The ABC Homeopathy Forum
abscess and fistula
persistant fistula and abscessCan anyone throw more light on this case.
we have tried a myriad of remedies and we feel we are ready to give up! Boy aged 6 diagnosed with perianal abscess and fistula and recommended for surgery in October. Refused surgery and since been trying homeopathic rxs under a homeopath.
1. ID:Your ABC Forum Name: bluehalo
2. Age :6
3. Sex m
4. Marital Status
5. weight.
6. Height .
7. country :GBritain
8. climate bristish climate
9. List of your complaints: Perianal abscess painful raised red. Worse walking and movement. Discharging watery pus, Has come and gone since October. Now in full flare up
Can feel the hardness of fistula under the skin. when in full flare up does not allow us to touch. Need to check at night when asleep. Try to gently drain pus as better if not so full of pus.
Cannot always help drain as if in full flare cannot bare to be touched there.
Can tell when really painful as grinds teeth in sleep . sometimes on and off all night. Has circles under eyes. Does not like to get too hot so will not wear a top in bed.
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint? Started in sep 2011 after a constipated poo. Had painful cut and 3 weeks later noticed all the pus.
5 months
11. non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets - loves choc and salty crisps
13. Thirst not noteable
14. Tongue - red sore on left side
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) - normal
16. What exactly is happening?
abscess has drained and re-emerged sincce it began with different remedies
17. How do you feel? When in full flare up very very restless moves about, sits on side as unable to sit on bottom. Gets really irritable unable to vocalise with reason , ends up tears.
18. How does this affect you?
So full of energy unable to go to sleep untill absolutley exhausted.
19. How does it feel like? 'hurty'
20. What comes to your mind? why him? sometimes wishes he was never born.
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current medicines you are taking? None . Vitamins
26. Family Background H/o of T.B IN PATERNAL grandfather . And maternal Grandmother.
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food . Loves ice. icy cold drinks. crisps. chocs pizza.
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind- gets very irritabile and angry. hurries work and does become impatient.Total non co-op and can be defiant.
Will dig nails into mum when pain gets too much.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34. Location of the disease . perianal abscess
35. Side of the problem - left side
36. Color of the secretions -
watery pus.
In order to find out that what miasm are you currently in, please answer the following Q's?
1. Please tell us about the pain, if any? How much is the pain and where? During full flare up cannot bear to be touched at site of abscess. Even if touched during sleep will flinch or grind teeth. Worse walking, worse movement. Worse sitting or any pressure.
2. Watery light yellow pus draining from anus at site of fistula.
3. What is the color of your discharges, if any?
Can smell it but not foul.
4. How about the blood discharges, if any? Please describe the color of blood and its thickness?
5. Please tell me about your constipation? Not constipated.
6. How about the itching and burning in detail, if any?
7. How is your energy level and state of mind other than the one you already described? High energy. but during full flare up unable to move otherwise very very restless.
8. Any other issues right now and in the past other than the one you have already described? Had Henoch scholen purpura feb 2011. recovered fully. h/o skin complaints. Impetigo near lips. Pitypsoriasis Alba if skin exposed to sun. fungal ring worm infections.
9. What are you taking at the moment (homoeopathic and allopathic) on daily basis?
Nothing on a daily basis -
So far had: Phos 1m, Tub kock 1m, Carcisnosin 200c, Phos ac 30c, Mygal 30c, Theridion 200c. Med 200c, Syph 200c. Calc Phos 1m, Calc Sulp 200c, Myrestica Seb, silica 6c, Hep Sulp 6c, Arnica 30 wet dose. These are not the order in given but taken so far. Merc Viv 200c.
Bacillinum 200c was last remedy,
information that you would like to mention that might be was the last remedy.
We have been under a homeopath but now getting really worried that this is not going to work and Surgery may be the last resort.
In brief the remedies have helped to drain and offer some relief but the problem persists. At the moment he has a full blown abscess. He looks unwell. Very little sleep and circles under his eyes. Grinds teeth at night.
bluehalo on 2012-02-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I shall copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka 'Joepathy' have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.
I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:
Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.
Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid DIlution in Alcohol with a dropper arrangement.
If this is not available the Dry dose in pellets may be use but this is not as effective as the remedy in the original Liquid Dilution in Ethanol.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Please note that surgery is of no avail as it is very temporary and patients are invariably compelled to have multiple surgeries to treat the problem.
Please visit the link below which will give more information on the therapy I have used over a period of about 8 years for your problem:
I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:
Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.
Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid DIlution in Alcohol with a dropper arrangement.
If this is not available the Dry dose in pellets may be use but this is not as effective as the remedy in the original Liquid Dilution in Ethanol.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Please note that surgery is of no avail as it is very temporary and patients are invariably compelled to have multiple surgeries to treat the problem.
Please visit the link below which will give more information on the therapy I have used over a period of about 8 years for your problem:
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe. Do you recommend giving these remedies in any particular order i.e start with certain ones in the morning. I will order the 'X' potency remedies and start asap. kind regards for your help. from a very tired mother and brave boy.
bluehalo last decade
'from a very tired mother and brave boy'
Whom am I treating?
You will take all the remedies on a daily basis and leave about an hour between each.
You will report your response as often as you wish to do especially in the first few weeks as your problem is not to be considered as an instant fix as you will read from the link I gave you in my last post.
Whom am I treating?
You will take all the remedies on a daily basis and leave about an hour between each.
You will report your response as often as you wish to do especially in the first few weeks as your problem is not to be considered as an instant fix as you will read from the link I gave you in my last post.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Thank you Nawaz.
I had read the patient's age as 60 and it is only after I saw your post that I realized that he was only 6 years old which is very young for one to present a 'persistent fistula and abscess'.
I was indeed confused to see the mother's post where she referred to herself very rightly as a 'very tired mother'.
I am beginning to wonder if this problem is due to some problem which can be described as a 'birth defect' but the boy is 6 years old and this description does not qualify.
However we can observe this case and I would appreciate if you to will also monitor its progress.
I had read the patient's age as 60 and it is only after I saw your post that I realized that he was only 6 years old which is very young for one to present a 'persistent fistula and abscess'.
I was indeed confused to see the mother's post where she referred to herself very rightly as a 'very tired mother'.
I am beginning to wonder if this problem is due to some problem which can be described as a 'birth defect' but the boy is 6 years old and this description does not qualify.
However we can observe this case and I would appreciate if you to will also monitor its progress.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hi, You are more than welcome Joe!
How have you been? Please keep up the usual good work.
Many many prayers for your good health and long life.
Kind Regards
How have you been? Please keep up the usual good work.
Many many prayers for your good health and long life.
Kind Regards
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Thank you both - Nawaz and Joe for responding. For clarification - The patient is a 6 year old boy. The condition first manifested sept 2011 5 months now. I refer to the fistula as 'persistent' as you may note we have been having homeopathic treatment since October 2011 - And I fully appreciate this is not a quick fix condition.
Also I am the mother who is naturally very worried and yes very very tired with all the worry! I will keep you updated once we receive the remedies and start treatment. Thank you both again.
Also I am the mother who is naturally very worried and yes very very tired with all the worry! I will keep you updated once we receive the remedies and start treatment. Thank you both again.
bluehalo last decade
Hi, You are right. This will require a lot of patience and hard work.
Many prayers for your son's speedy recovery.
Many prayers for your son's speedy recovery.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Dear Joe and Nawaz,
has been 6 days since starting the Fistula treatment.
started on Monday.
On Tuesday son presented with r swollen tonsil and fever. Abscess painful and filled with pus. wanted to avoid antibiotic so gave Phos 30c 2 doses on
tuesday and one dose on wednesday.Asked for paracetmol as was in a lot of
pain gave 2 doses. Fever still there on wednesday . On Thursday Gave merc
viv 200c at night time for tonsil/fever and pain in abscess.
Friday - fever subsiding much better today. The abscess is red, raised and discharging alot of pus. I have continued with the silica, wet dose arnica etc.
Alot of discharge coming. It is changeable in colour and nature. There is pain if touching abscess area. Shall I continue with the above treatment? Do you recommend anything else? Please help.
thanks you
has been 6 days since starting the Fistula treatment.
started on Monday.
On Tuesday son presented with r swollen tonsil and fever. Abscess painful and filled with pus. wanted to avoid antibiotic so gave Phos 30c 2 doses on
tuesday and one dose on wednesday.Asked for paracetmol as was in a lot of
pain gave 2 doses. Fever still there on wednesday . On Thursday Gave merc
viv 200c at night time for tonsil/fever and pain in abscess.
Friday - fever subsiding much better today. The abscess is red, raised and discharging alot of pus. I have continued with the silica, wet dose arnica etc.
Alot of discharge coming. It is changeable in colour and nature. There is pain if touching abscess area. Shall I continue with the above treatment? Do you recommend anything else? Please help.
thanks you
bluehalo last decade
An antibiotic is essential at this stage and any delay on your part to give it can only make his problem much worse.
You are advised to consult a pediatrician and get a suitable AB immediately as I am confident that his problems with the Tonsils and his Fistula will respond to the AB.
Continue with the therapy for the Fistula but reduce the Silicea to just ONE tablet as the patient is only 6 years old. If his stools are soft you do not need to give him the Nat Phos 6x.
You are advised to consult a pediatrician and get a suitable AB immediately as I am confident that his problems with the Tonsils and his Fistula will respond to the AB.
Continue with the therapy for the Fistula but reduce the Silicea to just ONE tablet as the patient is only 6 years old. If his stools are soft you do not need to give him the Nat Phos 6x.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Reduce the Silicea 6x to HALF tablet daily.
Continue the other aspects of the therapy but if his anus is too painful you can insert the AB ointment on a Cotton bud instead of your finger after every stool.
Reduce the Silicea 6x to HALF tablet daily.
Continue the other aspects of the therapy but if his anus is too painful you can insert the AB ointment on a Cotton bud instead of your finger after every stool.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Also reduce the Arnica 30c in the Wet dose to just once daily till he recovers from this current infection.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe. He has recovered from the infection. He is eating normally and there is no fever.
On sunday the abscess was discharging watery pus with taint of blood. This morning there was more watery discharge with small taints of blood. He was moving comfortably during the day. This evening the abscess appears raised and red again and not discharged. He said it was painful. He is very sweaty on the head on falling alseep and grinding teeth.
Please advise if I should do anything else. thanks again
On sunday the abscess was discharging watery pus with taint of blood. This morning there was more watery discharge with small taints of blood. He was moving comfortably during the day. This evening the abscess appears raised and red again and not discharged. He said it was painful. He is very sweaty on the head on falling alseep and grinding teeth.
Please advise if I should do anything else. thanks again
bluehalo last decade
Please confirm that you are using the protocol that I have prescribed of inserting a cotton bud with an antibiotic ointment inside his anus after every stool.
Continue with the therapy as prescribed.
Continue with the therapy as prescribed.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
thank u Joe. He is reluctant for me to insert the bud with antibiotic after passing stool. Shall I resume to the 2x daily of silica, ferrum phos ? Arnica wet dose? thanks
bluehalo last decade
I cannot advice you on how you should insert the AB Ointment into his anus but this is essential if you wish to have him cured.
The AB ointment is designed to keep the bacterial count low in the anal tissue and this is relevant in terms of ensuring that his lesion which is obviously suppurating is filled up by the action of the Arnica. This is where the AB ointment comes in as it helps to lower the count and thereby help in the healing process.
Silicea is designed to expel the pus and I would prefer that you do not give him more than 1 tablet twice daily as he is so very young. Silicea is a deep acting remedy and I do not wish to subject him to any other problems by maintaining the double pill dosage.
The AB ointment is designed to keep the bacterial count low in the anal tissue and this is relevant in terms of ensuring that his lesion which is obviously suppurating is filled up by the action of the Arnica. This is where the AB ointment comes in as it helps to lower the count and thereby help in the healing process.
Silicea is designed to expel the pus and I would prefer that you do not give him more than 1 tablet twice daily as he is so very young. Silicea is a deep acting remedy and I do not wish to subject him to any other problems by maintaining the double pill dosage.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you very much . The perianal abscess which was draining via the anus hole has now formed a head of its own and started discharging watery oozy discharge with taint of blood from the abscess itself. It is looking much better. will keep you posted. We will keep the treatment going as you have suggested. God bless you.
bluehalo last decade
Hello Joe, To report on progress. The abscess is still discharging watery and occasionally milky coloured pus. The discharge is coming directly from a small hole in the abscess. Please advise if I should continue the treatment as recommended. Also can you advise if you suggest anything else for drying off the pus? He is still grinding his teeth at night any suggestions for this?. Kind regards .
bluehalo last decade
The discharge of pus indicates infection and unless you succeed in inserting the antibiotic ointment internally, this infection will continue.
I believe that it is now over 2 weeks into my therapy and I frankly do not know of any other remedy that can help your son at this stage.
Can Nawaz take over?
I believe that it is now over 2 weeks into my therapy and I frankly do not know of any other remedy that can help your son at this stage.
Can Nawaz take over?
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Joe, May God Bless You.
'The abscess is still discharging watery and occasionally milky coloured pus.'
In this situation, for drying of the pus, please take Calc Sulph 200C, 2 drops mixed in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 3 days.
Also, please take Calendula Q, 2 drops mixed in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days. This remedy will control all infection.
Many prayers for the boy.
'The abscess is still discharging watery and occasionally milky coloured pus.'
In this situation, for drying of the pus, please take Calc Sulph 200C, 2 drops mixed in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 3 days.
Also, please take Calendula Q, 2 drops mixed in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days. This remedy will control all infection.
Many prayers for the boy.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Thank you Nawaz. Re the Calc Sulp 200c. Can you please clarify if I should put the 200c tablets in water and then give him 2 drops of that mixed in water? Also the calendula should I give him the mother tincture mixed in 1 teaspoon of water. Many thanks
bluehalo last decade
'Can you please clarify if I should put the 200c tablets in water and then give him 2 drops of that mixed in water?'
Dissolve 2 pellets in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water for each dose.
'calendula should I give him the mother tincture mixed in 1 teaspoon of water.'
Please just take 2 drops of Calendula Q, mother tincture, mix in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water for each dose.
Stop all other remedies.
More prayers for the speedy recovery of the patient.
Dissolve 2 pellets in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water for each dose.
'calendula should I give him the mother tincture mixed in 1 teaspoon of water.'
Please just take 2 drops of Calendula Q, mother tincture, mix in 1 teaspoonful of mineral water for each dose.
Stop all other remedies.
More prayers for the speedy recovery of the patient.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
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