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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a r n i c a - for anything and everything ... Page 3 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I would be interested to know how ANIMALS are HYPNOTISED if they don't know HOW TO READ OR USE THE INTERNET.

Are you saying that animals and babies cannot be helped with what Joe has to say because they cannot be hypnotised by him?
Pat2006 last decade
The following is answer to a question put by "reni2005" in the following link :
Question : " .......any medicine for quick relief from constipation irrespective of any constitutional remedy"

PROBABLY, the Arnica prescriber, missed out this undermentioned due to non-qualification & professionalism in Homeopathy / medicine. Running a dispensing Store & knee-jerk prescribing is one thing. Understanding the UNDER-LYING REASON for a disease is another thing. Homeopathy is to be prescribed (Hahnemanningly) only for UNDER-LYING REASONs.

Here's NESHA-INDIA's theory, to be considered with an open mind : All comments & discussions, biased or non-biased are invited.

ARNICA, is a muscular tonic. The potty (stools) gets accumulated in the Colon & Rectum.The muscles and the nerves of the colon, if they are weak or sluggish will cause "tenesmus" (a continuous or frequently recurring desire to defecate, with painful and ineffectual straining to empty the bowels), leading to so called common lay-man's term called "constipation".

- Arnica is italically indicated for "tenesmus"
- - Arnica is italically indicated for "trauma" = as in strain / overuse of any organ.
- - - REPEATED ineffectual straining at the bowel to expel stools creates "TRAUMA" for the tissues of the colon, straining the muscles and nerves, further weakening the colon MUSCLES, which further causes constipation and the cycle is repeated endlessly.

QUESTION TO ALL : (or on nesha-india's above theory)

Can Arnica be given for Constipation - IF NO, WHY NO ?.
? Dry dose for obstinate constipation.
? Wet dose for sticky constipation.
Arnica-Q + Oil (or saline), as an Enema atleast as a PALLIATIVE for constipation.

If Arnica can act for ANY & ALL diseases, then will Arnica as well act for Constipation too. Atleast as a PROPHYLACTIC OR atleast-atleast as a PROPHYLAXIS as a preventive for Constipation, on the basis of an on-going discussion on the following link :

Homeopathy prescribed conveniently - THIS FOR THAT.

CONSTIPATION = Abroma augusta radix, Hydrastis-Q, Senna-6X.
CHRONIC CONSTIPATION = SILICEA-30X (4 tablets x 3 times daily)
Bio-chemic for Constipation = Calc.Phos.-3X (6 tablets x 3 times daily)
Nesha-India last decade
Nesha-India is bang-on in most of her comments. Anyone who understands homeopathy will realize that what Joe de Livera practises is not homeopathy, but a travesty of the system. No amount of reasoning or questioning shifts him from his conviction that he has 'discovered' this or that. please note that he has been questioned repeatedly on all the forums he visits and NEVER has an answer to intelligent questions but reacts like a child throwing a tantrum. I am sure many of us are tired of the 76yr. old with 120/80 BP story, as if nobody that age ever has normal BP. Claiming cures that cannot be absolutely ascribed to homeopathy (as in the case of the boy in a coma, where other treatments were continued - ironically, this might be a genuine use of Arnica!) or have not been documented or justified can only be counted as shots in the dark at best. THIS IS NOT HOMEOPATHY. To ignore fundamentals and then boast of originality or "God given gifts", ignoring pleas to understand why this shoddy practice of 'prescribing' like an allopath and ignoring all failures but conveniently recording "successes", is no positive to homeopathy. No knowledge of miasms, suppressions or bad effects from driving in diseases. Good intentions cannot excuse cussed ignorance.
good that at least someone on this forum has the guts to repeatedly try to educate laymen on facts. Too bad if it irritates or angers J d L - after all, his 'practice' irritates and angers many homeopaths, all of whom he accuses of being terrified of losing income while he offers free treatment. Mr. de Livera, doctors study many years to make homeopathy their PROFESSION, and while so many help others free of charge, I would like to ask if, in your profession (rather than your hobby of playing doctor) you provide goods and services for free.
ripas last decade
"sthillaiyah" & ALL OTHERS : Thanks, for participating over here on this discussion.

"sazim" :
1. You did not take a guess about my qualifications & experiences, so you can't win the thousand pounds.
2. What you have understood on my last post-article, is absolutely correct.
- Specific potency of drug for specific disease picture ... otherwise obiviously there could be no potencies required and you could give Arnica for ANY & ALL disease picture like Allopathically on THIS FOR THAT basis.
- Specific disease picture intensity requires specific intensity of the DRUG (i.e. the potency)
- the intensity of the Drug can be raised by the ascending potency
- disease picture starts to taper off with a correct hit of specific-potency-drug.
= no more of any specific-potency-drug.
3. REgarding your own case-history, after checking your profile and the posts listed therein, I think that you STRICTLY require a life-style change and an attitude-change (both physical and mental).
That is apart from medicines.

4. Email is not possible, since I am always short of time. HOWEVER, I am under WWW SKYPE COM , under login name "nisha-india". You have to download and install from the website. It is a online free chatting software. Normally I logon between 13:00 - 15:00 G.M.T. We can chat live,

Nesha-India, invites all interested members to chat live, as above.
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Nisha

I am living in the United Arab Emirates, and it seems that the local internet provider(etisalat) has blocked that site(skype.com) for reasons obvious, can you suggest any other means of communication, or????
You have recommended an attitude change and a life style change, you have to be more specific than that,if possible.....just to update i have been under a homeopath's treatment for the last six months, initially he gave me some medicines for 2 months which had no effect whatsoever, then after a break of 1 month, he gave me a medicine for 3 months( to be taken 3 times a day), within 15 days my conditions improved dramatically by 50%, and then it waned (back to 10%), I have continued his medicine through out upon his insistence. I am about to finish his medicine, and he is going to send me another set of medicines for 1 month, he is assuring me that everything will be alright within a month. Please note that on top of using the homeopathic medicine I am also using Natrum Mur 12X 3 tablets one dose a day, after taking my dinner, which has helped my thyroid a great deal. Somethings which I have noticed recently is that i am a chronic sneezer as well, 4/5 sneezes at a time, this could point towards some form of allergy as well, interestingly when I was cured 50%, my sneezing vanished completely.....now it is back. Now Questions ?

Should I continue with my current homeopath?

Should i do some sort of food intolerance test for allergies?

Should i seek alternative treatments(herbal,magnetic,reiki,bach remedies)

Best Regards
sazim last decade
Dear Nisha

Natrum Mur is in Biochemic form.

sazim last decade
"sazim" :
1. Avoid Homeo medicines from two different Homeopaths. Y'll complicate your case. Likewise please continue with your existing homeopath with appropriate loyalty.
2. Food allergy test and Food intolerance test are two different tests. Food intolerance are usually done on in-house patient basis and takes long time and long observations to have SOME results.
- Food allergy test should be sufficient, to determine those allergen foods, that would have direct relation to pathological disorders.
- Allergy test is a precise and specific test, AND SHOULD BE done only by a qualified - Allergologist and NOT by a dermatologist or a asthmatologist or a kinisologist..
- Do allergy test on individual foods, as mentioned above (pre-prepare your own food list) and allergy test should NOT BE DONE on FOOD GROUPS. It will give false readings.
- I think U.A.E. may not have facilties of Food Allergy tests. Though re-confirm.
3. Alternative therapies like herbal, magnetic, reiki, bach remedies are in a way complimentary to Homeo and would not interfere with Homeo medicines, Though I do not suggest the same except the Bach flower remedies.
4. I have many people in different places in U.A.E. & other places who are in constant contact with me for their medical consultations and they are all done thru Skype com. Try again. OR else please include your email i.d. in your profile. I'll email you.
5. Do you get Bach flower remedies in U.A.E. .. If possible, please confirm.
6. I suppose you will need appropriate psycological consultation on a one-to-one basis, & that's not possible via email since it will mean constant question & answer sessions and internet chatting will serve this purpose easily.

Nesha-India, has started a new thread titled : " MILK - Why is it not absorbable in the human body ? ", link http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/52848/

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
A proverb by Nesha-India :

" Early to Arnica and Early again to Arnica makes a man Sleepy, Hairy & PACIFIED "
Nesha-India last decade
Another quotation

"Press her button and watch the show"
sanj551 last decade
Dear Nesha

Thanks a million for being a patient listener and advisor, your opinions and suggestions are very enlightening, I was thinking of changing my homeopath after finishing the next battery of medicine, but now i will stick to him for a while, I will further investigate the issue of allergies and how it is complicating my illness, Bach remedies are not available in UAE as far as i know, just to update you I have started investigating magnetic therapy for my prostatitis, and have even ordered a north pole magnetic seating cushion, which is suppose to work as a coolant on my inflamed prostate, this magnetic cushion is made by a company in India, and it seems that they know what they are doing.....any feedback of yours on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Glad to know that there are other people from UAE using skype, i will give it a final try, and i totally agree, there is nothing better than a one to one communication to solve cases like mine, I will also include my email address in my login id....

Thanks & warmest regards

sazim last decade
Dear Nesha

Now you can see my email address under my profile

sazim last decade
In the link http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/55158/1, post dated '2006-05-13'
'PANKAJ VARMA', has mentioned the following just incredible sentence :


The 76 year old, with the 'Universal panecea called 'Arnica"., is also under the same BELIEF and is definetely trying to move all the Homeo MOUNTAINS, while searching for 'kuldeep's' 'SANJIVANI HERB'.

Pankaj'bhai, that was wonderfully wonderful.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
What did you say Nesha ??........
Blunderfully blunderful ...about Arnica !!!!!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
nisha_india can you attach your picture here, so I can see your real face.

Otherwise my imagination reflects Broom-Hilda’s face.
lopez last decade

sajjadakram635 last decade
All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self evident.

--- Arthur Schopenhauer ---
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear 'Lopez' : That was very very funny. My tummy still aches from the laugh I had.

For answer to this, read http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/55158/2
Nesha-India last decade
Lopez, please only post each 'thought' only one time, in one thread.

Thank you,
moderator last decade
That's Lopez Stopped in her tracks then - she has only the one thought, it seems.
monza last decade
Dear 'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface', (all are one person),

heee hee hee heeee hee heee, ouch my tummy still aches with all the laughing.
Nesha-India last decade
My dear Nesha-India,
Joe has dealt wonderfully with your critisim, and he has expressed his thoughts and feelings extremely well. He has a certain maturity level to his writing that you seem to lack. I am quite confused on a few things, and I would like clarification. First of all, how did you formulate the idea Arnica was to be used for everything and anything? I have read quite a bit of Joe's writings, and I have never got that impression. I would also like to know exactly what your purpose was in starting this thread. It would seem it's purpose was to critsize Joe. I would like to remind you that Joe's sole purpose in visiting these sites is to help suffering humanity. He is not here to draw fire from anyone. The only possible reason I can come up with for your feelings of emnity towards Joe, who has spent 30 years helping those not blessed with good health, free of charge mind you, is jelousy. Anger is the most juvenile way to deal with jelousy, and I don't believe anyone truly admires you for your 'forthrightness'

I have more to say, but I am leaving for Church.

I would like to close with a quote a read today: 'Tact is being able to make a point without making an enemy.'

Think about that Nesha,

~God Bless you,
Sally Lue
Sally Lue last decade
One last thing,
I am aware there is a few spelling errors in that last post. I forgot to fix them before I submitted it.

Sorry about that.
Sally Lue last decade
One may ask, why roosters fight? They have to fight, can’t help. God made them to fight.
kuldeep last decade
Look who is here. Mr. Gentleman.
lopez last decade
True, true indeed. It would seem humans are no different.
Sally Lue last decade
I'm sorry Lopez,
I didn't see your post, so my post after yours was to Kuldeep. It is really too bad that humans feel the need to create conflict with one another. I will never understand it. It was probably a bad idea to get involved in this thread, but I did, because I am so indebted to Joe. Joe's writing is far superior to my own, and he can handle this much better than I can, as he has had quite a bit of practice. I am not trying to make enemies, I was simply stating my opinion, which probably did not need to be stated, as it seems to be the opinion of more than one person here.

To Nesha India,
All I can say is: May the good Lord bless you and give you a spirit of forgiveness and acceptance.
Sally Lue last decade

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