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bedwetting in child Page 5 of 6
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cant say but have seen few times now I will keep a watch on dripiing so can give you a clear picture
navneet43 last decade
Dr.Sajjad has rised many points on your child's behaviour. Please answer them.
We need all the data.
We need all the data.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
The patient is on Calc. Carb since 6th Sept. 07.
Saliva runs out during sleep - Baryta Carb is one of the main remedy.
Calc. Carb suggests -
'Dryness of tongue at night'
The patient is on Calc. Carb since 6th Sept. 07.
Saliva runs out during sleep - Baryta Carb is one of the main remedy.
Calc. Carb suggests -
'Dryness of tongue at night'
Rajendra last decade
There is salivation too in Calc.carb.
Mouth, salivation : acet-ac., acon., act-r., act-sp., aesc., aeth., agar., alet., all-s., aloe., alum., alumn., am-c., ambr., anac., anag., anan., ang., ant-c., ant-t., anthr., aphis., apis., apoc., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars-h., ars-i., ars-m., ars., arum-m., arum-t., arund., asaf., asar., aspar., aster., aur-m., bapt., bar-c., bar-m., bell., bism-ox., bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo-r., cadm., cahin., calad., calc-p., calc-s., calc., camph., canth., caps., carb-ac., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., card-m., caust., cham., chel., chin-a., chin., chlor., cic., cina., cinnam., cinnb., clem., cob., coc-c., colch., con., cop., croc., crot-c., crot-t., cupr-ar., cupr., cycl., daph., dig., dros., dulc., eug., eup-pur., eupho., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-ma., ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., gamb., glon., gran., graph., grat., hell., helon., hep., hippoz., hydr-ac., hyos., ign., iod., ip., iris., jab., jatr., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., kreos., lac-c., lach., lachn., lact-ac., lact., laur., led., lil-t., lob., lyc., lyss., mag-m., manc., mang., med., merc-c., merc-cy., merc-d., merc-i-r., merc., mez., mur-ac., naja., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., oena., ol-an., op., ox-ac., par., petr., phel., phos., phyt., plan., plb., podo., polyg-h., ptel., puls., ran-b., ran-s., rat., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sang., sec., seneg., sep., sil., sin-n., spig., spong., stann., staph., stram., sul-ac., sulph., tab., tarax., tell., teucr., thea., thu., uran., verat., verb., viol-t., zinc.
The dryness alternates with salivation in calc.carb.
Mouth, salivation : acet-ac., acon., act-r., act-sp., aesc., aeth., agar., alet., all-s., aloe., alum., alumn., am-c., ambr., anac., anag., anan., ang., ant-c., ant-t., anthr., aphis., apis., apoc., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars-h., ars-i., ars-m., ars., arum-m., arum-t., arund., asaf., asar., aspar., aster., aur-m., bapt., bar-c., bar-m., bell., bism-ox., bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo-r., cadm., cahin., calad., calc-p., calc-s., calc., camph., canth., caps., carb-ac., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., card-m., caust., cham., chel., chin-a., chin., chlor., cic., cina., cinnam., cinnb., clem., cob., coc-c., colch., con., cop., croc., crot-c., crot-t., cupr-ar., cupr., cycl., daph., dig., dros., dulc., eug., eup-pur., eupho., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-ma., ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., gamb., glon., gran., graph., grat., hell., helon., hep., hippoz., hydr-ac., hyos., ign., iod., ip., iris., jab., jatr., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., kreos., lac-c., lach., lachn., lact-ac., lact., laur., led., lil-t., lob., lyc., lyss., mag-m., manc., mang., med., merc-c., merc-cy., merc-d., merc-i-r., merc., mez., mur-ac., naja., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., oena., ol-an., op., ox-ac., par., petr., phel., phos., phyt., plan., plb., podo., polyg-h., ptel., puls., ran-b., ran-s., rat., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sang., sec., seneg., sep., sil., sin-n., spig., spong., stann., staph., stram., sul-ac., sulph., tab., tarax., tell., teucr., thea., thu., uran., verat., verb., viol-t., zinc.
The dryness alternates with salivation in calc.carb.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I checked the Lecture by Kent on Calc. Carb - link -
and could not find anywhere the word Saliva or Salivation.
May be you are having some other link. Pl. enlighten me.
and could not find anywhere the word Saliva or Salivation.
May be you are having some other link. Pl. enlighten me.
Rajendra last decade
The father of the patient is not sure about the salive runs out during sleep and uncertain symptoms are not reliable to consider.
Baryta carb though covers the saliva during sleep but is of low grade.
Murthy talked about saliva and salivation which is covered by Cal Carb generally.
Sometimes a well indicated medicine fails it does not mean that the prescriber is at fault.Mostly the patient do not care for the particular symptom which the homeopath needs.
Calcarea carbonica - Mind] - Frequently peevish, and she spits out saliva, [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Pain in the teeth from heat or cold, * but mostly caused by a current of air, day and night, with running of much saliva from the mouth, and sticking extending to the ears and eyes, which prevented her sleeping at night(after eight days), [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - In the forenoon, the saliva frequently collects in the mouth, with nausea(fourth day), [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Sour taste of the saliva, which she continually spits out(second day), [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Sour taste in the mouth, and much tough saliva, [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Qualmishness in the stomach, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth (after three hours), [a5].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Pressure in the stomach, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Conditions] - (Forenoon), Nausea;dizziness;headache, etc.;at 11 o'clock, stitches in forehead;saliva collects in mouth;nauseated feeling;when pressing on the part, and after the stool, pressure in pit of the stomach;stitches in right hypochondriac region;cramp in the rectum; frequent, etc., urinating;when walking, desire for coition;on walking in open air, tightness of chest; paroxysm of fever.
a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Toothache in evening as soon as she lay the head down; when cold air or drinks enter the Mouth; from heat and cold, agg. current of air, with running of saliva from mouth and sticking from out ears and eyes, preventing sleep at night; while eating; on slight touch; during menstruation; agg. noise.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Tongue] - Salivation; in forenoon, with nausea.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Tongue] - Constant spiting of sour saliva.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Taste] - Sour; with much tough saliva; to all food.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Nausea; in morning; in morning fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach in morning fasting, with blackness before eyes, so that he must sit down; in forenoon; at 11 a.m. ; in pit of stomach in afternoon, as from emptiness of S.; at 6.30 p.m. ; in evening till going to bed; in evening, with heat and restless sleep; caused by milk; when he had eaten almost enough, amel. if he once ceased eating; at dinner when scarcely half-satisfied, with rising of food, nauseous taste and eructations before stool during menstruation, with ineffectual urging to stool; with flow of sour water into mouth; with salivation; with anxiety; with vomiting of food, weakness, faintness and loss of consciousness; faintish.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Pressure; in pit in forenoon, when pressing upon it and after stool at night; when fasting; after eating; in pit, with oppression; with salivation; as if a lump were in it, after a moderate supper; transversely across; in evening before lying down, like a retching; in pit, extending into abdomen.
[c1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Constant spitting of acid saliva.
[c1 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Flow of saliva from the stomach, even after a meal.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Taste and tongue] - ¤ Dryness, alternating with excess of saliva. ð Ranula.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Inner mouth] - ¤ Dryness of mouth, alternating with salivation. ð Aphthae.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Inner mouth] - | Copious viscid saliva, with sour taste in mouth.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Inner mouth] - ¤ Catarrhal inflammation of mouth and fauces, when salivation alternates with dryness of mouth and lips. ð Stomatitis.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Throat] - ¤ For a week feeling a lump in left side of throat, which makes her feel sick and compels her to swallow saliva often, and on doing so, lump seems to descend.
Baryta carb though covers the saliva during sleep but is of low grade.
Murthy talked about saliva and salivation which is covered by Cal Carb generally.
Sometimes a well indicated medicine fails it does not mean that the prescriber is at fault.Mostly the patient do not care for the particular symptom which the homeopath needs.
Calcarea carbonica - Mind] - Frequently peevish, and she spits out saliva, [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Pain in the teeth from heat or cold, * but mostly caused by a current of air, day and night, with running of much saliva from the mouth, and sticking extending to the ears and eyes, which prevented her sleeping at night(after eight days), [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - In the forenoon, the saliva frequently collects in the mouth, with nausea(fourth day), [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Sour taste of the saliva, which she continually spits out(second day), [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Sour taste in the mouth, and much tough saliva, [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Qualmishness in the stomach, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth (after three hours), [a5].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Pressure in the stomach, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, [_a1].
[a1 - Calcarea carbonica - Conditions] - (Forenoon), Nausea;dizziness;headache, etc.;at 11 o'clock, stitches in forehead;saliva collects in mouth;nauseated feeling;when pressing on the part, and after the stool, pressure in pit of the stomach;stitches in right hypochondriac region;cramp in the rectum; frequent, etc., urinating;when walking, desire for coition;on walking in open air, tightness of chest; paroxysm of fever.
a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Toothache in evening as soon as she lay the head down; when cold air or drinks enter the Mouth; from heat and cold, agg. current of air, with running of saliva from mouth and sticking from out ears and eyes, preventing sleep at night; while eating; on slight touch; during menstruation; agg. noise.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Tongue] - Salivation; in forenoon, with nausea.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Tongue] - Constant spiting of sour saliva.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Taste] - Sour; with much tough saliva; to all food.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Nausea; in morning; in morning fasting, with shuddering; in pit of stomach in morning fasting, with blackness before eyes, so that he must sit down; in forenoon; at 11 a.m. ; in pit of stomach in afternoon, as from emptiness of S.; at 6.30 p.m. ; in evening till going to bed; in evening, with heat and restless sleep; caused by milk; when he had eaten almost enough, amel. if he once ceased eating; at dinner when scarcely half-satisfied, with rising of food, nauseous taste and eructations before stool during menstruation, with ineffectual urging to stool; with flow of sour water into mouth; with salivation; with anxiety; with vomiting of food, weakness, faintness and loss of consciousness; faintish.
[a2 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Pressure; in pit in forenoon, when pressing upon it and after stool at night; when fasting; after eating; in pit, with oppression; with salivation; as if a lump were in it, after a moderate supper; transversely across; in evening before lying down, like a retching; in pit, extending into abdomen.
[c1 - Calcarea carbonica - Mouth] - Constant spitting of acid saliva.
[c1 - Calcarea carbonica - Stomach] - Flow of saliva from the stomach, even after a meal.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Taste and tongue] - ¤ Dryness, alternating with excess of saliva. ð Ranula.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Inner mouth] - ¤ Dryness of mouth, alternating with salivation. ð Aphthae.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Inner mouth] - | Copious viscid saliva, with sour taste in mouth.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Inner mouth] - ¤ Catarrhal inflammation of mouth and fauces, when salivation alternates with dryness of mouth and lips. ð Stomatitis.
[hr1 - Calcarea carbonica - Throat] - ¤ For a week feeling a lump in left side of throat, which makes her feel sick and compels her to swallow saliva often, and on doing so, lump seems to descend.
sajjadakram635 last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
In Kent's Lectures on Calc. carb. it is not there. Why?
Rajendra last decade
Dear Rajendra
Kent's materia medica comprises of 'ex tempore' lectures he gave to students, and they are published as it is.
Obviously you can't cover all the points in a lecture.
The repertory on the other hand is compiled after careful study, and every author strives to make it as complete as possible.
As I told earlier, that is the bane of the newer repertories, where even unproved doubful medicines too are added to the repertories.
We don't have that fear with Kent. It is thorough and very reliable.
Kent's materia medica comprises of 'ex tempore' lectures he gave to students, and they are published as it is.
Obviously you can't cover all the points in a lecture.
The repertory on the other hand is compiled after careful study, and every author strives to make it as complete as possible.
As I told earlier, that is the bane of the newer repertories, where even unproved doubful medicines too are added to the repertories.
We don't have that fear with Kent. It is thorough and very reliable.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Rajendra last decade
Hi everyone as far as bedwetting is concerned it has reduced a bit say before she used to urinate 3 or 4 times now it is only once but grinding of teeth is really very annoying noise is still loud any comments or change of medicine?
navneet43 last decade
Hi Navneet
I advised you to continue the split water dose for a month.
You are talking about changing the medicine after using it for a few days.
I asked you to answer the questions asked by Dr.Sajjad.
You are yet to do that.
If you are loking for a quick fix, I am sorry that I can't provide that.
See if somebody can help you in the miracle you seem to be expecting.
I advised you to continue the split water dose for a month.
You are talking about changing the medicine after using it for a few days.
I asked you to answer the questions asked by Dr.Sajjad.
You are yet to do that.
If you are loking for a quick fix, I am sorry that I can't provide that.
See if somebody can help you in the miracle you seem to be expecting.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I want to understand as to which prescriberHomeo Expert recommends a remedy to be given for months on daily basis. When one medicine works for say 30 to 60 days the purpose of giving in repeat doses is of no use. It may be in X or Very low potency that the repeat doses can be given.
I shall be happy to refer the relevent book or website where the repeat doses are to be given so long.
Three four days is quie some time by which time the grin ding should have stopped is the proper medicine is given.
Reduction of urine from 3 to 1 time is a natural phenomena which could have happened and I still doubt that it is the effect of Calc. Carb.
Any-way I have to learn more speciallyon repeat doses.
200 potency is quite a high potency and is generally, at most, given once a week.
Repeaed hardly once may be required to obtain cure.
I shall be happy to refer the relevent book or website where the repeat doses are to be given so long.
Three four days is quie some time by which time the grin ding should have stopped is the proper medicine is given.
Reduction of urine from 3 to 1 time is a natural phenomena which could have happened and I still doubt that it is the effect of Calc. Carb.
Any-way I have to learn more speciallyon repeat doses.
200 potency is quite a high potency and is generally, at most, given once a week.
Repeaed hardly once may be required to obtain cure.
Rajendra last decade
Read Organon fifth and sixth editions to understand how to repeat the medicine for months together, if required, and what are the advantages.
The concept of a remedy working for a long time , and not to repeat it,is from the 4 th edition of Organon, and is applcable for dry doses or unchanged potencies.
However in the fifth edition Hann introduced the split watery dose concept, and he has found a method where the medicine can be safely repeated to hasten the cure.
In the sixth edition, the concept of split dose is continued, but here he has concentated more on LM potencies.
Obviously these are fundamentals which any good homeopath atleast knows, even if he doesn't practice that way.
If you don't have Organon or unable to find where these concepts are mentioned, let me know.
I will be glad to make you more familiar with homeopathy.
The concept of a remedy working for a long time , and not to repeat it,is from the 4 th edition of Organon, and is applcable for dry doses or unchanged potencies.
However in the fifth edition Hann introduced the split watery dose concept, and he has found a method where the medicine can be safely repeated to hasten the cure.
In the sixth edition, the concept of split dose is continued, but here he has concentated more on LM potencies.
Obviously these are fundamentals which any good homeopath atleast knows, even if he doesn't practice that way.
If you don't have Organon or unable to find where these concepts are mentioned, let me know.
I will be glad to make you more familiar with homeopathy.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Hey Murthy,
It's a real pleasure to read your posts!
Who teaches learns many times. (the worst part though is getting the symptoms from people-it feels almost like trying to bite off their flesh!)
And frankly Rajendra you often ask ('kindly') aboutt basics? While it is very enlighting for many potential readers it takes time to reply, time that is better spend with patients.
It's a real pleasure to read your posts!
Who teaches learns many times. (the worst part though is getting the symptoms from people-it feels almost like trying to bite off their flesh!)
And frankly Rajendra you often ask ('kindly') aboutt basics? While it is very enlighting for many potential readers it takes time to reply, time that is better spend with patients.
Astra2012 last decade
seems everybody is concerned about my post anyway thanx
Iam regularly giving the medicine & not expectiong any miracle but hope to get good for Saliva dripping now its not there but one thing more she has no hunger no appetite what can we do for this?
please suggest a remedy.
seems everybody is concerned about my post anyway thanx
Iam regularly giving the medicine & not expectiong any miracle but hope to get good for Saliva dripping now its not there but one thing more she has no hunger no appetite what can we do for this?
please suggest a remedy.
navneet43 last decade
The remedy is already suggested. Continue for a month and we will assess all the symptoms after that.
You are yet to answer Dr.sajjad's questions.
Please read from the beginning, and answer all unanswerd questions.
That will help in choosing the next medicine, if a change is required.
You are yet to answer Dr.sajjad's questions.
Please read from the beginning, and answer all unanswerd questions.
That will help in choosing the next medicine, if a change is required.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Rajendra last decade
There are some books which you must buy and read.
The Organon by Hann
The Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by Kent
The science of homeopathy by George Vithoulkus
Acheiving and maintaining the similimum by Dr.Luc
The theory of suppression by Dr.Vijayakar
All are available from Bjain publishers.
You must read them carefully and try to understand the concepts.
Come back if you have further doubts quoting the para from the book, which you want to discuss further.
I have a library of about 200 books on homeopathy, and will let you know what to read further, after you read these books.
The Organon by Hann
The Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by Kent
The science of homeopathy by George Vithoulkus
Acheiving and maintaining the similimum by Dr.Luc
The theory of suppression by Dr.Vijayakar
All are available from Bjain publishers.
You must read them carefully and try to understand the concepts.
Come back if you have further doubts quoting the para from the book, which you want to discuss further.
I have a library of about 200 books on homeopathy, and will let you know what to read further, after you read these books.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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