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depression and morning erection Page 4 of 8

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dear simone,

do you think i need to see some psychiatrist?
morshed last decade
Well M, here in usa, the psychiatrists mostly are the MD's that just hand out
psych medicines, antidepressants and
one size fits all to suppress everything.

I think seeing a counselor/therapist can
be helpful in terms of support, listening,
being a coach.

You have anxiety issues, which make you
overthink things and make things seem

The phosphorus is working, we just need to see when you
need another dose.
simone717 last decade
yes simone,
i wanted to mean a therapist. i am anxious or really upset being depressed for so long. i know i am losing the best days of my life to do good things. i really need help and thanks for providing it from your place. i will try to find a therapist. i will update you

morshed last decade
dear simone,

when i wake up in the morning, i had the continuation of the same depression i had when i went to sleep. and my erection is getting worse. because whenever i want myself excited, i dont have erection. i had the same problem when i started my previous thread. thats why i was more cautious about ED that time. it seems to me that i am going back to that status.

morshed last decade
dear simone,

i was feeling depressed in the morning. with time, depression though lessened little anxiety did not come let me be in peace. (at noon, i masturbated). after that i started feeling better. in the afternoon, i started feeling better. now in the evening after having a cup of tea, again mental irritation along with breathing issues is poking me. i wish that "being better" might last long. one more thing, again this "feeling better" is different from other times. because, this time i felt steady mentally so i can concentrate

[message edited by morshed on Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:12:53 GMT]
morshed last decade

The remedy is still acting-You have to be patient.

And the cup of tea, activates your adrenal glands-
it is an "upper" like coffee.

When a person has anxiety any substance that is going
to speed up the body- is going to activate anxiety.
Think of it this way- if someone was having a severe
anxiety attack and you gave them coffee, that would
spike the anxiety attack into probably a panic attack.

So your nerves are really not settled enough yet to
handle the tea.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

so is it ok if i take tea? last night gradually everything settled down after that tea causing adrenalin rush. i felt good with better stability of mind. this morning situation is unchanged. now i take deep breaths but previous breathing problem is not happening. depression level is 10% from last night to this morning. (from actually last afternoon). no morning erection at all for quite some time.

morshed last decade

It would be good to skip tea until you are more stable.
You could have hot water with some lemon squeezed into
it with some honey if you want. Or try not more than
2 cups of chamomille tea or another herbal tea.

I don't know what 10% from last night to today means.

Just keep track of what is going on each day- for a few
simone717 last decade
by "10%", i meant the depression level was 10% of my highest intensity of depression. things are pretty unchanged. i feel little depressed. but mental status is steady.
[message edited by morshed on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 10:24:22 GMT]
morshed last decade
If your highest level of depression was

What percent are you depressed now?
simone717 last decade
now i am 10% depressed. the situation is steady. i forgot to tell you two major changes. one is my thirst has increased a lot. another is my sleep is less than before. but this is good. more sleep made me feel more lazy.

morshed last decade
dear simone,

this time while filling up the form i forgot to tell about my lipoma. i have several lipoma in my body. at the age of 14, i had a tumor in my leg that was surgically removed. another thing is, my skin gets extremely dry in winter. now here winter has not yet arrived. already my palm skin is peeling.
morshed last decade
Thanks for the info.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

my situation is unchanged for the last few days. depression level is very low (10%). i like being alone. though will not have a problem being with people. anxiety level seems zero. no anxiety about things. very calm inside(may be a little too much)

[message edited by morshed on Sat, 06 Dec 2014 19:01:08 GMT]
morshed last decade
Good. Lets see how it goes for
another week.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

today from around afternoon, i think the inside calm level is breaking. i am right now feeling angry and disturbed inside. moreover the breathing problem is intenser than the last few days. i am taking deep breaths more frequently

morshed last decade
Report tomorrow and lets see
what the situation is then.

What was the trigger for this? Actual
events or interactions or just thoughts?
simone717 last decade
i had an exam today. so i had to study yesterday. after studying for some continuous hours, it happened. but i was really angry inside and reacted in every small occurrence.

to report about today, i had an exam in the afternoon. i took a cup of tea in the morning. and i had that anxiety level high for quite some good time. for 2-3 hours. it was also accompanied by breathing problem. i just took another cup of tea. anxiety level rises but not like in the morning. that super calm state is not happening inside. not feeling depressed now. but was mentally exhausted in the afternoon.

morshed last decade
dear simone,

some other things: i sweat a lot. even in cold weather, i sweat without doing any work, just sitting, studying.

i had a lot of dandruff when i did not shave my head. my head becomes extremely hot. and head is the major part where i sweat most.

morshed last decade
It is understandable to get angry or
uptight, disturbed when you are studying
for an exam. Also the tea is not helping
anything bc when you are anxious you
have more adrenaline going on. The tea
makes that go on and then you automatically associate it with anxiety.

Report in a few days.
simone717 last decade
yes, but generally i dont show such an outburst of anger. last two days my breathing problem has deteriorated. again after this evening, i feel good. but still had some breathing problem. probably associated with tea in the evening.
morshed last decade
dear simone,

i have been little better. less depression. and also feeling little happy. but respiration is not clear yet. also concentration, focus are not much developed.

another fact i found in the internet that some people are allergic to caffeine. and breathing problems with anxiety,depression are consequences.i am decreasing my tea intake. hopefully i will soon leave it completely.

[message edited by morshed on Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:26:40 GMT]
morshed last decade
with night increasing, my depression is increasing and i am losing the energy to work.
morshed last decade

Please take one more dose of the phos
200c the same way you did before.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i took phos 200 last night. today's conditions :

1. trembling hear(just a little after waking up in the morning. slowly it vanished)

2. less depression
3. not enough happiness/ neither happy nor unhappy, but condition little tend towards unhappiness.

4. concentration/focus problem
5. whole day oppressed breathing (not intense but sustaining whole day). did not take any tea. but ate little chocolate.
6. lazy feeling(triggered by cold and gloomy weather)
morshed last decade
Hi- you can update as often as you want,
but need to wait at least a week to see
the effects. Chocolate will act similar
to tea.
simone717 last decade

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