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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 13 of 20

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justagirl will tell you all about Relora,try that,i hope it will help you a lot for your sleep problem.Thanku indeed.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:57:16 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Thanku for detail information.I hope it will help others but what about the price.Dont u think it is little bit expensive $18.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:57:44 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Oh yah, that price is for 90 capsules, take 1-3 per day.
justagirl last decade
Thanku,if it contains 90 cap,it is not expensive then.
sajjadakram635 last decade
for people who have had insomnia for so long, its worth trying anything..in the hope that something might work someday.
crabcanc last decade
Do you have Gelsemium in any potency,try this just for a few days and see if it can help you.Hope ------dont be dicouraged.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I do have gelsemium I think. But what am I taking it for?
Should I continue taking staphysagria once a while? The back pain seems to have reduced but it comes back now and again. I was taking calc flour 6x and ledum 30 as advised by you. What should I do now? Should I increase the potency. You had suggested some medicine for my low back pain as well...but I didnt have it. SO am just taking medicine for the upper back pain at the moment.
Am still taking arnica at night.
crabcanc last decade
are you still sleeping well? hope you are as you had not slept in a long long time.
Hope this medicine helps you in the long run.
crabcanc last decade
To day i am at home with high fever but have to answer.
No need to change the potency of any medicine for back pain.please continue.Staphysagria, yes u can use if feel need of.
Gelsemium is for sleeplessness,usually tincture of gelsemium is required for this purpose,but if not at hand any other potency can be used.
prey for me if u can i am tired.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I dont pray, but my best wishes are with you.
hope you feel better soon.
crabcanc last decade
Hi Sajjad: I pray all the time and for other people. There definitely is a higher power up there who created all these herbal remedies that you speak of. You are a wonderful, gentle soul and my prayers will always be with you for a thorough healing. Sinogirl
sinogirl last decade
A friend of mine,who introduced me in this forum.I respect him very much.He is nice,intelligent and is perfect personality.Do not believe in god.I discussed with him.He mind that and left me.I apologized him but is still away from me,hope will come back soon.You also dont believe in pray.This is your personal matter,i dont want to discuss,however your wish is pray for me.To day i am much better and hope i will be perfectly alright in a day or two.
I thank you for your kindness.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I am really thankful to you for your prayer,your wishes,your comments.To day i am feeling well and hope to be alright in a day or two.This is all due to your wishes.
we are not capable of managing our daily affairs,i believe there is some one who is managing this wast universe in a perfect manner.Daily we see the proof of his existance.I am not a blind follower,god is my friend,he is always with me,he gave me every thing which i require.When ever i am in problem,i talk to him like a friend,and he always solve that if he think that it is better for me.I wish every body on this earth to be on the right track.
I wish god may give you happiness,wealth,health,honouer and dignity and any thing you need in this world and the other world also which exist ,i have seen glimpses of that.
Thank you very much again.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:58:46 GMT]
justagirl last decade
My best wishes will always be with you ..
as for prayers and proof of gods existence...I can see the proof from the thousands of innocent lives that have been killed in Pakistan in the earthquake. What better proof do you want.
If we didnt apply our reason and logic and put faith behind us, we probably wouldnt have been able to advance so much in medical science and for a lot of people without any cures for certain ailments, Im afraid prayers wouldnt have all the answers!
Best wishes Sajjad and all those who are seeking a medical solution to their problems.
crabcanc last decade
Thanku,i am still not feeling well . will be back to usual activities on monday. Let me tell you alittle about about me,i hate loneliness,when i am at home alone at night i dont sleep,if my wife go to see her parents,i ask her to come back home at night and if due to some reason she dont itis difficult for me and i remain wide awake,i know the cause ,i know the remedy.So u should also try to find out the cause and try to remove that if u can.
Try gelsemium tincture.Just add 5 drops in a half cup of water,mix it well and keep on taking one or two spoonful out of it till u sleep.Let us know the result.
Thanku you very much.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thank you for your best wishes--that is great and is the real need of life.
Destruction,construction,death and life is the usual cycle of life,no body can avoid it.When child is born,he weeps and when he dies other weeps,so weeping is more in life than happiness.
I can answer your each and every question with true examples but wont.
Advances not only in medical sciences but other sciences is astonishing,and if you asked those responsible persons they would say that this institution is from nature.
What i believe, surrender to the will of nature what ever it may be.
If an orthodox religious person keep on physically praying all the time and calling day and night god,god,and if his behaviour and attitude towards humanity is not good,on the day of judgement he will be severely punished.
So gentleman be good and do good.
Thanks again.
sajjadakram635 last decade
where is everybody?
crabcanc last decade
I am quite well now ,am back.Any question regarding sleep or sleeplessness.Once i took avena sativa tincture frequently just for a test,i was so sleepy in the day time,i afraid to drive,why u people dont try,but do as i did---frequent repetition.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Is there any other way of taking the tincture?
crabcanc last decade
Ive taken Avena Sativa before and it seems to work. But I didnt take it every 15 mins. Ill try that.
Thanks for your reply.
crabcanc last decade
Please dont be discouraged,avena sativa will help you.Lot of people live on hope.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Sajjad is right, avena sativa is good especially if you take it often enough then one big dose (if needed) before bed- 50 drops of mother tincture (herbal form)before bed.
justagirl last decade
Feed back is necessary.Childrens dont take interest in education,when the mother ask them to read their books at night,because they feel burden reading,you will see the book is on their face and they are sleeping, same can be tried by non students.It may help.Am i right?
sajjadakram635 last decade

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