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2-yrs-old sleeps badly Page 6 of 15

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Hi Murthy,

I'm glad you don't think I am that big of a mess... I was already thinking you worry a lot about me :-)!
But I have to tell you, that you have a good instinct - even if kali carb was just on example and a wild guess.

Your example was interesting. I have been working (before the move) as eductor teaching self management. You can't manage yourself before you know who you are. So I know a lot about this field.
These homeopathic views of man give me different kind of perspective. Although I get quite confused with them: how can a outlook affect your personality..?

I read about phosphorus. It is difficult to estimate a age of two, but somehow I don't feel familiar with the whole picture.
I still don't understand, even if you have explained me, what are the most important symptoms. I do understand what it comes to acute cases. But how do you specify them in chronical cases? You said to watch the changes, but in chronical case there is no change.

Last night was different: the both boys (I don't know who was crying first) were up before midnight, but then slept until 6 am. I don't rememeber when I have been sleeping 6 hours without waking up!

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

I like questions different from routine.I may not have all the answers on hand,but that sets me thinking,and helps me to understand the concepts more clearly.

Right now, I am a bit tired. I will come back tomorrow.

All the best.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Just to inform you, that there is excema on the knees and behind the knees of my 2-years-old.
So in this case we are going worse.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

I will leave it to magicure to treat your childern.

we will discuss more general issues.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

When exactly did he get eczema? Because, last time you wrote that he just has itchy knees.

Anyways , dont worry about it.
And this is not atall a bad sign, if he continues to improve overall.

The eczema will get cleared on its own.

No more medicine now.
For eczema, you can use non medicated cream/ ointment.

Keep posting about his sleep, appetite, and eczema.

Take care..
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

I saw the red spots just this afternoon. The knees have been dry lately and I have been waiting them to turn red.

I have used during all his life basic, fragrance free lotion. Twice a day. It helps itching for the moment.

This evening I don't have any news. He has been sleeping waking up twice a night, every three-four hours.
For the last two days he has been eating badly (that is not news. News is when he eats well).

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Okay ..

Dont worry and keep posting...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,
I don't know if it makes sense I post every day, but I'll do it anyway:
Last night was terrible. The 2-year-old cried "Mama!" every time the pacifier dropped out the mounth. Maybe 7-8 times...
I took him by me in the middle of the night. But this time even this didn't help. Only putting the hand on his face was helping

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Maria, I am also the mother of a bad sleeper. No hints or advice here....just moral support. I will think of you each time I wake with my little 21m old. You are not alone at night and I hope this offers you some comfort. We will get there in the end. My prayers are with you. I so know what it's like. One day we'll have a laugh about this.....I'm sure. Our little angel is so special and when I wake (even though I'm totally exhasted) I am reminded of her innocence and faith in me to help her through the night. My husband and I adore her and joke about how much we would love her if she slept! Warmest regards to you Maria. I will keep an eye on your posts and will msg you some cyber support when you ask! Hang in there!
bels mama 2 decades ago
Hi belsmama,

Thank you - I will as well remember you!

I have too boys and they have a silent agreement among themselves: when the 2-years-old sleeps well, the 4-years-old (who normally sleeps well) takes care that the parents don't sleep.

So far I don't see any humour in this...

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi belsmama,

Thank you - I will as well remember you!

I have too boys and they have a silent agreement among themselves: when the 2-years-old sleeps well, the 4-years-old (who normally sleeps well) takes care that the parents don't sleep.

So far I don't see any humour in this...

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

My son has been sleeping badly last three nights. Wakes up several times, a pacifier in the mounth all the time, wants me to put my arm around him.
I, myself, am sore because of sleeping on one side all night. He woke immediately when I tried to turn myself.

Nothing new has been happening during days. He has not watched videos/tv, I don't see any reason for nightmares.

He has not been eating either for 3 days. Yesterday he ate only some grapes and a biscuit, but wanted to have a lot of milk.

Excema is not worse. Actually I haven't seen him scratching for a while.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

My son has been sleeping badly last three nights. Wakes up several times, a pacifier in the mounth all the time, wants me to put my arm around him.
I, myself, am sore because of sleeping on one side all night. He woke immediately when I tried to turn myself.

Nothing new has been happening during days. He has not watched videos/tv, I don't see any reason for nightmares.

He has not been eating either for 3 days. Yesterday he ate only some grapes and a biscuit, but wanted to have a lot of milk.

Excema is not worse. Actually I haven't seen him scratching for a while.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

I will go through the whole case again , and shall get back to you.

Till then no medicine.

Just keep posting if you see any changes.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Before we do anything further I try one thing: I gave him Chamomilla 30k this night just before going to bed.

My husband started wondering why he keeps his fingers in the mounth and the chin is wet all the time. He checked his teeth and said, that althought all his teeth are almost ready, there is a loose skin on one tiny tooth. He said it looked odd and it might be bothering him.

I asked the boy does it hurt in the mounth, he denied that. But I try first with Chamomilla.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago

Why do you think of Chamomilla?
Does he fit the picture?

Chamomilla child during theething , usually has Diarrhoea of greenish colour, and with yellowish mucous. The child also cries (mild, moaning cry) because of colic. Is better by carrying around.
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Well.... you were more than right. Chamomilla didn't help.

I thought of it because it has helped before with teething. And in a way the teething is still going on, because the teeth are not fully there.
I guess I have to change my way of thinking.

About last night: it was a bad as the previous ones. The pacifier was also too important.

I keep wondering do you need any other kind of information about him. Please ask me relevant questions.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Again a bad night... Now I am getting exhausted. I know it because I cannot sleep anymore...

I keep thinking about the need of the pacifier. It is not good that he sleeps all 10-11 hours with a pacifier. The teeth will grow wrong.

During daytime he doens't need it that much, not anymore. He has much more courage than three months ago. Even the lady in the playgroup said, that the boy has grown a lot since he started the group in the beginning of December.

I really hope and pray we'll find a solution to this. I have been thinking of keeping a "sleeping school" for him. But I don't believe that will change a lot (because he cannot find the pacifier alone at night, althought there is 7 of them in the bed, and because when he sleeps restless and cries shortly because of that, he will anyway wake me up whether I react to it or not). Besides we live in an apartment. I can't let him cry during the night.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Dear Maria,

I totally understand the reason for your frustration.

Its a good sign that he is growing well, but we have to solve his sleep problem. I wont recommend a sleeping school right now.

Yes, we have to get rid of that pacifier... You have to do it slowly and patiently ( because he has developed a "secure or comfortable feling" that he gets because of the pacifier ) This has become a habit for him.

I am going throgh the whole case again ( whenever I get time )
Give me some more time so that I can advice you after reviewing the case.

take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

I hope you'll find time to go through the whole case again.

Yes, the pacifier is "the bad thing". I have been getting rid of it slowly .
I don't give it during daytime, unless he is very tired. At home the pacifiers are in bed, he can go there, but he is not allowed to use it when he is playing. I don't give it in a car or in the pushchair. etc.
But he does keep asking for it... all the time.

By the way, when the lady in the playgroup said he has grown a lot - she ment he has become " a big boy", grown mentally. (His is not much taller or heavier).

I keep wondering why he has these sleeping problems? First two months of his life he slept peacefully and long, until 5-6 am. He started waking up at the age of 2 months.
How does homeopathy explain this?
(he has never eaten well, not even at the beginning).

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Just keeping you updated: two last nights have been the same. Well, last he woke up "only" three times, but crying as before.

And he still doesn't eat well.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi maria,

I have gone throgh the whole case again.

I still feel that Sulphur should help him.

In homoeopathy, a general rule is, You should not change the remedy if it has helped the patient, till it stops having an effect or has cured the complaints.

So , give him Sulphur 200 , 5-6 pills on clean tongue for 3 consecutive nights, and observe.

1. How is his skin?

2. In your earlier posts , you had written that his soles are hot(so he keeps on kicking the cover) with comparitively cold palms. What is the current state? same/ changed?

3. Sweat: Only on head? profuse/ scanty? offensive? (if yes , describe the smell)

4. Appetite: is he eating LESS or are you worried because he is not growing well physically (though eating quite well)?

5.Any new symptoms/ change in present symptoms since we started with Sulphur?

Calcarea is the remedy that complements the action of Sulphur. So we might need to give him that (if the picture of calcarea arises).
I shall tell you about that later.

Please answer the above questions.

Take care...

3. Sweat:
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Thank you!

1. Skin is getting worse. There are several red spots both sides of the knees.
I noticed yesterday that the wrists are dry, like sandpaper. Not red yet.
Both are little bit itching, not badly though.

These two have originally been the weak spots on him. Next I'll be waiting excema all over legs and stomach...

2. He still kicks the cover off at nights. But I think he is not that hot anymore on his soles. Warm, but not hot.

Sometimes he sleeps t-shirt and shorts on, after good night sleep I take him by me in the morning, his skin is totally cold. That is new.

It is quite cold outside (about zero in celcius degrees). He complains easily that his fingers are cold. Also his feet are cold, even if he has winter shoes on.

3. I haven't seen him sweating for a long time. (well, last week in a tent in a fair it was really hot. His head was quite red after that, no smell).

4. He has been a bad eater all his life. I wouldn't say he eats less than before in his life.

Actually in the beginning of February he was eating better than ever. He also ate quite well in January. (About a week ago it changed.)
That made me worried: finally he was eating well for longer period of time, and he still isn't growing (only 200 grams in two months)!
Before I always thought he doesn't grow because he doesn't eat... That wasn't the ultimate reason after all.

5. In January he was able to live without the pacifier quite well. Maybe 2 weeks ago he went backwards.

In past I don't remember him crying that much while sleeping by me. Now he even start crying "mama" when he sleeps by me, early it was enought that I was present.
I don't know if I interpret this correctly, but I feel now he cries while sleeping. Before he was more awake and aware at nights.
I also think that before he kept waking because of slight noises. Now he keeps waking even if it is totally silent. This is just intuition.

The skin was quite bad in autumn. It clearly got better after starting Sulphur. It went backwards few weeks ago.

Emotionally he has changed a lot. Everyday he suprises me how big a boy he is nowadays. In November I thought that the others are more developped than he is, now I think he is in his own agelevel.

Tonight I'll start Sulphur again. And I'll keep posting :-)

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Maybe you have seen I have written another thread. The boy has been sick today, starting at 7 am. He was vomiting, fever 38,5, just sitting on the lap. He got better later during the day.

I gave sulphur yesterday. He was awake and moving around just after midnight, but after that he slept quite well until morning.

Today I forgot to give the second doze. Which is more important:
- I give three dozes alltogether? It doesn't matter if I skipped one day.
- I give three dozes in a row? That means, that I gave yesterday, I didn't give today. But now I start from the beginning and I'll give Sulphur during next three days.

By the way, the boy's name is Julius.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

Just read your post on other thread.

How is Julius now? Is he out of the acute disease? If yes , you can start with Sulphur again , and give it three nights in a row.

If he is not well , please post all his symptoms in detail , so that his acute gets cleared first , and then we can move on with our constitutional treatment.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago

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