive Anger = Kali.Phos-12X
Anxiety = Kali.Phos-12X
Unrefreshing Sleep = Kali.Phos-12X
Sleeps well but restlessness, Jerks, twitching = Arsenic
Excessive Worrying = Kali.Phos-30X
Chronic Financial Worrying = Calc.Flour-12X
Unknown Grief / Suppressed Grief = Puls.
Involuntary Mental Irritability = Puls.

Also read : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/35254
Nesha-India last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:44:39 GMT]
justagirl last decade
dear take 30c not 30x.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Okay-30c, thanks!
justagirl last decade
Howz everybody doing? I don't have anything new to post. Once again, I am feeling totally helpless for my sleeping problems. Not doing good at all. I am not taking anything these days. Can't even sleep with Over the counter sleeping pills. I was trying to drink Camomile tea in the evening since last 4-5 days, that does n't help.
noname last decade
Howz everybody doing? I don't have anything new to post. Once again, I am feeling totally helpless for my sleeping problems. Not doing good at all. I am not taking anything these days. Can't even sleep with Over the counter sleeping pills. I was trying to drink Camomile tea in the evening since last 4-5 days, that does n't help.
noname last decade
Noname no medicine.quite simple.no always means no.Chamomilla tea usually brings sleep if there is no cause,if there is some cause then it is of no help.can u sometimes post the cause,so we may try to help u.
sajjadakram635 last decade
why cant you see past the noname? Just accept its a name! Forget the meaning of noname...its like anamika...which means nameless.
Hope everyone is okay.
Im getting sufficient sleep with arnica 30c succussed. If anyone hasnt tried it, I think its worth a try.
crabcanc last decade
I have not been following the many posts on this thread recently although I receive the usual email alert. I know that there are many others who are able to keep up the good work and I like to concentrate on those that are not replied to, especially the difficult cases.

I am glad that many who post on this thread are already using my recipe for using Arnica 6c to promote sleep. I have often been criticized by many for daring to promote an " Non Homeopathic" ideology of taking a remedy on a daily basis and I would appreciate if those who use it in the manner that I have done for the last 10 years on a nightly basis will please post their response on this forum.

I would also appreciate if all who use it please pass this message to others so that they too can enjoy the same benefit that I discovered I enjoy with the nightly use of Arnica 6c in the Split Dose.

Just in case anyone who reads this post does not know the method of using the split dose I shall copy it below:

To All who cannot sleep with Arnica Dry Dose From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-17
I note that Arnica before sleep did not help some of you on this thread as it normally should do.

I have used a variation of the Arnica therapy which I believe can be used by those who were not helped by Arnica.

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Arnica 6c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy into half a cup of water and stir it gently.
Sip just 1 teaspoonful of the water from the cup shortly before sleep.

Please note that the water in the cup should be used almost immediately as it seems to lose its effectiveness if kept over and used to promote sleep the following night. The procedure must be repeated again before sleep, the night after but the water in the cup can be used by more than one person if they wish to also enjoy deep sleep.

I do realize that this routine seems rather complicated, but it is indeed a small price to pay, to guarantee Deep Sleep.

Please report response if you decide to use this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have not been following the many posts on this thread recently although I receive the usual email alert. I know that there are many others who are able to keep up the good work and I like to concentrate on those that are not replied to, especially the difficult cases. I am glad to note that many who post on this thread are already using my recipe for using Arnica 6c to promote sleep.

I have often been criticized by many for daring to promote the " Non Homeopathic" ideology of taking a remedy on a daily basis and I would appreciate if those who use it on a nightly basis will please post their response on this forum.

I would also appreciate if all who use it will please pass this message to others so that they too can enjoy the same benefit that I enjoy with the nightly use of Arnica 6c in the Split Dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes, Crabcanc is right, it is like 'Anamika'. Well, I have already told that my name is Komal.

Arnica 30C is helping you. That's good!! Actually i was taking Nat M. for few days, as suggested by Joe. (Because I was feeling very sad and depressed, guilty etc.) sleeplessness is the main cause. I don't know, whether Nat M is helping me or not, but I think it takes some time befor eI get to know whether it is working or not. However, I don't think I 'll feel any betterment until I sleep well.
noname last decade
I would like to know your response to your nightly dose of Arnica. I note that you are sleeping well and this is the usual response to almost all who use it nightly like I have done for the last 10 years.

I note that the Nat Mur may not be helping you and it is time to stop it.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear noname.
You told sadness,depression,guilty and may be some others.can u tell why u are facing all these.unless u tell the causation,i dont thing your ailment will be cured.
For homeopathic cure one has to pour out every thing.this is a rule.for example if some one is worried about his childrens the medicine will be oxalic acid.If some one is worried and is in the constant state of fear and nervousness the medicine will be Butyricum acidicum and so on.You see with the change of causation and condition the remedy is changed.To avoid hit and trial method please tell the details.You may contact any body else.It does not matter,but u have to explain.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I am pleased to know that most of the people on this forum are getting benefit for their insomnia by the use of arnica 30.It is worth trying.Unfortunately if you are not benefited by this medicine you can try the following medicines with hope.
Kali phos cm three doses half an hour apart on the same day.
Butyricum acidum 30c thrice daily as a routine medicine.I hope these shall help you.
sajjadakram635 last decade
have you tried the Arnica 6C then? has it worked for you?
Im getting sufficient amount of sleep with arnica at the moment. 4 hours is enough for me. Better than nothing at all. Let us all know if you have tried it.
crabcanc last decade

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