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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ear problem Page 9 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes...for the Sulphur dose.

Is the throat very red/ purple/ can you see any pus spots there (whitish)?

See with a torch.

Mild Saline water gargle.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
pankaj--dose of belladonna --before sulph---tonsil envolvement indicate over action hep.also right sided ness......this leaves sulph out for now..
John Stanton last decade

if only sensation tonsilis swollen and not actualy swolen then pulsatlla is the remedy --cover sthe itching-and itching to raw-plugged feeling-tonsil sensatin..this in 200c-1 pellet in 4oz water..

well if glands are affeceted and tonsils actually swolen then look into sepia after belladonna...or sulph.
John Stanton last decade
John ...thanks for jumping the gun...that is why I am seeking to know colour of the throat...if it is red..then Belladona ....but Sulphur to clear psoric miasm taint...and make it possible for other meds to work better.

If it is purple : Lachesis
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
no not lac--rightsided this is --and lach no have ear thingy like this..you ll get yourself twirled right out of the park--if miss a step here---relapse --we're treading lightly here..so no relapse...

pankaj--find out what child has been eating lately--exactly...and if child told mom feels swollen or mother actually looked in mouth....
John Stanton last decade
If you are going to Hyderabad, take an appointment with Dr.Praveen. He is a professor in a homeopathic college, and his appointment can be fixed by contacting this number.


This is a mobile number.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Pankaj

Nice to see you and John back, after a long gap.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Since it is right side , I expect the answer will be red/bright red....but I want Anon to examine and give me the answer.

Then the choice is obviously Belladona.

Hi Murthy !
Was wondering where you are-Warm wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj

Really busy with Hpathy. No time to come here often.visiting occasionally only.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
You can invite me there !
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Murthy...you know it...wherever I go there is extra 'hulchal' !!
(stirring up of things).
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

I couldn't see in her throat because she was in arush to go to school. She wouln't let me. However i am taking doctor appointment to day for diagnosis of infection. What should i ask the doctor for diagnosis?

I will let you know the results after that.



I don't have much time to go to doctor . Because i am staying there only for two weeks.

Thanks anyway.
anon99 last decade
You have to inspect the throat and tell me the colour inside.
If it is bright red/red...just give Belladona one dose 200 potency.

Better not mix up allopathy with homeopathy..now that h-pathy meds are working for the girl.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I went to the doctor today.

She said those are not tonsils swollen, those lymp glands . They are swollen because of the fluid behind the ear drum.

She checked the throat also and said it's fine.

She checked the ear and said she has superficial skin infection as before. That's why it is itchy outside. Prescribed 'Mupirocin ointment USP, 2% ' as before. If you check my previous post you will understand what i am talking about.

She prescribed 'OFLOXACIN', which is Opthalmic lotion,USP 0.3%' which she asked me to put into ears 2 drops 2 times a day.

Her new symptoms today:

She is getting itchty all over especially genitals and ear. And discharge is there again.

Doctor asked me to give benadryl in the night which can make her sleep.

I got sulphur 200 C from my friend. So should i give sulphur in the morning? Should i give her in water so that it doesn't give aggravation?


What is your suggestion now.
anon99 last decade
itching all over after new meds...then one more time around....body attempt o deal with next suppression...patience level ZERO....

if havent given any of new meds doc told use--then 'GOD BLESS YOU'' god chance we get through---then pulsatilla is remedy----but if taking new meds---poor daughter has impatient mother whom wories herself to her daughters deeper sickness...such is karma...
John Stanton last decade
When i went to the doctor she scratched a lot and blood was coming out. It was terrible . When doctor said it wasn't like that when she saw it before, then i realized that her outside scrapes are not there when i went to the doctor, i.e before starting hepar. So, it means that it gotten worse.

As i said the may be left ear also getting it. Scraping started there also. I sent you the left side picture also to you Pankaj. It is starting like a small boil . like chicken pox and getting itchy and spreading. This is the one doctor called 'superficial skin syndrome'

She reffered to a ENT.
anon99 last decade
sorry, it is 'Superficial skin infection'
anon99 last decade
I went through my previous posts , when she has the same kind of thing 'superficial skin infection.'. But i realized that it isn't like that now. Blisters are not forming. First time there is a pimple which she scratched (outer ear) , after that no blisters like before . only skin scrapings because of itching. and it is spreading. But the doctor said it may be the same thing. that's why she asked me to use the same ointment.

But i think this is different.
anon99 last decade
pointer gives some indictaion that ear infecion from strat --way back --who knows when--skin condition mis treated--suppression...skin condition recurring indicate proper directin as long as ear complaint pain and such have reduced...if recurring old symtms and NOT new--ten only problem thati see is lack of managing case properly---this i blame on fact --i irritate the hellout of the mother--so she basically ignores ...this my problem --i come on strong--but if i was as nasty as that --i would have let case fall to dust....

basic --if treating skin condition with meds---might as well bang head on wall --as to think homoeopathy get through this ---need parent prescriber coperation...what the hell mom wantfromus---tellwhat to do--she runs to doc ...poor daughter---ahhh she wont know the difference--go through life not knowing how it could have been if mother wasnt so worry wart...
John Stanton last decade
this mixing up of Allopathy and homeopathy will not get you anywhere.

Coz allopathy suppresses to give immediate relief but no long term cure.

Homeopathy throws out the toxins/dead cells on to the skin , then cleans up, finally helps to generate new cells.A long term cure which keeps out many diseases in the fututre for the individual.

All depends, you want short cuts or long term cure.

Choice is yours....

Best wishes,

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

I just told what the diagnosis was. I want to go with homeopathy. So should i continue with sulphur 200 C?

anon99 last decade
and just i wanted to ask. Is it ok to give sulphur and not giving anything for two weeks?

And can I continue taking this treatment, if i have to give any other medicine for different ailment in india if something happens?

Did you read my previous posts again.

Thanks for all your patience with me.

anon99 last decade
and one more thing my friend said wet dose works better.

Just put 10 pellets in agalass of water leave it for 10 min. gently make a round and drink it. Then it won't aggravate. Is that true?
anon99 last decade
anon---listen---forget about my insultative behavior---and read carefully--no insults are enclosed...-iF DIDNT GIVE any allo meds or using any skin cremes---for ture--and only if not using..then ! DOSE OF PULSATILLA 200c--1 pellet 200c puls in 4 oz water -in water bottle--shake/thump (count 3)---1 teaspoon of this mix in 4 oz water in drinking glass---give daughter 1 teaspoon dose fom this..discard the rest and save water bottle solution in frig...

anon also --important alter diet a bit---no rich foods /sweets/fats//and no acid foods as mentioned..

start use of probiotic and take to india with you---not as easy to obtain there--easier wher you are in new jersey ( i think you say)--ok?
John Stanton last decade

I gave her sulphur 200 C 6 dry pellets. (very small ones). I applied calendula outside of her ear. No ear drops.

I will post results.

anon99 last decade
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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