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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a r n i c a - for anything and everything ... Page 5 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear 'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface' alias 'sanj551', (all are one person),
Ignorant trouble-shooters, school runaways.

Nesha-India can easily understand what you do when you go behind the curtain. To be ritually nicely nice inside AND the moment you are out of behind the curtain, you start showing your true self, as is evident here, JUST like 'Sally Lue'.

ALL enemies or friends of anybody is welcome to take on Nesha-India. I assure you that Nesha-India can take on any number of enemies. See, if Nesha-India gets angry, atleast TRY. Go ahead and do all you can.

Sending money or Donations or alms, eh (heee hee). Is that the reason people glorify themselves and declare that they stay in SriLanka. ANYBODY ELSE DECLARES / DOES IT ON THIS FORUM ? Have you read the following interesting link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/34364 .

ALSO YOU SAID to 'homlee', = 'yea, homlee you best get away from here cause anyone who shows no respect for Joe here has few friends and many enemies. His friends will come after you too.'
- Are you GUTLESS'ly threatening 'homlee' or anybody.
- Does this forum belong to your pop or to Joe.
- What do you mean by 'His friends will come after you too', What will you do, let's know.
- Why should anybody agree with you or listen or obey you.

heee hee hee heeee hee heee, ouch my tummy still aches with all the laughing.
YOU HAVE STARTED THE PHOTOGRAPH's of me. What no more photos of me ?
Incidentally, that (above) photograph was of a ROOSTER (MALE HEN) and that is you. YOU are exhibiting handsome photograph of yourself and making me thankfully laugh. Nesha-India is Female. OR are you trying to change my sex. pppPlllleeasssee doo not dooo thattt. brrrr brr br. You sure that wasn't 'Sally Lue''s photograph, the way she started sympathically & indebtedly croaking over here along with you, in eternal support of Joe.
Nesha-India last decade
'sazim' :
Thanks for the new meaning of Homeopathy. JOEPATHY. I like it (hee hee - I'm very amused and I'm smiling). I'll use it appropriately. Thanks once again. Suits perfectly.
VERY very good and coined very intelligently.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
'homlee' :
Thanks. Allow me to say this :
To people like 'joe', 'Sally Lue' and 'Kuldeep' and school runaways like 'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface' alias 'sanj551' and 'hoolio alias tamanio' and others......

These people become happy and satisfied IF :
a) IF, you toe & tow their line.
b) IF, you agree with all their nonsense.
c) IF, you point out their false glorifications. They irritate themselves. Sending money or Donations or ALMS, eh. Is that the reason people glorify themselves and declare that they practise free from SriLanka. WHO ELSE DOES IT ON THIS FORUM ?

AND the moment you point out their nonsense or FRAUD, they start creating enemies out of you. They will create several multiple I.D.'s (like lopez, Homeo_fan, Happyface' and start their attack supporting their virtual friends. Such people are only trouble-shooters without any capacity whatsoever.

This is a free speech forum.
Everybody can voice their opinion and reasons. Nesha-India does the same.
Nesha-India does not tell anybody to change their opinion / reasons.
Nesha-India SHOULD NOT BE TOLD TO change her opinion / reasons.

NOW, the Moderator CAN say that Nesha-India, is being un-civil and aggressive. The moderator will not be able to see anything else. So be it. eH.
Nesha-India last decade
Oh Yeah, Oh yeah, my buddy homeo_fan. She is mad like a coot.
lopez last decade
Yeah! She is grinding teeth.
homeo_fan last decade
She says you are school runaway.
lopez last decade
Nesha-India yeh hai andher nagri, chowpat raja.
ripas last decade
Nesha - India,

This is a place for everyone to voice his/her opinion..on health related matters...not just homeopathy alone.

I took up cudgles with Dinesh Sharma on this...see another thread.

Different opinions bring a fresh air to the entire matter and give a chance to learn new things, new ways....etc. etc.

No body changes his/her mind coz another asked him/her to do so.

Human nature is such...one changes mind only on own inner urge....sometimes when a traumatic experience is gone through.

I welcome different points of view....as long as the view giver doesn't intend to disrespect the the one who holds an opposing view.

People fail to understand, one can still be friends inspite of holding different views on a particular matter.

There could be other matters where they both agree.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Nesha-India, agrees on most things you have written.
1. Never agrees on false and fraudulant claimants.
2. Arrogant and mono-maniacs.
3. Never makes friends with school runaways like 'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface' alias 'sanj551', (all are one person, with different login i.d.'s).
4. People promoting self-glorifications and hare-brained prescriptions (like Arnica for ANY & ALL ...), which is deliberate demoralisng Homeopathy and other forum members & patients.
5. besides other things ...

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
kuldeep last decade

Aag laga rahe ho to fire tender bhi send karna pare ga !! Red colour wala with lal batti flash ing !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hey Pankaj, it is fun, nothing serious. Some times we just have to press a button to see the show.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Kuldeep,
Strawberry ko lal batti to mil gaye....solar plexus nahien samajh aya...jara madad karo !!

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
what we dont understand we fear...and we all know how ugly fear can be ---
John Stanton last decade
Oh !
I was just giving a Hindustani translation of ' whiny baby !'

No fear John!!
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
don't fret pankaj--...
John Stanton last decade
Hi John,

Which medicine did you take for 'sulking' ??

And which one for 'jealousy'??

Enlighten every one...be magnanimous ..as always.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
dont get so uptight pankaj...your image is safe..
John Stanton last decade
your insultive nature is much like happyface--i can see why you have taken a liking to such a person.....and i am quite sure you dont see what you write as insultive--this is to be expected...
John Stanton last decade
John ....you started the 'balls' and 'whiny baby'...stuff (got a problem ---thread).....directed towards me and Rishi.....now you find it difficult to swallow 'your own medicine'.

Next time ..think before you print something offensive. !!!
You are making big holes in your own reputation by starting such things.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Folks !!

All those who are reading this controversy...be informed....negative emotions such as jealousy,envy, hatred, anger etc. produce negative chemicals in the body and have a direct on slaught on the immune system.... bringing down its ability to restore health by upto 700%.

That is why..when you are emotionally upset....chances are you will very soon get influenza/migraine/high BP/heart problem /urinary infection/disordered menses etc. etc.etc.

It is in your own interest to overcome negative emotions. Somebody wrote about regaining health through forgiving...surely there is a lot of weight in that argument.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
there you go again pankaj--all excited--relax---
John Stanton last decade

You are constantly projecting your own unstable emotions onto others.

As Pankaj is suggesting, if you don't do something with your imbalanced emotions; you will be too sick to come here.
Happyface last decade
sorry i dont understand your meaning..
John Stanton last decade
John, after seeing the elaborate mental picture, now you can spit out the remedy.
kuldeep last decade
not yet---only have partial homooepathic remedy at this time--too much chance of suppression..will only complicate case ....
John Stanton last decade

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