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depression and morning erection Page 5 of 8

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Hi- you can update as often as you want,
but need to wait at least a week to see
the effects. Chocolate will act similar
to tea.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

things have been much better with depression and anxiety. but last night and this morning, breathing problem(includes anxiety feeling) after eating have been intense. i have stopped taking tea. but yesterday in the afternoon, i took a cup of tea because i was having a bad headache. after taking tea, there was slight increase in the anxiety level but did not last long. i will notify you further on whether breathing problems happen after eating. while i was having a headache, it seemed that heat is coming out of my body specially from face. ears and head got exceptionally hot.

morning erection is still very bad.

[message edited by morshed on Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:44:43 GMT]
morshed last decade
dear simone,

i am having extreme head aches for the last two days. i am studying most of the time of the day. exams are going on. but not taking tea might be the cause of headaches. i also had to take another cup of tea in the afternoon. with headaches, heat comes out of the body specially from face. same red hot ears. as i said, i am having breathing problems. i am sorry that i could not maintain the tea routine

morshed last decade
Hi M,

I suspect you are having withdrawal from
tea going on.

When you get the headache- take two
tabs of Kali Phos6x and Nat phos6x dissolve
under the tongue. Wait to see how this works for an hour. If still there then take
another two tabs of each. If you feel relief but not
total relief you can wait another hour and see if you
need more of it till it is gone. This is a trial and
error approach till you understand what works on this.

Kali phos is often given for headaches to students
studying for exams and Nat phos is for the heat.

Let me know how it works.
simone717 last decade
thanks simone for your reply. i will update you how things work on this. but i am having breathing problem recently, probably because of recent cups of tea. i will try to avoid tea as much as possible. lets see how it effects breathing.
morshed last decade
Hi M,

You might try to get de-caffeinated tea
if you can and see how that works as
a substitute.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

for last two days i have noticed that after breakfast i have an anxiety feeling, which also includes some breathing problem. but the problem mostly related to the anxiety feeling. i had very bad breathing problem yesterday in the evening. i later realized that i had eaten some snacks just an hour before the event. today sometime after having a burger in the evening i suddenly started feeling depressed between a group of people. today i did not have major breathing problems. generally i feel more depressed after having a meal i think. i will keep a close look to the fact and report to you further. just now i had my diner and i feel more lazy and unwilling to do anything after diner. i am also having breathing problems, not too much though.

[message edited by morshed on Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:39:59 GMT]
morshed last decade
Hi M,

A person can always feel lazy and slowed down after a meal
bc the blood is going to your stomach to digest the food.
That is why heavy meals like meat, etc slow people down
more than having a light meal, like salad or fish.

You have become hypersensitive to physical things causing
normal reactions in your body and so there is a secondary
reaction of anxiety. Bc you can have a split second thought,
of " what is this sensation", " is it going to get worse"
"is it going to affect my breathing" " am I going to have
to go home and/or stop talking to people who are around me"

This is all understandable bc once you have a few times of
anxiety, the anxiety has physical symptoms with it-so
when you have similar physical symptoms you go on hyper alert
and start the questions and monitoring and that releases more
stress hormones.

It takes time for a person to stop this loop.You can have
strategies that you make up for yourself. Such as , when
physical things start up- you could say , ok this is nerves,
and nothing to worry about, if I have this same thing for
3 days in a row and it gets worse then I will do something about
it. That is a way to turn the thinking off-and it is a legitimate
answer- bc if something is really wrong, it won't stop, it will
continue and stay the same or get worse.

The body reacts to these thoughts, so you have to work
with it and calm it down, but you have to believe what
you are saying.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i can understand your words. i need to help myself. and i am trying it.but can you please specify which things i focus on to report to you? like how i will define anxiety/depression so that i can report to you. for example, this evening when i was with my friends suddenly i had that depressive feeling. i did not enjoy myself among them. i wanted to live alone. now how i will address these things? because i dont think i can force myself to enjoy among a group of people. in many cases i try to force myself to do things hoping that i will get back to the previous situations. i mean in which situations, i need to depend on homeopathy? cause i know feeling lazy/inactive is a job for me to get rid of.

[message edited by morshed on Wed, 17 Dec 2014 02:25:54 GMT]
morshed last decade
Hi- just keep reporting how you are doing like

I wrote what I did, because if you are aware of
overthinking the physical things-you can start
to get control of it. A lot of people do this- they
even think it is ok to do this-

The first step in anything is to be aware - of correct knowledge- so this was about
how the body/mind works-- you
will eliminate needless worrying or at least be aware
that the worries are groundless and view the mental
chatter as a boring rant.

Also don't take seriously your mood of the day or hour-
just note it-notice how you take it into the FUTURE and then
feel that this will be lifelong-No- it won't. Stay in the present
moment- feelings change rapidly.


[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 16 Dec 2014 22:04:37 GMT]
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

for the last two days, things are quite good and steady. breathing problems are not gone completely but intensity has been low than before. depression is at minimum level for the last couple of days, though feeling happy has not been the same everyday. yesterday i was happy and could concentrate in studies. today i am not happy as yesterday. reluctance in social activity has also lessened. yet yesterday i felt better than today in each field.

morshed last decade
from evening, i am in a not-feeling good mood, depressed with little pounding heart and do not want to be amid people. i took a cup of tea without milk. it caused breathing problem a little, not as harsh as before. in total, situation has degraded
[message edited by morshed on Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:41:03 GMT]
morshed last decade
Take another dose, same way as before.
simone717 last decade
i took another dose today. today i had very irritable mood. and breathing problem has sustained for a long time. and also anxiety-like feeling after evening
[message edited by morshed on Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:08:27 GMT]
morshed last decade
You are aggravating a bit- it will wear
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i forgot to mention another change. for the last four days i think, morning erection is getting better. four days ago, i just had some little erection. each day it got better and today i have an alright erection.

morshed last decade


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

from afternoon, i am having immense breathing problem with anxiety feeling.both are intense and this is continuing for a long time.

another question: is my breathing problem called dyspnea ?
[message edited by morshed on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:25:03 GMT]
morshed last decade
You can call it that- one of the causes
is generalized anxiety disorder which
you are having. It is a common symptom
of this.

You have to wait this out.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

acute breathing problem has not shown in last couple of days. but breathing problem after eating has not showed any improvement. my stomach remains hot all the time. i am taking yogurt, which gives little help.

mainly breathing problem occurs after meals. but anxiety feeling is not intense like before after meals for the last couple of days. sometimes i feel depressed but i can fight with it. so depression level is low but happiness is yet not present in full form.

morning erection is again absent/very very weak

morshed last decade
Hi M,

Start taking,

Calc Sulph,
Calc Phos
Ferrum Phos

All 6x tissue salts.
2 tabs of each, 3 x a day. This is for your
stomach. Your gut has to be re-balanced,
do the yogurt every day- the yogurt is
putting the right flora back into the
gut so you can digest properly.

Pay attention to eating healthy-
Bad food, fast food, you cannot get
away with doing this anymore.

Take the salts for 4 days and then report.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

hope you are fine. today i am having suppressed breathing all day long, not quite unbearable actually. it is light. but almost all day long

morshed last decade

How is the digestion?

Do you notice anything from the salts?

What is going on today- have you had tea or chocolate,
is there a reason you can think of for being anxious?
simone717 last decade
digestion is not good cause i had food poisoning (my whole family is suffering from it). i am taking the pills. i dont feel hot stomach anymore. but stool is too bad. and sometimes having a little ache in stomach.

Breathing problem:
i did not take any tea/coffee before i wrote to you. later i took a cup of tea. it did not worsen the matter, right now the breathing is not bothering me. though the whole day i had breathing issue, it was light

morshed last decade
When did the food poisoning start?

What did you do about it?

How are you now and do you think the ache in your
stomach is from the food poisoning?

Describe what the stool looks like. How often do you
go? Is there any type of pain or straining?
simone717 last decade
it started just two days ago. i did not do anything actually. i thought i will recover if i maintain routine.

the ache is fully due to the poisoning. generally it does not ache. but any pressure on stomach(like last night i took a cup of tea) causes bloating and pain, not much though.

i go to toilet 3-4 times. my stool is close to diarrhea sample, a little more solid. no such pain/straining during stool. but stool experience is irritable. sometimes i feel ache in stomach before that. i am not sure whether it is food poisoning. i just thought it might be close to food poisoning

morshed last decade

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