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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a r n i c a - for anything and everything ... Page 7 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
homoeopathy is not a religion --so why concerned of spreading it--or defending it...no one knows (in large view)what effect all this has.....if it is a truth---then will exist long after.so relax..
John Stanton last decade
I would like to copy a post that I have just made on the thread Natrum Phosphoricum which I feel is relevant to this thread also:

I really wonder what reason Nesha can offer for butting in for the second time on a serious discussion on Nat Phos which in my opinion can virtually change the face of the world, especially those who are suffering from both GERD and Obesity. If she has read the many posts that Girilal and others have made on this thread the fact that Nat Phos can be made with Phos Soda which is available throughout the US for a few Dollars can help to change the lives especially of the Obese who are officially counted at 65% of the population in the US. This applies equally to other countries as well that have their own percentage of the Obese who can be helped by this simple remedy in a manner that has been found effective in over 75% of the cases treated.

The fact that Nat Phos can be made in the manner recorded by Girilal, makes it possible for the Obese to use this remedy to reduce their weight safely in the range of I kg or 2.2 lbs per week. Those who have suffered from Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease (GERD) have testified on another thread to the efficacy of this therapy that I have prescribed. Some of these patients have been suffering from this serious ailment for over 40 years and were treated by their doctors with the usual drugs like Nexium, Prilosec etc which only served to make a bad situation infinitely worse. In almost all cases they discovered that they experienced almost instant relief after the first dose which continued day after day till in some instances their GERD was soon stabilized and in some cases, cured.

I do object to Nisha's snide remarks which she seems unable to suppress as I believe that in her own convoluted mind she feels that the joker that she is, should somehow put her 5 cents worth with what she feels are her hyper intelligent thoughts that are far above the ken of types like me and others on this forum, who are dedicated to helping members who post their ailments on this forum in the hope of finding a cure.

It is obvious that she sadly lacks any process of rational thought as shown in the manner that she projects them on this thread and others. I have observed that this is her normal approach to any thread where she feels impelled to add, what she fondly imagines, are her gems of thought however inappropriate they may be. I hope that she realizes that by her cynical attitude, she only serves to attract the scorn of other members who may not be able to voice their protest openly for various reasons.

Her reference to her inane screen play is, to say the least puerile and offensive and it is hoped that pests like her will stop their assaults on the many threads which in some cases may pertain to a matter of life and death for the patients who use the therapy that I and others who are dedicated to healing, offer them.

It is types like her that are the bane of homeopathy and I cannot understand the reason why she persists in acting the joker instead of condescending to use her pseudo classical knowledge of Homeopathy to help those who post their ailments on this forum. She persists instead in desecrating it in the manner she has done in her post above and on many others threads.

I do wonder if her comments are motivated by jealousy at the success of the therapy that I have indicated on this and other threads which I have always maintained is non classical in their methodology. It must be mentioned however that the large majority of cases that I have treated on this forum have worked in a manner that leaves me and others amazed at their successful outcome.

I feel that the lowest depth that she has descended to was epitomized by her vulgar reference to a 12 year old member of this forum whom she portrayed as being pregnant in another of her strange stage plays. This was objected to by members of this forum and resulted in the Moderator banning her from the ABC for the second time. It is a matter of interest that she has wriggled her way back again to it to the consternation of the long suffering members of this forum.

It is unfortunate indeed that she persists to degrade the love and understanding of this forum dedicated to healing but this, I believe, is the level that can be expected from a person who by her own admission, is a Hair Dresser by profession in her native city in India.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe De Livera, please don't worry about her. She is just self appointed 'abchomeopathy Constable' A Cartoon.
hoolio last decade
Dear Hoolio Tamiano, how are you. Long time no see.

She loves 'NATURE' - In spite of what it did to her.
girilal last decade

Enough is enough.

Indeed you have imbibed the true quality of a barber - cutting, cutting, & cutting hair, you cannot give up the habit of cutting everything.

What you expect to gain by your vainglorius / narcissistic attitude - a noble prize?

One should remember the limits of humility line ........Lord Laxman crossed the line and had Sita abducted.

Read (with your glasses)on my next post where I will tell you of the amazing success I achieved last month with JOE's line of treatment with NAT PHOS6X and Arnica.

Attitude is self destructive process. Quoting from Homeopathic software and Materia Medicas, as you often do, does'nt make you a great homeopath. Amelioration of suffering make one true doctor.

Its never too late to change attitude.


PS: Pls change your Log-in name from Nisha-India to Nisha because you give the impression to Forum members from other countries that Indian are just cribbers at the best.
Mohan last decade
i dont condone the attack of nisha...and dont see nisha's words as imbued with these characteristics others seem see exist...no different than any of us at any given time..
John Stanton last decade

I would ask Nisha-India to change her name to Nisha so that Indian do not get labelled as cribbers and / or arrogant by forum members from other countries.

Indian are highly tolerant, polite and compassionate.

If she cannot desit from being insulting, she is bound to get it back in her own coin.
Mohan last decade
as far as individual's i treated from india --very polite..yet..in truth i haven't found nisha unpolite--taking nisha's words in context---shall be no misunderstanding..thus we continue the politeness by checking our own opinions and feelings--we all need continuous assess our own state ....and if another rouse us into strong emtion--then --we need realize it is us whom feel and recognize what adjustments we need make to our own character..no one can tell (better said) expect another what they must learn..we only have control of ourselves.(if even that)..no matter how much we have tried to do otherwise....this vast world we live in belongs to no (just) ''one''.... no problem we get upset at anything--but we need balance after that venture into judgment..
John Stanton last decade
Hi Joe, Nesha and others,

Do you think Arnica could work for the pimple/blocked follicle/sweat gland prblem I have had for 7 months? If so in what format? Don't know if this link works:
If not do a search under pimple labia and you will see the problem


lena2006 last decade
It is difficult to predict the outcome of using Arnica but there is no harm in using it. You can use Arnica 30c in the wet dose twice daily and see how it helps you. Silicea 6x tablets dose 2 tablets taken 3 times daily can also help.

Report response in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
Before Arnica could work, pimple must be drained.
Silicea 3X and
Calcarea Sulphurica 3X both twice a day for two weeks. Then you can take Sepia, or Silicea or Arnica based upon renewed symptoms after 2 weeks of taking both above medicines.
girilal last decade
Mr. de Livera. As much as you consider it your right to write what ever you please on this forum, so does that right belong to others. If nesha bothers you - since your reaction to all criticism is just short of vicious - well, you bother me and probably many others. So what?
If Nesha is a 'hairdresser', aren't you a 'shopkeeper'? What is so disparaging about either? I think the lady has goodknowledge and better understanding of homeopathy than you do. If there are those who think you are marvellous, there are those who despair at what you are doing. So live and let live.
Mr. Mohan - you have no right to instruct anyone as to what name they should use. As it is, both nesha's name - and yours - and mine - have INDIA written large. Again, one man's meat... i am proud and happy that at least a few people on this forum are struggling to preserve real homeopathy.
John Stanton: consider this - even a person appearing on the forum under his / her own name might also have convenient aliases to boost his / her points.
ripas last decade
Dear Ripas,

I don't think you have been following unwarranted, unprovoked scathing remarks Nisha has been repeatedly posting. Either she is cynical or a spoilt chip. Do you know that she herself acknowledges having been banned by the Moderator about 8 times from this Forum.

The post on this Forum are read by members all over the world. Members from other countries are extremely polite even when to express their difference on a post. Should this forum create an impression that Indians are rude, and they are so conceited that they lack respect for others.

Joe's tried line of treatment are not bogus. I may tell you from my recent personal experience that 3 patients who despite elaborate tests and treatments for GERD and related complications, at various prestigious hospitals in Mumbai could not be cured.
But with Joe's line of treatment with Nat Phos 6X and Arnica in wet doses cured all of them quickly.

The purpose of this forum is to help those looking for a homeopathic treatment. Let each member contribute according to their expertise and experiences. All the time quoting info from Homeopathic softwares and Repertory to attack others is not commendable.

I am originally a Post graduate in Pharmacology and have worked for years with Professors of Medicine and other Faculties,as a Clincial Trials co-ordinator for an International Pharmaceutical company, and I know that personal experiences in achieving cures reign supreme. Theory is theory. Only amateures rattle on it.
Mohan last decade
Well, looks like the time has come to report my results with Nat Phos 6x. So far it us looking like Joe De Livera is always right.

Have lost at least 5 lbs but have lost several inches. So my body looks like I lost more than 5 lbs.

I have not been paying any attention to my weight nor size because my concentration has been on nutrition and health. I have been eating more food than I have in the last 12 months thanks to Girilal/kuldeep and Pankaj Varma and Joe De Livera.

I have been wearing one piece short outfits that have ties on them so I didn't realize I had lost weight nor inches.

Yesterday, I took my measurements to make a dress. To my SURPRISE, I discovered I have lost several inches.

I'm in such shock that I cannot bring myself to cut the pattern. I think I will wait until this sinks in.


I have a feeling I will have much more to report.

Now I better go get used to my new body.
Pat2006 last decade
To Ripas

I am copying my post on the Asthma thread in response to your unwarranted attack on me which I feel is of interest on this thread.

Please note that I bear you no ill will and the sole purpose in my spending a few hours every day on this forum is to help people who have been suffering from various ailments which have been subjected to various methods of cure including by classical homeopaths without any success. It is when people who were sceptical and critical of my method of diagnosis and therapy find themselves reacting positively to my therapy which usually leads to a complete cure, that I feel that the time that I spend in helping others, is worth while as it is very likely that if I had not helped them, the classical homeopaths whon they consulted in the past would not have done so. If you have any doubts on this matter you are welcome to ask the patients directly to confirm to you who are obviously a skeptic and possibly someone who is in cahoots with Nisha, whether they or their offspring had benefited from my therapy.

I copy my post below:

I do not know in which part of the world you live in but from your post I believe that you have not heard of the current throat virus which starts with a sore throat and after a few days affects your lungs and if you are unlucky you finally end up in hospital. This virus is rampant in Sri Lanka where I live and India, China, UK, US and other parts of the world.

You may be aware that the Nat Sulph therapy that I prescribed has helped many Asthmatics who were chronic and the numbers keep growing. I hope that Fauzia and Shiny see this post to confirm to you a disbeliever, that my attitude towards Homeopathy which some have called 'Joepathy' also works, perhaps even more effectively than the classical method that all who are qualified adopt and which they use with only limited success at least in the cure of Asthma. You have only to read the many posts that others have made to try to help the children of the two mothers above and I hope that others too will confirm that they have benefitted from my simple therapy after having suffered for years, some for over 25 years from Asthma.

You must realize that the mere fact that a virus infects the asthmatic patient who was in any case under treatment with Nat Sulph 6c does not preclude other viruses from attacking the patient. A human body is always an open target for these nasty viruses and an Asthmatic is perhaps more prone to succumb than another who is not suffering from this ailment and you cannot therefore conclude that my prescription for asthma was at fault. The present throat virus is a difficult one to cure and it unfortunately has the habit of repeat infections which make it in my opinion the worst encountered in 2006.

If you are so very concerned about my misdirecting my patients may I suggest that you prescribe a remedy which you have used for asthma and has worked in the same manner as the Nat Sulph therapy had worked for so many Asthmatics ?

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
I would like to ask experienced doctors on this forum to let me know as to what are the side effects and harms, if Arnica 30 is used for a long time. If it has no side effects/harm, let people use it. This is very important point. Please do answer.
khawaja1 last decade
I would like to ask experienced doctors, as to what are the harms/side of using arnica 30 c wet dose.
This question is very important because it involves people's health.
khawaja1 last decade
I shall be delighted to answer your post.

I believe that I am the only person in the whole wide world to have used Arnica 6c since 1996 which I do every night.

I can only confirm that I owe to it my sense of wellness at my advanced age of 76 which BP 120/80 pulse 65 with no ache or pain in my body which is usually acceptable at my age.

All you need to do is to get 3 pellets Arnica 6c and insert them into a 500ml bottle of spring water and after shaking the bottle hard to succuss it, you sip a teaspoonful of the water which is now the remedy twice daily.

You are encouraged to read all the 6 pages of this post to get some more information of a remedy which I consider a Miracle Remedy which can perhaps change your future life.
Joe De Livera last decade
khawaja1 last decade

I am a new member to group.
My 3 year old son is diagnosed with type-1 Diabetes six months back.

He is currently on Insulin 3 times a days. Even with three pricks a days, its difficult to keep the BG under normal limits.

Request you to please suggest any suitable medicine to help normalise BG along with Insulin.

Is there any long term Hemopathy treatment for Type-1 Diabetes.

Thanks in Advance.

ykgupta last decade
To me best remedy for type-1 is phosphorus 30 3 times a day.
The other proven remedies I am using and getting best results are;
-|*@2@*Insulinum 30
-Arnica 30
combining altogather 4 times a day;
Try these and let me know the results.


ashfaq last decade
Hello Neesha

if u cant help sumone atleast dont discourage others from helping otherss

Joe is the person-- who has taken lot of efforts to answer queries for so many people and has always answered in the good will for patients-
He never intended to harm patients-- Whatever he said-- was his personal experience

So if u dont want to believe it --or follow it-- then please dont do that-- But stop humilating others publicly just to gain publicity.

WHo the hell is asking u to believe it or follow it--- and people who follow it they do so by their own will and understanding

Infact the site also mentions clearly-- that all prescription should be used by ur own choice


This is absolute irresponsible behaviour
nupur last decade
to neesha

What happened??? Now why have u disappeared

Now pls answer the query of MR vkgupta for diabetes-- if u r really so concerned

And if u cant ---then just SHUT UP.
nupur last decade
'nupur' : Thank you. Kindly confirm as to how far you have improved from your mental prurities. For your information, the reason for your Mental Prurities is the Soft-Drinks you repeatedly drink. Incidentally the Acidity of Soft-Drinks is between 1.5 to 3.0 pH. If Interested, Ask me how to get rid of your mental prurities, the non-Arnica';ted way.

Answering others :
Why did certain people get irked at my questions and react & criticise so strongly. Somebody apparently, as usual, forgot his manners and called me a 'pest' 'convoluted mind' !!! GOOD. Only the self-smart-glorify'ier's non-homeopath's feels that, which is beyond their capacity and capability to understand.

Nat.Phos. the way it is prescribed here to prepare is against the Homeopathic pharma principles and is totally false and misleading, even if it means helping for free or whatever ...

The Homeopathic CAUSATIVE factor should be found out before recklessly prescribing Nat.Phos. for ANY & ALL digestive disorders. OTHERWISE, it is just placiebo'cally only a palliative (only temporary relief leading & cumulating to more powerful & dangerous symptoms later on, in the long term).

Am I stating something wrong .OR. Are some selected forum members highly biased, prejudiced & possessed with their own thoughts. Besides a selected few NON-homeopaths (that too 'unqualifieds', nobody else supports such irresponsible methods and prescriptions. Nesha-India, is only creating responsible AWARENESS for such irresponsible methods and prescriptions, which is prescribed in the Allopathic way.

OBIVIOUSLY, the non-homeopath's will keep on criticising Nesha-India, without giving justifications and reasons, which they are always most welcome to do so ...

IF John Stanton, is reading this : What is the homeo medicine for 'convoluted mind' ? Sepia ?

QUOTE : Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please'
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Mr. Mohan - if you think that posters on this forum - and others - are all polite, barring Ms. nesha, then I suggest you read more posts - I just read at random and I have seen a great deal of what you might euphemistically call 'frank discussion'. This goes from name-calling to outright hounding. If nastiness is permitted, it cannot be restricted when it comes to your favorite people.
Mr. de Livera, why should you bear me illwill or I bear you (as a person) illwill? There are questions I will put to you which I hope you will answer, but seeing the general trend, I don't think there will be anything achieved. However, you must understand that as you feel driven to post whatever you do, people like me also feel driven to redress the balance by sounding cautions.
I do not attend forums except now and then, for lack of time. As you see, it is several days since my last visit. I hope you are not suggesting that that precludes me from stating my views.
ripas last decade
Dear Mr. Mohan - if you think that posters on this forum - and others - are all polite, barring Ms. nesha, then I suggest you read more posts - I just read at random and I have seen a great deal of what you might euphemistically call 'frank discussion'. This goes from name-calling to outright hounding. If nastiness is permitted, it cannot be restricted when it comes to your favorite people.
Mr. de Livera, why should you bear me illwill or I bear you (as a person) illwill? There are questions I will put to you which I hope you will answer, but seeing the general trend, I don't think there will be anything achieved. However, you must understand that as you feel driven to post whatever you do, people like me also feel driven to redress the balance by sounding cautions.
Are you are in cahoots with Mohan etc.?
I do not attend forums except now and then, for lack of time. As you see, it is several days since my last visit. I hope you are not suggesting that that precludes me from stating my views.
ripas last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.