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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a r n i c a - for anything and everything ... Page 8 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Mr. Mohan - if you think that posters on this forum - and others - are all polite, barring Ms. nesha, then I suggest you read more posts - I just read at random and I have seen a great deal of what you might euphemistically call 'frank discussion'. This goes from name-calling to outright hounding. If nastiness is permitted, it cannot be restricted when it comes to your favorite people.
Mr. de Livera, why should you bear me illwill or I bear you (as a person) illwill? There are questions I will put to you which I hope you will answer, but seeing the general trend, I don't think there will be anything achieved. However, you must understand that as you feel driven to post whatever you do, people like me also feel driven to redress the balance by sounding cautions.
Are you are in cahoots with Mohan etc.?
I do not attend forums except now and then, for lack of time. As you see, it is several days since my last visit. I hope you are not suggesting that that precludes me from stating my views.
ripas last decade
ripas, are you carlos because symptoms match.
girilal last decade
To Girilal

Brilliant analysis. I must admit that I never thought of it yesterday when I posted my essay
'In defense of my attitude to Homeopathy'
on the Asthma thread which I shall copy below to ensure that it has the desired effect on the same alias.

Joe De Livera last decade
In defence of my attitude to Homeopathy From Joe De Livera on 2006-07-21
Dear Mr Ripas,

I note that you are responding to a post that I made on July 12 in response to yours of the same date.

From the general trend of your argument I believe that it is my direct treatment of the ailment that you seem to resent, perhaps because you have seen that many patients whom I have responded to on this forum have confirmed that they have been helped and in many instances cured. This routine of cures does not only pertain to Asthma and I must admit that I used the direct allopathic method in prescribing the remedy with the success that you can read about on the respective threads.

I am amazed at the reasons that classical homeopaths like you can offer and I can see that you are only interested in defending the classical attitude to homeopathy which I too resort to with my Radar software if I am not familiar with the ailment or the response from the patient to the remedy that I prescribe has not been satisfactory, which occurs very rarely.

I do not object to classical homeopaths using their classical knowledge in treating any ailment. I do resent however when these classical types go to the level that Dinesh Sharma went to yesterday to attack me in his uncontrolled fit of rage which is only too transparent on the ABC which you can read on:


I shall copy my response below and this will also answer some of your own reservations on the direct method that I use to prescribe any remedy to my patients. It must be borne in mind that in the case of these patients, the resultant effect which leads to a cure has almost always been positive. There have been absolutely no instances of any remedy that I prescribed causing any form of distress or aggravation.

Re: Gastric Problem.
From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-20
To Dinesh Sharma

I was appalled to note that you had addressed your post to me personally and deliberately repeated it 3 times over which I believe you did in a fit of anger as a result of my commenting on your prescribing what you fondly believed was your 'classical constitutional remedy' to relieve the patient's obvious distress from hyperacidity which sadly did not have the slightest effect in helping him for a whole month but only resulted in a serious aggravation of his condition when he was under your supervision.

I believe that types like you who are so obsessed with your own importance which you have assumed as a result of your obtaining your diploma in Homeopathy should stop to consider that the primary reason for your spending a few years in the study of this precious science is to heal suffering humanity. It is only when people like you are forced to accept that the remedy that your classical training has taught you to prescribe which did not have the slightest effect in helping the suffering patient but instead had aggravated his condition to a degree that he was so obviously suffering from it, that you explode and then proceed to insult me and command me in UPPER CASE to 'MIND YOUR WORDS' or in other words to SHUT UP.

I regret that I cannot oblige you by doing so as I strongly feel that types like you and a few others who play around with the lives of those who visit this forum in the manner that you have done for Bodapathi should be compelled to tender an apology to him for the damage that you have done to him by making his complaint which I believe is GERD infinitely worse during the last month. It is important that those who visit this forum should know the real person you are --- haughty, self opinionated, and obsessed with your own interpretation of what you feel is Homeopathy which has done irreparable damage to at least one member.

I believe that what you need is the humility to accept that you have made a serious error in your prescription of Lycopodium 200 and to bow out gracefully from the thread and thereby permit others who are able to help, to do so in peace without having to waste time in resorting to this form of defense in replying to your tirade as I am now doing right now. In spite of the constraints of time that this form of defense involves I still felt that I should give you some food for thought to teach you how to prescribe at least in the future.

You will have observed that none of us who have been advisors on the ABC for many years and long before you even knew its existence and joined it, have upbraided or criticized you directly when we had reason to do so in previous lapses on your part. I do remember a previous instance when I had to advise you in a case similar to the present and you undertook to behave in a more acceptable manner.

It is the sheer arrogance that you displayed in your tirade that I find objectionable when you state:
'I tried to help him and infcat if you can read earlier post Lycopodium had helped him.But to change constitution requires time but you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath'.
As far as I are aware Bodapathy did not show any positive response to your constitutional remedy Lycopodium 200 which sadly backfired on him and you were directly responsible to help him when he pleaded that it was not helping him when you insisted that it must help him perhaps because you had prescribed it and you were of course the last word in Homeopathy ! You then proceed to insult me with your broken Indian English stating that ' you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath'.

You must understant that if you persist in maintaining this arrogant attitude you may risk the wrath of other members and the management and may be banned from this forum permanently.

Bodapathi has decided to consult a Gastroenteriologist as the agony that you have caused him is too much for him to suffer. In doing so he will obviously be following his path to disaster as the specialist will no doubt prescribe the standard drugs used in medicine that inhibit the production of acid like Nexium, Prilosec to name only two which will only serve to palliate his ailment and will continue to send him on the path to GERD from which a return is extremely difficult as you can read from the experience of others who have been rescued even on this thread.

You must remember that it does not take that piece of paper which I presume you possess, which you like to flaunt to the other members of this forum with your title of 'Dr' which you have used as a prefix to your name, to enable those who practice Homeopathy to help members who post their ailments. It is more the dedication of the prescriber to this science and the experience that he has accumulated throughout the past years that is important and not the careless attitude that you and many others in your profession cultivate when they discover after a few years in practice that they can safely assume the status of a petty god over their patients. You have only to read the post above from Pat to appreciate the level that some homeopaths descend to, merely to maintain that haughty devil may care attitude at the expense of the poor suffering patient. I am aware of some who deliberately do so in order to ensure that the patient has no alternative but to visit them even weekly to obtain relief from their ailment which could have been cured with perhaps a single remedy in a single consultation.

As you probably know, I have been deeply involved in this science since 1970 and after a period of study it is now my hobby which I practice free of charge both privately in Sri Lanka and on the ABC as I feel a deep sense of satisfaction to help in the alleviation of human suffering in my own way which you may have read in other threads on the ABC. Some of these cures have been commented upon by grateful patients as being miraculous.

I do hope that you will not repeat your hypercritical arrogant attitude as evidenced in your last post which you have repeated 3 times over and that you will not interfere in future with my sincere attempts to help in the alleviation of human suffering.

Joe De Livera

If as I presume you are a qualified classical homeopath who insists only on working within the narrow confines of the classical method that you have been inculcated into accepting during your studies, I would suggest that you spend some time on this forum which as you will see is easily the most prolific of Homeopathic forums in the world and is used by over 50 patients to post their ailment daily seeking a cure. I presume that many hundreds, perhaps many thousands of visitors also frequent it as they obviously can find matters of health discussed in it which may be of interest to themselves.

I would recommend that you use your time more fruitfully by helping to cure human ailments posted by patients on this forum rather than just picking on dedicated Homeopaths like me and force me to use my time to defend my attitude to Homeopathy which has invariably resulted in a cure in comparison to the cures that are achieved by the classical types whose antics are only too transparent on this forum.

Answering the matters that you have discussed in your post, I too agree that a virus cannot affect anyone for 2 weeks. We are however presuming that Fauzia's children were affected for this length of time, which you will read from her response was not the case. She indicated that after she had her children's throat swabs analyzed it was discovered that they were in fact infected by the Beta Haemolyticus Streptococcus for which the required antibiotic was used and she later confirmed that both her children were cured of the infection. Their Asthma was also being controlled by the Nat Sulph.

I would like to comment on your mention of the other remedies some of which I too have used in the cure of Asthma:

You state:
' The removal of suffering, as in asthma, is by itself a big achievemnet, but it is not a cure. I use Aconite 6 or /and Ipecac 6 or Blatta O 6, and a host of remedies from Arsenic and Carbo Veg to Nat Sulph- and others, but among these, Aconite, for instance, willnot be curative. Blatta 6 will have to be given in high potency in between - if it is the matching remedy. However, like your nat Sulph prescription, by and large Aco and Ipecac relieve the symptoms. '

I have used Blattta Orientalis but in 30c potency in the dry dose for the treatment of Asthma in the case of a professor of Physics in our university in the hills in Sri Lanka. He stated that he was OK at sea level in Colombo but that when he went to his university located in Kandy that he often was unable to breathe. Blatta O fixed his problem and it did that permanently about 2 years ago and he can be considered fully cured. I have used Ipecac for a patient who was on Nat S but had a persistent cough which was resolved by the remedy.

I have recommended the use of Ars Alb 200 in the dry dose when the patient is unable to breathe when he would reach for his Inhaler. FYI I have noticed that within about 20 minutes the patient who is gasping for breath, is able to breathe without any discomfort. I have not however used Carbo Veg and Aconite and would not like to do so as I only prescribe remedies that I have used myself, or in this case as I am not an Asthmatic, remedies that I have discovered evoke a positive response from the patient.

You may like to know that almost all cases of Asthma that I have treated have responded positively to Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose and later the split dose which I use after about a month on the remedy direct from the bottle.

You state:
'When a palliative remedy is used, leave aside the usual concerns of what other effects it might have, the thing is that a closely matched remedy which might cure is ignored. The principle of a doctor or practitioner is to heal. To heal you need to know all you can about the system you are using, its theory, its tools - all the remedies. I am not against you because you are a lay practitioner. I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don't care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade. '

I do not agree with you that the remedies that I use are only 'palliative'. It just depends on how you choose to interpret 'cure'. If it is permanent it can be considered a cure but otherwise it is palliative. In the case of Asthma the cure especially in the case of chronic cases is sometimes long drawn out and may take some months. The healing process continues throughout the period the patient sips the one teaspoonful of the remedy daily and this is a far cry from the tablets and inhalers usually multiple inhalers all of which are loaded with all the choice steroids that the patient has been used to using for a lifetime.

A teaspoonful of NS does not in any way harm the patient and even I, after so many cases of successfully resolving cases of chronic Asthma, often wonder how this minuscule dose of this chemical Sodium Sulphate also known as Glauber's Salt can possibly have this beneficial effect on a patient who was as I stated has been an asthmatic during most of his life.

I do not agree that I as a lay practitioner must know ALL about the remedies I use which are the standard remedies that anyone can get from a pharmacy. It would be quite impossible for me to study ALL about the ailments that I prescribe for. I believe that it is that streak of originality that I seem to have been born with that makes me deviate from your obvious classical outlook which has resulted in my identifying many remedies in the classical Homeopathic texts for ailments that are not listed in them . If as you state you have read some others of my post on this forum you may have noticed that I have responded to the majority of the posts that patients have made and it would be safe to presume that the real reason for my success is that patients seem to appreciate my methodology in helping them as I believe that they have realized that they have resulted in more cures than those that the classical homeopaths have offered in terms of constitutional remedies and other experimental use of remedies which in a recent case was carried on for over a month when the patient was virtually screaming in agony while this homeopath continued to insist that the aggravation was part of the curative process, which in this case seemed to be unending. As you may have read the patient decided to seek an allopathic cure in sheer disgust at the homeopathic aggravation.

It is also a shame that some of these classical homeopaths use this forum to drum up business for themselves by contacting the patients directly. Their modus operandi is to pose a questionnaire to the patient within a few minutes of the original post and when the patient responds the reply from the homeopath is often delayed. Excuses are made that the ailment is under consideration as the selection of the remedy usually takes time. The patient in the meanwhile is desperate for a remedy as his ailment is causing him distress and then contacts the homeopath directly who states that the curative process will take a few months and offers to look after the patient for a handsome fee which has to be paid for the first consultation and a monthly fee to be paid for a year or more depending on the severity of the patient's ailment.

Some of these patients have contacted me and a few of them have even copied the original emails of these homeopaths. I also have evidence of the direct approach to the patient from the homeopath with the offer to help for a fee. This ploy is resorted to when the patient does not have his email address in his profile when the homeopath requests the patient to send him photographs of the ailment to enable him to treat it better and thereby obtains his email address. It is a matter of some concern to all of us who treat anyone for the joy it gives us to see a patient cured which in my opinion is far greater than the money that others who practice for a fee professionally derive from curing someone in distress.

You state:
'I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don't care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade.
I earnestly request you to please take some time to study, to use the repertory and, since you have the time and the inclination, to serve better.
It is not my intention to offend or put you down. I give you credit for trying, but you are not optimizing.'

As no doubt you are aware, I practice my own version of Homeopathy which has been recently branded 'Joepathy', I am convinced that my method is more direct and is less hazardous to the patient and what is most important, it results in a cure.

All I ask of you classical homeopaths is to permit me to continue with my mission of healing in the manner I choose which I feel is best for the patient. You are aware that this is a forum which is open to anyone who would like to voice an opinion and I would welcome any constructive opinions instead of the destructive insults that I have often had to suffer in the past (this does not include you) on this and other forums dedicated to Homeopathy.

In conclusion I would like to refer you to the first 2 Aphorisms of the founder of Homeopathy which I shall quote below:

¤ 1
The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed

¤ 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.

The mere fact that I have to brave the criticism from people like you and even insults from others who pose as classical homeopaths shall not and will not make me deviate from the manner that I believe I am correct in following.

I shall end this essay with a quotation from Arthur Schopenhauer

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
--- Arthur Schopenhauer ---

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
AS USUAL - a never-ending monotonous & boring outburst (like poison spitting) - hallucino'sis - reeked of self-glorification & frustration coupled with indirect threatening to other forum members, AS IF the self-glorify'er's owns this forum.

CONSIDER THIS (by Winston Churchill) :
'A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on'
Nesha-India last decade

As I have repeatedly said change you name to only Nesha because as an Indian I find your attitude, your expressions and your sarcasm a disgrace to Indian culture. You like to live in the pants of Winston Churchill - its your pleasure. I don,t support slave drivers and slave masters as you do.

By the way I know who Ripas is !!! ha ha

Mohan last decade
I am copying my response to Nisha's tirade on another thread today which I feel is equally applicable on this thread.

Members can sense in her post the intense hatred that seems to consume her mind against me and perhaps even Kuldeep aka Girilal and I do pity her as this post indicates that she has now reached a Psychotic state from which a return will be very difficult.

It is hoped that the Moderator will read her posts and others which she has posted yesterday and decide if she is fit to post her invectives on a Homeopathic Forum which is dedicated to healing which she has succeeded in subverting to a forum of hatred which is not conducive to its ideals.

I copy my post below:


I must admit that I am appalled at the unnecessarily aggressive manner that you have adopted during the past few months and more especially during the course of the last 2 days to belittle my efforts to cure patients who are suffering from chronic GERD using the two remedies that you have singled out, Nat Phos 6x and Arnica. I have up to today left you severely alone but I feel that your taunts in your post above call for my direct answer to you. I felt that I should break my silence in not responding to your snide comments and taunts for the last few months and to take you head-on to give you some foood for thought. I am of course presuming that you have the ability to understand and accept facts when they are presented in a logical sequence. In spite of the taunts that you have made about me and my use of homeopathic remedies you will see from the many posts on this forum that I have used these two remedies very successfully as you can see from the two who have posted in my defense above.

I would like to commence my reply to you by requesting you not to murder the English language as it is written and accepted throughout the world barring possibly India where, I presume that the spelling of the language is not given the same prominence that it is given in other parts of the English speaking world. I noticed that in 2 posts made by you yesterday you insisted on spelling the word PLACEBO as PLACEIBO. You are advised to refer your dictionary and at least in the future learn to spell a word correctly. I make this point as you are very adept at criticizing me in ways too numerous to record here, in which you so delight in recording what you think are the negative effects of my dedicated advice to all who post on this forum, all of which sprout from your fertile imagination. You have often derided the remedies that I prescribe to patients who suffer from GERD and Asthma to name just two and you have used your fertile imagination to criticize me. I noticed however that two members have recorded their own viewpoint about me, completely unknown to me till I saw their posts this morning and this example proves that other members on this forum think otherwise. I also notice that you now boast of 2 more aliases whom you trot out to support yourself and you fondly imagine that you have the last word on this forum and that you carry the support of its members but I believe that the reverse is the case and that you have achieved the status of the resident clown on the ABC as members have discovered that your inputs on the forum are so inane and illogical that it does not take any knowledge of homeopathy to evaluate your responses.

I noticed that you seem to be allergic to the two remedies that I have been prescribing recently Nat Phos and Arnica and you dare to state above that they are mere PLACEBOS. It is obvious that you have not read the many posts that patients who were suffering from chronic GERD have made on the forum confirming that they experienced relief, some within a few minutes of the first dose of NP and that they felt much relieved in a few days on the combination therapy of NP and Arnica. I would also like to record here that I was the first person to discover and record this therapy which you will not see reported in any other Homeopathic repertory as this form of therapy is not accepted by the classical fraternity, in spite of the fact that it has been proved to work in a manner that other remedies do not equal for the alleviation and subsequent cure of GERD which as you probably are aware is not an easy disease to treat. It is the corrosive effect of the gastric juices comprising Hcl and Enzymes that wreak havoc in the Esophagus by leaking up through the Lower Esophagal Sphincter. It is strange that advances in modern medicine have not been able to provide a cure for this condition which I am informed affects 12% of the population in developed countries where overeating is usually followed by hyperacidity and is followed by GERD which is then followed by Barrett's and still later, cancer.

I am convinced that if only the medical profession used my technique to cure GERD with Nat Phos 6c which has been proved to accelerate that passage of food down the gut thereby preventing it from being regurgitated upwards into the esophagus. The Arnica 30c in the wet dose helps in the curative process in the esophagus by rebuilding the delicate tissue that has been corroded by years of acid reflux. From the many cases that I have helped it would be safe to state that GERD can be cured in about 6 months in the case of chronic cases but those that are treated early can be cured in a few weeks.

I have copied the findings of Dr Schuessler on the working of Nat Phos on another thread which you may have read which proves that my hypothesis of how it helps is correct. Advanced cases of GERD suffer excruciating pain due to the stomach juice digesting the delicate lining of the esophagus and in some cases affecting the throat muscles which made it impossible for the patient who has posted her experience above to swallow any solid food and later forced her to exist for some weeks on only a liquid diet, which I believe would certainly have harmed her permanently if I had not seen her SOS on this forum and prescribed the combined NP/Arn therapy which helped her. She is now well on the way to a complete cure but is still on these remedies as she is fearful of not taking them as she feels that she may slide back into her original state. True it is that the curative process may take some time but many patients on this forum who have used this therapy will testify that they are far better today with these 2 simple remedies than they were in the past when they used the many drugs that their gastroenteriologists had prescribed which include antacids, bismuth subsalicylate, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors and combination medicines all of which give only temporary relief. They include Nexium, Prilosec and also Zantac and other drugs which usually contribute to making a bad situation infinitely worse and in the long run can cause untold damage to the esophagus which can eventually lead to Barrett's Esophagus and finally cancer. GERD has also been found to be the cause of Asthma in some patients and it is of interest to record that a chronic case of Asthma was cured in a few weeks after the patient's GERD was treated even though it was not cured at the beginning of the therapy which cured her later. It was not found necessary to use my default remedy Nat Sulph for the patient's Asthma.

I note that you have tried very hard to justify your argument by insinuating that Nat Phos and Arnica are only placebos and do not have any physically curative effect. This is a clear example of how you endeavour to subvert the facts that patients have posted on the forum to suit your own ends even when the patients confirm how much better they feel after they used this combination therapy. Nat Phos accelerates the passage of food down the gut instead of permitting it to leak up through the lower esophagal sphincter valve into the esophagus, thereby causing the burning sensation that can sometimes be mistaken for a heart attack. The Arnica helps to rebuild the lining of the esophagus and the combination of these 2 remedies combine to help cure the patient in a few months without causing any side effects like those they were suffering from before with the drugs that they were used to take daily, in some cases for years with no hope of ever being cured. You may be interested to learn that I count a surgeon among my patients and he is simply amazed as to how this therapy is helping him when all the drugs he was using only served to palliate his ailment.

If you wish to read about the many cases that have responded positively to my therapy you are advised to type GERD in the Search Forums window and read the reports of grateful patients who have confirmed that my therapy has helped them first to alleviate their ailment and later to cure it.

It seems a shame that you should persist in criticizing me for, I believe the past 2 years, for my dedicated efforts to help patients who have suffered for many years, in one case for 45 years from GERD, and discovered that they were helped and in many cases cured of their GERD in a few months.

I can only counter your inane arguments with the actual proof which you are free to read on this forum and I do hope that if any patients who were cured of their GERD see this post, that they would feel that it is worth confirming on this thread for the benefit of Nisha that the therapy I have prescribed was not a PLACEBO which only served 'SIMPLY MAKE-BELIEVE satisfy the patient that he is taking some medicine for his problems / diseases'. In the majority of cases that you can read on the forum in your search for GERD you will read that they have been cured.

I would also like to make mention of my default remedy for Asthma Nat Sulph 6c and here too you can read about the many cures that I have been responsible for using what you entitled 'This for That' recipe which resulted in a cure. As you are aware I do not always use the standard method of prescribing as I have discovered that it invariably leads to clouding the selection of the remedy. I always treat it directly in the standard allopathic manner but if I am not familiar with the ailment I use homeopathic software, in this case Radar 9.2 to obtain a diagnosis and indicate the remedy in the true classical manner. It is just that I have more faith in my own remedies which I have used in many previous cases which enables me to be certain of the response of the patient who consults me.

Another discovery worth recording that I made is the reduction of weight that can be achieved very safely with Nat Phos 6x. Here too it was a serendipitous discovery on my part as I had given this remedy to an obese patient for his hyperacidity and he reported in a few weeks that he had dropped his weight at the rate of 1kg per week. I first announced this discovery on this forum on Christmas day 2004, the day before Sri Lanka was ravaged by the Tsunami.

You may also be aware that I have made some interesting discoveries in the use of standard homeopathic remedies for ailments that are not listed in the Materia Medicas which you have always proceeded to deride as being a figment of my imagination. If you wish to read more about the many cases that I have successfully handled, you are invited to click on my name and read at least some of the 3333 posts that I have made up to today on the ABC and the responses that I have evoked from patients who have used my therapy.

I am appalled that you should write in the insulting manner that you have done below on a public forum open to the world and I quote:

'AS USUAL - a never-ending monotonous & boring outburst (like poison spitting) - hallucino'sis - reeked of self-glorification & frustration coupled with indirect threatening to other forum members, AS IF the self-glorify'er's owns this forum. '

I do not for a moment feel that I qualify for your insults quoted above and I am confident that other members of this forum who read this post will agree with me that it is your own mind which I once qualified as 'Convoluted' and your unmitigated sense of pride in yourself that leads you to explode with this form of insult which no one on this forum has retaliated as I stated above in the manner that I have done today by taking it head-on or in other words 'taken the bull (cow?) by the horns' and spent a few minutes in writing this reply to you. Quite frankly I find your attitude as evidenced from your own post disgusting. It is my hope that from today you will WAKE UP to reality and if necessary use some homeopathic remedy which I shall not dare to prescribe for you to overcome your hallucinations and your high faluting esteem of your own puerile mind which drives you to the point of insanity to insult almost everyone on this forum who dares to cross your path.

I do not think that it is fitting that I should waste any more time in rebutting your thoughts spawned in your devious mind as I can see, as others also can, that you are unable to appreciate and accept logical argument and reasoning as you seem to live in your own cocoon together with your aliases Carlos and Ripas, whom you trot out to add spice to your insanity merely to make yourself feel superior to those who are dedicated to helping patients suffering from GERD and other ailments, who post on this Forum in the hope of finding a cure.

I shall conclude with just one thought to you which I shall leave with you and that is that you will never succeed in stifling my voice on this forum as other members who have benefitted from my therapy for their many ailments will take up cudgels against you to defend me as I do not have the time to do so on a daily basis as I have other more important things to do in my life.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Sir Joe,
Please mind your tongue and your manners.
Who is insulting whom.
Who has shown hatred against whom.
You are entitled to your own opinion. AND I am expresssing my own opinion.

AS USUAL - a never-ending monotonous & boring outburst coupled with deep-seated frustration.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
To Nisha

I would recommend that you read the many posts that were made by others in response to your last attack on me in the 3 threads you have responded to on this forum, to realize the utter disdain that they all have against you and the utter contempt that they all hold you.

I was amused to discover that you have for the first time in all your many hundreds of post attacking me in the past addressed me, a Grandfather who will be 77 years old on October 19, as 'SIR Joe'. I presume that you have finally decided to at least respect age, which I understand is a prerequisite in Indian society as it certainly is in Sri Lankan society.

I shall quote your post below and later dissect it to show you and members what I believe really ails you and prompts you to respond in the manner that you always do to my posts and those of others whom you classify as your enemies if they do not kow tow to your own analysis of any matter under discussion on a thread which you do in a manner that can best be described as eccentric and even dangerous. You quote from various Repertories and Materia Medica and indicate perhps a dozen remedies for an ailment but you never ever help a patient who suffers from any aliment with just one remedy like I do in so many thousands of cases. I can think of the many cases that I have cured of GERD and Asthma to name only two that I have been helping during the past few days. You can read about their gratitude for their cures on the many threads that I have responded to. In direct contrast all you are capable of doing is to criticize my advice or the advice of others from the sidelines and I consider that this facet of your mind is vicious and deplorable. Vicious because of the manner that you twist words which are calculated to make the prescriber feel so frustrated as I have often been when a remedy that I have prescribed which has to be carefully balanced is criticized by you and when you succeed in sowing the seeds of doubt in the mind of the patient as to whether or not the remedy which I know will help, can help the patient, in his own mind. You are advised in matters such as this to keep your observations to yourself and not inflict it on the patients who are desirous of a cure.

You state:
'Dear Sir Joe,
Please mind your tongue and your manners.
Who is insulting whom.
Who has shown hatred against whom.
You are entitled to your own opinion. AND I am expresssing my own opinion.

AS USUAL - a never-ending monotonous & boring outburst coupled with deep-seated frustration. '

Your statement is obviously out of context as all I did was to post my response to you in text on this forum. You cannot refer to it by 'mind your tongue' which is only valid when describing any communication in spoken words and only referred to in speech. As for manners I am satisfied that I have been extremely gentlemanly in my response as I have always been throughout my long life. I would welcome any pointers from you where my manners in my long essay are questionable. In no place have I displayed any hatred towards to you. On the contrary my feelings towards you are of great sense of pity as I believe that you have a reasonably intelligent mind which is unfortunately subverted by your own upbringing and background as a result of which you always use it in an offensive manner which is so very unnecessary as nothing in this life can be achieved by hatred. I would recommend that you take an example from my own life where I have always achieved some outstanding success in many fields which I do not wish to bore you with here, by always adhering to a philosophy based on Love, which has endeared me to those whom I have some influence over. You are however correct that I have indicated that I believed that your hatred towards me and others on this forum was only too transparent and obvious in your posts. It is only that you twist your own words to me and others as in the Biblical reference 'You do not see the Beam in your own eye but can see the Mote in the eyes of others'.

I truly pity you for the lack of love that you have obviously suffered from throughout your childhood during your formative years from your parents and family as a result of which you have turned out to be the resident shrew on the ABC who is unfortunately officially condoned by the moderator who obviously has a soft spot for you and has according to you, banned you only 8 times for various indiscrete statements you have made on the ABC. I believe that the lowest that you stooped to was in your Jokes thread where you referred to Sally Lue who was only 12 years old at that time as being pregnant. This is certainly not my idea of a joke. There is evidence that Simon banned you immediately after I and other members reported it to him but you staged a come back shortly after by obviously sweet talking him into permitting you to return, against the wishes of the members of this forum. This lack of finess on your part is a pointer to the deep seated resentment that you have suffered from and I hope that this post may serve to open your eyes and that you will take steps to redress it with counselling and also with Homeopathic remedies.

I must admit frankly that I have often thought of spanking your bottom if you were my daughter, or even my grand daughter ! I estimate you to be around 38 years old and frustrated in life, by your own admission a hair dresser with perhaps a rich father who dotes on you. You have indicated that you have some slight interest in Homeopathy which you first started to use in treating your friends. You then discovered this forum and proceeded to inflict your theoretical knowledge coupled with your understanding of the Indian English which you specialize in with all its idiosyncrasies and proceeded to use your pseudo theoretical knowledge on the members of this forum with of course the blessing of the management who stand in awe of your pseudo classical homeopathic background.

I am convinced that you owe your very confused mentality to your parents who did not give you the love and understanding that is the right of a growing child as a result of which you have matured to be the shrew that you are today.

It pains me to submit this post on a public forum such as this, but since you have so very obviously stooped down to a level which is not the acceptable norm in the many posts that you made, I decided to do so as I felt that a public reproach to you may have the desired effect, that is if you have any sense of shame and modesty which is inborn into our culture.

Please remember that I have the backing of the majority of the members of this forum who will obviously come to my defense on their own accord whenever you attack me and you are advised in your own interest to desist from doing so in the future.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade

I just landed to this site searching for a cure for diabetes-type1.

Now I am clear that with such alias being used only to pass time on un-productive issues, I cant expect anything sensible & meaning full on pain issues of disease & cure.

Thanks for your time.
ykgupta last decade
To Ykgupta

I do not blame you for losing confidence on this Homeopathic forum which you as one who has just visited it for the first occasion is obviously appalled by the exchange of divergent views in this thread above.

It is unfortunate that those dedicated to helping anyone in distress who seeks a homeopathic cure is not permitted to advice in peace as you may have read from the post above which I have unfortunately had to upbraid the forum's resident shrew who unfortunately is in the habit of attacking me personally as you can read from her many posts above.

If you still wish to have a cure for your diabetes you are invited to type Diabetes in the Search Forums window on the left of this page and read the many posts on the subject that I and other have made which have helped to control Diabetes.

Basically I have discovered that Arnica 30c in the wet dose can control this disease in the same manner that Metformin and other drugs commonly used for diabetes do. When taken in combination to Cinnamon powder, the possibility exists of using only using these two remedies to control diabetes which is far preferable to using drugs which will inevitably take their toll in the long run.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Sir Joe,
You obvisouly missed the joke when I addressed you as 'Sir'.

Read this, repeatedly what I last said :

1. AS USUAL - a never-ending monotonous & boring outburst coupled with deep-seated frustration.

2. You are entitled to your own opinion. AND I am expresssing my own opinion.

3. Regading what you (joe) politically said 'I have the backing of the majority of the members of this forum '. So, how does it matter. What does it mean. Threatening or what.

4. Like one another member had a large number of multiple alias (proxy member) logins, which HE ULTIMATELY CONFESSED in another thread. I don't even have one, else I would not return here 8 times with the same log-in name. Hope you don't prejudice yourself ATLEAST on this one.

5. Nesha-India, DOES NOT NEED any backing from any supporters. I alone am enough to manage all the insults and nonsense you & others can do to me & homeopathy.


Certain non-college-qualified Homeopaths have shown their resent to my following sentence, as reproduced below, which was posted above on 2006-07-22.

PLACIEBO method :
A medicine (here it is Arnica or Nat.Phos.) given JUST to SIMPLY MAKE-BELIEVE satisfy the patient that he is taking some medicine for his problems / diseases. Mostly, these medicines are do not have any physically curative effect. BUT to only INDUCE & satisfy the patient INTO BELIEVING psychologically that these medicines are working on him. The patient by psychological law of Expectation (anticipation) starts believing in the placebo medicine and experiences some psychological relief, BUT THE INTERNAL DEEP-SEATED CAUSATIVE DISEASE FACTOR REMAINS THE SAME and further dangerously cumulates into a powerful inter-woven complicated case disease.

My question to 'girilal', 'joe', 'mohan', 'shrirn', and other's IS as follows :

- By Homeopathically (rules), what is wrong in the above statement ? Give reasons.
- Why are the above people hell-bent on criticising & repeatedly banning Nesha-India from this forum ?
- Do the qualified homeopath's also support or not support the above statement. Give reasons.
- In which post and did Nesha-India attack anybody personally or their prescriptions.
- Are people hallucinating that Nesha-India is attacking anybody & for what.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
girilal last decade
To Nisha

I regret that I cannot waste any more time replying your inane posts as I believe that you rather enjoy baiting me indefinitely and seek to continue an argument and questioning when no purpose is served by doing so. I have reached the conclusion that it is just not possible to enter into any debate with one who lives in a world of her own to which I referred in my last post. Distortion of the facts seems to be your forte and when that level is reached by anyone there is no purpose served by me or anyone replying you as it is obvious that your mind is so occluded with your own irrationality that you do so delight in having the last word however stupid and irrational that last word is.

I hope that you realize that your attitude has caused patients who have just registered as members to leave the forum in disgust as they cannot understand the infighting that goes on in a forum dedicated to Homeopathy, and I hope that the moderator of this forum will take note.

I have tried in my last post to help you to rise above your base instincts which will I feel eventually damn you and I and other members of this forum shall await that day with interest.

I shall leave with you a quotation from Cyrus Ching which I suggest you think about when you are not otherwise inebriated with what you feel is that special talent that you are gifted with in your profession as a hair dresser who likes to treat friends and family with your own concept of homeopathy .

' I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig.
You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.'

Cyrus Ching
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Sir Joe,

YOU ARE FREE TO CALL ME A PIG or anything else, as earlier you have called me different names and freely insulted and abused me, depending on your capacity & capability.

Forget me and my mentality. ALWAYS remember Nesha-India will ALWAYS be too much to handle irrespective of your capacity & capability.

You talk of distortion of Facts. I have asked you a very simple question, in my Indian English (sic). If it not beyond your intelligence, and if you understand homeopathy, you should be able to answer that, OTHERWISE IT IS ALL FUTILE EXCUSES & MAGICAL PRESCRIPTIONS.

In fact, you (joe) have distorted the principles & rules of homeopathy, to such a extent that you have been BANNED from all the numerous other forums you used to visit. Is this not a fact ? There is no in-fighting over here between the members, Nesha-India is only pointing out the need to prescribe on Homeopathy principles and rules and REFRAIN from reckless and irresponsible PLACIEBO prescription of a single medicine for ANY & ALL diseases, which is highly dangerous to the lives of the visiting patients / members on this forum.

OBVIOUSLY, Talk is cheap. You & others have repeatedly abused & insulted me and called me names, as is evident in your posts, BUT I don't complain to anybody including the moderator.
Don't fret about, JUST answer my above question.
LIKE a small child, why do you always bring the Moderator about and keep on complaining against Nesha-India. The moderator WOULD also see the numerous educative posts Nesha-India has made and if any of my posts are against the principles of Homeopathy or if Nesha-India has insulted or abused anybody, as YOU & OTHERS have insulted and abused me, REPEATEDLY.

You are entitled to your own opinion. AND I am expresssing my own opinion.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Hello Nesha,

This Website is the only one that has been wise enough to realize the value in what Joe De Livera has to offer.

At this website he has changed many, many people's lives for the better.

There is no evidence that other websites have banned him. I'm sure he can go there right now and log on without any problem whatsover.

It is obvious that he is highly valued and respected here by so many as it is clear by just viewing previous posts.

All one has to do is do an engine search for his name and one will see how famous he is here at this site.

He is also a well respected member of his society in his life away from the internet.
I'm sure he can put you in contact with those people.

This is the best site on the internet for homeopathy thanks to Joe De Livera who has kept it going for a very long time. Other members to this site have left and new ones come but Joe De Livera is the only one who has been a reliable homeopath here.

Take care,

Kind regards,
Pat2006 last decade
'Pat2006' :
Please tell your experiences & justifications to the little birds. They like to listen to such sweety stories which they will indebt'edly appreciate for life, which such placiebo prescibers long to listen.

Obviously, you are either BLIND or cannot read the insults and abuses 'Joe' has showered on me. I have only asked him to answer one question and instead of answering that question, 'joe' went ahead and started writing the worst of all he could think off about Nesha-India and threatening to have the moderator's attention to my post to have me banned from this forum.

No website or any forum is famous because of any one Member and NEITHER will any website or any forum collapse or close-down, if that one member quits permanently. Kindly refrain from insulting many other forum members who have contributed more than sensible prescriptions in the true homeopathic sense. NOBODY else prescribes homeopathy in such reckless or irresponsible manner. It is more than a rotten shame to bank on prejudiced supporters and threaten other forum members, just because somebody dares says what Joe does not want to agree. It is more than a
rotten shame that a group of people here are hell-bent on having Nesha-India banned from this form, repeatedly.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Hello Nesha

It is very upsetting that people here are hell bent on having you banned.

I do not know the reasons why.

I am beginning to wonder if there is more than meets the eye as to what is going on at this site.

All I can go by is your recent posts which you made and I see no reason for you to have made them.

Unless, there is something you're not telling us that prompted your recent posts directed at kuldeep/girilal and Joe De Livera.

All one has to do is look at former posts here and see that many people have come and gone to this site. Most of the current homeopaths are new to the site and I suspect that they are here only temporarily same as the ones who came and went.

I'm not being insulting or disrespectful towards you or any anyone. That is not my intent.

Again, I agree that it is a shame that people here are hell bent on getting you banned once again. If that is what they are doing. I do not know.

I hope that you at least consider staying out of the way of who ever it is that is attempting to ban you once again.

I really admire your sense of humor and hope that you continue to use your humor and avoid whoever it is that is trying to get you banned.
Pat2006 last decade
'Pat2006' :
The hitch to 'joe' and 'kuldeep alias girilal', is that only Nesha-India points out the non-homeopathic reckless and irresponsible prescriptions that are doled for ANY & ALL diseases, which is a very dangerous CULT to follow.

Only Nesha-India, dares not to accept their un-homeopathic prescribing techniques

You are right in saying to avoid such members who are prejudiced with actual homoeopathy.

Anyway, I'll activate my email i.d. for all to communicate and if you are interested to live-chat via internet with me, then my details are available on my login profile.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India

ANYWAY, this is the last of me answering ANY & ALL critics of Nesha-India.
Nesha-India last decade

I downloaded the software that you indicate on your profile, but I had to remove it from my computer because it was really slowing things down. It appears I do not have enough memory for all the software that needs to be downloaded.

The site indicated that you had not logged on in a long time.

Sorry, I was not successful at contacting you through your chat.

I am not sure that Nat Phos 6x biochemic can cause any long term affects as it is in very low potency.

Girilal also uses very low potencies. And besides they are so inexpensive. Not everyone has access to paying a homeopath their high fees. There are many poor people in the world and if kuldeep/girilal has found a way to help the poor well I can't complain about that. Girilal is not deceiving anyone. If he tells us to use a rock or a plant, well at least we know what we are using.

Are you happy for me that the matches helped my bee sting and that they have helped me be pain free?

In my personal experience, homeopathy is dangerous when used in high potencies and especially over the internet with people we don't know.

I find it interesting how we see one one person here as dangerous but not another. I have not figured out why we see danger in one but not in another.

Maybe I'm blind like you say and you may actually be right but the question is why are we blind to one person and not to another? I think we are all like this.

What prompted you to go on a rampamt of postings here recently that appear to be directed at Girilal/kuldeep and Joe? Do you know them personally? Is there something we don't know that you three know? Is there a love triangle going on or what?

Why are you singling them out and why are they singling you out?

There is obviously some conflict going on here and maybe we don't have the full story.

Kind regards,
Pat2006 last decade
Nesha: from my side, minimum effort (in homeopathy doses), to stir you.


Laughter is the best medicine.
girilal last decade
On the current domain topic, in context, This is what 'John Stanton' had to say on 2006-07-28 at the following link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/51562/

re: eczema - causes & treatment From John Stanton on 2006-07-28
curative treatment is not exclusive to arnica...

cure is to be permanent-without need of any further medicine and no other ill (set of symptoms not experienced before by patient) or ill consequence is to come from treatment in eczemas place-

adherance to single remedy at a time is manditory

CONSIDER THIS : 'Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
AS USUAL, self-hallucinating at its peak. Nesha-India, gave the minimum dose at the Nat.Phos. link and see the reaction. WHO stirred WHOM ???
Someone said to me earlier : Press the button and watch the show. Keep pressing.
Heeee heee heee.
Nesha-India last decade
Nesha, that probably happened in your dreams.
girilal last decade
Joe is not pleading that arnica is for every type of ailment. But he has given the use of arnica in some cases which is not usually foud other wise. I have started using Arnica 30 for my wife and I am finding improvement for the Type II Diabetes and rashes. If Nesha has some one than come forward and give the solution. Mere critisizing does not fullfil the ailing people.
akh826 last decade
You may keep the dog's tail in plaster for ever yet it will never become straight. Similarly human conceit is their worst disease where even both devine and medical helps fail. If the dog's tail was not crooked dog would not keep chasing it for ever. Just a food for thought.

Mohan last decade

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