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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 3 of 20

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Wow...thats amazing. Im settled in the U.K. but am originally from India.
Ive still been getting up at around 0200 hours. But it seems its because Im uncomfortable in bed and either too warm or cold or the matress is not right. Im taking Nux Vomica 30 thrice. Should I increase the potency? Im going to do something about the bedding and see if it helps.
crabcanc last decade
dear pleased to see your reply.you can raise the potency.in these days the weather in england may be hot but for less than india.i been there in englandfor 2 years.at that time i was young.an now you know.i was student of london college of printing london.it is a old story.my real name is what you see and 635 is the number of my house.what is your name if you dont mind.what i guess from you that you are well aware of homeopathy however it is nice to discuss with you. take care of yourself.allah hafiz.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Ive been taking homeopathy since I was a child. It has cured some ailments that allopathy could not cure and I have faith in it.
Im from Mumbai and my name is Shyla. Im a Maharashtrian.
I tried sorting out my bedding last nite and I slept better but still woke up at around 0400 hours. I felt like I hadnt slept but I obviously had as I had some dreams. I saw my ex-boyfriend in my dreams. I dont like seeing him in my dreams.
I have trouble concentrating on what I read. I pick up books to read but I have to read a line 2-3 times to absorb what Ive read and I very quickly lose track of what Ive read and forget easily as well. This might be due to my frequent spells of insomnia affecting my memory. Any suggestions?
thanks for your reply again.
crabcanc last decade
dear shyla.there are very few people who dont hide their identity.you may be one of them.thanks for your interesi in homeopathy.it is a wonderful system of medicine but very very difficult.for your study problem nux is again indicated.what you forget easily is lack of attention and it may be due to wondering of thought due to ex boyfriend.to get rid of him from your memory is very difficult.the only remedy is natrum mur in high potency.once i read a book in which it was written your mind is your kindom take care of your kindom.i thing it if correct.allah hafiz.
sajjadakram635 last decade
read kingdom in place kindom.it is a typing mistake,sorry.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi there

I was just browsing through the forum, and I have exactly similar sleep problems. I was just wondering, did these remedies help you sleep....

And also, for Joe De Livera

I have Arnica Montana at home ( A homeopath Dr. gave me this last year, for some reason and I still have it ) It is written as Arnica Montana , 10M on the small bottle. Can I use it for sleep problems in the way mentioned here. What does actually 30C means? I am not sure about it, whetehr 10 M is of different potency than required here. Yesterday night, before sleep I had this medicine by dilluting in the small water, I could not sleep very well, but still this was better than ever (as far as I remember, since I started having this on and off sleep problem)

Thank You a lot.
noname last decade
Sorry, made a mistake in last post.

My Arnica Montana bottle says 1M on it not 10M. I had two pumps yesterday, diluted in small water, before sleep. What is the right does for this, please tell me. Do I need to buy another medicine (with 30C) or 1M can also work.

Thanks a lot.
noname last decade
DO NOT USE the Arnica 1M for insomnia on a daily basis as the potency is far too high and cause other problems and aggravation.

You may only use the 6c potency every night and you will discover that your sleep problems will be resolved immediately after the first dose provided you have followed my instructions which you will see in the other posts on this thread.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi there,
I feel the Arnica 6c is helping me...Ive been able to fall asleep easily now. I was waking up in the middle of the night but it seemed it was due to back pain and discomfort. Yes..but I do think what Joe suggested is helping me. I do read at bed time and listen to the radio so that helps as well. Ive been having this problem for around 5 years and I hope Im relieved of this problem soon.
Joe..if youre reading this..thanks again!
crabcanc last decade
Hello Sajjadakaram,
I do not think of my ex-boyfriend. I just see him in my dreams..even though I dont think of him! So he is somewhere in my subconscious maybe. I just have a difficulty concentrating when Im reading...I need to read the same line a few times to register what Im reading.
Ill have to get my hands on Nat Mur 10M..and Ill let you know if there are any changes after Ive started taking the medicine.
crabcanc last decade
dear shyla.baryta carb 30 is the remedy for your study problem it also covers your sleep problem.since it is a slow working remedy it takes some time to menifest its benefit.as well as arnica is concerened for sleep problem if it is working continue.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I was alerted to this thread by the last post and it occured to me that another remedy that you can use to ensure restful deep sleep is Nat Phos 6x.

This remedy accelerates the passage of food in the stomach very quickly into the gut and this ensures that the acid buildup in the stomach is kept down which in turn ensures sleep. Nat Phos is also used widely throughout the world after I discovered about a year ago that it is a great remedy to use if you wish to reduce weight.

You can safely use both the Arnica 6c and the Nat Phos 6x at night as long as you do not take them within a hour of each other.

Keep us posted of your progress from time to time.
Joe De Livera last decade
i thing i should go for the holidays now.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks for the reply Joe,
You had advised me to take Nat Phos before...but I didnt know that I needed to maintain a gap between arnica and Nat Phos. I will do so from now. But havent really felt the benefits of Nat Phos yet.
Thanks a lot...the one from Sri Lanka!
crabcanc last decade
Im going to be on holiday for 2 weeks..but just hope I could sleep better so that I can enjoy the holidays!
crabcanc last decade
How long will I need to take baryta carb 30 before I see any results? How many times a day do I take this remedy?
crabcanc last decade
thrice daily atleast for 30 days.enjoy your holidays,but i will be back on call,you know.take care.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
use baryta carb thrice daily.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Yesterday, I went to drug store to buy Arnica Montana 6c and Nat Phos 6x. They say, they have never seen anything like Nat Phos 6x ( 'i mean ........ 6x but only 6c) But they will try to get it for me.

Thanks Joe, If my sleep problem is resolved, I 'll remain indebted to you forever.
noname last decade
I think your sleep problem is cured and now sleeping round the clock but not for ever.
sajjadakram635 last decade
This is just to say that personally, my sleep is much better. The Arnica as recommended by Joe just calms you down in my opinion. Even if you wake and cant go back to sleep in the middle of the night, you are much calmer and dont panic about having to wake up soon. So generally you are more relaxed and can sleep easier. Thanks again Joe..and hope this helps Noname! Let us know will you.
crabcanc last decade
I will also try Arnica for sleep problem.it is worth trying.what i read that arnica is suitable for sleeplessness if it is due to physical exertion.am i right.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I am taking Arnica 6c, as desrcibed by Joe, since last three days. I could not sleep, but as you mentioned, it makes the mind calm. So, when I wake up (infact,get up from the bed) in the morning, I am not as cranky as I used to be. Today, I am feeling bit tired though for not being able to sleep. Today, I will get Nat Phos 6x , which was not available before. And I hope that, these two will definitely help me to sleep.

I am very sensitive to light too. Even a small amount of light (e.g. glowing LED on the DVD player) bothers me a lot. And ususally I have to sleep with my arms (crossed) on my eyes. Which makes me feel more tired in the morning :(:(:( (my shoulders, neck and arms etc.) -- I am feeling sad, as these sleep problems are effecting my studies badly and making them unmanageable.
noname last decade
I would like you to use the higher potency of Arnica 30c as this may help your problem better.

Your report of the red in LED bothering you is interesting. Why dont you put some covering on the LED ?

Do you get headaches upon seeing any bright light ? Is red light more painful than any other colour ?
Joe De Livera last decade
Your bedroom should be relaxing and not have things like a dvd player, TV etc. It would help if you try and improve the decor of your bedroom to make it more peaceful and relaxing. I have put a black cloth on the window to prevent any light coming in from early morning. How long have you had this problem? Ive had it for around 5 years.
crabcanc last decade
Why noname? can we know?
Where r u from?
crabcanc last decade

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