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ABC Homeopathy Forum



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a r n i c a - for anything and everything ... Page 10 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you Mohan for exposing the WITCH which she has openly admitted that she is. Unfortunately for her the charms that she tried on me did not work and as far as I am aware, if in fact she did one against me when she was last in Colombo a few days ago, it is common knowledge among those who believe in these devilish charms that she runs the risk of the charm boomeranging back on her. This may serve to open her eyes to the realities of life where
I might also add that TRUTH too conquers all.

You may like to know that in spite of what she states about Arnica I have just replied a post from a patient confirming how it has helped to reduce his BS level which I shall copy below:

Re: diabetes/hypothroidism - Arnica Montana From information on 2006-11-04
helloo every1,

I am glad to inform you that using Arnica 30c in wet form + cinnamon tea twice a day, reduced my BS fasting level from 160 to 120/130 within a week. ( I am using Glocophage 500 twice a day)I am not doing any excercise, I am pretty sure if I manage my diet plan & little excercise, my diabetes will be normal. Thank you very much for Mr. Joe, I will post any further improvement in futur.

can Any1 help me to stop smoking? i am a chain smoker and smoke around 25 cigrette per day.

Re: diabetes/hypothroidism - Arnica Montana From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-04
I am glad that you reported on the success of the Arnica therapy and I hope that the skeptics on this forum will take note.

You may like to know that many have succeeded in QUITTING smoking and you can read presonal reports on:


It is essential that you alter your life from now on and you will discover that the Arnica will help you to quit smoking. You will then start on an exercise routine first on a low level basis but the main requirement is that you sweat it out to promote your body to come back to normal ASAP.

You may discover that after you quit smoking that your appetite may return and you are warned not to overeat as this will affect your Diabetes.

Please also check your Blood sugar level daily on a digital gauge and reduce the drugs you are now taking which you can replace with the Arnica/Cinnamon therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

If all scientistis stuck to what their predecessors scribed, there would be no new thoughts, priciples, researches and inventions ..........the result --> stagnation of skill, knowledge and experiences.

I am not an academician but a research scientist. Keep trying new ways and modifications of existing principles and methods.

I strongly believe in your approach and methodology. AFTER ALL THE RESULTS THAT MATTER.

Libraries are full of books new and old. Let book worm dabble there. You go on helping people achieve results from their ailments.

Every day a crow comes and sits of the frame of my balcony window and keeps on making noise till I kick him away. This is the crux of the story.....
Mohan last decade
Have more fun:

Re: On request Diabets explained From Nesha-India on 2006-11-03
Dear Dr. Beek,

Question : What's the difference between Stress, Tension and Panic ?
- STRESS is when wife is pregnant,
- TENSION is when girlfriend is pregnant,
- and PANIC is when both are pregnant.

The above perception on 'Stress, Tension and Panic' was psychic'ally engineered by Nesha-India, to induce intellectual humour.

Thank you for smiling. Please do not forget to 'archive' my last reply, in your office, as usual, like my earlier replies. One day I am going to do 'psychic' travelling and visit your office. Hope you won't mind when you see my shadow.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India


Now I think my house is haunted. Last night someone moved my shoes. I don't care about my godamn shoes but there was a smell too.
kuldeep last decade
Cinnamon alone works for diabetes for some people.

arnica is not necessary.

gavinimurthy last decade
FOR records, this is what 'a406a4' had to say on the following link :

- - - quote
Re: Concerns about Arnica 6c From a406a4 on 2006-11-07

gavinimurthy, I haven't noticed any new symptoms since I've been taking Arnica 6c, it seems as though it has had no effect.

Joe, I haven't noticed any side effects so far, but I am now concerned about using it, I rather live with the eczema than have it potentially cause other problems.
- - - unquote

AND ...
AND the VETERAN homeopath 'gavinimurthy' confirms by saying this :

- - - quote
Re: Concerns about Arnica 6c From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-07

If it has not helped you even after 50 days, it is not going to help you.

You are lucky that there are no new symptoms.It means you are not susceptible to the medicine.

It won't help you, either in a good way or a bad way.It is as if taking a spoon of plain water everyday.
- - - unquote

The Homeopathic CAUSATIVE factor should be found out before recklessly prescribing a medicine (like Arnica) for ANY & ALL diseases. OTHERWISE, it is just placiebo'cally only a palliative (only temporary relief leading & cumulating to more powerful & dangerous symptoms later on, in the long term).

BE CAUTIOUS : Read this links throughly before attempting self-medicating.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Re: attn: moderator From ripas on 2006-11-13

- part of Quote, reproduced here for records, IN CONTEXT.

The whole history and practice of hoemopathy has enough provenance, Joe - your so-called method has none. Intepreting things as you'd like them to be is no proof at all.
It seems to be your stand that you should be allowed to do as you please and are actually a saviour - I am sure that's what you believe. However, those who know a little bit more know also the results of the kind of thing you practice. It is not bogeyman talk - it is a fact.

- UN-quote

(for full analysis, please read post by 'ripas' dated 13th November at the above link)
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Nisha

For once in many months you have posted something that I feel I must respond to which is so different from your usual attacks on me when you joined Murthy in just being unpleasant.

I do hope that you have spent a few minutes in reading the post I made yesterday in response to Ripas, which I copy below, where I believe I have answered the fears expressed in your post above.

The point that I wish to make and that emphatically, is that I do believe that the human mind alone cannot possibly identify a remedy on the strict rules that are dictated to by classical homeopathy. I have detailed the reason why I have made this statement in my post to Ripas below. If homeopathic software, preferably Radar is used, the situation is changed and at the end of a case taking session at which the patient must be present, the remedies that are identified by the software can then be discussed with the patient and the choice jointly made with perhaps the experience of the homeopath added to help in the prescription. You will observe that it is quite impossible to identify a remedy based on the classical system on a Forum such as the ABC where patients post an ailment and expect the resident prescribers to come up with a remedy, stat. Even if the 150 questions that Rajiv has posted as the ideal for a classical analysis are answered, it will not be possible for the prescriber to identify a remedy without having the patient physically present before him.

The reason why I prefer to use my Joepathy on the forums that I visit daily is because it is not possible to use Radar software for every patient who posts an ailment as the rubrics are few and far between. This is where my method proves to be of great use as I can use my experience in the treatment of the ailment which in the majority of cases I have treated before in other patients and I feel that my inner voice which I often consult when I am not sure of the remedy. I believe strongly in God and seek His guidance in not only homeopathic cases but also my whole life, moment to moment and I have never been disappointed so far. I am living evidence to His protection and His guidance and I regret that you have not tasted of that Divine Help from your Creator as you have indicated that you dabble in the occult arts which I believe stem from a negative force which you stated you set lose here in Colombo against me when you visited at least one of the showrooms of my organization. I do hope that you will remember that it was a Supreme Being who created even that negative force that you adore and I hope that you will not be consumed by that negative force during your life so far. It is still not too late to be more helpful to others as I firmly believe that one's heaven and hell are on this earth during your lifetime. I can only advice you that your present attitude of hatred towards others which you for some reason concentrate on me will consume you and this is so very unnecessary as I feel certain that you do have a spark of goodness in you which you can put to better use.

I believe that you have kept yourself informed of the many remarkable cures that I have achieved with my Joepathy and the latest is the case of the Chocolate Cyst case where I believe I was in some way able to be of help to the couple. You can read all about this case on the thread entitled 'Chocolate Cyst - Joe De Livera. This is only one of the cases that I have succeeded in resolving successfully as you are no doubt aware and I hope that my record of success may prove to you that it is not the method used ---- Classical versus Joepathy, that matters. It is more the number of cases that I have helped to cure with my own way of healing which you should also be aware is the same method that the vast majority of qualified homeopaths in the Indian subcontinent also use but unfortunately do not have the courage to state so openly for fear of losing their license.

I would welcome your posts as long as they are at the level of language in the post above as I believe that between you, Murthy and me, we may be able to prove to the patients who post on the ABC that there are other methods of healing which need not be restricted only to the classical method which at least on this forum has not been able to equate the success that has followed my Joepathy.

Joe De Livera

Re: Recent cases of Homeopathy Terrorism. Convert to Classical Homeopathy or Die. From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-12
To Ripas

I note that you have made an analogy of Murthy's pronouncements on his version of classical homeopathy with pickpockets robbing customers in my chain of showrooms. To me your analogy seems far fetched as on the one hand pickpockets will operate wherever there is a crowd and they do not have to only operate within the walls of our organization. No amount of notices will reduce their incidence nor will the general public be any more impressed with them.

In Murthy's case we resent the constant irritation that he projects with his inane posts which compel me and others to waste our time away from the main purpose of our being present on the forums which is to help those who post their ailments. You may have noticed that Murthy has not deigned to help patients other than just a handful and the patients who have shown obvious signs of cure like in the case of the Fistula, Eczema, Asthma and so many others whom I and the others are treating which he butts in and warns patients of the dire consequences that according to him, follow if they do not stop their therapy forthwith. He expects me and my patients to await his official sanction and confirmation that the therapy that has already worked is OK and that they can continue to use these remedies. It surprises me to note that he is still permitted on this forum as although I suspected that he was kicked out of his Hpathy forum he does not post on it in the manner that he used to do in the past since he joind it a few years ago.

Remember that we have only read Murthy's rantings about how any remedy when used daily will cause aggravation but this theory I have disproved with my daily use of Arnica 30c in the wet dose. Murthy can treat his own patients and I wish his patients well but the chances of his outdoing me on this forum are remote as I have a certain aura of love and dedication that I project to patients who reciprocate by often addressing their post to me personally, all of which is anathema to Murthy who seems to be badly in need of help for his own mental state as evidenced by his posts on this forum a few days ago which were more in the nature of a raving lunatic and had to be deleted by the moderator.

Has it ever occurred to you that Murthy may be just another hypocrite masquerading under the guise of 'PROTECTING' homeopathy from the onslaughts from persons like me and a few others who have spent many hours of our free time in trying to help those who post on this forum in the hope of a cure ? We have yet to see his prowess in healing which he has admitted today only dates back 4 years. In comparison you may be interested to know that my record dates back from 1968 when I was healed of an ailment by homeopathy and I was at that time a confirmed skeptic who did not believe in Homeopathy as it seemed to me so very illogical. This is what prompted me to study it and the more I studied it the greater was my amazement that this science, although it did not follow the standard logical process of thought, had the uncanny ability to heal in a manner that was almost miraculous. It was a few years later, about 1975 that I first decided to experiment as Murthy himself has done only 4 years ago with using standard remedies which I had obtained from Mumbai to treat myself and my immediate family and when my staff numbering over 500 at that time became aware of the fact that I seemed to have what they felt was a 'magic tough' they all decided to come to me for help. I then continued with my studies and was first introduced into the Classical mode of treatment which I finally debunked as being a mere figment of the imagination of interested parties to keep Homeopathy strictly within the fold of their classical fraternity which I felt then and am convinced today is purely a ruse to generate more and more revenue. I had by this time decided that I would used my own initiative in treating patients whom up to today I have always done on a purely voluntary basis free of all monetary compensation as I felt that the gift that many thought that I had of healing which I seem to have inherited from my forefathers who were historically recorded as being famous Ayurvedic physicians one of whom cured the last King of Kandy of some unknown ailment.

Even today I feel that it is that inherited love of healing that impels me forward in spite of Murthy's vituperative posts directed against me which he has admitted only yesterday that he is doing without any shame at how his whole character has changed for the worse in the past 6 months since he was the normal homeopath who would help patients as I proved with his own posts on the Hpathy forum only yesterday. I felt that my Homeopathy was a gift that I could not use for any gain as I counted on the good God to reward me in His own time. He has done so in a manner that even surprises me as at my age when my close friends of my age group are no more, I still seem to have the zest of a person many years my junior which I have dedicated to healing in my own way which I have proved to be eminently effective.

The presence of my 2 sons in the business which they joined after returning from their post graduate studies one in Music and the other in Economics a few years ago gave me more free time to use to help patients. I added to my stock of remedies and right now I have over 550 remedies in varying potencies which I use in my own way which is the direct 'this for that' way also now known as 'Joepathy' which was first used as a derisive description of my healing methods about which Murthy sometimes dissolves into paroxysms of rage in his efforts to warn patients who have been treated by me successfully as he can see for himself on the threads that he infests. It is pathetic to see how he rages through his post scattering warnings about and doing his utmost to warn my patients. It is ironic that some have just told him rudely to get lost. He still persists in bugging almost every one of my posts and it is interesting that the other homeopaths wait upon his pronouncements with baited breath irrespective of the fact that all his ravings about his own brand of hyper classical homeopathy may be all classifiable as 'bull s**t'. The point that I wish to make here is that none has so far dared to confront Murthy on his pronouncements which so far have been based merely on warnings to the unsuspecting patient when it may be discovered if and when he suggests the classical in his own time, that it may be one that is far removed from the remedy that others like me may have used. We shall have to await his pleasure till such time as he commences to prescribe when it is quite possible that we may be able to pay him back with his own coin and bug his post as he has bugged ours. It is more than possible that his own patients whom he seeks to cure with his classical remedies may turn upon him in disgust when they discover that his prescriptions do not work.

It is interesting to note that his hyper classical knowledge of homeopathy dates back on his own admission to only 4 years back and it is interesting to compare the experience that Pankaj and I have had in this science which in my case I first started to help others in 1975 up to today. Only time will prove whether his scant knowledge of homeopathy which he pretends to know virtually backwards may turn to be another figment of his imagination from which we may ourselves have to save the patients on this forum

My antipathy against classical homeopathy is due to the simple fact that I discovered that no two homeopaths will prescribe the same remedy for an ailment which each will evaluate based on his own studies in the classical stream which I have been spared as I have done my own studies and also have the experience of thousands of cases that I have treated with success. I do not have any hesitation in prescribing the same remedy for another patient who presents with the same ailment as I have invariably discovered that it is by no means essential to find the similimum as the Joepathy method invariably works more positively and quickly. I respect your views but not those of Murthy who has crossed the fine line of decency of what one expects from a fellow human being which does not only encompass Homeopathy. It is just the fact that he is completely without SHAME as he himself admits but he infests this and other forums like the proverbial bull in the china shop, causing so much unnecessary consternation and ill feeling which is the hallmark of those demented.

I do realize that I and a few others who post on this and other forums are marked men but this will not make any difference to me today after over 25 years of actively helping patients with my Joepathy which I am glad to note is slowly catching up in the Indian subcontinent, without any help from me as reported by a qualified homeopath who posted today who confirmed that he and his boss used my direct system.

I am convinced that the image of classical homeopathy will wane slowly but surely as the world wakes up to the subterfuge that has been perpetrated by qualified classical homeopaths who unlike Murthy are still prepared to use the direct system because they have discovered that it works although they do not openly admit the fact as they fear that they will run afoul of their homeopathic license. It is my hope that I will live to see the day that more homeopaths will make bold to admit as Monachand, the homeopath from Ludhiana has done today on this forum, that he and his boss did not discover any negative impact in their use of the homeopathic method on a this for that basis, that I use in common with the large majority of Homeopaths in the Indian subcontinent.
Joe De Livera last decade
Pradip....I think you made some mistake.
You used the wrong thread...shuold have been on Nesha's Laughter thread.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
FOR the records, this is what 'Tommys' had to say on the following link :

arnica 30c From Tommys on 2006-03-27 5 replies 440 views

- - - start

i have been taking arnica 30c for the last 3 months. i have noticed a slight improvment in my hair fall.

when i stop takking arnica my acnce comes back...should i keep on taking arnica?
- - - end
Nesha-India last decade
To Nisha

Please read the post below and inform me if you have ever received one even remotely similar addressed to you.

Re: Congrats ABC From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-17
I have just read the post I shall copy below, even though I fear that it may be interpreted by at least one whom I have already used this expression on, as 'a monkey praising his own tail' .

I would like to add that the purpose of my doing so is to prove to these other 'monkeys' the response that I usually receive from grateful patients whom I try to help.

Re: Choclate Cyst - Joe De Livera From Deepak Ranjan on 2006-11-17
Dear Sir,

I extremely moved by your compassion and care for your patients.

My wife according to the alloathic school of treatment is a unusual case.

Firstly during her chocolate cyst operation the endometrial wall came out of the right ovary when they had puctured it to aspire the blood accumulation form the right ovary.

Secondly my wife was given GNRH Analogue 3.75 to suppress her periods on 10 OCt 2006.

But she had a periods on 20th October 2006.

So accordingly if she has conceived she should have conceived on around 14th day of her period that is 2-3 rd Nov 2006.

Now according to the allopaths with GNRH 3.75 administered chance of to conception is very low.

Homeopathically she was given a doz of Puls CM on 1st Octber 2006 and then BEll PER 30 in dilutions from November 2nd 2006.

Till today all her symptoms like morning sickness, Nausea and Vomiting form smell of Food, body temperature and urge to urine etc indicates that she could be pregnant.

I will do the tests on after she misses her periods or after 25th Nov 2006.

I will keep you posted on this matter.

Although I am new to this forum and lately see a lot of writng between classical and non classical theory,But from the core of my heart i can just say your altrustic intentions with compassion are beyond any logical argument any one can advocte.

Please keep up this good work.
Joe De Livera last decade
She is being treated allopathically, and if she conceives, it is not because of your medicine.

Please understand that.

Many times, people who take both allopathic and homeopathic therapies improve on allopathy, and people like you jump in to claim success.

The patients too some times believe it. It is just another case, like that.

I saw many people prising you how wonderful you are when you rise false hopes in them. I also saw them thoroughly demoralised, when they realise that their euphoria is short lived.

gavinimurthy last decade
It worries me greatly that potencies as high as CM are available to the general public and being prescribed by amateur Homoeopaths.
I am currently working, in conjunction with a few organisations here in the UK, to approach our Government with a view to having this restricted to a 30c, and our intention is to eventually lobby the European Government also. I understand this is already in place in a few countries around the world, and our long term aim is for this to become global. We are in the process of building websites and organising ourselves into a central body, and I will post links to these when they are completed so those who are also concerned may come to sign our petitions.

Best wishes to all.

Hahnemania last decade
To Jacob

I saw the email alert for your post and note that you are a very early riser as the time in London was 0530hrs when I first received your email alert. You may like to know that I try to sleep at midnight and wake up without any alarm to help me at 0600hrs. This has been my routine for as long as I can remember. I believe that it is the Arnica 30 in the wet dose that I use, that gives me that deep uninterrupted sleep from which I wake up completely refreshed. I would recommend it to you as well even though you are prejudiced against my Joepathy.

I felt that I must comment on your post where for once you have expressed a matter that I too agree upon. I too accept in principal that the use of remedies in high potencies must be prevented by the general public. You are best able to do so with the support that you can get from your homeopathic organizations but there is no doubt that you will not succeed in your efforts in the Indian subcontinent where Homeopathy is far more advanced that it is in your part of the world where I can see from the reports that I get that the classical envelope that encases all practicing homeopaths has been so formulated by the classical homeopaths such as you is purely designed to ensure that your classical attitude prevails irrespective of whether or not the patient is cured or is condemned to suffer from his ailment, all in the name of classical homeopathy.

I can give you a very good example of the case of my cousin who is herself a graduate of the Royal College of Homeopathy where she decided to study after I had first sparked her interest in Homeopathy in 1980 when I visited her in London. This was at the time I was first testing out my prowess in Homeopathic healing and was able to interest her and her husband who is an ENT surgeon. She keeps collecting degrees but unfortunately not using them at least to help others as I do free of charge. She still studies Homeopathy but prefers to refer all her queries to me for advice.

She developed a stubborn cough about a year ago which was treated by her husband with a cocktail of drugs and later antibiotics but when there was no relief she consulted a well known homeopath who gave her an appointment about 2 weeks ahead which cost her £350 and he prescribed some remedy which did not help her at all. She was then subjected to an internal Xray examination of her lungs under anesthesia and it was discovered that the cause of her cough was due to the discharge of almost solid nodules of phlegm which she described were similar to noodles from a pocket in her right lung. This was sucked out and later analyzed and she seemed to recover after a few days but her old cough returned in a few weeks and we were all very concerned as to what next should be done.

She often consults me on the phone for homeopathic advice and I prescribed my default remedy I use for Asthma which as you are aware is Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose. She did not have any trace of Asthma at all and the long and the short of it all was that there was an immediate improvement in her cough and she was CURED of her cough within a period of about 2 weeks. As a qualified homeopath she could not figure out for herself how my Joepathy generated remedy worked but it certainly did and all is well today. I have instructed her to use the split dose (a teaspoonful stirred in half cup of water from which a tsp is sipped) to be used 3 times weekly and she has not had any recurrence of her ailment for the last 6 months.

It is no wonder that even I am often surprised at the manner that my Joepathy works and I believe that this is due to the God given gift of healing that I may have inherited from my ancestors who were renowned Ayurvedic physicians in Ceylon as Sri Lanka was then known as. One of them has been historically recorded as being the physician to the last King of Kandy, Sri Wickrema Rajasingha in the early 19th century. If you are interested you can read about this King on the link below.

c684c5b9b " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.lankalibrary.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=783&sid=06...

The point that I wish to convey to you and my other detractors on this forum is that it is not the manner of healing, Classical or Non classical (Joepathy) that counts.

It is finally the record of success that does and the sooner that any remedy helps the patient the better.
Joe De Livera last decade
hi..anybody there?

gavinimurthy last decade
Oh no, my sleep patterns are being watched now too!

Heh at Homoeopathy being more advanced in India. It is from India where most of the detractions stem.

And as has been stated 989767 times, there is no 'joepathy' just another example of mongrel Homoeopathy which crop up periodically from time to time, and which are not even aknowledge by true Homoeopaths, they are irrelevant in the scheme of things.

And indeed Murthy, it is a waste of time trying to educate these people, they will never 'get it', this is why they use such methods. It is easier...

Hahnemania last decade
Dear Jacob

I am not trying to educate these self glorifiers.

My effort is directed towards the general visitors here.

These resident prescribers (out of 4 ,only two are left now) are worried about loosing their clout, and refuse to accept that they are lazy people, who want to manage the show, with a few sloppily written books, and some 50 odd prescriptions on their hard disks.

My spats with these people are part of the education for general visitors.

gavinimurthy last decade
You also seemed to have missed something when agreeing with my point mister De Livera. Part of my concern regarding high potencies was that they are being prescribed by amateurs, this was with direct reference to your post above. You are in no position to dictate which potencies are used, you are not a Homoeopath.
Hahnemania last decade
which you pretend that you are, practicing as you are now doing WITHOUT a valid license to do so.

A clear case of 'teaching your grandmother (grandfather?) to suck eggs' .
Joe De Livera last decade
Haha, more gossip? It is quite extraordinairy the try to discredit me, not to mention quite flattering. I must really intimidate you all, which is actually quite funny. Maybe you would do better to examine your own reasons for trying to do so, just a thought ;)
Hahnemania last decade
For Jacob (Hah....ne....mania)

Sometime back I had blasted you and thereafter you were behaving yourself. I had said and I repeat that do not try to be the self appointed expert. Don't convert this esteemed forum into a rubbish wrestling ring.

I would ask you to shut your trap or you invite endless rebukes.

It would give you and all more peace.

Mohan last decade
Dear Mohan,

I missed you on the ABC for a few days and am glad to read your post.

It is the advent of Murthy and Jacob Scot that has turned the once peaceful ABC where patients would post their problems in the hope of a cure and we the resident prescribers would try to help them, to what it is today..... a virtual battle field where the two above named pseudo classical homeopaths shadow each and every post that I and the other make in the hope of ensuring that we will finally give up and retire in disgust from the ABC.

It is fortunate that Simon has finally decided to enter the fray today in Murthy's Congrats ABC where he takes credit for increase the posts from 50 to 90 which he really succeeded in doing yesterday with his inane posts which I unfortunately was compelled to respond to as I felt that I just could not leave a madman who attacked me free of a response in return.

I do hope that Simon will open his eyes and respond to my post that I have just made which I shall copy below for your information>

Dear Simon

I was glad to note that you have finally stepped into this ongoing controversy which was precipitated by Murthy shadowing the posts of every one of the resident prescribers on the ABC comprising Pankaj, Kuldeep, Mohan and I who have been the backbone of the ABC for some years, since June 2003 to be precise in mine. You will observe that Murthy who first registered about 2 years ago preferred to be exclusively on the Hpathy forum from which he was kicked out and then decided to infest this once peaceful Homeoapthic forum ably aided by the resident self confessed witch Nisha and now Hahnemann and they have all succeeded in turning the ABC into a battle ground which is far removed from the original purpose for which it was founded and which is now the laughing stock of the world. I must admit that I feel a sense of sadness that you have permitted it to degenerate to the level that it is at today and you must take the blame for not using your administrative power to stop this controversy before it reached the pitch it is at today.

Murthy rightly claimed credit for increasing the number of posts from 50 which was the case up to recently to 90 during the course of the brief period that he has spent here. He has succeeded in sowing the seeds of raw hatred against us all and you must understand that it takes a lot of our time to be compelled to respond to the inane posts of these trolls which I frankly do not enjoy doing although it brings out the best in my literary skills which I specialized in throughout my career. It also prods my aging mind which in a way is good for it to perform as I have done successfully for the last 77 years especially when I am faced with a challenge. You must remember that in responding to his taunts, this is done at the expense of my own professional work and also of helping the patients.

The time has come for you to use your administrative powers as the moderator of this forum and to specify to all the trolls that they must behave, as you have done for the first time in many months above. It is a pity that you have permitted trolls of this caliber to shadow every one of our posts and you must know that your laissez faire attitude that you have chosen is doing untold damage to your forum. It is also the reason for an unwarranted wastage of our time in responding to these inane posts, which we can use for the good of the patients who depend on us for help.

I have tried to persuade you in the past that trolls must never be permitted on the ABC but you have always stated that you prefer to have free speech on the ABC where everyone is welcome to voice an opinion. You will observe that today it is not a matter of free speech that is concerned. It is more that fact that these trolls have taken upon themselves the onus of questioning each and every one of the prescriptions that I and the others make on the grounds that they are not classical. They pretend to be the only source of classical prescriptions but it is sad to note that the number of times that they have tried to help their patients have resulted in the patients either leaving the forum or not responding to their classical prescriptions. It seems very surprising to me on what grounds their prescriptions can be considered any more or less classical than those that I make which I have always been based on my experience dating back over 25 years on practicing my own brand of the 'this for that' attitude to homeopathy also now known as Joepathy which the majority of homeopathy are now using in the Indian subcontinent. I have always sought to bring Homeopathy out into the open, into a process of logical application which has shown more positive results than the classical interpretation of this science which has for some years remained within the fold of a select few so called classical homeopaths who prefer to have it that was to enable them to reap the rich rewards of the exclusive classical interpretation of this precious science, usually without any regard for the patient's well being. There are many instances on this forum which you can refer to where the patient posts his complaint in agony after having undergone treatment from a classical homeopath and discover within a few days or even hours that my Joepathy has helped them to overcome their ailment. I have always maintained that the interest of the patient is paramount and it is not the definition of whether the remedy that I prescribed was classical or Joepathy. All I am interested in ensuring is that the patient is healed as quickly as possible and I believe that I have lead the revolution in this approach to homeopathy which is now fast eclipsing the classical method which I am convinced will die out in a few years in the future as the classical hopes to keep on fooling all the people (patients) all the time.

I would like to draw your attention to the position that obtained on the NCH to which I was invited to join about a year ago. I soon discovered that I was subjected to the same level of insults and interference I suffered on the ABC by its resident group of trolls who were also self confessed skeptics. I made representations to the owners of the forum, which was the Government of Pakistan and they finally decided after about 6 months when I refused to participate in the discussions that enough was enough and they banned everyone whom they considered a troll and even went to the extent of banning some of my own friends whom I had requested to question my posts to elucidate more information on the method I use which is now accepted as Joepathy.

I would suggest that you read some of the posts that have been fired up and down on the ABC yesterday and today and I do hope that you will maintain a strict control of the ABC and restore it to the peaceful position that it enjoyed a few months ago till the invasion.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
'For Jacob (Hah....ne....mania)

Sometime back I had blasted you and thereafter you were behaving yourself. I had said and I repeat that do not try to be the self appointed expert. Don't convert this esteemed forum into a rubbish wrestling ring.
I would ask you to shut your trap or you invite endless rebukes.
It would give you and all more peace.


You blasted me and then I behaved myself? I do not even know who you are, so that must have been quite an impression you made. I can only assume you are referring to the period I wasn't actually here, but feel free to interpret that for your own sense of empowerment. And...'shut my trap?' how common. When I require a tradeperson I will ring for one, until then do not address me.

Hahnemania last decade
Dear Simon

Observe these words

'from which he was kicked out and then decided to infest this once peaceful Homeoapthic forum '

'to respond to the inane posts of these trolls'

I have a right to reply.

The first one is a big lie.I am still the moderator there.

I am not a troll.

I am taking the advice Rajiv gave long back.

I will not repay people if they call me names, by doing the same. However, I will expose their lack of knowledge.

I will continue to question dangerous and useless prescriptions.

I have a mission, that is to make people understand and get treated as per 'proper' homeopathy and will not deter from that goal.

Now, I am more focussed towards it.

gavinimurthy last decade
It seems to me obvious that Murthy has toned down his vicious posts which he delighted in focussing against me in the last few days. I believe that this change of heart was due to his being attacked on all sides and it is just fortunate that Simon has also joined in the hustings to hopefully put some sense into his madness.

I have just made a post on the Congrats thread which is relevant to this thread which I have made in response to Rajiv's post and I shall copy it below

Dear Rajiv,

Thank you for reminding me about Clarke's 'The Prescriber' which I immediately recollected having studied many years ago and which was sitting right there on my bookshelf part of which I have devoted to Homeopathy in my library comprising over 5000 books on many subjects under the sun, ranging from Motor engineering to Rose growing to Homeopathy and many other subjects. I had quite frankly forgotten about this book which I would otherwise have quoted earlier in my defense if only I had remebered it all these months when I was under constant attack for my Joepathy.

You are quite correct in stating that the remedies listed in it have all been recorded by Clarke based on his own experience with that of other homeopaths in the same manner that I prescribe for an ailment. It seems such a pity that this science of Homeopathy has been degraded to the present level by those who profess to be the classical sect which I believe that they have deliberately done, as they seem to resent the fact that we who are not qualified seem to be cutting the grass from under the feet of the classical sect, which renders them sensitive to the fact that they are losing their revenue when they discover that their patients whom they have been treating for years, post on the ABC and immediately experience an almost immediate cure within a few days or in some instances in hours.

I refer to the case of Shiny's son Mihir who was a child Asthmatic who was on a gamut of drugs and inhalers and was for the first time in many years soundly asleep within a few hours of his first dose of Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose,. I have just consulted Clarke where he refers to Nat Sulph 3 and states ' In Hydrogenoid subjects; with morning diarrhoea Nat Sulph 3 gr.IV 4hr. I believe that he had not experienced the blessed relief that I have been able to bring to chronic sufferers like Mihir with Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose. Since I first started to treat him he has shown positive signs of alleviation of his condition which Shiny the mother does not report any more as I presume that he is perhaps cured.

As you are aware, all I have done is to share my own experiences with the use of remedies as Clarke has done which I encourage others too to emulate by sharing the remedy that they used for a patient which evoked a response and even perhaps cured another ailment that the patient suffered from, like my discovery that Arnica helped to stabilize Diabetes and Nat Phos 6x to help in Obesity. If you read the many posts that have been made in the last few days, you will observe that the 2 classical homeopathic trolls, and of course the self confessed homeopathic witch, have all banded together against me to deride my efforts in my use of the direct 'this for that' approach as they were unaware that Clarke himself who was a non qualified homeopath, experimented with remedies in varying potencies and when he discovered a remedy at a certain potency had some positive curative aspect for a particular disease or ailment he would record it , strangely enough as I do myself. It is in the sharing of his own experience that he is still remembered today as the other greats and it is unfortunate that the present clique of so called 'classical homeopaths' forget that this precious science was not intended to be used in the manner that they are doing today, prime examples of which are evident in the person of both Murthy and Jacob who are quick to shadow my every post and delight in only criticizing them on the basis that I have not used their high faluting classical method of diagnosis and identification of the remedy that I prescribe. It is their sheer hypocritical critique of my posts that really gets me down when all I seek to do is to help the patient and this invariably results in either or often both of these trolls shadowing my every post only to criticize them on the grounds of their being non classical. They have often warned the patient that the use of the remedies I prescribe is even dangerous for their ailment as they fondly imagine that they could even lead to cancer or other horrible after effects. It is ironic to note that these same patients often have refuted these critical posts by confirming that my remedies have worked wonderfully well and some have openly ordered the classical duo to stop pestering them and me.

As you are aware the large majority of practicing homeopaths in the Indian subcontinent who are qualified use the same direct system of treatment that I use and it is indeed unfortunate that they do not have the courage to openly confirm that they do so, perhaps fearing that they will lose their license to practice if they do. There is absolutely no question that those who see over 20 patients daily do not and cannot use the classical system complete with its painful case taking procedure which many patients who have weathered it have often referred to as being so very unnecessary when the patient consulted the homeopath for an ailment like GERD for which he was given a constitutional remedy which made a bad situation even worse. This same patient reported that he had almost immediate relief within a few minutes of his using Nat Phos 6x which I had prescribed which I gave him from my stock free of charge as is my policy in treating all patients who consult me.

I do hope that I will live to see the day that the practice of Homeopathic is rationalized on the line of my Joepathy or as you coined another phrase, Clarkepathy. All I am interested is to ensure that the wool is finally removed from the eyes of the patient who consults a homeopath who I hope will use the same direct system that I advocate which I feel will enable this science to forge ahead into the 21 st Century from where it has been stagnating for the last 50 years due to the machinations of that select group of classical homeopaths who prefer to keep it under wraps in order to ensure that these same classical homeopaths will be able to continue to milk the patient with their classical case taking procedure and the subsequent constitutional remedy which will only compel the patient to seek another consultation in a few days.

And consultations do not usually come cheap !
Joe De Livera last decade
Countering 'misinformation' is also part of defending 'proper' homeopathy.

Clarke said '
In Hydrogenoid subjects; with morning diarrhoea Nat Sulph 3 gr.IV 4hr.'

which is applicable even today.

Mihir might have been cured with Nat.sulph as the medicine might have been his similimum,accidentally, and not because of any great prowess on behalf of the presriber.

Arnica helping diabetes and nat.phos for obesity are big myths. There are 'n' number of patients, who got aggravated, instead of getting benefit.

And for those who want to know

Clarke is an M.D. I pity those who call him non qualified homeopath.

Perhaps people are not aware that clarke has published his book,

'a clinical repertory to the dictionary of materia medica'

after the 'prescriber', and it mentions many medicines for each condition.

It has got more than 100 medicines for Asthma.In that book, the medicines that are indicated for asthma in the presriber are indicated in italics.That list contains about a dozen medicines.

Obviously, he has expanded the list from the prescriber, in his repertory.

I have this book, and hence any lies will be nailed.

If you know the history, Clarke promoted lay homeopaths to arrest the decline of homeopathy,which was on the verge of extinction then.He has published his 'prescriber' to help those lay people. It doesn't mean he followed 'this for that' therapy.

He has indicated a group of remedies for each disease, from which the appropriate one is to be selected.

It is not true that majority of the homeopaths of the indian sub continent, practice 'this for that' therapy.

Most of these people attend to acute cases, and as 'Nash' says, the remedy beckons the presriber, and hence it is easy for them to select the medicine.

They prescribe the medicine quickly on location, sensation, modalities.

If these homeopaths shout nat.sulph for asthma, Nat.phos for obesity and arnica for diabetes they would have closed shop by now.

There is a limit to spread of misinformation, and a limit to boisterous claims.

To compare ourselves with Clarke is to compare a rat with a mountain.

Now coming to the profecy of doom to classical homeopathy, it deserves nothing but a hearty laugh.

All these baseless allegations, that are poured out against classical homeopaths is a sign of frustration, and we better ignore it.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dr. John Henry Clarke, M.D.
(1853 - 1931)

Dr. Clarke was one of the most eminent homoeopaths of England. He had his famous Clinic at 8 Bolton Street, Piccadilly, located in London.

Anyone who met Clarke even once must have been impressed with the feeling of an exceptional human being, a forceful personality, a man apart. He was so busy in his studies that he had very little time to mix with others. He was a prodigious worker, as his published works testify, to say nothing of the host of private patients from all parts of the world. He was also a consulting physician to the London Homoeopathic Hospital. He was the editor of the 'Homoeopathic World' for twenty-nine years. His famous publications are as follows:

The Prescriber - A Dictionary of the New Therapeutics
...with an essay on 'How to Practice Homoeopathy.' This little book has helped thousands of lay practitioners to prescribe successfully and carry the message of homoeopathy to far off lands. It is one of the 'must-have' books for every new practitioner of Homoeopathy. Its indications of remedies are based on personal experiences of a number of reputed homoeopaths like Burnett, Hughes, Cooper, Ruddock, Neatby, Salser, etc.

The Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica
...consists of 3 volumes. In it he has given the synonyms, the source, the provers' experiences, clinical indications, temperament, keynotes and characteristics, modalities, pathological, sensational, locational and causational indications of each drug. He has also given the provings of the drug. In addition, the relationship of the drug to other remedies.

A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica
...was specifically designed by him for the study of his huge Materia Medica. The Repertory is very helpful for individualization of the simillimum from other similar remedies.

Dr. Clarke belongs to the band of provers of Nosodes, the products of disease used as homoeopathic remedies. The chief stalwarts among them were: Swan, Fincke, Clarke, Burnett, Hering, Stearns, Wheeler, Bach, Patterson, Grimmer and others.

He has the credit of introducing the following remedies to the Homoeopathic Materia Medica: Pertussin, Carcinosinum, Epihysterinum, Baccillinum Testicum, Morbillinum, Parotidinum, Scarletinum, and Scirrhinum.

Source: http://www.wholehealthnow.com/homeopathy_pro/john_henry_clar....


Re: Congrats ABC From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-18
John Henry Clarke

Re: Congrats ABC From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-18
Clarke graduated in Edinburgh in 1877 and then studied homeopathy in Liverpool, under Berridge.

Source: http://www.homeoint.org/morrell/clarke/prefacemorrell.htm


He is an M.D.!!

People have the nerve to call him a lay homeopath, and equate themselves with him.

What a pity.!!


Re: Congrats ABC From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-18
and this is what Clarke says about homeopathy.

By John Henry Clarke, M. D.

What are 'LIKES' ?

The Homœopathic Law says that 'Likes cure likes.' Therefore it becomes necessary to make it clear just wherein the likeness between case and remedy lies. The cases already quoted from Hahnemann's practice have given readers an idea of the points of resemblance which the prescriber has to look for, but it will be useful to look at the matter more in detail.

Not long ago it was announced in the daily press that an assistant of Edison's had lost his life through cancer set up by X-ray burns. This fact made some impression on the public mind, since at the present moment the treatment for cancer most in vogue in the profession (if the case is beyond the reach of the surgeon's knife) is by these same X-rays. 'Is not this homœopathy ?' asked several inquirers ; ' X-rays have caused cancer, and they are also used to cure it.' Once wise allopathic medical man replied to the query that ' he could not see any resemblance between X-rays and cancer.' Very likely he could not ! But then Hahnemann never said that the likeness was to be sought between the physical characters of the remedy and the appearance of the disease from which a patient may be suffering. And it must be remembered that it is Hahnemann's definition of 'likes' which counts, and nobody else's. The 'likes' of homœopathy is resemblances between drug-effects and disease-effects. The effect of X-rays on some persons is to cause cancer ; therefore, says Hahnemann, under favourable conditions, and in suitable persons, X-rays must prove a cure of cancer. That X-rays will not cure all cases of cancer is certain ; the suitable cases must be found out by future observation of both the causative and curative effects of the rays themselves.

The 'likeness,' then, which homœopathy looks for is resemblance in effects. There are some drugs which produce such complete pictures of natural diseases that cases of poisoning have been mistaken for them. The annals of poisoning are full of instances of this kind : the medical practitioners in attendance have given certificates of death from natural disease, when later investigation has proved that the death was caused by poisoning. An instance of this kind occurred not long ago in America, when poisoning by Cyanide of Mercury was certified as death from diphtheria. Again and again cases of Belladonna poisoning have been mistaken for scarlatina. When the resemblance between a drug disease and a natural disease is so close as this, it can be inferred with absolute certainty that the drug which manifests the 'likeness' will be a remedy of wide usefulness in the treatment of cases of the disease. Accordingly Mercurius cyanatus is a remedy with homœopaths of proven usefulness in diphtheria ; and Belladonna not only modifies the course and symptoms of scarlatina, but it also acts as a prophylactic against infection. If Belladonna in the 3rd centesimal potency were given to the healthy members of a household when scarlatina breaks out in it, the epidemic will not spread. Were this fact generally known among school proprietors, and enormous amount of trouble, anxiety, and loss might be saved to them. This is one small point in the immense importance of a knowledge of homœopathy to the community at large.

But it is necessary to guard against the idea that because certain drugs produce a more or less perfect facsimile of certain natural diseases, that every disease must have its natural counterpart and cure. The instances in which a single drug produces such a perfect picture are rare ; and when they do occur, it must be understood that many cases of the disease will require other remedies for their cure. Homœopathy has no cut and dried remedies for cut and dried disease.

Wherein, then, are we to look for the likeness ? It lies in the character of the symptoms produced by the drugs, corresponding with the character of the symptoms present in every case of disease.

Hahnemann quickly discovered that symptoms observed in providings did not all posses equal value. He noticed that when any peculiar or out-of-the-way effect came out in a proving, this had especial value in prescribing when the same symptom was met with in a case of disease.

This peculiarity need not be in the actual symptom itself, it may be in the conditions under which it manifests itself ; or it may be in some concomitant, which is found associated with it. It is in being able to discern and utilise these points the most of the art of homœopathy lies, and it is on this that success in treatment largely depends.

To give one or two illustrations. A patient who suffered severely from headache complained that one for her sensations was 'as if woollen were wrapped round the head inside the skull.' Now that is a most peculiar sensation, and to cure the case it would be necessary to find a symptom somewhat like it accredited to some remedy. In my search, by the aid of repertories, I found this : 'Sensation as if a cold cloth were wrapped round the brain.' This was produced by the salt of the American spring named Sanicula. I gave it to my patient in the 1000th potency, and it rapidly removed the entire train of symptoms, which also corresponded to other effects of the remedy. In this case the sensation of there being something wrapped round the brain was the peculiar feature in which drug and disease were 'like.' And although the sensation of the wrapping material was different, the likeness was close enough to effect a cure.

In other cases the point of correspondence that it is essential to match lies in the conditions under which they symptoms appear, or are either better or worse. An octogenarian patient of mine, of very fine physique, a devotee of the morning cold bath, was troubled with a rheumatic pain in the right arm and elbow, which annoyed him very much, as it interfered with a favourite occupation, namely, driving a spirited pair of horses. Now the drugs which produce pains in the arms are legion. It was necessary, therefore, in this case to ascertain if there was anything peculiar in the time or circumstances under which the pain occurred. I elicited that the pain woke him in the night, and the only way in which he could get relief was by getting into his cold bath ; after this he could return to bed and sleep.

Now here was a marked peculiarity-relief from cold bathing. Most rheumatic conditions are worse from contact with water of any king, and especially cold water. Among the drugs which cause rheumatic pains which are relieved by cold baths there is one which stands out pre-eminent, and this is Ledum palustre. Ledum Palustre 30 was given and quickly cured the patient. (It may interest some of my readers and enable them to tack this characteristic condition to their memories, if I mention that the plant flourishes in cold water-that the marshes are its home.) I instance this case to show the usefulness in homœopathy of noting peculiar conditions, all repertories to the Materia Medica must, to be complete, include in their indices a list of CONDITIONS under which symptoms are better or worse, or appear or disappear.

Another class of conditions which are of great importance to watch in prescribing a Conditions of Time. It is well known that some complaints are worse at certain hours of the day or night, and very often this condition is of as much importance from the prescriber's point of view as the symptom itself. A very common symptom in connection with many diseases is a 'sinking,' 'empty' sensation, occurring at times when the patient should not ordinarily be 'hungry. Now many remedies have caused this sensation, and among them is sulphur. But the time when the Sulphur sensation is most marked is from 11 a. m, to noon. Other medicines have the same peculiarity but not so markedly at this hour ; when a 'sinking' sensation is complained of at about 11 o'clock, Sulphur will be the most likely remedy to relieve the whole condition.

A very characteristic time of aggravation has been noticed in connection with Lycopodium, and this is from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. or to 8 p. m. When this particular time of aggravation appears in any complaint, the likeness to the time-aggravation of Lycopodium will give a very strong point, indeed, in favour of that remedy being the right one ; and if other symptoms correspond it must be given.

Conditions of motion or rest, of heat or cold are other points of importance in the 'likeness' between remedies and cases, which the homœopath has to take into careful account in marking his prescriptions.

Another point of 'likeness' lies in accompanying conditions, or 'concomitants,' as they are called. Some patients manifest certain morbid symptoms as a regular accompaniment of other complaints. For instance, a patient has neuralgia, and every time the pain comes on it is accompanied by an attack of sickness and vomiting. Now of all the remedies which cause sickness, Ipecacuanha is one of the first which will be thought of. We all know Ipecacuanha wine, and most of us have experienced its effect at one period or other of our lives. The nauseating property of Ipecacuanha dominates, in senses, all its other effects. If it causes pain, the pain is accompanied by nausea or vomiting. If it causes fever, the chill is accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Thus it comes about that any kind of illness which sets up as a concomitant effect nausea or vomiting may find in Ipecacuanha its 'likeness' or counterpart, and hence its remedy. In a similar way the sleep-causing power in Opium dominates its effects and whenever excessive drowsiness accompanies other complaints it will very probably be found that Opium will prove the remedy most like to the case.

These are a few of the points of 'likeness' with the homœopath must look for if he is to make successful prescriptions. This is the 'likeness' which Hahnemann referred to when he formulated his law that 'Likes cure Likes.' To the unprofessional observer it might seem a more desirable thing to find pictures of entire diseases, and thus find a remedy for each ; but in practice that would not work so well. Hahnemann has by the art he revealed liberated by materia medica and the prescriber. Any remedy is thus available for use in a case of any disease, and the prescriber is free to select his remedy throughout the entire range.

Source: http://homeoint.org/books5/clarkehomeo/likes.htm


Where do we stand with reference to him?


Re: Congrats ABC From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-18
List of books by Clarke
A Bird’s Eye View of the Organon
A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Homeopathic Treatment
Catarrh, Colds and Grippe
Cholera, Diarrhea and Dysentery
Clinical Repertory
Clinical Repertory (Indian edition)
Constitutional Medicine
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, 3 volumes (British edition)
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, 3 volumes (Indian edition)
Diseases of Heart and Arteries
Grand Characteristics of Materia Medica
Gun Powder As A War Remedy
Hahnemann and Paracelsus
Homeopathy Explained
Indigestion-Its Causes and Cure
Non-Surgical Treatment of Diseases of Glands and Bones
Prescriber (Indian edition)
Radium As An Internal Remedy
The Revolution in Medicine
The Therapeutics of Cancer
Therapeutics of the Serpent Poisons
Un Diccionario De Materia Médica Practica (3 volumes)
Whooping Cough


Re: Congrats ABC From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-18

For those who don't have time to go through all the above, this is what he says..

'But it is necessary to guard against the idea that because certain drugs produce a more or less perfect facsimile of certain natural diseases, that every disease must have its natural counterpart and cure. The instances in which a single drug produces such a perfect picture are rare ; and when they do occur, it must be understood that many cases of the disease will require other remedies for their cure. Homœopathy has no cut and dried remedies for cut and dried disease.


I repeat

'Homœopathy has no cut and dried remedies for cut and dried disease.'

I hope the message is clear to all boisterous, egoistic, self glorifier prescribers.

gavinimurthy last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.