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depression and morning erection Page 2 of 8

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear M,

I am not getting answers to what I am asking and this is making
this complex for online help.

I suggest you email Dr. Showrav-in the email give this thread link
and your other one with mani jee- it will save time.

jashowrav At gmail dot com and go to his clinic and have him
see you in person.

He is a homeopath and also degree in homeopathic med. development.
His mother is a homeopath also-You want to get better as fast
as possible and seeing you in person is always the best way.

36, Jigatola Old Kacha Bazar Mor (1st floor), [Beside of Jigatola Bangla Link Service Point & LORDS saloon.] Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209

Hot Line:
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 15 Oct 2014 21:58:17 BST]
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

many thanks for your help. i will contact to him asap. his clinic is not far away from my place. will i give you updates in this thread ?

[message edited by morshed on Thu, 16 Oct 2014 06:05:10 BST]
morshed last decade
You can if you wish put your prescriptions and how you are progressing
on this thread, so others can learn and
follow your case.

Dr. Showrav does not take many cases
on this forum due to lack of time. I
think you will have to be a private patient
of his.


simone717 last decade
alright i will try to update my conditions. for the time being i am continuing ur last prescribed remedies. i am having less breathing problems. yesterday at noon after lunch i had some problems. after that nothing important to remember. this morning also i did not have breathing problem after breakfast. mentally i am stable but not too good and not worse.

i visited a chest specialist today. he did not find anything wrong. prescribed some medicine, given the groups here:

1. preparation of propranolol hydrochloride (helps anxiety and anxiety tachycardia )
2. franxit (probably sleeping pills)
3. deflux (preapration of domperidone)

he advised CBC and X-ray chest in case these medicines do not help within two months

one more thing, cell salts might create dehydration in me

morshed last decade

Please do not take the allopathic medicines-
You cannot do that system and the homeopathic
system and we won't know what the effects
of the homeopathic meds are.

1. The cell salts work on the cell metabolism and
they are rebalancing what is lacking or too much.

They are working on the breathing.

2. Stop taking them today. Take another dose
of the Nat Mur 200c 24 hours after the last
dose of cell salts. This time make the dose different-
I want you to find a dropper bottle-a small one like 2 to 3 inches.
Put in there 1/5th alcohol ( brandy, vodka,rum) the rest distilled
or spring water. Put the 2 pills in there and let dissolve.
Then hit the bottle 5 times against your hand. After that take
2 drops in a tsp of water. Hold that tsp in your mouth for
20 seconds before swallowing. This will be your medicine
bottle that you will use each time.

3. Report in the next day after the Nat Mur.

4. If there is still breathing problems we can
start the salts again, and use less tablets if
you feel dehydrated.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:07:35 BST]
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

is it possible to do any way without alchohol? i am from a religion which does not allow alchohol

[message edited by morshed on Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:52:30 BST]
morshed last decade
Yes, I know,
but there is even small amount of alcohol on the pills.

If you order liquid remedies there is alcohol in them.

If you want to make this up in a dropper bottle with NO
alcohol you can-

But you have to do extra steps.

I am wanting you to hit the bottle 5 times before a dose.
This is to change up the potency slightly each time you dose
and has more of an effect.

1. Make up the dropper bottle with no alcohol

2.Hit the bottle 5 x before a dose.

3. take out one tsp for the dose- hold in mouth etc.

4. Discard the contents - you will have to make up a new
bottle each time and the amount of hits will change per
my instructions.
simone717 last decade
i dont have any problem with the extra step. but for now i have to take only one dose of the remedy, right ?

morshed last decade
dear m,

that is a yes.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i took one dose last night. its been almost 13 hours. no special change. good thing is i cannot remember having breathing problem after cell salts.

i tell you how i felt yesterday. in the morning, i dont feel good till afternoon. i am in a melancholy or gloomy mood. so i dont enjoy anything. after that time, i am better doing things. today so far things are same. it is afternoon here.

i am not having good morning erection. and my stomach is also not behaving well. i am having frequent yogurt to keep it cold and calm. but i am not having any breathing issues so far, as i said

morshed last decade
Dear M,

Perhaps the cell salts took care of the imbalance caused from
Damiana Q.

Give me a timeline on your stomach problems,
When they started-
What are the symptoms
What are the sensations
Where do you feel them and what goes along with them- like
other pains or sensations that show up during, before, after

What is the stool like, and frequency

Do you have any coating on the tongue

Do you have problems with dairy, spicy or any other food/drink

How is your spine-any weakness, stiffness, including neck,
or lack of circulation in legs, feet, arms etc.

simone717 last decade
i take outside food quite a lot for the last four years. this problem has started in this time. recently probably while taking cell salts, it started again. i also took some outside food then.

there is no certain schedule i can remember.

only feeling i can describe is that the stomach feels hot. so i take something cold, like water, yogurt or ice cream. no stomach rolling or growling

there is no other pain related.

i dont have any visible coating on tongue.

after taking spicy/rich food, stomach get hot. while stomach problem is going, hot drinks worsen.

there is no mentionable problem with spine, neck or circulation in legs etc.

morshed last decade
Hi- one has to have a good diet to stay well, no homeopathic
medicines will work right if you don't eat healthy food.

Stay away from spicy , rich food and junk food. Think of it
this way, you could have the best car in the world and putting
in the wrong type gas is going to make it run terrible and degrade the engine.

Report back on the nat mur effects in 5 days.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 20 Oct 2014 05:38:27 BST]
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

today was so so good psychologically. had a good morning erection. but had some problem with breathing in the evening. it was for 30 mins. generally with night i feel psychologically exhausted. dont like to work at all. after the breath attack, i felt same for some time. after sometime, it recovered a bit.

morshed last decade
Hi- good, report again in a few days.

If the breathing problem starts to get worse and more often
report in when that happens.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

today i did not feel too depressed, but breathing problem did occur. immediately after waking up in the morning, i felt excellent. but after some 30 mins breathing issue started. and it appeared quite often today. breathing issue was not unbearable, but breathing was oppressed for some time and frequently.
[message edited by morshed on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 14:18:49 BST]
morshed last decade
Start the cell salts again. This time take one tablet of each,
3 times a day. You can take them when breathing problem starts,

2 tabs of each every 20 minutes till relief if you need to.

Then go back to 3 times a day, for a week-you may need them
for a longer time, but lets see how it goes with one week and
this amount of tablets.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i have been taking cell salts for a week. breathing problem has improved 70%. depression has also improved 50-60% . morning erection has no sign of improvement. i am not having a regular or satisfactory morning erection.

morshed last decade
Hi M,

Please add Kali Phos 6x into your mix
of salts for this.

Keep doing the salts and report again
in 4 days.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i had to stop taking the cell salts for two days. but i really hardly had breathing problem. after adding kali phos 6X, i am having breathing trouble. is it aggravation ? i am having significant breathing problem compared to the previous days

regards, M
morshed last decade
Stop Kali Phos.

Continue the others for a few days and report.

Kali Phos if too much can make you nervous. It seems that
when you get nervous you get the breathing issue.

The breathing issue and depression have to be stabilized first
before anything to do with morning erection issues.
simone717 last decade
thanks simone for your reply. i dont think kali phos is making me nervous. just after adding it to the mixture, breathing issue has revived

i am stopping Kali Phos 6x and will report you few days later

morshed last decade
dear simone,

i have been very busy with my works. i could not maintain the routine of three times of the medicine. i have taken it continuously, sometimes at a lower frequency. breathing issues have lessened but not solved. do you want me to continue the routine for few more days and then update you?
morshed last decade
Yes and please take them 3 times a day.

You do not have to mix in water. Just
put the 3 tabs under tongue and dissolve.

You can get 3 little envelopes, or 3 little
plastic bags or whatever you want to use,
and put them on your person and then
take them after breakfast - lunch or dinner-but you have to take the doses.

What you are saying is like saying- I am hungry and
weak everyday, but I am busy and do not have time
to eat.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i am really sorry that i could not take the doses regularly. but from yesterday i am taking them regularly as i am not that much busy. so hopefully irregularity wont happen. i will update you after four days' doses.
i am taking tea regularly. do you want me to stop. i dont take coffee much

morshed last decade
Tea is fine.
simone717 last decade

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