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depression and morning erection Page 3 of 8

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Tea is fine.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i have just taken the third dose of my fourth day after continuous medication. breathing issues are better today but still around 20% of the worst case is left. now my mental state can be described better as melancholy than depressed. i am thinking about the sad stories of my life. but these are not making me too much sad

i will again update you in the morning.

morshed last decade
dear simone,

this morning, after having breakfast i had breathing problem but it did not last long. i am feeling quite depressed. there are some personal issues though.

morshed last decade
Hi M,

Please keep taking the salts and report
again after another 4 days.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i have taken another 4 days' dose. but regarding breathing issue less have improved further. i am still having breathing problems mostly in full stomach, but the problem is staying for a shorter time than before. (the problem has lessened i had said before)

i have some changes in psychological state. generally i feel gloomy and dont get enough interest in works. but the last four days, things have changed a bit.

21 november : i felt better after evening

20 november: i felt better in the morning. at around 12:00, it started diminishing

19 november: same as 20 november.

18 november: i felt better after evening.

when i say feeling better, what happens: i hear to youthful music. interestingly i feel so energetic that it becomes tough to concentrate because mind moves so rapidly. but i feel really good, most importantly not depressed at all.

hope you are doing well.

morshed last decade
Hi M,

What is going on with the full stomach-

Is it a normal full stomach feeling after you eat?

Or is it you eat a small amount and feel full?

Are you having bloating or gas? Or reflux of food coming up?

Where are the sensations and what are they?

Does this happen mostly after eating or other times.

Many times if digestion is not going well, the stomach will bloat up
and if there is gas or reflux, there is breathing distress bc of
the pressure. And reflux can show up around the mid breastbone
and it feels like pressure, like it is a breathing issue, but it
is really an acidity issue.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i think it is a normal full stomach. there is normally no bloating, though i sometimes have gas depending on the meal taken. no reflux of food coming up.

moreover i also have breathing problem without taking any meal. but it seems that it is more intense after taking any meal. but i will take a close look whether it has any relation to acidity. will i continue to take previous doses ?

morshed last decade
Hi M.

Would like you to add in Nat phos 6x with your other salts.
This is for acidity and too much heat in the stomach.

I would like you to try having a cup of natural yogurt every day.
And google the food you are eating to see if you are having
too much of acidic things right now. Example, vinegar is acidic,
tomatoes are acidic, chocolate is acidic. Switch over to non
acidic for now. Don't eat for 2 hours before bed and especially nothing

You do not have to have reflux coming up to have the tightness
and breathing from too much acid. It just feels tight in the chest.

It takes a few weeks to get back to a more alkaline level and then
you have to watch your diet or it will begin again.

Report again in 4 days.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i still have not started new doses. but since yesterday evening, i am having breathing issues. i dont feel too bad psychologically.

morshed last decade
Please start the doses and tell me what goes on after
a couple days.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i have only taken the new doses 5 times. before starting them, my breathing issues deteriorated to a significant amount. things have not improved much after taking the new doses. this morning, perhaps i am facing less problem but it exists. again depression state is also causing difficulty to me. one thing is that probably my heart rate is higher than usual. i just measured it: 85 bpm. it seems to me that it is higher.

one thing i never mentioned to you is that i have anal pain while stool.

morshed last decade
dear simone,

there is no significant change after taking nat phos. the intensity of breathing problem has lessened. but things are just like before. i am still having breathing problems and it is intensed after taking meals. depression is not improved as well.

morshed last decade
Dear M,

Please fill out the form again and list
all symptoms of everything including
describing the anal pain and stool type
and frequency.

It is difficult to go back to the old thread
and read thru everything, I need to
go over this and have it in one place.

simone717 last decade
Sex: male
Age: 23

1. Describe your main suffering?

i feel depressed with breathing problems. i dont feel any urge to do my jobs. i also dont enjoy the companion of others. like i dont enjoy passing time with friends while i am depressed. directionless, passionless are the words i can describe about life. breathing problems are suffering me for last six months. my other problems are: lack of morning erection, hairfall(i started losing my hair at the age of 17 exponentially. at the age of 19 i lost many of my front head covers. i maintain shaving my head for last 2.5 years.), anal pain while stool.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

joint aches in hands and legs, mouth sores, erectile dysfunction(virgin, so judged only by morning erection), little pokes in dental gums cause blood coming. i had anemia at my childhood. i recovered from it later. i have eyesight problem from the age of 13. i was detected with have cataract, which is steady for the last 8 years.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

i feel depressed. i dont enjoy what i do. i feel directionless about life. i also dont feel challenged about life.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?

when i am at my worst of depression, i just feel like drowning in abyss. i just live alone and do stuffs like watching movies and try to go to sleep wishing that the next day will be better.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

my present situation i think started almost a year ago. but things can be connected to past events. i am only child of my parents. i was a depression prone person from my childhood. fro example after watching a movie, i thought over the sad parts of it. but it did not last long. while growing, i always was happy in my life. most importantly i had been a success lover guy(i always wanted to be first in my class). first when i was 16 years old, i first got into depression for some unknown reason(the same time i started losing my hair).i can remember i just felt depressed. it did not last more than 2/3 months. the next time i felt depressed when i was 18. reason was my hairfall and i was in a relation. i tried homeopathy and it did not work. so i started using minoxidil 5% and i continued it for a long time. then i started facing erectile dysfunction. later times when i tried homeopathy it went good immediately but not permanently. however i recovered from depression after some one year without any effort. i again became that wanna be first guy in the class. next time i started feeling depressed just after one year. but it was not intense and i recovered easily. i face these short depressions every now and then later. they started being stronger. and it has been at its best from last one year. while fighting with these, i got the breathing problems, while under using damiana q (three times a day).

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

i think its in the afternoon. i dont like the gloomy color of the sky. thats why i also dont like the winter(the sky is not shinny).

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

regarding depression i am not sure what aggravates or ameliorates it. but after taking major meals, i think breathing problems worsen.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

i am an engineer student. it might happen that i dont enjoy engineering. but at first days of my university classes, i enjoy them. slowly i have lost interest. and now its really gone

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

i think i feel better in hot and dry weather.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

i am very mild person. not nervous, not easily offended, i like to argue but logically. i am lazy while i am depressed mood. but i have passed days working hard. but generally i am a bit lazy person. i am too much thoughtful. i judge people a lot. i generally talk less. and while i am depressed i almost dont talk among people. in fact sometimes i dont receive calls from others. but i remember being myself a person expressing myself in front of people when i was the wanna be first person in the class. one more thing is that i have a tendency to hide my personal feelings (specially sorrows) in me.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

no special feelings.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?

nope. not really. but i want someone special around me

- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

not too much. but i think light is an important factor.i dont like certain mixture of light and darkness. either it is bright or it is complete darkness where i feel comfortable.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?

i think a lot. i constantly talk to different persons in my thoughts. i shake my legs(specially the right one).

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

i think i feel normal about friends and families. i am generally a very helpful person to others. when i am alright i listen to my friends about their sorrows. once i had a relation and i was way too much dedicated to that girl.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

neither fears not such dreams i can remember

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

i almost like all types of food. i like beef a lot. also spicy, junk food. no particular aversions in food. i like sweet a lot.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

it is excessive.

14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?


15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

in recent times, my stomach does not behave well after a rich meal.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

i sweat more than normal. my head sweats a lot. limbs, particularly at pits.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

in recent years i am not happy with my bowel movement. i also have complain about my stool. generally they are good and twice or thrice a day i go to toilet. but sometimes stool is not good and i dont get enough pressure. i get anal pain while the stool is not good.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

i sleep very good. i always sleep in freefaller posture(that is on my stomach).

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

i am unmarried and virgin

20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?

i am logically better than others, and i am smarter than an average person. i listen to people and i think i can feel/think what others feel/think.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

to treat hairfall i have taken both homeopathy(including a combination method) and allopathy. definitely in vain. i have been trying homeopathy for depression.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

there is no hairfall sign in my father or mother not even in my grandfathers' tree. only one of my paternal cousin used to have hairfall, and he also got recovered. my mother once suffered from depression. my father has gas problems in his stomach. my paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather are suffering from canc*r (the forum does not permit the word).

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance

i am now a bald person with shaved head. when i am depressed, people easily can recognize me as sad. otherwise i used to be confident in front of people.
[message edited by morshed on Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:37:46 GMT]
morshed last decade
Hi- it is a big holiday here today- will
get back to you tomorrow on this.
simone717 last decade
oh yes it is Thanksgiving there, isnt it? happy thanksgiving to you. enjoy your holiday with friends and family. i also like to express my gratitude to you for your help. thanks :)
morshed last decade
dear simone,

hope you are enjoying thanksgiving. from last night i am feeling better in case of depression. but from this morning, breathing issues are worse. it really isn't stopping. you told that i might be allergic to damaina Q. isnt it possible to reverse the damiana action ?
morshed last decade
dear simone,

just one more thing, i think a lot. actually i overthink.
morshed last decade
Thanks for the good wishes M-

I have to look over everything including
the breathing issues to find a remedy
that works for all your symptoms at this
time-no matter what caused them.
simone717 last decade
Hi M,

I want you to try one dose of Phosphorus 200c. Take two
drops or 3 pills and dissolve in a couple tablespoons of
water. Stir up and take one tsp of that and hold in your
mouth for 20 seconds. No food or drink for half hour
before or after. Stop taking the salts, wait one day for a gap
after the salts before doing this.

Report what is going on after a couple days.


[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 29 Nov 2014 05:53:39 GMT]
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

its been some 45 hours i have taken phosphorus. i dont see any major improvements. breathing issues might be less intense but i am still having them. i note some major parts of my last two days:

yesterday at afternoon and evening, i faced some arousal of feelings(not sure what they were about but poked by some real events). i felt emotionally unrest. with time it diminished. i started feeling ok. but it was for some two hours. i started feeling depressed. i went to sleep.

today in the morning after waking up, i felt depressed the same way i went to sleep. though with time it attenuated but not vanished. today in the evening, i started feeling good, but it only stayed for some 40 minutes. after that i started feeling bad. by bad i mean, ' i dont enjoy what i am doing. i dont even enjoy being with friends. i cant concentrate into what i am doing. i feel an irritation of feeling. '

last two days i did not have major breathing issues. but today after lunch, i had the problems. no improvement in morning erection.

i will also update you about tomorrow morning

[message edited by morshed on Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:38:24 GMT]
morshed last decade
Yesterday, it may have been some aggravation.
We have to wait a few more days to see what the
remedy is doing. Keep notes as you have been.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

after writing to you last night, my 'feeling bad' reduced to some extent. what i felt was not entirely depression. though could not concentrate into works or enjoying works. it was more like (my depression) - (mental irritation). the same status is continuing still now(for some 20 hours). i did not have major breathing issues. though felt some problems in the morning and at afternoon. and i am feeling very lazy and comfort lover. like i am most of my time passing in my bed.

dear simone, i need some aggression to step forward in life. i am still not getting the passion of having a good life. i am really looking forward to it.

[message edited by morshed on Tue, 02 Dec 2014 12:26:13 GMT]
morshed last decade
Hi M,

The remedy when correct, will bring up
past issues, which will leave and or
change into other issues, which will then
leave-you are in the middle of this now-
so we have to keep waiting bc the remedy
is still acting.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

today in the morning i felt better. actually i pushed myself to be happy. it went alright till noon. from afternoon i am trying to push myself again. but eventually failed. feeling depressed. breathing problem seem to have lessened. i cant remember of major problem. though i am taking deep breaths sometimes. after having a cup of tea in the evening, i am having breathing problems, not in a great intensity
[message edited by morshed on Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:04:22 GMT]
[message edited by morshed on Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:23:10 GMT]
morshed last decade
dear simone,

do you think i need to see some psychiatrist?
morshed last decade

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