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Draining Pilonidal Sinus Page 20 of 21
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The way your case has not budged I won't be surprised if we don't make real progress. We will give it a try but I strongly feel that it requires surgery.
Sil is not required, go straight to Merc Sol 200c, one dose and report back.
My 2nd preference is Myristica 200c.
Sil is not required, go straight to Merc Sol 200c, one dose and report back.
My 2nd preference is Myristica 200c.
fitness last decade
I am sure there is more hair in there. Will the Merc Sol push hair out? I am really confused.
cg8080 last decade
I am going with what you have said before and that if there is hair inside nothing will work. So I don't understand your approach.
cg8080 last decade
After using Sil for over 3 weeks and no new hair expulsion, I think we have gotten out what was possible by the body's ability.
We can continue Sil and maybe something comes out but since you have limited time I wanted to give Merc Sol a shot before reverting to Sil.
We can continue Sil and maybe something comes out but since you have limited time I wanted to give Merc Sol a shot before reverting to Sil.
fitness last decade
I have not used Sil for about 4 weeks. It was too hard to do in school. That is why I am sure that I have accumulated more stuff in there. Would a short round a stronger silica clear it out? I am trying to be optimistic about this. I am very appreciative of all your help. But the Merc Sol caused an aggravation before and did nothing because you thought I still had stuff in there. Unfortunately with school and finals I had to abort what I was trying to accomplish. I am sorry if I am taking up too much of your time.
cg8080 last decade
I don't think higher Sil potency will help, we need the lower potency. Start off with Sil 3 or 6 whatever you have, thrice a day and we will taper if required.
fitness last decade
How long do you think I should take the silica 6x?
cg8080 last decade
Just wondering about something today. The Calcarea Carbonica 200c, which I took before I went away, always made everything lessen. We were hopeful then we were on our way to a cure. Would it make sense to try that when I'm done with the Silica 6x?
cg8080 last decade
OK I have been taking it now for 10 days. Discharge is slightly less and is yellow and thicker. The boils are flat.
cg8080 last decade
For mental/emotional: I have less stress because I am home and no school work. I am worried I am going back to school with this. Where the boils were has flattened. My mom thinks that this is where the cyst was when it came to the surface when this all started. She says it looks like a Jiffy pop that is deflated. It is red in the middle and flat. I can feel the cyst in me behind this. It has not changed as far as size. The pits and the large drainage hole that I have are draining a yellowish sticky discharge. I do not have much pain, but I have not been sailing or sitting for long periods like when I am at school. This is what usually aggravates that.
cg8080 last decade
Please explain the discharge quantity, smell, consistency, blood in it etc. before & after Sil.
fitness last decade
I was at school so I couldn't have anyone look at it, but blood seems to have increased. I just had my Mom look at it again. I am sending you a picture to your e-mail. In the crease, where I have the pits and the large drainage hole I am red and there is blood and yellow sticky discharge. The smell is the same. I have been sleeping with it open ( no pad ) because my Mom thought air should get at it. In the morning there is mostly blood on my sheets. So the discharge is sticking in the crease.
cg8080 last decade
About 50% less, its hard to tell if it is constantly decreasing. It is stuck in the crease. Sticky, yellow and mixed with blood. I am taking two epsom salt baths per day. The discharge doesn't make it to the pad and is mostly coming out of the drainage holes, not from the boil area. My mom thinks the smell is less.
cg8080 last decade
Somewhat of a change today. Discharge is still yellow, but more white and watery. Smell is slightly less but still there. Don't notice blood mixed in today.
cg8080 last decade
Discharge is still less as is the smell. Still no blood. What do you think I should do next. I was wondering if this would be a good time to take the Calc Carbonica 200C?
cg8080 last decade
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