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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a r n i c a - for anything and everything ... Page 9 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may keep the dog's tail in plaster for ever yet it will never become straight. Similarly human conceit is their worst disease where even both devine and medical helps fail. If the dog's tail was not crooked dog would not keep chasing it for ever. Just a food for thought.

Mohan last decade
Here's an example of how FEW prejudiced members like joe, kuldeep alias girilal alias ......., pat2006, mohan alias ... and FEW others are in direct PRIVATE email communication and gang up against nesha-india and then complain to the moderator to have nesha-india banned and delete posts and topics started by nesha-india, AS IF IT MATTERS.

The member 'mohan alias ......', made the following two posts, as described below with proper links, Please note the dates.
NOW after private email communication's with joe, kuldeep alias girilal and others, he too became prejudiced and started abusing and insulting and accusing nesha-india. Mohan alias ..., even went ahead and falsely accused me of some imaginery wrong I wrote about 'robo007', which he could not prove and would not answer my straight & simple question I put to the above members, BUT yet repeatedly ganged up with joe, kuldeep alias girilal alias, pat2006 against the hallucinatary crusade called nesha-india.

* * * * * * * * POSTS MADE BY 'MOHAN'
Re: Heel Spurs = Plantar Fasciitis From Mohan on 2006-06-17
To Nisha,
My sincerest compliments to you for the way you started this thread and conducted it. It goes straight to the point and culminates into excellent exchange of informations.
All the best.
Re: CALCIUM - Why is it not absorbable in the human body From Mohan on 2005-12-07
The reason why I had invited authentic evidence on the role of Silicea in promoting Ca++ absorption in body is untanable.
I entirely endorse what you have said in your post on the subject.
Thanks for your input.
* * * * * * * * *

MODERATOR : HOPE YOU SEE THE GANGING UP AGAINST NESHA-INDIA, by Joe, Kuldeep alias Girilal, Mohan, Pat2006 ..... as also is evident from the numerous private emails you get from this members to ban nesha-india or to delete posts / topics by nesha-india. Time to be neutral, please.
Nesha-India last decade
The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.

Friedrich Nietzsche,
Joe De Livera last decade
neesha---why r u getting so hyper about the entire issue. you have expressed your views --fine-- but why are you getting so sarcastic, over hyper about it. just cool it.

why are you creating this site as a juncture of stupid fights.

this is going over now. pls stop it. the remarks which you make actually sound very childish and hyper.

u feel u r matured ---but you dont know--- what others feel about you--which is absolutely the other way

if so bothered--then instead help people in need please. solve the queries of people.answer the questions which they put in this forum with lots of hopes.and then let people decide what they want to follow and what not

enougis enough. u r going overboard

hope u understand..!!
nupur last decade
The moderator has never confirmed the fact that I have never complained to him about anyone at this site including Nesha.

If he doesn't answer this post, then his answer is 'NO' Meaning that I have never complained about anyone to him in his private e-mail.
Pat2006 last decade
THE moderator (Simon) posted this on the following link. This will, by default, prove's the nuisance of multiple login names and other medical nonsense that 'nesha-india', always high-lighted on this forum.

Re: Is this Homeopathy and Forum !! From moderator on 2006-09-22
Hi Pat,

In general, it's fine to refer anyone to any relevent site that will help them.

When it becomes a problem is like your 'referral' here on this thread:

'this thread continues at ... .com'.

This thread (and others where you posted similarly) simply does not continue on that URL; your post is blatantly and deliberately untrue. It is not helpful to anyone.

If you are doing this out of loyalty to the site's apparent owner, kuldeep (also known as hoolio, lopez, homeo_fan, stanzione, girilal, Steve Atur, lanif, pw3000, alchemist, laura11, silverman, varun14,l uxmi, kapil, jeevan, jeniffer, vinnie, and about a dozen other names), then I respect that devotion, but reiterate that your 'diversion' posts here do not add anything to this site and are not welcome.

Good luck with it regardless, whatever your involvement, just please don't promote it here.

Best Wishes,

Nesha-India last decade

This is what 'john1020', has to say about Arnica which 'triggers off his diarrhea'.
link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/15923/8
----------- start
Re: The Ultimate Cure for Obesity From john1020 on 2006-10-21
Hi Joe

I wanted to keep you updated (i had placed this in another forum but I don't know if you check that one)...

I have just returned from my doctor following the stool exam results - i can confirm that i do not have amoebiasis. also, the blood test revealed my thyroid is still underactive - it is at 5.95 (THS), going on 6 months now.

so i can confirm that it was the arnica that was aggrevating my diarrhea. i haven't taken it for a week and my diarrhea has been controlled with ars alb every second or third day...i have also been taking 2 drops of silicea 12x every second day (once per day). on thursday night i tried arnica again (and stopped everything else for Thursday and Friday), and it tiggered my diarrhea again, no exception at all. if you look on this forum, there are multiple people who have told joe arnica has worked as relief aid for constipation - hence, it is likely to have triggered my dairrhea. this does need to be recognised and not dismisssed joe. i do believe it can do great things for people as you have witnessed, but in my case it is best i keep away.

so what do you recommend i try next to stop hair loss. my hair seems to be falling out rapidly and is very oily/greasy. I am using johnsons baby shampoo, i do not drink any coffee, sola etc. what is your opinion on Natrum Mur or Weisbaden or selenium? i have done research and these seem promising.


BE CAUTIOUS : Read this links throughly before attempting self-medicating.


Quote : 'A man is not old until regrets start taking place of dreams'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

Cyrus Ching
Joe De Livera last decade
Congratulations Joe, Everybody is taking Arnica.

a r n i c a - for anything and everything
kuldeep last decade
IN CONTEXT, This is what Dr. Jacob Scott (Hahnemania) had to say :


---- start
Re: The Ultimate Cure for Obesity From Hahnemania on 2006-10-16
As stated before Joe, you have pioneered nothing. Your methods are the same as used by all members of the 'Mongrel Sect', of which Hahnemann was so damning, for almost 200 years, but each to his own source of self affirmation I guess. You are not going to overturn the classical establishment with misdiagnosis and contrived systems either way.

Oh, and also of course, type any of our names/individualized words we use frequently into a search engine and it will yield results from Homoeopathic forums.

It does actually pretty apall me that you dare to quote and make reference to Hahnemann though, as he would be as damning of your methods as the rest of us.
---- end

CONSIDER THIS : 'A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other.'

QUESTION : Any guesses, who is the baby(s) ?
Nesha-India last decade
I am copying an email I received yesterday from a Homeopath who is well recognized as a Lecturer and is also the author of many books on Homeopathy.

Dear Mr. Joe,
77th Birthday might the beginning of your new commitment in this life. You have along way to go. Forget the neo- classicals, Many of them are only mongrels. I used to say my students here that unfortunately we inherited a legendry who had no hesitation to eat the vomitus of their teachers and we do the same thing with out any shame and call our self most modern, scientific etc. Criticizing any thing more than t the Poor Hahnemann told has become a fashion of these neo- group. Science teaches us to see factual and up date the knowledge. I am for changing concepts if realistic. Dogmas are curse in Homoeopathy. That my be one reason I found good in you and need your patronage to develop the system. We can make efforts to take the system forward. Lot of things are to be done. Let you have good health, new ideas and charisma. Best Wishes
Joe De Livera last decade
Someone has to first invent an electronic meter that will show if it is PALLIATIVE response or CURATIVE response by the body.

Till then every thing is make - believe and self assumptions.

One man's word against another.

Both sides will keep claiming that their viewpoint is correct...but there is no scientific verification.

Till a scientific measure is available....we just have to trust what the user of the medicine is saying.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
If YOU do not know how to differentiate between 'PALLIATIVE response or CURATIVE response by the body.', DOES IT MEAN OTHER PROFESSIONALLY QUALIFIED MEDICO's DON'T KNOW IT TOO ?

If YOU do not know of the 'scientific verification and measures' that are available for 'PALLIATIVE response or CURATIVE response by the body.', does it mean that the professional research & analytical centres / bodies don't know it as well ?

Irresponsible and un-professional Statement's such as made by YOU like :
- 'Till then every thing is make - believe and self assumptions' &
- 'One man's word against another' &
- 'trust what the user of the medicine is saying',
ARE ONLY for false self-satisfactions practised by non-professional medico's.

HOPE, you are not getting prejudiced by your selective knowledge of Homeopathy and Human Anatomy.

BTW, please visit this link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/87375/ .and. http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/87446/ TO CHECK OUT 'HOW' THE INCARNATION OF 'LORD KRISHNA alias Kuldeep', likes to press buttons.

BTW, what is your intepretation for 'BUTTONS' ?

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Nesha, Some Homeopathy Constable Mr. Bandar made a big deal about your buttons. What are these?
kuldeep last decade
To Nesha,

Day after day seeing your most stupid and idiotic remarks, you have more than established the fact that you are either mentally derranged or a corrupt destructive and deeply frustated person.

Is there any Homeopath who can shut Nesha's evil thoughts.

Mohan last decade
Please visit this links :

TO CHECK OUT 'HOW' THE INCARNATION OF 'LORD KRISHNA alias Kuldeep', likes to press my buttons.
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Mohan alias ...

Let me be a 'mentally derranged or a corrupt destructive and deeply frustated person'.

Worry about yourself and the various aliases you log-on in, one of them being 'achandra'.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade

You are the most stupid person. I am not a coward don't work with many other log-in IDs. I stand by the login name Mohan.

You are not only crazy and stupid, but it seems you suffer from hallucinations. May be you are a junkee.
Mohan last decade

If you prove that I am using the login name 'achandra'
I will give you a gold ingot of 10g (99.9% purity, or you apologise in this Forum.

Mohan last decade
About Nesha-India,

1. This Forum is read in all countries. As I repeatedly demanded....Nesha must drop the word 'India' as you are blemishing the name of our great country India.

2. I ask the members of this esteemed Forum to just ignore her cracks as she is clearly possessed by evil spirit and should be given the treatment by an Indian Tantrik of smoking her and beating with used broom to remove the evil spirit which is making her throw tantrums and only fighting all the time.

Mohan last decade
To Mohan,

I find it difficult to believe how any sane person can possibly rouse the ire of almost all members of this forum as Nisha has done both now and in the past.

It is possible that she succeeds in doing so as you very succintly stated 'as she is clearly possessed by evil spirit and should be given the treatment by an Indian Tantrik of smoking her and beating with used broom to remove the evil spirit which is making her throw tantrums and only fighting all the time.'

I must admit that I dissolved in fits of laughter when I read your statement which I fully agree with and I hope that Nisha's parents will take suitable action to follow your advice for the good of their daughter before she is consumed by the hatred that she perpetrates against persons like you and me who try to help members who post their ailments on this homeopathic forum.
Joe De Livera last decade

This is what 'sazim', had to say on the following link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/86929/1

---- start
Re: Recent cases of Homeopathy Terrorism. Convert to Classical Homeopathy or Die. From sazim on 2006-10-23
Dear Pankaj, Kuldeep, Nesha

There is a saying in URDU, which goes like this

'Neem Hakeem khatra e Jan'
'Neem Mula Khatra e Imaan'

The above one is so aptly written for Joe, and Joe I will translate it for you, it means

'A doctor with an incomplete knowledge can endanger his patients life, and a Mulla with an incomplete knowledge can destroy his followers faith'.

So beware of these Doctors and Mullahs, who are 'neem'

Nesha, should you recommend a neem based homeopathic medicine for them


Nesha-India last decade
This is what 'kahlil007', had to say in the following link :

----- start
Re: to all homeopaths From kahlil007 on 2006-10-23
thanks again guys, a question came from sad 365 mention if underlying cause not remove will never be cure. this i under stand changed diet, have been taking arnica, orderless garlic extract,apple cider vinagar, green tea extract. still fluctates from 160s to 190s. also hypertension rectonnopty i right eye. thats why i need to get it down, for good.
---- end

In 'joepathy' Arnica is propogated as a 'universal cure' for 'ANY & ALL' DISEASES.
Nesha-India last decade
READ this sensible information on the 'POTENTIAL DANGERS' of reckless prescribing of Arnica for life-long, un-authenticated non-stop usage of Arnica for ANY & ALL diseases.

The claims of Arnica as a universal cure for ANY & ALL diseases, is not-authenticated by any medical college / research institute and is neither recorded in institutionally approved medical books.

The sensible information is provided by a experienced and responsible homeopath 'gavinimurthy' and hence linked here for record purposes.

at link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/89665/
titled : Arnica From gavinimurthy on 2006-11-01

BE CAUTIOUS : Read this links throughly before attempting self-medicating.
- http://www.abchomeopathy.com/homeopathicmedicine.htm
- http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/86602/

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
To every one,

Ignore the cynical outbursts of Nesha who goes on and on brailing like an old broken
gramophone record.

Above all Nesha is only concerned about grinding into others that she is the only knowledgable human being on the earth. What a limit to her coceit.
Mohan last decade
Thank you Mohan for exposing the WITCH which she has openly admitted that she is. Unfortunately for her the charms that she tried on me did not work and as far as I am aware, if in fact she did one against me when she was last in Colombo a few days ago, it is common knowledge among those who believe in these devilish charms that she runs the risk of the charm boomeranging back on her. This may serve to open her eyes to the realities of life where
I might also add that TRUTH too conquers all.

You may like to know that in spite of what she states about Arnica I have just replied a post from a patient confirming how it has helped to reduce his BS level which I shall copy below:

Re: diabetes/hypothroidism - Arnica Montana From information on 2006-11-04
helloo every1,

I am glad to inform you that using Arnica 30c in wet form + cinnamon tea twice a day, reduced my BS fasting level from 160 to 120/130 within a week. ( I am using Glocophage 500 twice a day)I am not doing any excercise, I am pretty sure if I manage my diet plan & little excercise, my diabetes will be normal. Thank you very much for Mr. Joe, I will post any further improvement in futur.

can Any1 help me to stop smoking? i am a chain smoker and smoke around 25 cigrette per day.

Re: diabetes/hypothroidism - Arnica Montana From Joe De Livera on 2006-11-04
I am glad that you reported on the success of the Arnica therapy and I hope that the skeptics on this forum will take note.

You may like to know that many have succeeded in QUITTING smoking and you can read presonal reports on:


It is essential that you alter your life from now on and you will discover that the Arnica will help you to quit smoking. You will then start on an exercise routine first on a low level basis but the main requirement is that you sweat it out to promote your body to come back to normal ASAP.

You may discover that after you quit smoking that your appetite may return and you are warned not to overeat as this will affect your Diabetes.

Please also check your Blood sugar level daily on a digital gauge and reduce the drugs you are now taking which you can replace with the Arnica/Cinnamon therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.