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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ear problem Page 2 of 11

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Hi everybody

I think the following is the key to the case

"some times she says even she speaks in a low voice , she can hear it very loud."

Pl.come out with remedies for this condition.I will also look.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thankyou astra. For giving response.

I am reviewing her case from fro the beginning. Now I understand that she was not having ringing it's like her ears are plugged. she explains it like this. "When she closes her ear with hand tightly some sound will come. Right? That was the same sound she was having. " And now it is gone i don't know which remedy worked. But i am just trying to anlyze her problem. She feels itchy like When any scrape on her knee, while healing up gets scabs and feels itchy. She scratches and that wound is never healing. May be same is happenning inside too. She feels ticklish and itchy inside the ear and scratches it by putting her little finger inside until it bleeds outside where the finger touches the ear. May be there is a wound inside that is never healing. Sometimes some pus discharge is also coming up.

OR She may be having some fugus problem which never
cleared up.


And She has lots of wax build up problem, Whenever we go to the doctor They have difficulty looking into her ears because of wax. She got her ears cleaned 4 times until now professionally.

I wanted to try try mulien oil and she wasn't ready to put it because of burning inside, not even now.

Can somebody give me advice, discuss this problem?

anon99 2 decades ago
hi anon

Give chronologically the date,medicine given and potency,since the time you posted here.

Don't do anything for the time being.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
well astra again you show speak before using literature to validate your hastiness ....kent page 303 ear pain (starting complaint0 after swimming before allopathic treatment--sulpur right ear---not that sulphur must be right sided --just to show your lack of thoroughness--and take note of ear pain supression--maybe you can guess what remedies are used for such--especially when antibiotics are used---and note how long ago sulph 30c was given--overaction unlikely--dissimilar aggravtion--well you better explain that one--since you like to throw around loose words----and what does"diet has nothing to do with it mean?" you mean to say if certain food item gives rise to aggarvtion under treatment that you wouldnt recommend avoiding---your stuck in astro-pathy...better to follow the old school teachers than starting a branch of medicine of your own thjat you dont even practise--just throw some words out and run from responsibility--typical..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
again hepar sulph 30c and avoid all acids....

most likely astro wont prescribe here either--she maybe fear of failure..

murthy--take this case and stick with it--dont back down---no matter whom press you---good way to start you real learning--responsibility...success or failure--stand and help..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thankyou, Murthy for your reply.

"some times she says even she speaks in a low voice , she can hear it very loud."

This problem comes whenever She has that plugged sensation in the ear. Murthy, is this rubric correct? "Plugged sensation"
( I wrote in the above post it is not ringing. And explained what she says. I put it as plugged sensation. She can here outer voices low and her voice loud, even she speaks low , hears it loud.

But it is not there now.

Should i use some remedy which heals wounds with pus , which heals slowly?

Now she itches her around her ear too.
anon99 2 decades ago
"She can here outer voices low and her voice loud, even she speaks low , hears it loud."

This is common,when you have plugged sensation.

what I thought earlier was, she was hearing other's voices also loud, when they speak low.

Sorry for the mix up.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

It is too early for me to start prescribing.I am still in the learning curve.

If prescribers take a little more time, and indicate briefly, why they think a particular medicine is suitable,the discussion will be more useful.

I am visiting these forums,just to gain knowledge.

Also,may be to show off what I know in theory!!.

I should do more of the former and less of the later.

Let us see how it goes.

Thanks for the advice.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
this site much differnt than others---people actually come hear to be helped---discussions most generally waste valuable time --that could be used to help those seeking...this forum is actually an online clinic of sorts--murthy just pick a case--do your best--be cautiously thorough as possibly can---look how mnay cases slip through the cracks --PEOPLE ARE SEEKING HELP...this is why i am here--use your own method --adjust where need be---not like those fancy fliers in sigi's board--hypocrites most---i know you have it in your heart--i could tell tat --that s why i push at you--otherwise i would leave you to your own ignorance---believe in your ability as it exists now--everyone must start somewhere--pick any case or cases --keep with it --dont let anyone push you over unless they back it up with valdatable proof---read all the old authors --over and over---become your own drive...meanwhile ill keep pushing---homoeopathy is to be used now--otherwise it becomes 2nd hand medicine to the public---make your conviction--if know homoeopathy is right --then dedicate heart and soul to its study and clinical application..youll be far more ahead--this i am sincere about..
John Stanton 2 decades ago

I answered you in sulphur thread.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Anon ,

I normally donot intervene when others are applying their skills.

However, after reading what has been said ....I would like to say the following:

Since it is itching in the right ear and the ear has become much red...you need to give her Calcarea Carb.
(for homeopathy learners...pl. note Calcarea Carb. is a "chronic" of Belladona).

Symptoms correspond to Belladona. Since there is itching along with Belladona symptoms, Calcarea Carb works better in such a case.

Anon....give her one dose of Calcarea Carb. 200.

However, make sure you give it to her at least 10 days after you gave her Sulphur dose and not before.( Pl. count from the day you gave Sulphur).


Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago

I asked you for a list of medicines so far used,along with dates.

pl.post those details.

Calc.carb is a good follower to Sulphur.Go ahead and use as Pankaj is suggesting.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Excuse me for piggy riding.

I shall do the same with you also,if I feel your remedy is right.

No favouritisms!!

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hello Pankaj: redness-itching-right ear-but pas Belladonna time- I think you suggestion is very valuable.
Anon please list remedies according to Murthy. (who is a VERY important voice in this discussion! Because I do not agree that discussions are a waste of time when the MAIN goal is the well-being of people).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
anon: can you see if the eardrum is affected or the itching/scabs are limited to outer ear? Is wax/itching in both ears now?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Thanks Astra !

Best regards,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hello Pankaj-I really thinks so (I always say what I think-unfortunately sometimes)

Does she feel anything in her ears except for itching (Im asking because you mentioned burning at the top of this page -when you talked aboout mullein oil-which by the way is not bad forears together with garlic-)
Does the dr think it is psoriasis?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Thankyou Pankaj, for your response. The itching and plugged sensation started When she was 5 yrs old and now she is 9 yrs old now. It started with right ear and after may be one ear it spread to left ear too.
Actually after that swimming incident she never went for swimming for almost 3 1/2 years. But it never cleared up. Now she started again this year to go swimming.
She has itching in both ears now. And whenever any discharge is thre she gets the plugged sensation. and whenever i put anything, like debrox or mulien oil, she complains plugged sensation and burning. ( Do you think the rubric i used is correct according to what she explained?) I remember when i put debrox ear drops i remember her crying because of burning. ( that is when she was 51/2 years old, she couldn't explain clearly)

I can see only the outer ear got wounded and bloody because of her itching, scratching. I can't see anything inside. In the outer ear i see blackness because of the never healing wound, and it is scaly, dry.

Whenever i go to the doctor because of itching, and plugged sensation, doctor says her ear drum is red and
(may be because of itching and
Says she has ear infection and gives amoxycillin antibiotics.

After we went often for ear itching, the doctor said she doen't know what is causing itching and reffered to ent. When we went there, they also did hearing test, checkup and said she has scaly skin inside her ear and prescribed psoriasis shampoo to put in her ear.

It was 3 years ago and i not even used it once. And i didn't call the doctor, to confirm whether she is having psoriasis..( That is very bad
of me)

Astra, this answers your question.

Whenever the wound in the outer ear (which is visible), gets scabs she tries to remove it. She feels ticklish inside and scratches a lot and again blood is coming from the outside wound. I f there is some discharge from ear, then she is complaining plugged sensation.

The discharge is from the pus i think, it is usual discharge when a scrape on the knee gets infected.

Can you review the case again ? And in health store , we get until 6c potency. Higher potencies it will take atleast 8 days to get after we order it.

And Murthy, I will tryto give the history of homeo medicines used, after some time today.

Thankyou, everybody.
anon99 2 decades ago
Sorry i wrote it wrong we get until 30 c potency.
And my daughter is so stubbborn that she doesn't allow me to put anything in her ear. Even i convince her and put something like sesame oil, she suffers a lot with the plugged sensation that i feel sorry for putting that.
She will be pressing her ear with her palm to releve the sensation.
anon99 2 decades ago
Thank you anon for answering the questions . There will be more of them! But first I have to say that it wasn't bad at all that you didn't take your daughter for yet another pointless testing and potentially harmful drugs. Homeopaths know of many ailments caused by suppresion with drugs. Who knows? Maybe you saved her from, say, asthma?

To homeopaths: in repertory (prob. Murphy's) I found some interesting rubrics:

Ear: has to scratch until bleeds:alum.,arg.m.,nat p.,

Ear:bores finger deeply and scratches: cina, psor.,

swimming aggravates ear symptoms:kali m.,merc.,sil., thuja

Very interesting however a bit disappointing. In general rubrics about ear (itching, stopped, earwax) are all of the above plus all remedies mentioned here. That's why we really have to ask anon many more questions. like:

1.about ears: anything makes them itching less/more? (like temperature, humidity etc)Is she scratching her ears during sleep?

earwax-what color?consistency?

does scratching ameliorate itching?

2. does she have any other symptoms? any sensations?

3.about her:what kind of weather does she like best/worst? Season?Time of the day? food?drink?
does she sleep well?

Sorry anon for that many questions- but seems that you know homeopathy and do not suspect me of being nosy.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Asrta these are the answers for your questions.

She itches a lot indoors. Out doors it is better. She scratches in sleep too.

Ear wax was in brownish yellow color. Sometimes i doubted may be it is coming from the scab.

Its not like balls, no regular shape.

Scratching aggravates itching.

She complains pain in the chest while running.

Someties she says it pains in the chest when she breathes, even lightly.
It happened two times recently.

Inflamation comes only when i put something inside her ear.
No other syptoms.

She likes warm weather. not hot, not cold.

She likes cold drinks. She likes cakes, sweets. She doen't like spicy food, or sour food or salty food.

She sleeps well.

And i know homeopathy needs lots of details.

anon99 2 decades ago
traatment given for her until now.

1. may be six onths ago,i gave her puls.6c , three doses morning evening and next morning. like that for three weeks. i felt her itching was less. but it was coming back after i stop it.

so i gave puls 30c after one month. same like morning , eve, next morning , one week gap again morning, eve, night, and one week gap, like that for three weeks.
but though the itching seems decreased it was coming back again, so i gave her pul 200 just before starting this post.

puls 200 given - 16th august 2004, itching increased scratched a lot and plugged sensation occured.

nux vomica 200 given - 17th august 2004, plugged sensation stopped.

sulphur 3oc given - 24th aug 2004, complained ear pain when touched, not unbearable pain.

sulphur 3o given 9th sep 2004 , three doses morning , eve, next morning. after this her itching spread all over her body , ear lobes, around her ear, even to scalp and genitals too. it was uncontrollable.

now itching is only there in ear and genitals.

this is the history of the remedies used.
anon99 2 decades ago
Pl. give her a dose of Calcarea Carb. 200 ( one dose) and let me know result in two to three days after it.

Can you also give me some family medical history on the side of father and mother for further analysis.

Does the child have any deformed nails or white spots on nails??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hello Pankaj,
Could it PLEASE be a 30c for the first prescription?
The girl seem to be sensitive enough AND anon can buy (in store) only remedies up to 30c.
(I'm such a penny pincher but when you order one remedy the price doubles because of s/h. It's fine if it's once-but there are no peculiar symptoms to be sure)

BUT if you think it is important and shouldn't be changed then of course it is.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Dr. Pankaj,
Family history:

My husband's side:

My father in-law has asthma (after 50 yrs), High B.p, and sugar.

My mother in-law has knee pains.

My side:

My father has some skin allergy due to some kind of plants.

It mainly comes on face, behind ears, and hands.

It comes like boils and spreads, no pus.and itchy.

My mother's brother psoriasis all over the body it is not itchy, but scaly.

My husband and me:

We are not having any problems as for now.

And one more thing, can you list all the remedies and potencies that may suit my daughter, so that i can get it from India, by coriars. Even i order it here it will take time and for the price of one remedy , may be i get 10 remedies from there.

Can you please do that?

If i tell my mom now it may take 10 days to get the remedies i believe.

anon99 2 decades ago

Don't get put off by the trolls.

Continue your discussion as if nothing happened.

Any way, by the time you see this topic again.the moderators may remove the offending trolls.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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