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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dr. nawaz please help a mother...... Page 33 of 43

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Dr Nawaz,
For the last two days i am having severe cold again. I was resting and the people around me gave me dayquil for my cold. I could not oppose them as i had to go to work too so i had to take them for relief. I had 3 doses of Dayquil but i am only 20-30% better.
I am still having cough and runny nose and i dont wanna get dizzy anymore. I have to drive my daughter to school in the morning and i have to drive to work. I just had a dose of Ferrum Phos 6x as i remember you giving me that remedy last time. Is it okay to take Ferrum Phos 6x this time too ? Sorry doctor, i could not wait Its so bothersome. Apologies.
Please help.
dr Nawaz please last decade

'Is it okay to take Ferrum Phos 6x this time too ?'
Yes, take for at least 3 days, 3 times a day.

Also, take Bryonia 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you and the family.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 18 Nov 2014 14:24:13 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Dr Nawaz,
Thank you for your help. My cold is okay now.

These days, i am feeling so lazy and sleepy. Dont want to do anything. Not caring much about my daughter either. I am feeling so shy or not comfortable to talk to people. I do not talk much. I tend to hide myself from people. When i talk, i don't look at people's eyes. I feel comfortable when I am alone. I dont want to answer people. I don't enjoy anything. I am feeling dizzy. My head is heavy. I am in so low mood, sad. Feeling like nothing is going good with me. Why my fate is like this, eventhough i try my best to do good and be good.
Please help.
dr Nawaz please last decade

What are the current events?

What have you taken for the last 5 days?

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
I took Ferrum Phos 6 x for 3 days and Bryonia 200 c for 3 days in the past 5 days.
Everything at work seems boring. No job satisfaction. No excitement at home too. Everything is so routine. Nothing new. Nothing is under my control. I have been waiting for the result from immigration for the last 2 years, they are not giving me any and the case is still pending which is really frustrating. I am doing everything by myself which is frustrating.
My head is heavy. I am sad.
dr Nawaz please last decade

Please take Ignatia Amara 200C, One Time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for your good health and happy life.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello doctor Nawaz,
I have been so depressed since this evening. I am so frustrated. Nothing is going good with me. Nothing is happening like the way i wanted. I miss a loving and supportive husband, who can give me relief on some part of my struggling life. I am stuck in the middle of everything and am not been able to come out of that maze. I want my husband with me which is not possible. I want a partner but i dont have courage or may be desire to meet another person. I am so depressed that nothing good is happening with me. I want to stay separately in an apartment only with my daughter then again i will have the babysitter problem. If i hire a baby sitter i cant afford one. Oh god how i am gonna manage my life like this? Why are you testing my patience ? Why couldnt you give me a farsighted and hardworking husband ? Why couldnt i lead a good life ? Why does my baby has to suffer ? What is her fault ? Why is my life not normal? I want to raise my child with a happy face. Why i am expecting a miracle ? Why i am waiting for that person, who didnt think a single thing about his little child before he left her ? Why only i have to wait longer than normal time for almost everything in my life ? Why ????
dr Nawaz please last decade

Did you take Ignatia Amara 200C?

Please calm down.

Please take Lac Can 200C, One Time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you and your daughter.
nawazkhan last decade
Yes Doctor, i took Ignatia 200 on 27th Nov( for 3 days).
I will take Lac Canninum as per your advice.
Thank you so much.
dr Nawaz please last decade
You are welcome. Be brave and patient.

More prayers.....
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Dr Nawaz,
I took Lac Can 200, for 3 days. Today is the fourth day, i am feeling only 20-30% better. My head is burning so hard. My head is congested and feeling like acid burning inside. I am so much forgetful these days. Dont want to talk to anybody.
The reason for my depression is my husband's behavior. He is kind of torturing me. He is still in touch with me. When I ask him to come back he makes excuses to apply for visa. He is saying embassy wouldn't give him visa. Nobody knows what embassy does unless they try for visa. He has his own views on it which are not valid ones. Why doesnt he understand it is not easy to run a family there without proper income. Even if we both try hard we cant give our daughter a good life as here. And i am pretty sure, even if I go back i will have to do everything from earning to look after the daughter, because he is not doing anything and he will still make excuses to find any job. He always says "I am trying to find a job.", which everybody knows that he wont get any job with his kind of attitude and excuses. If he comes back here, i can afford to feed him even if he doesn't do anything. Why on earth he is so stubborn and doesn't care about his daughter's and his wife's feeling?
Please doctor, help me get out of this depression. I was doing okay before, now all of a sudden, i am again having the bouts of depression. This really hurts. I am doing and wanna do more for my daughter, but this depression is the hinderance. I usually feel depressed when i have to do something against my will and can't protest and say "no" because of my helplessness. If my husband comes back i think everything will be okay. Right now, i forgot to smile. People can easily say something is bothering me inside, just looking at my face.
Oh my head is so heavy and burning. Please help.
dr Nawaz please last decade
I think I am feeling 10-20% more better than before. I will wait.
Thank you so much Dr Nawaz.
dr Nawaz please last decade

Please work on the current issues with more strength, wisdom and patience.

Please take Ars Album 200C, One time a day, for 3 days.

More prayers for you, your husband and your daughter.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Dr Nawaz,
I took Ars Album 200c as per your advice, on 12/11, 12/12 and 12/13.

These days, i am experiencing a head burn, extreme anger, feeling lonely, missing a support, feel like nobody wants to understand what i want, specially my husband. He is not making any effort to meet us here. And i cant force him or ask him to do anything just because of the fear that he will leave me again and i will be in hell again.
I am so much inside a maze that i am not seeing any ways out. I am so depressed. My heart is crying for help for my happiness.
My head is burning, i am shouting a lot on my daughter for no apparent reason. I am so forgetful and have low memory.
Please help me out.
dr Nawaz please last decade
Dr Nawaz,
Please help me my head is too tight and burning. I dont like the environment around me I am tolerating all the humiliation and domination, just because i am helpless. This is too much. I want to run away far. I want to be more strong and do everything without being dependent on anybody. I wanna raise my child on my own way. I dont want to wait for my husband. Why i am not strong eventhough i am doing and managing all by myself. Why i am feeling empty without a husband ?? Why I am expecting my husband's comeback while i know there will not be much of help from him? Why I still love him and still miss him while he is so insensitive. I begged him like a beggar. Why I am so weak ? Why this loneliness is bothering me so much ? I don't wanna be around people, I dont wanna talk to people. I feel like crying a lot. A lot !!
I am having headache, i am depressed and There is a big fear of insanity.
Please help me.
dr Nawaz please last decade
Hello, May Allah Bless you.

Please take Pulsatilla 200C, if not in period, 1 time a day, for 4 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Dr Nawaz,
My husband, He betrayed me, he hurt me again saying that I am stupid to expect him to be here with us. Before he was saying he would be here soon but now He said, he wont come back here because he cant leave his politics there.
I am getting other proposal but i dont want to leave him.
My head is so heavy. I am suffocated. I am anxious. Please help
[message edited by dr Nawaz please on Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:49:10 GMT]
dr Nawaz please last decade

Please take Ignatia Amara 200C, 1 Time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Dr Nawaz,
I have cough and cold lately. I got it from my daughter, she is in antibiotic though. I do not want any such medicines. So I took one dose of Ferrum Phos 6x so far (just like last time)
Can I continue taking Ferrum Phos 6X for 3 days for my cold again ? This cough is bothering me, my throat is itchy. I have wet cough. My head is congested. Nauseous too.
Please suggest.
dr Nawaz please last decade
"Can I continue taking Ferrum Phos 6X for 3 days"


Also, take Bryonia 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you and your family.
nawazkhan last decade
Dr Nawaz,
I am having fever too since yesterday and my cough and my runny nose is not getting better. Last night i had to take Tylenol Extra Strength as I had a fever of 103 degrees. My body was burning so bad. I didn't have any choice as I had to wake up early and drop my kid to school too. I am sorry.
This cold is giving me so hard time.
I had 3 doses of Bryonia and i am yet to take the last dose of Ferrum Phos. I can't take a leave at work too as i am on Probation period. Please help.
dr Nawaz please last decade

Please take Aconite Nap. 200C, 1 Time a day, for 3 days.

Stop all other remedies.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Dr Nawaz,
How are you ? I hope you are hale and hearty.

My mind is full of tensions these days, managing so many things all alone. My mind seems tired. My head is so heavy and I am little restless too. I could not sleep properly last night. Was waking up suddenly time to time as if something bad was happening or going to happen. I am scared to hear any bad news.
I was so upset seeing another yellow Smiley on my daughter's school folder,which she got because of being little naughty. Her teacher said she was playing with water with another child inside bathroom. When I asked my child she said "Jayda started first and I joined". I don't know how to handle this situation. This was the second time she copied "Jayda" and got yellow again. My daughter always used to get "Green Smiley" on her classroom report. I was always proud of her. She got two awards too because of her good rapport. I am upset seeing this kind of complaint from her teacher now. Is the teacher overreacting on the issues or am I being too much worried ? Actually I am worried that She would go out of my control. I want her to be a good child. And this is possible when I am with her teaching good things about life.I am helpless that I am not able to do what I want. I don't want anybody complaints about my child. She is not at all a bad kid. And people should understand sometimes kids do "badmashi" too. Which is normal.
When I am frustrated, irritated, I really get mad at my husband as he does not have to handle these things. He is so relaxed so peaceful at his home without bearing any responsibilities.
Why does god have to make these kind of irresponsible people ? And why do I have to suffer from their behaviors ?
I have fear of breakdown. My head is too heavy. Please help.
P.S. my skin is too much itchy these days.
I have small blisters on my arms and legs too which itches a lot. My daughter also has the same kind of blisters problem. she scratches so hard till it bleeds. Please suggest.
dr Nawaz please last decade

I am Ok, Thanks. Sorry I way away from my desk.

Please take Ars Album 200c, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Also, Avena Sativa 1x or Q, 11 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, at bed time, for 5 days.

"Why does god have to make these kind of irresponsible people ?"
I believe it is not true. When we do not live our life according to his orders and cross all limits, then, our creator let us loose to do whatever we want to do leading to irresponsible actions.

"And why do I have to suffer from their behaviors ? "
This is a test. If passed, there is a great reward?

Please please be brave and patient. It is part of life. You and The Innocent Soul are the victim of circumstances, but, our creator is with you both at all times.

Many prayers for your family.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Dr Nawaz,
I could not find Avena Sativa in 1X or in Q. I have Avena Sativa in 6X potency. Kindly advise if i can take 6X potency and how ?
These days i am having another physical problem, it seems like some kind of gas is trapped inside my stomach or between stomach and esophagus, which troubles me more in the night time. I assumed it was a gastritis problem and tried some antacids too but its not helping me.
I am depressed too because of this gloomy weather and also because i am having a feeling that i am becoming dumb(not clever). I cannot calculate about minor things and cannot find out logical solution either. I am having so much of memory problem too. I can say its all because of the stresses i am going through. May be my nerves inside my brain are damaged. Please suggest.
dr Nawaz please 9 years ago
" if i can take 6X potency and how ? "

Yes, 4 pills dissolved in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 17:37:04 GMT]
nawazkhan 9 years ago

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