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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm sorry Lopez,
I didn't see your post, so my post after yours was to Kuldeep. It is really too bad that humans feel the need to create conflict with one another. I will never understand it. It was probably a bad idea to get involved in this thread, but I did, because I am so indebted to Joe. Joe's writing is far superior to my own, and he can handle this much better than I can, as he has had quite a bit of practice. I am not trying to make enemies, I was simply stating my opinion, which probably did not need to be stated, as it seems to be the opinion of more than one person here.

To Nesha India,
All I can say is: May the good Lord bless you and give you a spirit of forgiveness and acceptance.
Sally Lue last decade
'Sally Lue' :
It is simply not in your capacity or capability to understand my posts. As said many times earlier, Nesha-India is LEAST BOTHERED what people have to say about me or my postings.

Nesha-India, suggests to you that you SHOULD voice your opinion and other things behind the CURTAIN in your Church, so that you have a proper outlet to vent (ESCAPISM). Try to re-think everything yourself, behind that Curtain.

Nesha-India is further LEAST BOTHERED about the 'May the good Lord bless you and give you a spirit of forgiveness and acceptance'. PLEASE KEEP ALL THE imaginery GOOD BLESSING TO YOURSELF.

Nesha-India, does not practice ESCAPISM, and the spirit of forgiveness and acceptance is all nonsense for the Weak minded. I Don't believe in the existance of non-existant God.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
I believe you are right. It is simply not in my 'capacity or capability' to understand your posts. The pompous, arrogant, and mean-spirited nature which you consistently display clearly demonstrates your lack of God.

I am well aware you believe you do not care what others say about you, or else you would not go about searching for conflict. I am not disturbed by your attitude towards me, as I expected nothing less from you. I am not quite sure I understand your use of the word 'escapism'. The dictionary definition of 'escapism' is The tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment. If you are referring to my religion, I assure you my religion does not practice escapism. If anything, it calls people to a deeper sense of reality. It calls us to look at the stark picture of reality painted by the world, the flesh, and the devil.

I am aware you will most likely disregard everything I say as nonsense for the 'weak minded', but I won't stop praying for you.

One last thing, how did you find ABC homeopathy, seeing as you are a young hairstylist? Why do you pick fights with homeopaths, as it seems your knowledge of homeopathy is quite limited?
Sally Lue last decade
Yeah yeah. I got it. Rooster has to fight. Fighting is its religion.
lopez last decade
I wouldn't call it religion...
Sally Lue last decade
What lovely hair that rooster has.
Sally Lue last decade
If not religion then character.
lopez last decade
Sally Lue last decade
'Sally Lue' :
Go behind the Curtain, Sally, Go behind the Curtain. ONLY then you will understand what you want to understand. That's your capacity. Preach & Pray over there for the overly nice yourself and not for me. Let me what I am.

Also take with you 'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface', (all are one person),
Ignorant trouble-shooters, school runaways

heee hee hee heeee hee heee, ouch my tummy still aches with all the laughing. Was that photograph of 'Sally Lue' or of 'Lopez'
Nesha-India last decade
My dear, I would like to let you know, my Church does not have a 'Curtain', literal, or figurative. As I am sure you are well aware, Lopez intended that as a picture of you.
Sally Lue last decade
Hey buddy lopez, she is mad like a coot.
homeo_fan last decade
What is coot?
lopez last decade
'Sally Lue' :
Curtain or no Curtain (maybe wooden partition or hidden room, get one installed). Preach & Pray over there for the overly nice yourself and not for me. Let me what I am.

If that picture was of Nesha-India, I like it, I enjoy it and I appreciate it.
Nesha-India last decade
This thread is going no where, and I am going to cease participation in it.
Sally Lue last decade
'Sally Lue' :
Take those school runaways called 'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface', (all are one person), with you to the Church, where you were supposed to be going an hour back.

Go behind the Curtain, Sally, Go behind the Curtain. ONLY then you will understand what you want to understand. That's your capacity. Preach & Pray over there for the overly nice yourself and not for me. Let me what I am.

heee hee hee heeee hee heee, ouch my tummy still aches with all the laughing. ARE you going to allow me to have the last laugh. Don't pray for me, Just remember me and my name when praying ritually.

'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface', (all are one person),
WHAT happened, no further pictures of me, I'm waiting. OR are you going with 'Sally Lue'
Nesha-India last decade

You unknowling are speaking from your deep sense of wanting to be vulnerable and not knowing how. Calling it a CURTAIN is very insightful. You have such great wisdom.

Why not seek some homeopathy remedy or some sort of help for yourself to help you be in touch with your loving self and come out of the curtain. I know you have a real sweet personalality that is dying to come out but doesn't know how.

We all have good and bad emotions in all of us. But rejecting parts of ourselves we just live behind the curtain. WHAT AN INSIGHT.

I'm sure that Salley Sue although a real sweet girl can be mean when she needs to be.

Although, you don't believe in prayer, we will pray for you anyway.
Happyface last decade
Coot is a kind of duck. It gets real mad.
homeo_fan last decade
Sally, if this thread has served any purpose at all?
hoolio last decade
To hoolio,
No, it hasn't served any purpose except to anger people.
Sally Lue last decade
Well well, so Pat IS schizo - what irony that she/he chooses such a new avtaar!
I think this forum is nothing more than an outlet for the moderator's shop - which is why shopkeepers who talk rubbish are encouraged - the more arnica they sell, the better.
To all of you trying to attack Nisha, the laugh's on you - she is right - IMHO, anyway. Sticks and stones..
Anyway, I have finally had my fill of this forum, what with the Pats and Happyfaces (HO HO HO!) who know nothing and shout the loudest.
The best of luck to you, Nisha - and to all the sincere homeopaths who try so hard to help people who run for allopathic homeopathy.
homlee last decade

Why don't you get your facts straight. Joe has already stated the many people have sent him money and he always sends it back. That is why so many people love him because he means it when he says he does it out of the goodness of his heart. He is not a SALESMAN like you are falesly accusing him of being.

Start a new thread and ask all those who got their donations back post here before you start making false accusations.
Happyface last decade
yea, homlee you best get away from here cause anyone who shows no respect for Joe here has few friends and many enemies. His friends will come after you too.
Happyface last decade

are you sure what Joe is saying is the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth.....are you conducting his financial affairs, auditing his books, checking his accounts, or you just believe what he says on this forums and others.
I agree that Joe has a helping spirit, and he traverse through a lot of these forums and try to help people which is commendable, but, the way he does it is not homeopathy, but Joepathy, which can help a patient and can harm a patient as well. What Nesha is been trying to do is to teach us what homeopathy is, by attacking Joe, Joe alikes and 'Joepathy' in her own way. Remember good medicines are always bitter


sazim last decade
Ask people for feed back.

Send him money yourself.

Nesha is not attacking Joe. She is simply jealous.

I have no doubt that Nesha loves Joe.I have no doubt that Nesha is a real nice person. Nesha is on here helping people the best she can because she is a caring person,

She loves the jokes herself. And ejoys herself immensely. Just have fun. Follow her lead and enjoy yourself.
Happyface last decade
Dear Nesha

Will you be my friend?

I could sure use your friendship.

Write to me at my private e-mail anytime.

Will make my e-mail available SPECIALLY for you.

I think we can be great friends. I think we have a lot more in common than we realize.

I am going to change my settings right so you can access my e-mail.
Happyface last decade
Dear 'Lopez' alias 'homeo_fan' alias 'Happyface' alias 'sanj551', (all are one person),
Ignorant trouble-shooters, school runaways.

Nesha-India can easily understand what you do when you go behind the curtain. To be ritually nicely nice inside AND the moment you are out of behind the curtain, you start showing your true self, as is evident here, JUST like 'Sally Lue'.

ALL enemies or friends of anybody is welcome to take on Nesha-India. I assure you that Nesha-India can take on any number of enemies. See, if Nesha-India gets angry, atleast TRY. Go ahead and do all you can.

Sending money or Donations or alms, eh (heee hee). Is that the reason people glorify themselves and declare that they stay in SriLanka. ANYBODY ELSE DECLARES / DOES IT ON THIS FORUM ? Have you read the following interesting link : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/34364 .

ALSO YOU SAID to 'homlee', = 'yea, homlee you best get away from here cause anyone who shows no respect for Joe here has few friends and many enemies. His friends will come after you too.'
- Are you GUTLESS'ly threatening 'homlee' or anybody.
- Does this forum belong to your pop or to Joe.
- What do you mean by 'His friends will come after you too', What will you do, let's know.
- Why should anybody agree with you or listen or obey you.

heee hee hee heeee hee heee, ouch my tummy still aches with all the laughing.
YOU HAVE STARTED THE PHOTOGRAPH's of me. What no more photos of me ?
Incidentally, that (above) photograph was of a ROOSTER (MALE HEN) and that is you. YOU are exhibiting handsome photograph of yourself and making me thankfully laugh. Nesha-India is Female. OR are you trying to change my sex. pppPlllleeasssee doo not dooo thattt. brrrr brr br. You sure that wasn't 'Sally Lue''s photograph, the way she started sympathically & indebtedly croaking over here along with you, in eternal support of Joe.
Nesha-India last decade

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