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2-yrs-old sleeps badly Page 5 of 15

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well, I am not a hoemopathy doctor. But when my daughter was treated with Sulphur, the doc told us that Sugar (especially white) should be avoided when a patient is being treated with Sulphur. And in the case of our child, we noticed that aggravation usually followed when she took a candy in school.

As you know Homeopathy works on the principle of "like cures like". When a patient needs a Suplhur dose, it is because his body is not reacting well to presense of sulphur (or similar) in the food.

And Sulphur is used extensively in the process of purification of white sugar. So best to avoid.

The key is in observation. Reduce his intake of Sugar and see for yourself if it results in an improvement in sleep.
puneet 2 decades ago

I'm just posting information about last 8 days.

The 2-year-old has been sleeping quite good. Sometimes only until 2 am, but has continued sleeping after that. Mostly he has been sleeping until 4 am. I have no complains.

I have been observing the sugar but haven't seen any aggravations.
We have a "candy day" once a week (the kids can buy themselves whatever they want), but there was nothing new during the next night.

I was told yesterday that potencies "k" and "x" are not the same potencies.
I have always written down the name of the remedy and shown it in the pharmacy. When I wanted "Sulphur 200x" they sold me "Sulphur 200k". So I have given him too strong remedy..?
Is it good or bad?

This time the boy didn't get hard stool like last time. I haven't seen any new changes.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Are you sure that it is '200k' and not '200c'.

Sulphur 200c is what Murhty intended. I have not heard of 200k potency.

puneet 2 decades ago

Yes I am.

I sent another message to this site yesterday. Look up the title "is 200x same as 200k?".
There I am told that "k" is the same as "c".

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Puneeth and Maria

C and K are the same,as far as the potency is concerned.C also is sometimes called CH.

The difference is in the method.C is done by the classical Hanemann method,where a new vial is used for every potency.

K is karschof (Not sure of spelling) method,in which the same vial is used, by keeping just one drop of the previous potency,and adding 99 drops of water/alcohol.Same vial is used till you reach the desired potency.

There are some old threads on potencies.Search for them.


Glad to hear that your son is sleeping better.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

Good to see the improvement.
Please keep posting.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy and Magicure,

I have two questions, and they don't have anything to do with sleep. But under this topic I know that you two will be answering:

1) The 2-years-old is a bit sick and I wonder if I have been doing it right. It is a funny desease: He doesn't seem to be sick, he is just so tired and odd.

On sunday: he started sneezing etc. suddenly. I gave Aconitum 30k and it all stopped immediately.

Monday: normal day.

Tuesday: the temperature went up to 37,5 celcius degrees (he hardly ever gets very hight fever).The temperature was down after one hour.

Wednesday: He was tired, wanted the pacifier, somehow felt sick. The tempereature was 37,5 again for one hour, but . Rest of a day he was just normal. Next night he was crying once a hour and coughing. I gave him Ferr Phos 6x once that night. He didn't cough after that.

Thursday: The temperature was again 37,5, again only for one hour and so. He didn't cought, but you could hear that there is mucus down in the chest. I gave him ferr phos 6x 3 times a day. The night was terrible again. Crying every hour.

Today is Friday: He is lazy and quiet. Wants the pacifier. Eats and drinks normally, like all the week.

My question is: is Ferr Phos the right remedy? Is this typical, that if the remedy is right, the child just seems to be sick (meaning not normal) without any other symptoms?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy and Magicure,

Here comes my second question. It is about my ear infection (see the title "ear infection" , last reply on Feb 1st).

I was told to take Graphitis 30x (I took 30k) once and wait. I have now waited for two days and there is no change. (Or the only change is the mucus is not that sticky anymore and I have no blood in it at all). I still have this pain in the ear.

I would like to hear your opinion about this case, too. In the meanwhile I keep on waiting as I was told.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Regarding your 2 year old.

37.5 C is nothing to worry about.If you started on Ferrum.phos 6x,continue for another two days,twice a day.

I too am keen to here Magicure's views.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Graphites is a deep acting remedy,and you may have to wait for a few more days.

Post after a week.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

I have something to ask concerning my 4-years-old. I am - again - getting worried about him.

In December I was complaining him to be afraid, tired all the time, dark circles, unhappy, quiet and nasty to little brother.Then Ars.Alb. and multi vitamins and vacation helped that situation.

Now I am getting very angry for him. He is far too ofter the most terrible boy.

He is disobedient, overactive, nasty, loud, throws things, thinks he is a pirate. He has started hit and bite his little brother. Somehow too aggressive!
If I tell him not to do something, he goes and does it anyway.
When he messes up and throws something, doesn't want to clean after. Gets really mad (yelling, hitting) if told to do it.

He used to play more quiet and calmfully. He still does, comes to the lap and wants to read. But then suddenly - a change of mind - he kicks me and starts running around.
This is very typical: at first moment he is out of his mind, next moment he is adorable.

This is how I describe him:

He has never been a child who stays a lot in a lap.
He is a talkative boy, good with legos and puzzle.
He is looking for the company of other children.
He moves around the bed at nights, sometimes the legs are towards east, sometimes towards north, sleeping in all positions. He sleeps tighly under the blanket, but hardly ever feels cold. He hates too hot weather.
He stays never still, the legs are always moving.
Hates being on the stage, where everyone pays attention to him.
Asks more why-questions than other children.
He has always been hysterical type (specially when he was younger): starts crying and it will never end.
Gets angry when you tell him he can't do/have something. When angry, can't be touched. Otherwise gets really hysterical.
Gets up early in the morning, is unable to take a nap during the day.

As I have told you before, we moved abroad 6 months ago. Now he has learned some French and he has some friends at school.
I wonder if he is depressed...or is he compensating the previous fearfullness of this new superman-acion...I am not sure what this is about, but I know that he is really getting on my nerves.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

My last 8 nights have been terrible. The 2-year-old has been waking every hour or every two hours! I guess because he was sick - but the sickness is getting over and he still sleeps badly.
(And my 4-years-old have been waking up at 5.45 am - AARRGGGHHH!!!)

He sucks the pacifier sooo much during nights and cries immediately when it drops away. That is one problem.
The second problem is that the sleep is not deep. He wakes up the whole family by crying "mama!" every time. I think he is half awake when he cries.

The third problem are itching legs (started two weeks ago, short after he got his third hepatitis a+b vaccination). His excema used to be his biggest problem, but not it has been away for many months.

The legs and knees have always been the worst, and now they are the knees that are itching. The skin is very dry, you can't really see the excema yet. But it will come you scratch it.
He has some other sensation, too, with the knees. When I put lotion on them, he starts complaining. Does it burn him, or what.

The stool is back to the original form, too. It has a form of very hard and very loose in the same packet.

What kind of conclusions do you make of this?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

How is his health now? Is the acute episode of fever over?

I would suggest you to wait for 5-6 days before we come to any conclusion and take action.

His disturbed sleep could be because of the sickness.
Just observe for a couple of days , and keep posting as frequently as possible.

I will go through the whole case again.
Just wanted to confirm one thing: Have you ever given any NON- homoeopathic medicine for his eczema?

We might need to repeat Sulphur but we will decide about that afterwards.

Keep posting...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

My 2-year-old seems to be healty. His nose is full of yellow and clear mucus that is easy to blow out. That's all. He is not complaining anything else.

His excema started when he was about 7 months old. He was using hydrostereoids (the mildest ones) for a year (one week medicine, two weeks off etc).
Then a year ago the pediatric changed the medicine to pirekmolimus (?), because the skin was so bad all the time.
This medicine is not effective that hydrostereoid , but it doens't have same kind of side-effects.
There has also been times when his itching has been very, very terrible. For it I have used antihistamin Atarax-syrop.
We haven't used any medicine since november/december.

I want to tell that I have also tried all the other non-medications for the skin: lotion twice a day, homeopathic cream (gave more itching), oil in the bath, zink etc. skin vitamins....
I don't like hydrostereoids at all and I avoid them till the end. But I have also had atopic excema and I just know what a pain it can be and I have seen the side effects on my skin.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Okay Maria,

We shall wait for a fewdays.
Please keep posting.
No More Medicine right now .

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Last night was a good night again. He slept until 3 am and didn't come to me until 5.30.

I'll be posting again.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

I guess the bad sleep was due to the flu - as I thought in the first place.
I got concerned after the flu was passing away and he still continued sleeping badly.

Last night he slept like a night before: crying once around 2 am and came by me around 5 am.

But he is still very, very attached to the pacifier. If I don't give it, he'll have four fingers in the mounth.

He is still itching sometimes. Not in the middle of the night, not anymore. (That is also one thing why he sleeps better around 4 am)

Is there a homeopathic remedy for itching? Apis, utricaria?

By the way: I have thought of buying Apis because the spring and bees are coming soon. Which potency and which dozes are the best in this case? Is it the same dosing with mosqitos -bites?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

What do you think what kind of help I need..:-)

Well, I can't shoot you because you gave me the best laugh for a long time! I seldom laugh out so loud when I am alone.

Honestly, this is exactly what I have been asking about these "important symptoms".
I was very much aware about the sleepless nights. But I thought it is not important.

I thought the reason (for these specific sleepless nights) is the sickness, because it started immediately in one night with temprature.
=> I was not asking help for the sickness
=> I thought the sleeplessness due to that is irrelevant.

Are you saying it was relevant after all???

I was just thinking about the 2-year-old. I don't know if this is relevant, but I guess I'd better to tell it :-)

I told in my first messages that I worry the 2 year (and 6 months) old is so small.
I was again measuring him I noticed he has hardly grown in three months. That worries me.

He has never been too good a eater. Someday he eats well, next day he drinks only milk.
I think his eating has improved during last weeks: he seldom has only these milk-days, and sometimes he even eats a lot. But he doesn't grow enough!
Is this info relevant?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Dear Maria

So,you read Magicure's thread.Thanks for your sense of humour.I know,you will see it one day or the other.But,your reaction is unexpected,because,earlier,in similar situations,I was taken to task.

Our minds get conditioned,by our past experiences.Is it not?

Anyway,regarding your 2 year old,magicure is handling it nicely,and let him continue to help him.

The problem with young mothers over there, I think, is lack of guidance from elders.In our country,the tradition used to be that,there are always experienced elders, to guide the new mother,and to allay her anxieties.

But,even here, it is changing, and most of the young mothers are on their own.

There will be lot of minor issues with young childern,and medicine is not the solution in many cases.The ups and downs are natural,and it is to be viewed as such.

Look for a support group of young mothers on the net.You may get lot of help and reassurence.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Dear Murthy,

You call me a young monther. What it comes to my age, I defenately am not "young"...

In my culture we young mothers also have mothers. I have one and I can ask her advice. But she doens't raise up my children.

Yes, our past experiences affect a lot to our behavior. Our education and knowledge affect to it.
I happen to have a master's degree in behavioral science and education. I am spezialized in adults, not in children, but I have plenty of knowledge about psychology in general.
We have a saying "the more you know, the more you have pain". I have too much knowledge how much childhood events affect the adulthood - I know too much and that causes me pain in evaluting what I can or cannot do with my children. For example I don't let my child crying in his own bed until he stops crying and starts sleeping by exhaustion.

I don't believe in taking medicines (and in my culture doctors use antibiotics and painkillers really little, hardly ever comparing to Belgium or Spain or India or US). Right now I am so excited about homeopathy that I want to test it's limits. The philosophy in general and of constitutional remedies interests me a lot.

You are not talking very direct. I don't quite know what you are referring I need help. I would like to know it, because I am not good at reading between the lines. I'd like to reply you more detailed.

Yes, I see many other "young" mothers and I even hang around in a chatsite. Mostly it is me who gives the others the reassurance....

I don't really know how my 2-years-old last night. Because the 4-years-old kept us all awake by crying that his legs are aching. After crying the fourth time during the night, at 3 am, I gave him Cal Phos 6x once and he slept until 8 am.

I gave the 4-years-old Causticum 30k during 3 days. Now I am waiting and getting back to you at the end of the week.

Would you answer my question concerning Apis?
And would you be more precise conserining the matter above?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria

I can understand your concerns regarding your childern.

O.K.I was naive enough to advise you,as you yourself are well aware of all the things I said.

you seem a bit too concerned about your childern,perhaps a bit normal than 'average' mothers.This is what I meant when I said perhaps you need a medicine too.

There are no specific medicines for itching.If you see in the repertory,you will see about a hundred medicines for itching.

I suggest you open a seperate thread for your 4 your old,or if there is already one,revive it.That will be more convenient.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

I admit that I am too concerned about the growth of my 2-years-old. Most mothers do not worry about these things. Maybe you could give me a remedy for it...:-)

What it comes to my 4-year-old and my worries about him: his life has been really tough during last six months. He has changed home, country and language, he has left all the friends and grand-parents behind....
Some people say that children are flexible and they adapt easily - that is bxxxxxhit. These kind of things stay in your soul (and even body) forever. Of course a child can survive the crisis and he is the only one who can work it through. But if there is anything, just anything, I can do to help him, then I will do it.

I also keep talking about the (2-yrs-old) need of a pacifier. There I have the same motive as above: he will start French -speaking school after 3 weeks. I have been worrying about it because he is too attached to me, and I believe the pacifier is a sign of other needs, too. So I hope he would gain some kind of courage with the consitutional remedy. Actually he has changed a lot during 4-6 weeks, so I am quite confidental about putting him to school.

I guess my analytical way of thinking makes my life more complicated than of those, whose feet are down to earth and who believe in destiny and takes life as it comes.

Oh, I could just keep on writing, but as long as this thread is not about my thoughts, I stop it.

I do not really have a thread for my 4-year-old, only about the earwax. I will be there about him.
(hey, this earwax thing is not overhelming concern: I just never thought one could help it. Then I rememebered: homeopathy!)

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

Read about Kali Carb.You have traces of it...:-)

This is Sankaran's interpretation:-

The main theme of Kali carbonicum is the vital fear and reactivity (Carbo) that is seen when a person lacks the support of a family or group (Kali). The main symptom of Kali carbonicum is the fear of being alone and the desire for company. In the Kali carbonicum woman there is tremendous anxiety and fear when she is alone. She seeks to belong to a group/family so that she is never alone.
This anxiety is seen everywhere. For example:
Frightened at trifles.
Fear of being alone.
Startled easily, from noise, from touch.
Dreams of ghosts, of danger, of robbers, of falling from a height, of
frightful figures.
There is a strong desire for support which is seen in:
Carried, desires to be.
Rocking ameliorates.
Shrieking for aid.
Her dependence on the group or family is so great that her entire life revolves around her family - the health of family members, the integrity of her family, the amount of support she gets from her family, etc. She becomes anxious if her child falls sick or doesn't do well in exams and she can become irritable and impatient with him. Similarly when she feels that her husband is not supporting her enough, she becomes irritable, quarrelsome and nagging which is expressed as "Shrieking at trifles". "Dreams of dead relatives" in Kali carbonicum shows her extreme concern for her family. One of the big aggravating factors for Kali carbonicum would be the sickness of any member of her family, especially the supporting one. She feels forsaken when she doesn't get the support she needs. This can make her very irritable, angry, quarrelsome, shrieking at trifles - "Dream of quarreling with dead relatives, of dead persons, as if they were alive and quarreled with her" (Allen's Encyclopedia).
Company, desires for, yet treats them outrageously.
This symptom combines three main components of Kali carbonicum. The first is the desire for company: she wants company and is dependent on it; she is aggravated when alone, must have support and always likes to be with people who support her. The second component is that she treats them outrageously, which means she always shows dissatisfaction with people on whom she is dependent. The third aspect is quarrelsomeness: when she is discontented she cannot keep quiet, she has to quarrel. In the clinic, the Kali carbonicum person can be a very faithful patient, following up quite regularly and sticking to the same doctor for a long time. But the trouble begins when she starts considering the physician as a family member. Then she will become truly dependent on the physician, she will never leave him; but each time she comes she will quarrel and insist that she is not better.
Kali carbonicum patients speak loudly and are impatient with the progress. They can be quite nagging with the physician as if he is not paying enough attention to them or supporting them. They will tempt the doctor by their general sourness and extreme dependence to shirk responsibility towards them - which is similar to the origin of their state, a neglecting and irresponsible spouse. Often a Kali carbonicum person will bring another member of his family to the clinic for treatment.
Peculiar to Kali carbonicum is quarrelsomeness only with family and husband, and not so much with outsiders (except unfortunately with the physician). After quarrelling, she can get quite tearful: "Weeping, when telling of her sickness", and also can display a more pitiable state of begging, and entreating. When her efforts to get the support she needs fail, she becomes "Indifferent when in society", "Averse to husband, to members of the family", shows "Disgust", "Hatred" and becomes "Sulky", "Repulsive".
The sycotic aspect of Kali carbonicum is seen in the feeling: "I am too weak to support myself and need the company of family." Here it compares with Medorrhinum in sycosis and there are many rubrics where the two are found together.

And here is Scholten's interpretation:-

1.The main theme of Kalium carbonicum is the vital fear and reactivity Carbonicum) that is seen when a person lacks the support of a family or a group (Kalium).
2.I have not seen many Kalium carbonicum patients in the coped up stage. However, I have found that they can be independent, caring, very supportive of their family or group. In fact, they can be the backbone of the whole family. They can be friendly, cheerful and confident.
3.I have seen this stage very often and find it very easy to recognize. The main feeling here is a tremendous need for family, group - for support. There is much anxiety with fear when alone. The anxiety is seen everywhere, for example: "Frightened at trifles", "Fear of being alone", "Startled easily, from noise, from touch". Dreams of ghosts, of danger, of robbers, of falling from a height, of frightful figures. There is a strong desire for support which is represented by the rubrics: "Carried, desires to be", "Rocking ameliorates" and "Shrieking for aid". Dream of dead relatives calling out for help. They feel forsaken when they don't get the support they need. This can make them feel very angry, quarrelsome, irritable, shrieking at trifles. This quarrelsomeness is directed especially at the one whose support they seek, e.g. husband or child. "Dream of quarrelling with dead relatives, of dead persons, as if they were alive and quarrelled with her" (Allen's Encyclopaedia). After the quarrelsomeness, they can get quite tearful: "Weeping when telling of her sickness", and even into a more pitiable state of begging, entreating.
4.When their efforts to get the support they need fail, they become "Indifferent when in society", "Averse to husband, to members of family", "Disgust, hatred, sulky, repulsive".
Many Kalium carbonicum patients are very well organized (a mineral kingdom characteristic). I have found, as I have described in "The Spirit of Homoeopathy", that these patients can get quite quarrelsome with the doctor and often do not admit to any improvement. Their follow-ups often begin quite suddenly with the statement: "I am not better". They speak loudly and are impatient with the progress. Even so, they are quite faithful to the doctor and don't leave very easily. Their anxiety about health is marked. As my colleague Jayesh Shah observed, they often make theories about their disease.

Don't you feel you have traces of it.Any way,this is not your medicine,as on now.

About your two year old,the need for pacifier,shows his need for a sort of reassurance.Did he sleep comfortably,if you are close to him,and keep your hand on him?

If,yes,you can try Phosphorous,if you have not tried it yet.But,wait a few days.Let us see what Magicure says.

Regarding your 4 years old, I will come back.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

You suprise me. I didn't believe you start treating me!
About Kali carb: I can't see my self in the first interpretation. Scholten's point is very good.
But: I have never thought I need for a group. Actually I have always been a lonely rider. Who knows, maybe I have been like that because I have failed to get the support... Interesting point of view.
And I don't think I am afraid of "everything" and I don't dream about the dead.

By the way, there is something about me that is different from others. I don't know if this gives important information, but in this case I am one in the million: I didn't have proper labor pains. I had a fear (and this was real) that I don't know when the baby will be born.
The midwives didn't believe me in the hospital. They believed me afterwards.

I didn't get this sentence of yours:
"Don't you feel you have traces of it.Any way,this is not your medicine,as on now."

About the 2-years-old: He does sleep more comfortably when I am close to him. I always try to calm him first of putting my hand on him in the meanwhile he stays in his own bed. Often this or only giving the pacifier are not enough, he needs to be closer.

No, I haven't tried phosphorus. Just chamomilla, lycopodium and sulphur.

Lately he has been sleeping quite the same: waking up around 2-3 am, I give the pacifier, and around 5 am he comes to me. After that he doesn't sleep deep but keeps waking up several times until it is 7 am.
I think this is quite good. Can you demand for more?

Still about Apis (am I kali carb because I keep pushing :-): isn't there any guidelines beforehand about dozings if a bee or mosqito bite you?

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
hi maria

You are neither Kalicarb nor I am treating you.

It is just to show that excessive anxiety about family and childern also could be a symptom.

Good to hear that your younger one is doing better.No need for phosphorous now.Just a suggestion to explore.

Regarding mosquito bites Ledum is suppposed to relieve the pain.

Regarding bee stings,depends on the reaction.Here also ledum may work,if the reaction is not that severe.

The best antidote for the stings is carbolic acid.

This is what the books say.I never treated any cases for these conditions.But,the indications seem to be reliable.

Tell me the efficacy of these medicines,if you have a chance to use them.

But,I don't wish it. :-)

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

I'm glad you don't think I am that big of a mess... I was already thinking you worry a lot about me :-)!
But I have to tell you, that you have a good instinct - even if kali carb was just on example and a wild guess.

Your example was interesting. I have been working (before the move) as eductor teaching self management. You can't manage yourself before you know who you are. So I know a lot about this field.
These homeopathic views of man give me different kind of perspective. Although I get quite confused with them: how can a outlook affect your personality..?

I read about phosphorus. It is difficult to estimate a age of two, but somehow I don't feel familiar with the whole picture.
I still don't understand, even if you have explained me, what are the most important symptoms. I do understand what it comes to acute cases. But how do you specify them in chronical cases? You said to watch the changes, but in chronical case there is no change.

Last night was different: the both boys (I don't know who was crying first) were up before midnight, but then slept until 6 am. I don't rememeber when I have been sleeping 6 hours without waking up!

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.