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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a r n i c a - for anything and everything ... Page 6 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
not yet---only have partial homooepathic remedy at this time--too much chance of suppression..will only complicate case ....
John Stanton last decade
oh ! you must have taken arnica ...........................for shock and traumatic experience.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
no arnica in this case..
John Stanton last decade
hello i am jvmystic and i am 15 years old and i am suffering from really bad acne and i just need some help to get rid of it. Can anyone help me i would really appreciate it.

jvmystic790 last decade
To Jvmystic

You are on the wrong thread to get help for your Acne. You are advised to visit:


Your remedy is Arnica 30 in the wet dose.

If you wish to have further information you should post on the thread above which was started by a Sally who is younger than you and who may also be able to tell you of how Arnica cured her pimples.
Joe De Livera last decade
On the current domain topic, in context, This is what 'Fredrik L.A' had to say on 2006-04-30 at the following link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/60307/

If these 'joedeliverpaths' were so excellent about their prescriptions, why on heavens earth do they not start up a practice consulting a large number of people?

I think i have an answer to that one: They would then have to take responsabilities to their reckles prescriptions. Here on the internet they can hide behind these fictive names.

Also their negativ attitude to all educated homeopaths, is because they have been kicked heads out from the other forums, for unscrupulous prescription of homeopathic remedies.

'It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
By having observation of joe about arnica, I am pondering that we should rediscover the remedies keeping in view the rare observation about arnica/nat.phos...
Its true that whatever Hahniman discovered that time we should not take as holy book as he had many shortcomings in proovings like clinical tests as we have today.
I think better to test ourselves what joe is saying/claiming..
To confirm this I tested a case like splitting up remedies for diabetes;
3-Arnica30 only

I noted #1,combination gave excellent results(85%), while other combi#2 gave 70% when gave only arnica it could give 25%. So I continiued # 1 combination as arnica could be catalyst or having synergism effects,
But only on this basis i can not deny Joe's research I will keep on trying more and more,

ashfaq last decade
Hello ashfaq
Thanks for posting this very timely information.

I came to this site today to do some research for some of my friends.

One of them needs remedies for diabetes. His homeopath was useless to him and so now he has asked me for help.

So does the patient take all three remedies together simultaneously? If not, do they need to be separated by time? How much time?

Thanks. My friend will be very grateful for your help.
Pat2006 last decade
yes, togather simultaneously,

ashfaq last decade

Thanks so much!!
Pat2006 last decade
syzygium is called Jamoon in India/Pakistan. Its dried fruit or kernel is used. This is the syzygium harvesting time, fruits can be seen all over in South West Asia.

I saw this tree in Rio also.
girilal last decade

how many pellets of each?

If it's 4 pellets of each that would make it 12 pellets all together.

Can this be taken in wet dose?

I have never dissolved more than one remedy in water before, so I am totally clueless about this.

Thanks again.
Pat2006 last decade

Very interesting.

Do you have any knowledge on making combination remedies in water?

Is syzygium Q mother tincture and comes in liquid?
Pat2006 last decade
To Ashfaq

I am glad that at least one person who I presume is unbiased has tested Arnica which I have discovered to be effective in controlling Diabetes. I note that you rated Arnica alone at 25% but I have always used it with Cinnamon powder 1/4 teaspoonful bd and this has enabled 2 patients who were chronic Diabetics to stop the drugs they were using for Diabetes control and only use this therapy. The result of using Arnica alone for a Type I Diabetic was observed in just over 12 hours when the BS level came down dramatically. In the case of Type II it takes more time about a month before any positive response is evoked in the patient within which time he has to use the usual drugs to control his ailment. It is only when he does regular BS tests that he discovers that his levels seem to be dropping and in some cases the consultants themselves often ask the patient how they succeeded in bringing down his BS level when in one case he was on the maximum dosage of 2 drugs and was listed to be put on Insulin as his BS was out of control even with the tablets taken in the maximum dosage. He now uses only Arnica / Cinnamon and feels physically much better without the drugs.

It is a shame that members who frequent this and other forums do not test the remedies that I have indicated but prefer to fault me even to the point of abuse perhaps because I do not posses a diploma and also because my therapy is not listed in the classical homeopathic texts that they have studied as being the only ones they can select any remedy from. In the case of Arnica my discovery was serendipitous as I had given it to a Diabetic to cure a non healing wound and it resulted in a dramatic drop of his Blood Sugar level which I recorded and used with other diabetics and achieved the same results.

As you rightly stated Hahnemann introduced this concept of Homeopathy to the world 200 years ago but he was unable to fully test the remedies that he worked with which at that time was limited to under 100 and it was later that his successors who continued with this research which even today is not complete and is still ongoing. This is where it is essential that anyone who discovers some interesting response to a standard remedy should share it with his fellow homeopaths as this is the way to enable this precious science to progress, removed from the prejudices that I often have to encounter in trying to share my discoveries with others who prefer to only criticize but not to honestly test them for themselves as you have done.

I am grateful for the information about Syzygium Q and Insulinum which I shall use on a suitable patient. I may mention here that I have used Insulinum alone with no positive response before I discovered that Arnica helped in a manner that was unbelievable for Diabetes.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
I need to know how many pellets or how many sips and how many times a day or how many times a month, etc.

I normally type the directions and give them to the patient In large print together with the pellets if I have them so I need to have specific instructions, please

Pat2006 last decade
thanks joe for your comments, i always value saying not caring who is saying as words are the most valuable thing in this world...so if somebody is saying something we should respect for what he is saying.
pat2006, dear i used in liquid doses(3-4 drops each,not in pellets form)

ashfaq last decade
On the current domain topic, in context, This is what 'homlee' had to say on 2006-04-28 at the following link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/59390/1

Re: Atttention to John Stanton From homlee on 2006-04-28
Sorry - left out a point. The purpose of homeopathy is to cure, right -unlike what your so-called homeopath is doing to you, Pat. NOWHERE will homeopathy prescribe a regime where you have to take medicine endlessly. Joe is only proving by his 9? years of taking arnica that he hasn't achieved a cure- how can he, when its not homeopathic? He either has a psychological dependency on it or he is using it as a tonic - NOT HOMEOPATHIC.

Quote : 'Try, try till you succeed'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
i say if joe has nevr posted as any other name and true name joe de livera--then he already outweighs---any of made up name - multi ID individuals...more integrity ..whether or not like his ways...whom really hides behind the curtain..
John Stanton last decade
I can bet my life on the integrity of Joe De Livera.
hoolio last decade
To John

Your comments are usually so cryptic that I often wonder what type of a person you really are and you will always remain an enigma to me.

I would like to reassure you and any others who may be interested that I have posted all my 3206 posts on the ABC only under my own name, since I first joined it on June 29 2003.

During this period, you may have observed that I have been criticized and attacked merely because I do not follow the classical procedure adopted by those who are qualified in this science. I have always maintained that I have done so because I have used the classical method with results that were not comparable to those that I obtained with my own Non classical approach, which is to treat the ailment directly in the allopathic manner and which has invariably resulted in a successful conclusion of the case treated by me.

It is just that I am dedicated to Homeopathy that I practice in my own way, sometimes with remedies that are not listed in the classical texts like Arnica for Diabetes and Nat Phos for Obesity. It is my hope that other classical homeopaths will consider following my lead in prescribing as I believe that they may be surprised to discover the outcome when their patients will be helped almost immediately, as has happened in many cases that I have treated like Asthma, GERD etc.

Thank you for your compliment.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
posting always under own name-- i commend you ---in truth i write this...when others start posting in real names --then maybe they may have some room to speak freely...and be taken seriously...until then--just games...
John Stanton last decade

It is the courage of one's convictions that really matters in life.

You may have read the many posts that I have made on this and other forums where I took the classical school head on with some interesting results.

I hate any form of pretence and abhor that 'holier than thou' attitude which the majority of the classical school adopt, merely to pull the wool over the eyes of those who are not able to retaliate. To them Homeopathy is just another money spinner and it is the patient who pays to enable them to keep up their classical attitude.

I do realize that I am a marked man in Homeopathic circles both here in Sri Lanka and overseas and have been responsible for rocking the homeopathic boat which I shall continue to do in the future too. I have been able to help hundreds, perhaps thousands of patients who suffered under the classical regimen for years and who discovered that their ailment was helped overnight by the non classical remedy that I prescribed.

Joe De Livera last decade
we have different methods--and i've got my own ideas --where i '''will'''to go with homoeopathy....but what you do represent to me is willingness be differnet and not give a crap about others unconstructive views...
John Stanton last decade
others unconstructive views...

But everybody think he/she got jewels.
girilal last decade
On the current domain topic, in context, This is what 'faqir' had to say on 2006-04-29 at the following link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/59390/2

Re: Atttention to John Stanton From faqir on 2006-04-29
This forum is becoming a circus. Pat2006, Tamiano, Kuldeep, etc are clowns and the biggest one of them is Joe. The norm now is that you lie so much that it becomes a generally accepted truth, e.g.; Arnica. Recommendations like, try this or try that. Look into this and that but if does not work try this and that. Guys you are playing with lives do have any idea you could be killing people. The moderator should know these guys are driving away, instead of introducing people to homeopathy. There is no analysis there is no diagnosis just prescription. There have to be some rules on how a case is treated. There must be an outlined process that needs to be followed otherwise jokers will Pat2006 will keep making a mockery of homeopathy.

CONSIDER THIS : ' A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other '

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
homoeopathy is not a religion --so why concerned of spreading it--or defending it...no one knows (in large view)what effect all this has.....if it is a truth---then will exist long after.so relax..
John Stanton last decade

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