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2-yrs-old sleeps badly Page 7 of 15

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Hi Maria,

Just read your post on other thread.

How is Julius now? Is he out of the acute disease? If yes , you can start with Sulphur again , and give it three nights in a row.

If he is not well , please post all his symptoms in detail , so that his acute gets cleared first , and then we can move on with our constitutional treatment.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Here comes the whole story: Julius started vomiting yesterday at 7 am. After three hours it stopped, started drinking, fever went up to 38,5.
In the afternoon he started to cry more and more. I gave him paracetamol, that stopped all the pains. He wanted to drink and eat, run and play.
He was going too fast, because at 7 pm he threw up all the food, only once.
The fever was high all restless night. I didn't give medicine, he drunk 2,5 dl of water. It was odd, that he was very hot, but didn't let me take off the pants and he wanted to sleep under the cover.

Now it is morning, fever is 38, wants to drink, not to eat.
No other symptoms right now. Quite happy. Was sneezing twice. He hasn't had diarrhea at all.

I know from whom we got the desease. That family has been sick for five days now. Oh no...I was planning to send my other son to school today, because he was fine yesterday. This morning he has temperature 37,3, and his diarrhea is worse.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,
Just to inform, that the desease is changing quickly.

Now Julius has diarrhea. It is so watery that the diapers can hardly take it.
I gave him one doze of Carbo Veg 30k few hours ago.
Drinking a bit, doesn't want to eat anything. Some temperature (doens't let to measure it), but not hot.

Now he is going to bed. Let's see the situation again in the morning.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Okay Maria,

Its hard to suggest you something right now, because I am sure , by morning the picture would be different.

Keep posting about his condition.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

The picture is different.

Last night he woke up around midnight, feeling unpleasant. He had watery diarrhea (smell was disgusting!) and he vomitted everything up. Everything was undigestible, you could see few raisins he ate in 12 hours before.
He was also crying that the stool burns. He didn't want to drink anything, I was afraid of dyhydration, so I gave him Ars alb 30k once.
No fever.

He refused to drink anything at night, just few drops. In the morning 7 am he passed watery diarrhea again, three diapers in ten minutes.

I am not that confident treating him with homeopathy, (because I have no information which remedies don't fit together) so this morning I gave him carbo medicalis, these black cole tablets.

Now it is 10 am and he doesn't want to drink much. So far less than 1 dl.
Today I won't give him anything else than water, coke and saltbiscuits/toast.
He has been "cheating" me so many timies: I always think now he is getting better, but after all that was not true.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

I know these mails are always too late. But if you have any suggestions, how I should have treated the boy, I would like to hear them! So that I'd learn from this all.
Even if he won't have the same sickness next time, maybe I'd learn something general about homeopathy. I'd appriciate your advice.

Julius has not been vomiting or having diarrhea during these 10 hours. Time to time he says that there is pain in the stomach. No temperature, doesn't eat at all (sometimes asks for food, but cannot eat) drinks a bit. Some burbing. The stomach keeps sounds.

I have not given any medication since the carbotablets.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Julius has not been vomiting or passing stool for 24 hours.

Sometimes he still complains for the pain, drinks just a bit, wants to eat but can't because of has burbing (like vomiting), is so weak that walks towards walls.

If this continues, what I should do...?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

Sorry for the delay in reply.

Is Julius dehydrated? ( Check for his skin tone by pinching it ..It should NOT remain wrinkled, it should regain its tone immediately.)

Instead of giving plain water , give him a salt-sugar solution ( Do you know how to prepare it?)

Is he not dehydrated, but JUST WEAK?

what do yo mean by burping like vomiting? ( Does he have eructations that smell like vomitus, or does he get nausea/ retching?)

What do you mean by he walks towards walls? ( Do you mean he is losing balance while walking?)

Please answer the questions, I shall try to reply as soon as possible.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

I don't think he is dehydrated. He has been urinating today. The skin has its tone. That's why I haven't taking him to doctor.

He has been drinking coke and milk today. (I don't know the salt-sugar solution, but I doubt he would drink it).

He was complaining stomach pain in the middle of the night, not after that. But comes to sit on a lap often, is sad.

I think he is just weak. Because he doesn't eat... He does play, but has not lot of energy, all the time with pacifier. He has been ably to keep the balance since morning, and has not been walking toward walls anymore.

He burbs after drinking. No smell of vomitus. Drinks only little in a time.
In the morning he wanted to eat plain rice, but after a couple of spoonfuls he did something like vomiting. I was not there, but the big brother said Julius almost threw up.
After that he has not wanted to eat anything. Just a bit of chocolate. I ask if he wants anything, just anything, but answer is always no.

One hour ago he passed stool after 30 hours ( after carbo). It was still liquid, few raisins from the
morning were there.

I have been reading in the internet. To me it seems like china offentialis (?). Problem is that all the pharmacies are already closed for the weekend. If the remedy is not a common one, I won't find it before monday.

I do have some basics at home (carbo veg, nux, ars, arnica, aconitum, antimonium crudum, calc. phos., causticum, chamomilla, gels, ipec, lyco, nat phos, pulsatilla - these has some notes of stomach).

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

Right now, dont give him any medicine. Wait till tomorrow morning.

Also Arsenic should be thought of , if there is profound prostation out of proportion , and if there is loss of appetite, with thirst for sips of cold water.

We shall decide about that tomorrow.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

It is 8 am. Julius wanted to have milk, drunk 1 dl and vomitted it all up after 10 minutes.
Complained stomach pain before and after drinking milk.

I was suprised he drunk that much. Normally he drinks only sips, keeps the bottle close all the time. But he doesn't want water, has ever wanted water in his life.
Yes, loss of appetite is enormous.

I felt nausea last night. My husband said he had exactly the same symptoms: nausea, felt heavy on chest, there was pain all around stomack. I took Nux Vomica 30 k twice within one hour.
Now I feel almost all right.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi again,

Julius vomitted four times this morning. I am thinking of going to hospital. The only thing why we are not there yet, is that I have seen this virus is long lasting. And because between vomiting/diarrhea he has been playing, running and smiling.
Maybe we have to go afterall..

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Magicure seems to be away.

You waited long enough.Good decision to go to hospital.

When we are exhausted of homeopathic choices, what else we can do?

I said earlier, in severe acute problems, if the patient is not responding,even after changing the medicine three times,then we have to doubt our ability, to choose the correct medicine.

Nothing wrong with homeopathy, but it is that, we are unable to select the correct medicine.

In such cases it is perfectly justifiable to go for regular treatment.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

I'm still here.
I bought the salt against dehydration from the pharmacy. Julius drinks a lot, there is no fear of dehydration.
What can they do in the hospital? They can only tell me the same things I already know...

So far I keep checking the situation. Now he is sleeping. If he'll turn more quiet or seems to be sicker, then we'll go.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

How is Julius?
I hope you didnt have to take him to hospital...
Please post about his condition.

magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,
You are around! I was already wondering if I was writing only for myself :-)

No, I didn't take him anywhere. I think this is rotavirus. It normal it lasts one week with these small ones.

I bought ors, yesterday he drunk half a liter of it. Yesterday I gave him two tablets that stop vomitting. He hasn't vomitted since sunday morning, he had watery diarrhea twice sunday evening. The color was light. Why is that?

He is not dehydrated.

He wants to drink quite a lot, except ors... Eats some chips. I hope he'll get well soon. I found out in the internet, that some children carry rotavirus for some weeks. Oh no....

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

Good that he is drinking sufficient fluids... But that also shows his NEED of fluids. So make sure he is passing good amount of urine, his tongue/lips are not excessively dry, and his skin tone is good. HOw are his eyes?

Is this the first time that he has passed light coloured stools? What is the colour of urine?

Is his appetite the same/ improved?
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Yesterday he drunk 1,2 l of mix ors-coke. I try to make him drink that much also today.
After drinking he burbs a bit, but maybe it is because of coke (though I shake it first).

His lips and tongue are not dry, in fact there is split (How you say it?) a lot and the chin is wet all the time.
His skin is normal. Eyes - they look sad, nothing else to comment.

In the morning he went to toilet and urine was very dark after long night. Now he is having a diaper. He urinated for the first time at 4 am, but the diaper was very full after that.

The stool color changed after I started giving ors. That was sunday evening.
Just recently, at 5 pm, he passed stool again, the first time today. It wasn't that light anymore. It was yellow, smell was "sweet", very funny.... And best of all: it was not totally liquid. Half and half.

This is the first day that he has not complained pain in the stomach.

He has been eating today about 10 chips, 5 penne-pasta and 3 olives. That is more than for six days.

I haven't given him vomiting-stopping medicine since last night.

I don't know if this is important, but his feet and hands are extremely cold all the time. We have a warm house. Hands were cold outside, even if he had two pair of gloves.

His head is warm. I haven't taken the temperature today, but yesterday it was all day 37,5.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Okay Maria,

Just keep a watch on the colour of his stool and urine.

Post back if there is any change in his symptoms.
magicure 2 decades ago

These are the questions you need to answer ( as far as possible) for an acute disease treatment.

I am posting the questionnaire here , so that we can save time if Julius gets an acute disease next time.

Acute disease questionnaire:

1. Onset--did the complaint come on suddenly or gradually?

2. Etiology--the cause/ Why. What happened at, or about, the time of the occurrence of complaints?

3. Sensation--describe the pain or other feeling. Does it extend anywhere, does it shoot anywhere? For instance, "It feels like there's a crumb in my throat, I'm constantly trying to swallow. The pain shoots to my left ear."

4. Appearance--what does the person, or the part that's bothering the person, look like; anything remarkable?
Redness, swelling,coating, discharge etc...

5. Location--where on the body?

6. Modalities--what makes the complaint better or worse?
Consider: heat or cold, bathing, warm rooms, fresh air, drafts, motion, time of day when person gets worse, what position is best/worse, stimuli--conversation, noise, light, touch, pressure, massage, music, company, consolation, etc.

7. Concomitants (additional symptoms that came with the main complaint)--for instance, pain with crying; pain with excessive salivation; pain with nausea--the things that have come along with chief complaint.

8. Discharges--color, odor, consistency. (A discharge is anything liquid that's coming out, oozing out, difficult to blow etc, runny nose, diarrhea, lacrimation and so on.)

9. Generals--these are all the "I" symptoms that are changed since this acute episode. eg: I'm irritable, I'm hungry, I want pickles, etc.

10. The mentals: Have the mentals changed from normal, in what way? What's different mentally and emotionally?

11. What does the person say? For instance: "I'm fine, leave me alone." "Don't leave!" "I wanna go home!" "I want ice", etc.

12. Thirst--is the person thirsty, not thirsty, what temperature drinks, what kind of drinks, does he only want sips, or gulps, does he drink a little bit frequently or a lot infrequently, and so on.

13. Fever?

14. Sweating?

15. Odors? Are odors an issue, such as bad breath, foul odors of any sort?

16. What is most striking about the condition? What is most peculiar--for instance, person is cold but heat and covers aggravate; person has burning pains but is better for being covered and hot drinks like tea
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Julius is getting better. He even had breakfast. And urinates more. He is still quite tired.

Tell me, what I should have done before??? Which remedies could have been good? (Your acute questionnaire is long, but you must have some instinct what might have been the right ones).

You can't use homoepathy in acute cases if you don't know it yourself. There is no way you get a fast appointment to homepathy, it takes days to have one. And oneline consultation is always too late because of timedifference. If I am vomiting, I need the help at once.
Only choice is that I know the basics.

I always try to treat ourselves in acute cases. But seldom succeed. Only thing I can do is take Aconitum, if it doens't help, I am confused. No wonder the mixed remedies are popular.

I know the symptoms in stomach flu can be different next time. But I can never learn if I don't know what I did wrong.

I was reading my books and notes. The pictures of the remedies were much more complicated than any of these symptoms of diarrhea/vomiting.
Tell me the best remedies for this kind of acute case, so I can study them more.

Please, "teach me how to fish, it's better than give me a fish".

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Well Maria,

Let me give you some very important guidelines.

You always have to look for STRANGE, UNCOMMON, PECULIAR, RARE symptoms , that cant be explained on the basis of "diagnosis" or are different from the constitutional features of the patint. These are called as "characteristic symptoms".

To give an example, you think that Julius was infected by rotavirus. Now , diarrhoea and vomitting are common symptoms.

If you can specify that "vomitting followed by great hunger/thirst" or "sleepy after vomitting", these symptoms can help in chosing the remedy.

In this acute disease, Julius had thirst for sips of water...so it becomes a charateristic symptom , and Arsenic should clear up the case. If he had CLEAN tongue with no coating, continuous nausea with profuse saliva , Ipecac was needed. If the diarrhoea was Polychromatic, Prostrating, Putrid, Profuse and Painless, then Podophyllum comes into picture.

"Diarrhoea soaks the diaper" is a very good symptom told by you. That is covered by Podophyllum.

These are only a few examples.

In homoeopathy, almost every remedy covers most of the ailments.

So you really have to take into account the characteristic symptoms (which ndivisualise the patient).
magicure 2 decades ago
And one more thing.... The acute questionnaire is just to help you narrate all the characteristic symptoms...

There is no shortcut in homoeopathy.
magicure 2 decades ago
Thanks Magicure,

I'm glad to see I know something. I have been looking for characteristic symptoms.

The reasons why I get confused with the caracteristic symptoms is this:
-sometimes every source tells a little bit different thing. And I keep reading my two little books, the homeopath in the pharmacy near by and internet. I have a whole deal of symptoms... (f. ex. the homeopath-pharmacist told me that nux vomica is good for this kind of disease. But you don't say it).
-And then I ask something in this site and I am told to take something I can't find it anywhere (f.ex. I had a sinus inflammation. Passkey told me to take graphitis. After all it was a good one, but I have not found anywhere a proof that graphitis is for sinus).

The good book would be the most important thing,right?

After following these characteristic symptoms I gave Julius Ars. alb. But how can I tell from a small child that helped?? He was not able to tell me, and the diarrhea was never continuous. Maybe it helped or not.
As well I gave my husband Bryonia according to his symptoms. He said he got some relief. But I didn't give it an other time. Because there was no total cure. Can there ever be?

My questions are (concerning this kind of vomiting/diarrhea):
- if the remedy is the right one, how fast you'll notice it?
- should you get a total relief or is even small relief enough?
- how ofter should remedies be repetead?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Julius is well again. Shall I start Sulphur?

By the way, I have been checking his feet every night, several times. They are not hot anymore, hardly warm.

ps. I'd appriciate if you'll find time to answer the questions in my previous mail .
Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Well, The answer to your first question: If the remedy is correct , you should be able to see atleast some improvement in a short period of time after administration. In acute diseases, since the susceptibility of the patient is high , if the remedy and potency is right, you get results real fast.

Now , the second question: A small relief is a good sign. It means that the remedy is acting. It means either it is "the similimum" or atleast partially similar.
If the patient is releived of all the complaints , it is the similimum. If the relief is temporary , increase/repeat the potency.

About repetition of remedy , there is a great controversy. (In homoeopathy , much depends on personal skills , thats why it is an ART ....)

In acute disease , the remedy can be repeated quite frequently, as often as every 3 hours or even more frequently than that.

The key is: If the patient is relieved by the remedy for some time , but afterwards his complaints return , then repeat the remedy. you can repeat the same potency three times before reaching to the conclusion of raising the potency.

All these thigs depend on the susceptibility of the patient, type of disease, stage of disease etc....so they vary from person to person and from case to case.

I hope this helps....
magicure last decade

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