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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression and morning erection

i am 23 years old guy. i have been suffering from long term depression. i have already got some help from Mani Jee in this forum. but suddenly i cannot find him. is there anyone wiling to help me?

one can get more information from my previous post:

  morshed on 2014-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I don't know what happened to Mani Jee.

When was the last time you took a dose
of Nat Mur 200c?

What symptoms are you having as of today?


simone717 last decade
thanks simone for your reply. lets hope that mani jee is alright

i took Nat M 200c almost 40-45 days ago for the last time.

things are overall better than before. i have slight depression. if you give some time to the previous thread, you will notice that i had some breathing problem at one stage. depression and breathing problem both are not severe. but i wish these things completely go out of my life.

i like to stay alone. in the morning when i wake up i feel little depressed with some feeling(/irritation) in heart. i cannot concentrate in works(like studies) and responsibilities. i feel aversion to do this. but i can make myself do at last with effort(without own willing)

mostly i feel directionless about life.

but when i start doing work, i now sometimes indulge into the work. things were worse when i started my previous thread.

i have violated some rules of Mani Jee. like he forbid me to take coffee. i now take coffee (recently). in the intermediate time i noticed that when i take tea, breathing problem aggravates(not sure). so i stopped taking tea for a while and things got little better i think. now i take tea less frequently than before.

morshed last decade
Hi- Take another dose of Nat Mur 200c.

Dissolve 2 pills in two tablespoons of
water. Stir up and take one tsp. as a
dose. Hold in the mouth for 20 second
before swallowing.

Report after 7 days. ( I went thru your
previous thread)


simone717 last decade
dear simone

thank you for your patience to go through such a lengthy thread. i want to know whether i should maintain any obligation on tea or coffee.

morshed last decade
I would not have any tea or coffee on
the day you take the remedy and for
a few days after it to see the response.

Since tea seems to bother you I would stay off of it and in future limit yourself
to 2 cups of coffee a day.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i have got Nat M 200 from a local store. the person at the store told me that this is 2C. are 2c and 200c same ?

morshed last decade
Do you have any left from what you
took before- was it liquid?

You don't have to use pills-2C sounds
wrong-people don't say 2C meaning

If you have liquid, you can put 2 drops into a couple tablespoons of water
stir, and take a tsp as a dose- hold it
in your mouth for 20 seconds before
simone717 last decade
dear simone

i took Nat M 200 in pills. i had them. so took them as you suggested.

i will report after a week

morshed last decade
dear simone,

i feel better. although things are not gone yet. after taking Nat M, things aggravated. for the last two days things have improved. feeling less depressed and breathing problem has also lessened. aversion in work has improved little.

morshed last decade
Dear M,

That is good. As long as things are improving, do not
take more. You can report when things seem to
be going in reverse or at a standstill.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i want to add a pattern. each morning after taking breakfast, situation radically deteriorates. actually i used to take tea after breakfast. as immediately after taking tea, situation worsens i might have mistaken the reason. but even now after taking breakfast, i specially find difficulty in taking breath and things get worse. otherwise so far it seems that i am improving. thank you for your help.

morshed last decade

My understanding was you have stopped tea?

No tea and this still goes on?

Is this pattern something that went on in the past
even before remedies?

you wrote on 10-12 that breathing problem has also

has it? by how much percentage?
simone717 last decade
yes i have stopped tea. although i had to take tea only once after taking Nat M last time, but i think that did not cause any major problem.

yes, even after stopping tea, the pattern (breathing problem after breakfast) continues. breathing problem has lessened, but for that specific time it increases. i will further notify you from my next observations.

this pattern began when i was taking remedies of mani jee. a local homepathic doctor forbade me to take tea while i was taking his remedies, mainly for lipoma. i generally feel upset in the dusk, even when i did not face depression.

sorry dear simone, i cannot exactly say how much the problem has improved. please give me some more time.

[message edited by morshed on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 19:27:47 BST]
morshed last decade
Hi M


Please get Kali Mur 6x, Cal Flour 6x, Ferrum phos 6x biochemic tabs.

Take 3 of each ( 9total) 3 times a day..

During attack of oppressed breathing you can take this every 20 minutes till relief.



Next- please get a check up from the MD. Get your blood tested-
CBC complete blood count ( tells if anemic and other things)
Have the Dr. Check out your lungs. You were advised to do this
and I don't see where you did this.

This is very important- bc physical energy levels if you are anemic,
and many other PHYSICAL problems cause depression. Bc your
energy is too low to run the body right. So all physical issues
should be ruled out first.



I see you have LIPOMAS and don't see that on the other thread.
We don't know if you are still anemic which could cause depression.

--Please list ALL your health issues on this thread, and when
they began, what you took for them and what you are taking for them.-

OTHER SUFFERINGS YOU LISTED- PLEASE LIST ALL OF THEM. physical sufferings are : hairfall, pain in hand-leg joints, mouth sore, bad stomach. i wear glasses for the last nine years. i was told that i have cataract which is not growing.-


You were advised to take this as Mother Tincture. Mother Tincture
has the substance of the plant in it. You could easily have been
allergic to and had reactions to this bc really this was a herbal preparation.

YOU STATED: about breathing oppression- From morshed on 2014-04-18
yes, i have taken staph 200. havent started damiana q. i dont think its about damiana q. this is a symptom of depression for me. it has occurred to me before very often. again for the last three days i am not taking damiana q. so do you still prefer any change?
i am again taking DAMIANA Q from yesterday. i took THREE DOSES yesterday and the psychological 'BREATH CLOTTING' like feeling has again arrived. but i think DAMIANA Q at least gave me some energy. i could not do any work for the last few days. today i feel more energetic than last few days after taking DAMIANA Q yesterday. though today i did not have MORNING ERECTION. i think i better take two doses each day from today as you suggested before. i will inform you of my conditions. thank you.

Damiana Q made the breathing issue worse.
You were too focused on ED in the other thread. You have many things going on. You must concentrate on your total health
picture and we need some facts.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

can you please tell me how to take the remedies? and how many days will i continue ?

i will check up things you recommended.

and going to give a brief on history of physical ailments in my next thread

morshed last decade
History of Physical Ailments :

i have been told that i was very averse to food at my childhood. so i suffered from anemia, leg and hand joints aching, mouth sores from my childhood. but i think i recovered from anemia, because i have donated blood four times in recent years. and i was checked.

at my childhood i spent lonely time because i was only child. i was basically a depression prone guy. i watched emotional movies and thought of the sorrowful events. i even remember an imaginary character with whom i talked in my childhood. i cant remember when i got rid of it. even now i talk with real people in my mind.

when i was 13-14, i had vision problem. when i visited a doctor, i was caught with cataract. it was growing for some earlier years. later it became steady. in my childhood, i was hit in my both eyes by tennis ball while playing.

i think i first got such depression at my 17 years age. it was for a month long. at the same time i was having huge hairfall. after some years i had lost my hair to some extent. at 18/19 years of my age, i had a relation and that time i was depressed for a long time. at that time i tried homeopathy from both this site and a local practitioner for mainly my hairfall problem. at that time i got rid of other problems like mouth sores, joint aching etc. but as my hairfall problem did not help, i tried Minoxidil topical for some 4-5 or 6 months. i cant remember. i eventually gave up, but its side effects include ED, and possibly depression.

i recovered from depression automatically(i was 20). for the last 1 year, i am having terrible depression. before that for one year i had depression but not in a continuous basis.

when i was 14 years old, i had a tumor in my leg. i was under scissors to cut it off. for the last two years i am having some lipoma(around 3 in number) in my body. i visited a local homeopathic practitioner but it did not help.

around 3 years ago, i met another homeopathic practitioner to get help for my hair. he probably tried combination remedies.

after taking minoxidil, i have faced ED. under mani jee's prescription i had excellent results. so i got less worried. now i am not having that much good morning erection. it is below average.

i had no history of breathing problem. this appeared while i was under mani jee's observation. and this highly probable that after taking Damiana Q, it appeared and i misread it.

i have tried to give each details of my physical ailments. if i remember anything to add, i will add them to new post.

morshed last decade

Take the cell salts, ( biochemic tabs)

3 tabs of each one at same time- 3 times
a day- dissolve under tongue.

Report what you notice after day 4.
And if you feel oppressed breathing
then take them every 20 minutes till
relief starts-if and when relief begins,
then you can decide if you need more
in an hour, 2 hours etc, gaps should
get longer.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

yesterday from evening, i am feeling upset or depressed. although breathing problem is not bothering. but continuously a feeling of depression is inside and it continues today morning. i have started taking the new remedies

morshed last decade
Hi- You took one dose of nat Mur on 10-5-2014.

How many times have you taken the cell salts so far?

Did you take a dose in the morning and then NOT
have the breathing problem?
simone717 last decade
i have taken only one dose of cell salts last night. i haven't yet taken in the morning.

i am not having the breathing problem yet. though i am taking very little deep breaths.
morshed last decade
Dear M- What city are you in?

What time is it now? So every morning you have the breathing issue. Sounds
like this morning you are not having it.

I am usa and it is 10:30 pm here.
simone717 last decade
dear simone, yes u are right. this morning i am having a light breathing oppression. and i have taken another dose of the remedy this morning.

i live in bangladesh, near india. it is 10:40 AM. we are 12 hours ahead of you
morshed last decade
Let me know if the salts are helping
this- I am up for a short time now.

Are you in Dhaka? or near there,
as Dr. Showrav on here is in Dhaka.
simone717 last decade
yes i live in dhaka
morshed last decade
Dear M,

I am not getting answers to what I am asking and this is making
this complex for online help.

I suggest you email Dr. Showrav-in the email give this thread link
and your other one with mani jee- it will save time.

jashowrav At gmail dot com and go to his clinic and have him
see you in person.

He is a homeopath and also degree in homeopathic med. development.
His mother is a homeopath also-You want to get better as fast
as possible and seeing you in person is always the best way.

36, Jigatola Old Kacha Bazar Mor (1st floor), [Beside of Jigatola Bangla Link Service Point & LORDS saloon.] Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209

Hot Line:
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 15 Oct 2014 21:58:17 BST]
simone717 last decade

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