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2-yrs-old sleeps badly Page 9 of 15

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Hello Magicure,

We are back at home. We were all sick during the holiday. Julius had his first ear infection ever.

No change what it comes to sleeping. He wakes up about four times a night. Is it time for Sulphur????

I have also noticed that it is me (not my husband) who wakes up when Julius is awake. My sleep is either deep enough...goes in the family... is there any remedy that made me sleep deeply?
Normally I do sleep well until morning, but I just wake up too easily.

Maria&boys last decade
Maria&boys last decade
Does anyone know has Magicure been around recently?
Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

How is Julius now?
If you compare his present condition with his sleep pattern a few months ago (when we started with the treatment), what do you feel ? (specify the improvement in %)

How is his appetite? How is he doing at school? What about his overall growth?
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Glad to hear you are still around. I was afraid you have left the forum.

About sleep:
- Sleeping has improved 60 %.
- Now he wakes in average every 4 hours, before it was even every 2 hours.
- He sleeps more peacefully and deeply nowadays. Before he was more restless, weeping when still half at sleep.
- He also used to wake up to the slightist noise before. Now you can touch him or talk in the same room, but it doesn't disturb him.
- Now when he wakes up, he is totally awake. But if he is awake, then he is able to find his pacifier by himslef and he doesn't have to wake me up.

BUT: I have noticed that when he sleeps quiet and long - he has the pacifier in the mouth all the time. That doesn't please me at all! You can already see the use of the pacifier at teeth.
In January there was a time when he didn't need the pacifier that much. But now old times is back.

Appetite: it is the same as always. One day he eats very well, the next day not at all except milk.

Growth: During our holiday we visited the health care where his growth has been monitored ever since he was four months old.
Now we could see that he has been growing evenly during last 12 months. He is smaller than average (short and thin), but the line was balanced. Before his growth has been changing.

School: School is going ok. He even takes the nap there (doesn't sleep at home). And the teacher says he is doing fine.
The only problem is that he doesn't want to go the toilet in there. At home he is dry, but he simply refuses going to the toilet outside home.
School has not affected sleeping at all.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

Glad to hear you are still around. I was afraid you have left the forum.

About sleep:
- Sleeping has improved 60 %.
- Now he wakes in average every 4 hours, before it was even every 2 hours.
- He sleeps more peacefully and deeply nowadays. Before he was more restless, weeping when still half at sleep.
- He also used to wake up to the slightist noise before. Now you can touch him or talk in the same room, but it doesn't disturb him.
- Now when he wakes up, he is totally awake. But if he is awake, then he is able to find his pacifier by himslef and he doesn't have to wake me up.

BUT: I have noticed that when he sleeps quiet and long - he has the pacifier in the mouth all the time. That doesn't please me at all! You can already see the use of the pacifier at teeth.
In January there was a time when he didn't need the pacifier that much. But now old times is back.

Appetite: it is the same as always. One day he eats very well, the next day not at all except milk.

Growth: During our holiday we visited the health care where his growth has been monitored ever since he was four months old.
Now we could see that he has been growing evenly during last 12 months. He is smaller than average (short and thin), but the line was balanced. Before his growth has been changing.

School: School is going ok. He even takes the nap there (doesn't sleep at home). And the teacher says he is doing fine.
The only problem is that he doesn't want to go the toilet in there. At home he is dry, but he simply refuses going to the toilet outside home.
School has not affected sleeping at all.

Maria&boys last decade
Maria, I don't think you can evaluate his ability to sleep well until the pacifier is out of the picture.

What is your plan for weaning him off the pacifier?
ruth45 last decade
Hi Ruth,

I have been thinking exactly the same. All the sleeping problems cannot be solved by getting rid of the pacifier. But I do admit that when the pacifier will be out of the picture, the restlessness of looking for it will be gone.

When to get rid of it... well, our situation is: we moved abroad last fall. I couldn't take it off, because everything in our life was new.
Now the boy has started playschool (in totally strange language) few weeks ago. I still can't take it off. Poor thing doesn't understand anything and it is the first thing in his life that he is in a daycare.

Addition to this he keeps telling in different situations that "I am afraid". He is afraid of many things.
So one of my wishes is, if it is possible, to find a remedy to strenghten his selfesteem and give courage.
During these past four months(whatever is the reason) he has already gained a lot more of courage and during daytime he is able to calm himself down without the pacifier.

So I still have to wait for some time. At least until the playschool is familiar and he surely understands something in there. Maybe I can take the pacifier off next summer..? Then he'll be 2years 9/10 months old.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

From your reply, I should say that there is a lot of improvement, no doubt. ( 'Whatever is the reason', if you like to put it that way...)

About the pacifier, he will observe what other kids of his age do at the school. At this age, a child is very receptive and takes impressions from all the external factors of environment. So, he will understand on his own , that he is a big boy now, and doesnt need the pacifier. You just have to be supportive.

Just wait and observe.
Rest assured, I am not leaving this forum , and I shall be there whenever you need any help.
Be happy with the progress he has already shown and be patient, for he will continue to improve.

You just have to give sufficient time for the remedies to act.
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

I have to be more specified what I meant by "whatever is the reason":
He gained a lot of courage fast. No doubt that the remedy has something to do with it. But also he is several months older than last fall - children of that age tend to change quick. A 2 year old is totally different from a 3 year old.
So I cannot estimate how much I can thank Sulphur for general courage and how much the improvement is because of the time.

One more thing: I guess Julius will never be sleeping nights 100% well. Because he is my son and I am not very good sleeper either. I don't sleep in strange place and I wake up quite easily.

So I started thinking that maybe this sleeping problem is nowadays my problem ? (no, I am not loosing my mind...)

Maybe it is ME who wakes up too easily. Maybe Julius would continue sleeping nowadays after finding the pacifier himself, but because I haven't been sleeping well for 2,5 years, I wake up too easily.

What do you suggest what I should do? I am serious! Specially I hate the nights when Julius sleeps until 5-6 am, but I keep waking up because I have a habit of waking up.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

I hope my posting doesn't get lost in this forum - this has got sooo popular nowadays.

Ever since I wrote you last Julius has been sleeping baaadly. I was waiting it to be temporary, but this goes on and on, already one week.

He wakes up around midnight and comes by me. Then he sleeps 3-4 hours, but between 4-7 am the sleep is really superficial and shallow. He wants me to hold him all the time.

I am tired of not getting enought sleep. I am getting so tired of this, that this night my husband and the older son will move to the other part of the apartment and I train Julius to not to bother me. He can come by me, but he cannot disturb me. Hopefully he learns that... but it still doesn't remove the problem of not sleeping deeply.

Secondly: you have not commented my suggest (4/20) if the sleeping problem is after all my problem.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

How is Julius doing?
Please post back about his current condition stressing on following points:

1. Appetite
2. Skin
3. Perspiration
4. Stools
5. Fears
6. Pacifier

We might need to repeat/ change the remedy ( complementary to sulphur) based on your response.
magicure last decade
I forgot... It could be due to your problem, as you mentioned in your post.

You might be getting up ( unintentionally) just to see if Julius is sleeping... !!
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

I just opened my computer to write you again: Julius has continued sleeping restless. (No, this time it is not my problem, it really is his problem).

We are really going backwards now: he wakes ups several times a night, he is crying half-awake, he doesn't find the pacifier by himself, he cries though the pacifier is in the mouth, he calms down only if he feels my hand on his head...
Just like old times.

1. Appetite: At school he eats really well (group pressure or good food?). Later the day he doesn't eat much. Hardly anything, wants to drink milk.

2. Skin: he keeps scratching behind the knees. There is also some excema on elsewhere in the legs. In general the skin is not too bad. We survive with moisturizing lotion.

3. Persipartion: he doesn't perspire much, if he does because of hot wheather, he sweats on the head. Doesn't smell.
(he doesn't prespire during the nights anymore).

4. Stools: stools are hard nowadays. Too hard. Every second or third day.

5. Fears: He fears noisy children. He prefers playing alone than with someone who is very loud and outgoing.
He really gets hurt if someone tells him to stay away.
A friend of mine was just yesterday saying that how Julius is so big but still wants to be close to me so much. He still seems to be babier than rest of the boys of the same age.
He keeps saying "I can't do it". F.ex. today we were walking down the stairs he said "I can't walk stairs". He is so afraid of hurting himself.
I think that he is at school a lot by the teacher. Especially outside he doesn't run and play with the others, he stays by the teacher.

6. Pacifier: wants it a lot, day and night.

In addition he is the most stubborn boy. Answer to anything is "no". At the very moment he is having a terruible tantrum because he would like me read him a book....

Please, help us!

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Does it appear that passing stool is a great pain for Julius? Or is it just hard painless stools?

Does he pass stool everyday, or every second or third day?

Is his stool always hard, or alternated with soft stool?

About his stubbornness: If you talk kindly to him when he is stubborn, what is his reaction? (try doing this and then answer) does he listen you, or does he cry, or he still remains stubborn?

In general how does he react to scolding?

When he says , "I cant do this", can he REALLY do that once he starts doing it?

I think he needs a complementary remedy now.

Let me confirm from your reply, and we shall start him with that.

Take care...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Stools: they are painless, hard stools, every second or third day. Sometimes stool is most normal, never loose though.

Subborness: I tend to talk him kindly, because when I am tuff and I scold him - then he gets hurt and insulted and starts crying. So it has no use.
Even if I talk kindly, he still remains stubborn. He does listen, but the answer is still no. Once I even promised him a candy (the best he knows) if he did something - the answer was still "no".
Most of the times just time, patience and waiting changes the situation. F.ex. in the dining table he doesn't eat proberly, but start throwing something. I tell him that he has to behave, he refuses eating at all. If we ignore that, he continues eating after 15 min.
He uses the potty at home nicely. But at school he refuses that. I have to use him a diaper, otherwise he will urinate to the floor. He has no sense of shame.
(Maybe this stubborness is a reason for hard stool: lately he has refused to pass stool to the potty. Last night my husband "forced" Julius to sit on a potty. They were sitting in the toilet together for 30 min until Julius gave in. Stool was normal, not hard).

Julius is really capable doing things if he starts doing them. F.ex. walking down the stairs. He is just afraid of something at the time.
I keep telling him how good he is, how well he can do things, how big boy he is - but just this morning I heard him telling the big brother that "I am not a big boy, not at all".
He is the youngest one in the class at school.

Hope I was able to explain things.
By the way, if you have an e-mail address, I can send you a digital picture of him. If you find it useful.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

my email id is magicureforyou at yahoo dot com

I have worked on his case again. 2-3 remedies are coming very close. They are Calc carb, Lyco and Sil.

Sulphur- lyco- calc carb are complementary, and support/ complete the action of one another.

Right now we shall go with Calc carb.
Get Calc carb 200, and give 5-6 pills to him for three consecutive nights. Dont give him anything to eat/drink atleast for half an hour before and after taking the remedy.

He should take the pills on clean tongue.

Keep posting about his condition.

Take care...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

I'll get Calc Carb 200 tomorrow. I am aware of the instructions how to take them.

When we started the treatment in November with Sabra, we started with Lycopodium. At the time I didn't see much use of it. And we used it during 11 days/8 nights.

I have sent you two pictures to your e-mail. Let me know did you receive them all right.

I'll get back to you later.

Maria&boys last decade
Maria, I have followed this case and just now have tried to review every posting but I lost patience after page 6.

I am not a professional homeopath, but I've used it for 20 years and have studied a lot. I am putting forth a remedy for consideration. I fully expect the professional homeopaths to shoot me down, but that's okay, I won't mind it a bit.

Has anyone studied Lac Caninum for Julius?

On the very first page you stated that Julius slept with his hands wide open or wide apart and also that he is afraid of falling after having had a fall.

Lac Caninum has fear about falling downstairs and a strong desire for company. Many fears at night, very restless and under "Causation" my repertory says "Result of fall."

Worth considering?

Your thoughts, Magicure?

ruth45 last decade
Hi Ruth,

Treating a sleep and eating disorder has to be done on a much deeper level, in my opinion.

Considering the whole totality, that is mentals, physical generals and particulars is the best approach to treat the indivisual constitutionally.

So, I took into consideration his fears, likes and dislikes, his generals like sweat, thermal state, appetite, digestion and skin.

As you have pointed out, I dont think that "causation of fall" affects his whole condition. I mean , he is scared to climb stairs, but he is just a kid, and I think this would be a general response. His sleep/appetite/digestion/skin problem dont root from there. So it doesnt form a general causative modality.

"Strong desire for company" is covered by many many drugs, but we should take into account the REASON behind it. Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Calcarea, Kali carb all desire company, but the reasons are different.

In case of Julius, his need for company roots from fears, and mainly I think he is fond of his mother than all other adults. (this also brings in Kali as a strong differentiating drug)

Obstinate, constipation, desire for milk, sensetive to reprimands, fear of aggression, skin complaints were all considered during chosing the plan of treatment.

Could you please explain how Lac can could help him on a general level? ( his sleep, appetite, skin, and digestion)

Thanks a lot for your views, I appreciate it.

Please keep following the thread, all the inputs are indeed welcome !!
magicure last decade
Hi Maria,

I got the pictures of Julius.
First let me tell you that he is a very cute boy :-)

In first picture, I suppose he is with his brother. If I compare them considering their age, I dont feel that Julius is underweight or short. ( correct me if I am wrong! )

But in second picture he looks a bit thin, but as you said that picture was taken earlier.

Anyways, if possible take a picture of his skin when he has erruptions, so that we can compare his skin condition after few months.

My views about Julius (after seeing his pictures) might be erronious, because I really dont know how other kids of his age look (in your country)

So I always believe you when you say that "He looks babier than his age"

Well, keep posting once you start with Calcarea carb.
magicure last decade
Hi Ruth,

Thanks for your interest. I am suprised that there is still someone else reading all this!

I don't have much knowledge about homeopathy and I don't know Lac Caninum. You have to talk, as you have, with Magicure about it. I'll keep the remedy in mind if I'll have the same kind of situation in the future.

About fear of falling: he has gained a lot of courage lately and is nowadays climbing on the chairs and standing there looking like he were the most courageous boy in the world.
I don't know how to read it: maybe he has no fear of falling. Or he has the fear and he is very proud to overcome the fears.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

Yes, he is very cute. When he smiles, all the passers-by smile back at him.

He is little compared to Scandinavian children. If you compare to f.ex. French children, he is as tall as them.
His head is quite big and round. And shoulders are wide.

At the moment his skin is very good. I'll take a picture when it turn worse.
I have no idea why the skin is suddenely so good.

I bouth Calcarea carb, but didn't give it yet: this morning the teacher called me to work, because Julius had vomited.
So now we are at home and he is sleeping. He also has fever 38 degrees. I'll wait until he'll be fine again.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

Julius was sick only for a day. So I gave Calcarea Carb 200 on thursday, friday and saturday.

I sent you this morning some pictures of his feet: on saturday he got bad excema. It was itching a lot.
I have not seen him eating anything strange (like fresh strawberries do that, but there has not been them). It is the worst excema since december, when we started the treatment - can it be caused because of calcarea..?

To calm the skin down I had to give him once antihistamine last night. There still is excema, but the skin is not as red or itchy anymore.

Julius has still been sleeping really badly; crying, waking up several times. So far I don't see any improvement.

I just recently noticed that Julius doesn't want to drink milk as much as before. This has been happening slowly during past couple of weeks.

We'll be on holiday in Greece from 11.5.-18.5. But I'll be back after that.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Lets wait for a few days before assessing the effects of calcarea.

Keep posting inbetween if possible, otherwise we shall review the whole case again after 18th May.

Have a nice holiday!
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Julius has been sleeping better last two nights.

On monday he slept until 3 am.
On tuesday, last night, he cried twice around 1 am, but after that he slept in his own bed until morning.
Better than for weeks!

He has also eaten well during past days. And he really is giving up milk. He hardly drinks it 200 ml a day (before he drunk 400-500 ml a day.)

The skin is "uneven", but not itcy or red. I gave antihistamin only once on sunday, not after that.

The stool has not been hard yesterday or day before. He even passed stool to the potty, voluntarily, two days in a row.

One new thing I have also noticed: in the evening when going to sleep, he wants to be covered. Before he was kicking the cover off.

There is also one negative thing coming along during past weekend: he cries a lot when going to bed at night. He doens't want to be left alone to the room, but he wants someone to stay there as long as he falls asleep. And that takes a looong time...
Before he stayed at bed quietly awake.

Maria&boys last decade

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