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2-yrs-old sleeps badly Page 14 of 15

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Hi Magicure,

We are healthy again. I didn't give Julius sulphur; for some reason the stomach has been ok.

But Jasper.... I will throw him out from the window soon... He is so irritating. Causticum didn't have any effect.
He keeps hurting Julius. When Julius doens't do what he wants, he hits him. I punish him systematically for it, but he still keeps doing it. In general he is very demanding. He thinks everybody should obey him.
At the very moment he is yelling here and he is driving me crazy.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Just now I was going through your old posts about Jasper (September 23)

He definitely has a few features of Calcarea.

Are there any changes in his symptoms?

Here are the shortlisted characteristics from previous posts. Please change/add anything if required.

1. Desires sour
2. Aversion meat, milk, fruit
3. Sweat++ more on head at night. offensive foot sweat
4. Hates to wear woolen sweater
5. Fear of dark and sleeping alone
6. Skin: eczema (Describe the current picture)
7. Digestion: Please describe the current symptoms: appetite, thirst, stools, gases, worms? etc...
8. Dreams?
9. Personality: Comfortable tlking to strangers, cant look in the eye.
misbehaviour: current status?
How is he doing at school, with friends?
10. Did he have all his milestones on time? ( like teething, holding head, walking etc...)
11. Do his wounds heal fast? Is there tendency to form pus?

I am sorry that we couldnt start with his constitutional treatment earlier, but I wanted to be sure that Causticum is not helping him anymore.

Please post about his present physical and mental symptoms, and we shall start with the treatment from this week.

Take care...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

1. Desires still sour and salt. The best he knows are burritos, then minced meat soup with potatoes, then McDonalds hamburgers.

2. Averisions have changed a bit. At the moment he drinks milk, but says he doesn't like it. Doens't like pork, lamb or fish.

3. Sweat it the same. He is a hot person. Doesn't need gloves outside in zerodegree.

4. About wool: I don't have any for him anymore. But I guess it is the same.

5. Still fears dark and sleeping alone.

6. Skin has been good lately. No eczema, but the skin is dry and peeling, especially I have to put lotion to face. There is itching at nights.

7. Digestion: eats well, drinks normally, passes stool once a day and it is normal. Nothing special to comment.

8. Dreams. I don't know, no nightmares. He daydreams of being strong. Today in TV he saw a snake eating a rabbit and he says ” I am that snake”.

9. Personality: he speaks a lot to strangers and looks to the eye. He also seeks other children's company and has a hunger for friends, but he pulls back, if the other child is too aggressive. He himself is not a leadertype. Likes to play alone, but he certainly becames frustrated without company. Sometimes really plays nicely with Julius, and in a strange place looks after him.
He has two friends at school. They play some kind fighting and karate-games. At the same time he keeps complaining that he has to ”fight” so much at school.
Like legos a lot and is good at building them. Is also good in climbing in playground, but in general he is not good in sports. He is more philosophical kind; asks a lot ”why” and likes planning new things.
He is very good in putting candy and money to safe place, can wait for pleasure.
He doens’t want to come to me often (he prefers dad). He became like that after Julius was born. I do take him to my arms and touch him, but he stays there for 30 seconds and goes again. He keeps on move all the time.

He became difficult after moving to Belgium in August 2004. He still misses Finland and talkes what he wants to do there when we go back (next year). The biggest problem is at the moment that he just doens’t listen and doesn’t obey. I tell him three times, he just doens’t listen. Then I put him on arrest and that makes him mad. He can be totally mad, really aggressive. He used to hit, but I was able to cut it off by taking him to holding – and he hates holding so much, that he preferred stopping hitting.
Other problem is that he keeps hurting Julius. When Julius doesn’t obey him, he hurts him. He threaths Julius, that ”if you don’t obey, I’ll hurt you”. Every time, systematically, we put him to arrest after that – but the arrest hasn’t got any effect. He still keeps doing that.
I can’t estimate how much this all is about jealously. I just don’t know. We try to be equal for both of them.
He keeps telling that someone (every time different child) teases him at school. He takes that very seriously.

One thing I have to add: we don’t let him watch tv or action man or any aggressive programs. He is aggressive enough without those.

10.His milesstones were in time. Sometimes he has been quite advanced, like became dry under 2 years old. I think he is quite clever boy, even if he hasn’t got any special talents.

11. Wounds heal easily, but when he has catched a cold, then the running nose doesn’t go away. Remember, you treated the coryza last may after lasting two months. Now he had a flu in October and he again starts every morning by sneezing his nose.

A long story... Hope to hear from you soon.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

You have written all the symptoms extremely well!! I really appreciate it, and also your observations about Jasper.

Well, after reading the whole post, I think he has innate fear of aggression, and so desires/day dreams to be strong. Please let me know your views about this.

Also, how have you treated his eczema? Skin ointments? steroid creams?

I am thinking of Lyco-Sulphur-Calcarea trio for Jasper.

We shall start with treatment once I hear from you.

I hope Julius is doing fine,

Take care...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Thank you. I have master's degree in behavioral science :-)

Innate fear of aggression... well, maybe... I've never thought it that way.
I remember, when he was around one year old we could not go to large halls, because he was afraid of the noises because of the echo.
Deep inside he is caring and really takes good care of Julius (the teachers' say).
When I get angry at him, that scares him out and he becomes silent. If I stay calm, he doesn't care and looks arrogant.
So your theory might be quite right.

He got his excema when he was 10 months old. He was allergic to wheat until he was 3 years old. After the allergy got better, the skin got better. In the meanwhile he ate vitamis and special oils.
Still last winter he had excema on the other side of the knees and elbows. Once in 3-4 weeks it became so bad, that I had to use stereoids for 3-4 days. I think we haven't used stereoids since last March-April.
We also add very thick lotion.

Julius is doing very well. Sleeps good!

Maria&boys last decade
Hi again,

I have been thinking overnight about this fear of aggression. If I have to choose from "yes" or "no", I will choose "no".

He was misbehaving this morning again. I heard the dad saying that if he continues that, he won't get any presents at christmas. Jasper said "then I will slam that door so that it will brake down".
I don't get it: we never give up and he never ever gets anything if he talks like that. Still he goes on and on.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Sorry for the delay in replying.
I hope you had wonderful holidays. Wish you and your family a very happy new year!

About Jasper, Give him a single dose of Sulpur 200, 4-5 pills on clean tongue at bedtime. Other instructions as usual (dont let him eat/drink atleast for half an hour before and after taking the pills. You know all these precautions very well, so henceforth I wont repeat them.)

Let me know how it goes...

Take care...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Happy New Year to you, too! I just realized I have been one year in this forum.

Jasper is still having running nose. Can I still start Sulphur or do we have to cure that first?

He had coryza two months ago. I gave him kali bic ten days ago, that was definately right at the time.
Then the mucus changed to yellow and I gave Pulsatilla and Hepar Sulphur as last spring.
The symptoms changed: He stopped coughing the loose mucus and the mucus changed the color, but he has been sneezing his nose as before: Several times during the day, not at nights.
Now the mucus is clear, like two worms coming out from the nose. It is never ending.
He doesn't have any other symptoms.

I want to tell something more about Jasper's personality. My parents-in-law were just here and they commented that he is impatient and wants things to happen quickly.

I see myself in him in that and in many other things. When I was a child I had a severe authorityproblem, I couldn't stand to be told to do something. I feel Jasper is the same. Jasper does know mother/father is the boss in the house. But then he keeps talking "I am Julius's boss".
By the way, I was also very difficult as a child... My grandmother told my mother that that girl will not be a decent human being.

Jasper has had some sleeping problems during last few weeks. Difficulties to fall asleep and wakes up earlier in the morning. After asking about the reason for this, he told a funny thing. Maybe it tells you something: He said "my brains are so full of thoughts that my head is hot behind the head".
He was not able to describe what kind of thoughts, he just said he is so afraid of the dark.

I will not start Sulphur yet, will be waiting for your reply or you to ask more questions.

Maria&boys last decade
what will be the current position of disease
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

Thank you for replying. I just came to the forum, because I really need help for my 5 year old boy. His coryza just keeps on and on and is getting worse.

Since my last posting he got also sick two days ago (as half of the family). So now he has also stomach problems.

Now the symptoms are:
-sneezing ten times an hour. Mucus is clear, a lot, easy to blow. There is no odor. The mucus disturbs him and he keeps sneezing because he wants it out from the nose. The nose is red and dry because of sneezing so much.
- Loose cough specially when lying down
-Tongue is very white.
-Fever 37,5-38 degrees
-Diarrea, but only once a day. Sometimes he passes gas, the water comes to the pants, but the diarrea is not totally watery, it is a mix. Color is dark brown.
- Keeps passing gas that smells bad.
- Headache when he shakes the head.
-Yesterday he was complaining that his stomach and legs are aching, too, but not this morning.
- He has nausea and vomited four times last night. It was more like a reflex, not real vomiting (didn't smell sour or the food didn't come up).
- Wants to drink, eats hardly anything.
- What it comes to sneezing, I don't know when it is aggravated or ameliorated. He sleeps well and starts sneezing in the morning.
What it comes to the stomach desease; he is mostly in the bed, but he keeps talking with clear voice. He watches a video, but wants to go back to bed after that.

I gave him Ipec yesterday and it helped the vomiting. Two nights ago he was crying for the legache and I gave him painkiller.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Maria&boys last decade

Just to confirm the color of the mucus. It is not totally clear, it is whitish or very slightly yellowish. I would say it has no color.
It is a mix of clear water and a bit thicker no-color-mucus.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

Are you around? We are well and not well.

I gave Jasper Sulphur 200 k three times two weeks ago. The wild horse has been tamed ; he does become angry, but now he has been able to control himself and he listens when you speak to him.
Somehow I remember Causticum was more effective. Sulphur is working like 50 %. But even that makes me happy!

Julius had a sore throat for over a week and asked for help elsewhere in this forum. The sore throat is over, but his sleeping rythm has been confused ever since: the sleep is not deep.
Can I repeat Calcarea? He was sleeping bad during last 10 days.

Both boys have the nose running (thick and yellowish). Actually they have been more or less sick since the beginning of December - all the time.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

I could not find your recent posts, so could you please let me know what did you give Julius for his cold/cough?
Also, write about his present symptoms ( stools, appetite, sweat, behaviour etc...)

No medicine for Jasper, he will continue to improve. Post back if otherwise.

Take care...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Glad to see you are back. About Julius:

In general he has been fine, but he started crying for the sore throat at nights 12 days ago. I needed urgent help after not sleeping for 5 days and I sent a chain here. Also the doctor visited and said, that the throat is red, there is nothing else. (the doctor didn't believe me how much we were sleeping, because the boy was just running etc).

Sulphur 30 thrice helped him most. After that I tried Merc, Puls, but they didn't help. Tha last one I gave was Belladonna 30c twice last Friday.
He stopped complaining his throat last Saturday and was sleeping well for 2 nights.

Last night his temperature went up till 38,5 for a couple of hours but was back down in the morning. He went to school, because he was happy and eating ok.

I don't understand what is going on for 12 days already. He said this morning that the throat is sore, if that is true, it cannot be bad.

The stool keeps changing in every two days. First it is very hard, he complains pain in lower stomach. Stool is dark and little balls. He seems to go to the toilet quite soon after the first one. Then it is quite loose. Color is light and smells bad.

Last night the mucus started coming out, too. A lot of it, color yellowish, sometimes it is sticky. At night he was coughing loose mucus a bit.

He eats ok, not much, but you know Julius.. I have nothing else to report. He doesn't sweat, drinks normally, is happy and joyful.

I am getting very tired. The children are sick all the time! Please advice me what I should do next.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Our body can take care of the minor ailments like cough and cold. Unless causing discomfort, we should let our immunity play its part.

Have you observed that his stools became hard and ball-like after giving him Sulphur for this acute episode?

Its been many days now that we have gin him Calcarea...So we can repeat it. Same potency and dose. (for three consecutive nights)

Let me know how it goes.
magicure last decade

Funny you call this "minor ailment". I find the ailment difficult, if it continues over 7 days.
And I find it especially difficult if it lets me to have only 4-5 hours of sleep.

I think Sulphur has nothing to do with the hard stool. It was like that also before. And previously Sulphur is the one that has helped the hard stomach before.

I'll repeat Calcarea. Let you know!

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

All the family is having a cold at the moment. Jasper is the worst - as always. I have heard (is it true?) that the constitutional remedy improves the immunity against the deseases. Hope we'll find that. Jasper has had a cold to some extent all this year since Christmas.

I gave Julius Calcarea a week ago. He slept one night well, but then he cought a cold.

Jasper is teasing Julius a lot. On the other hand he does listen to me, so the effect of Sulphur is not totally over, I think.
I was reading my books because of finding a remedy fo Jasper (I gave Pulsatilla, ';cause he has been coughing loose cough at nights). Anyway, what do you think about Calcareal Phosphorica for him? Jasper does get easily bored, he is all the time moving and he loves salty, food, he has a lot of growing pains.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

I really need your help now! I hope you are around.

I talked with the teacher today and she said Jasper is the horror of the whole class. Jasper keeps fighting, he doesn't pay attention what the teacher wants to say and keeps distrubing other kids. The teacher called several times that "he is nervous for some time already".

I have been talking all day with him what the teacher said. Jasper is just looking arrogant.

I was wondering what the teacher means by saying "nervous". One major thing with Jasper is that he keeps moving all the time. When there is a group of kids,all the other kids sit down nicely. But Jasper keeps changing the position; puts legs straight, puts legs crossed, moves there, moves back, scratches arm, digs nose, puts legs streigt, puts legs crossed... The same thing starts every morning he wakes up.

He has been sleeping really bad lately. He keeps waking up around 6 am, even before. Last night he was crying for stomach pain ("I don't want to go to school"), but after school there was no pain.

I have thought all the time he likes going to school. He says he has friends in there.

He has been more or less sick for two months already. Mine and Julius' cold is over, but Jasper keeps on sneezing; yellow-greenish mucus, that comes out easily, the mucus is also in the throat and he keeps spitting it, the tongue is a red strawberry, eats normally, stool is normal, the temperature is a bit up like 37.5.

Please reply me as soon as possible.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Give Jasper Pulsatilla 200 for three conssecutive nights.
When his cold is under control, we will consider giving him something for his behaviour.

Let me know how it goes, and take care...
magicure last decade
I am new to this site. Are you saying that your son is now 4yrs old and is still with many of the same symptoms? This sounds very much like my 12yr old was when she was 3yrs old. It can get better. I took my daughter to a licensed homeopathic, who took one look at her and said "this child has worms", without even knowing anything about her. I took her for something not even related to her sleeping or rings around the eyes. Her dad, in fact, her dad's whole side of the family has dark circles around the eyes, so I just assumed it was thin skin and inherited. This often is a sign of worms. You won't necessarily see worms in the stools if you aren't taking something to get rid of them. Everybody has parasites. Anyway, children who desire a lot of sweet stuff, are just feeding them. Worms are night crawlers, keeping children up at night. My daughter would stay up by herself until 3 and 4 in the morn. We finally showed her how to work a VCR. Good thing I wasn't a working mom at the time. She was given a plan to take a children's multi-vit, garlic soft gels(2per day) which are tiny, blackwalnut wormwood tincture, about 3-4 drops daily, you don't need the large amount that the bottle says. It takes several days or a week, but check the stools for white threads, they don't always look like worms. Nests of worms come out looking somewhat like snot or mucous. It was a few months before we noticed the sleeping habits changing, but she finally quit desiring sooo much choc. milk and sweet stuff, and the dark circles under the eyes were gone even faster. Hope this info is helpful if you are still having a problem. Good luck.
tbarbie last decade
I think I read from the first page, an old, old post. Sounds like maybe you got the night time stuff helped. Your most recent posts was for something else.
tbarbie last decade
Hi tbarbie,

We have been writing this chain for one year already. So the sympoms have changed. Thank you anyway for the consideration!

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure.

I gave Jasper the third dose of Pulsatilla 200 k 15 hours ago.
The left nostril is clear. He is a still sneezing a bit from his right nostril. The color is more clear than yellow, and it is stickier. On the right nostril there is a kind of cold sore; a bloody scab that is sensitive and aching. His lips are also very dry and almost bleeding.

He was awake all night and keeps complaining stomach ache. I have no idea if it is constipation, a new desease of psychological stress.

I have been trying to think Jasper’s behavior. In addition to my previous mails I want to point out the following caracteristics:

1. Jasper is all the time in move. The body is tense, he is very seldom still and quiet. I feel the body tense last thing in the evening and he starts moving every time he wakes up. He says ” I cannot find a good position”. If he is not changing position, then he is scratching himself.
I guess the teacher is referring to this when she says Jasper is ”nervous”. But she doesn’t know that Jasper has been on the move ever since he was born. Alwasy.

2. He gets angry of little things and if things don’t happen as he wants. I want to tell you an example from yesterday in case you give a different meaning to it: We woke up in the morning at the same time and we played or read for him all morning. We gave all the time and attention for him. He woke up very energetic and was happy all morning. We were about to leave to the movies (second time in his life) and he was waiting for it.
Then he dressed up himself but asked me to pull the zipper of the pants (impossible for him to do). I tried and he pinched me. I told no, again told no. Then I said if he does it one more time, I won’t help him. He promised not to pinch anymore, but he did it again. So I left without pulling the zipper up. Jasper got furious, started yelling, threathing he hits me if I don’t do as he says. I didn’t, and he came on me.
Then he went to hit the dad. The father (normally the patient one) now got very angry and started yelling (propably the second time ever) at him. Jasper got scared and quiet. The situation was solved when the father helped him to pull up the zipper. He was happy again.

3. I wonder if he is depressed. Some days he just lays down on floor and does nothing. The teacher said he is not interested in doing things at school. He only likes running and fighting with the boys in the yard.
I wouldn’ t be suprised the school gets him depressed: I think he is an outsider. He has 1-2 friends but he has never been invited to other kid’s birthday parties. He doesn’t speak the language too well, and I believe he thinks he is worse than others.

That’s what I was thinking today.
Maria&boys last decade
I haven't read this thread entirely, but the beginning and end mostly. Some of it reminds me of my two-year old now. Can I ask what his astological sign is? This may have nothing to do with it, but if he's a Scorpio or Leo, and possibly even a Taurus, you can rest assured that alot of these things might just be in his nature.

I myself was labeled as a "nervous" child in school. I was given alone time with a snack during breaks. (I would lie in the "reading house" in my depressive state and eat my snack upon my mom's insistance). This really helped me deal with other people. I was most shy, and completely introverted except at home, with unbelievable degrees of kindness and maliciuosness. I'm not shy now, pretty balanced introvert/extrovert, and reserve my maliciousness only when well deserved.

People probably thought I was physically abused by how clumsy I was.

Some of the stuff sounds pretty normal for any child, just personality differences. I am referring to the zipper incident.

What I've found that works best with us is to have a few general house rules visually posted and gone over as well the consequences for inappropriate behavior. Then when one is broken, automatically follow through with the consequences instead of giving warnings. I usually say, "Pinching hurts. You need to be kind to another person's body. I do not want to help you if you are hurtful to me. You need to go to your chill out spot. You can come back when you are ready to be kind." And physically guide him to designated area if necessary. (Instead of saying, if you do it one more time I won’t help). He is testing you of boundaries and is very normal especially for this age. He just wants to see if you really will not help after he pinches. It's hard for a 4 year old to resist.

We have only a few very general rules that apply to almost anything. Respect, honesty, kindness. Respect the books, respect or be kind another's body (no pinching mommy, hitting daddy). These three can be aplied to almost anything.

For this to work, you have to be consistent, repetitive. And it will definitely take many times before you will start to see results. But you should see them nonetheless.

About his energy. I think alot of boys are high energy. One of my sons is non-stop from morning to night. Sometimes without a nap (and he's only two). Some more than others of course.

My sister homeschools her children, her high energy son being one of the reasons. She can let him take a break whenever needed and lets him run around outside for a bit and then can come back to focus better on work. They all eat healthy, and restricted sugar has helped as well as just getting older. He is very smart and can show this when his body has been given enough exercise. They also go on planned outings at least once a week with a homeschool group for social interaction.

You should work with the teacher/school about arranging "exercise breaks" to see if this helps. What can it hurt, especially if the teacher says he is so disruptive? She might welcome the idea.

The stomach ache complaints sounds like he terribly dislikes going to school. (This used to be my favorite excuse for not wanting to do something).

I would consider alternative education if possible such as homeschool if the school isn't more agreeable to letting him get more exercise.

This could even mean going to the gym or playyard and running around or some high energy activity for 15 minutes at breaktime, right before lunchtime or whenever it can be fit in, as many times as possible in between subjects. If he isn't paying attention, the few minutes he'll miss might make a difference for when he is in class, and will help the other children pay attention. Also, the teacher should work with the rest of the children aside to explain to them how they he might stop disrupting them if they don't pay attention to it. He might stop if he knows he's not getting attention from it.

The teacher does need to show him genuine attention ANY TIME he does something positive, and try to ignore the disruptive behavior, unless it's dangerous. To change behavior, only reinforce the positive behavior. Ignore the negative.

The nervous system is first to be affected by stress and tension. (not liking school, or not enough energy release, etc.) It's a vicious cycle that can lead to depression.


Brewer's yeast (for the range of B vitamins)

Blackstrap Molasses (this could be used in place of his sugar needs, as in make your own oatmeal cookies with molasses)

Carrots (you could let him drink the juice mixed with apple, and the brewer's yeast powdered or liquid so he can't taste it)


Low salt

Avoid red meats as much as possible

No carbonated drinks

Magnesium is very important for nerves, hyperactive children, and for a restful sleep. He will also need adequate calcium. These two work together.

Excellent Magnesium Food Sources: dark green leafy vegetables, seafood, whole grains, dairy foods (preferably the yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese types), nuts, legumes.
[he needs to eat live cultured dairy daily for the good bacteria, this will help with his being sick. I freeze the Stonyfield farm Squeezers Brand squeezable yogurt for a daily frozen "treat". My son loves them. Too much other dairy, like hard cheese and plain milk is mucous forming.] Try and use a low fat milk to help.

Make sure he gets enough Vitamin C and E.

Other herbals (as in tea) that help with nerves: Chamomile, peppermint, rosemary, scullcap, ginseng, catnip.

Reflexogy nerve points on the hands are on the tips of the thumbs. See if you can make up some kind of game to play where you apply gentle pressure to his thumbs daily before and after school. Like - "if I can squeeze your thumbs for 30 seconds without you blinking, I'll give you a frozen yogurt pop." Why not let him have the pop for breakfast? Yummy and healthy.

ONE more thing, does he still wake up alot at night? Is there is a consistent time that he first wakes up and is he scared? If so he could have night terrors. If you think this could be a reason, try waking him up before he wakes up, keep him up for a few minutes, then try and put him back to sleep. If he has night terrors, this usually helps break the cycle.

I am not a doctor. I am suggesting these things based on my own personal experience, the experience of others as well as my psychology, sociology, and special education in behavioral disorders.

Hope this helps.

WNCGirl last decade
Hello WNCGirl,

Thank you for a long story! Guess what - my son is Leo! He does react as a lion and when you ask him what animal he would like to be, he says "Lion".

The problem with him is that he is already 5,5 years old. We have had two rules at home: you can't hurt anybdoy, you can't brake anything because you are angry. The rules have been systematic for a long time, but he doesn't care.
I have also been very systematic in my behavior forever, ever since the boy was 2 years old: I tell "no" three times. After three times I don't give warnings, I act. I have been consistent and repetitive. But the boy just doesn't care.
I have been giving him soooo much positive feedback, every time when he does something well. But... he still does that.

That's why I ask help from Magicure, because once I gave him a remedy for something else, and then the lion was tamed. It is one of the biggest miracles I've seen homeopathy working!

We went to the hospital just tonight (Magicure, you read this?!) because of the stomach complains. There was a reason for those: some glands in the stomach are swollen, as well on the neck. That's the reason for the pain. The only medicin given is the painkiller.
Lately he has been sleeping bad because all the viruses. He has never really seen nightmares.

The boy likes the school and wants to go there. I would never ever consider a homeschool for him.... there are a lot of reasons.
The "school" is not a real school yet, it is more a playschool. The kids sit still only 3-4 times a day. I think he is able to more around a lot.

The reflexology points is a good hint! I'll try that! That also reminds me buying better vitamins. I don't know all the food you are referring (pop, brewster's yeast, molasses..), but I do cook proper food.
I have also forgotten giving him chamomile tea.
Hope these will help a bit!

Maria&boys last decade
Hi again Maria, (that's my real name, too).

My son is also a Leo. They are for sure Lions.

I hope you didn't take any of my suggestions as critical. I only know what works for many, not all. As a caring parent, I'm sure you are doing everything you can to do what is best for your son.

Probiotics (yogurt or other cultured dairy)and Brewer's Yeast will definitely help with the viruses as well as for nerves.

I'm glad you figured out what was causing the stomach pains.

I was also reading somewhere B and other vitamin deficiency can also cause upset/swollen glands. He might not be deficient in any vitamins, but may just need extra.

I am glad to hear he has plenty of chances to exercise. I have a feeling that when my son goes to school, he will probably have a hard time sitting still. He can't at all now.

Maybe I'll just have to let the lion be wild, and try to figure out ways live with it. Some things we just can't change. Taming every once in a while does give a good break though.

About the foods I mentioned: "Pop" is just a term my son uses for his frozen yogurt. Sorry.

Brewer's Yeast(real name -Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
You should be able to find at the health food store. Different strains of the yeast is used to brew beer and to make some breads, and used as a dietary supplement. It is taken from a one-celled fungus and used as a nutritional supplement because it is LOADED with all of the B vitamins, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothentic acid, folate, Vit. B12 and biotin. It also has the trace minerals chromium and selenium.

It's basically an awesome multi-"vitamin".

You shouldn't use it if your son is on anti-depressant/anxiety medication.

Usual daily dosage is 6 grams (about 1 teaspoonful).

Blackstrap Molasses is a "good for you" type of syrup. Many use it as a substitute for sugar. It's a byproduct from refining sugar. It's better than sugar because it keeps all the vitamins/minerals with it leaving the sugar with nothing but sweetness. It has iron, calcium potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and selenium.

Oh and about the herbal tea. It usually takes a good couple of weeks of drinking tea to get the healing/medicinal properties to start working, if they are going to work.

I know I work hard to try and keep my son "tame", and he's still wild. But then again, I wonder if I didn't do these things, would he be much wilder? Maybe it is working to a degree, but maybe his spirit is going to be strong no matter what. Maybe I should just treat myself instead of him to handle it.

WNCGirl last decade

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