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Draining Pilonidal Sinus Page 10 of 21
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Took the second dose 12 hours ago. Pain could be slightly less. It is always worse at night so its hard to tell. I had my mom look at what are like boils and they are still oozing puss. Redness has stayed less. What do you expect this Silicea to do? Would it take a bit to expel the hair, if that's the problem? How will we know it is working? Thank you.
cg8080 last decade
Another update. It has been three hours since my bath and I had my Mom look at it again. The pain is definitely a little less. My Mom also noticed that one of the boils is getting smaller Still draining puss, but definitely less than yesterday.
cg8080 last decade
Continue the Sil twice a day. Stop if any worsening is observed and keep me posted.
fitness last decade
The boils seem slightly smaller this morning. Drainage seems to be less. Is this what should be happening? I thought the silicea would push the puss out, increasing drainage?
cg8080 last decade
I am still draining mostly puss from the two boils. I guess these are connected to my cyst. Little to no blood. Pain is slightly less, but still bad. I think the baths are helping bring out the puss because I drain alot afterwards. I am concerned about this draining. I have school in a week and the smell is bad. Do you think the Calc-c is still working too?
cg8080 last decade
cg8080 last decade
Has the pus been increasing or decreasing or stable since Sil started.
fitness last decade
cg8080 last decade
I'd prefer not to interfere with the dosing. If you are desperate, try increasing to thrice a day and if pus increases, slide back the dose.
fitness last decade
i took the three doses of Silicea 6x today. I will update tomorrow. The pain is excruciating and will not let up. Do you think that my cyst needs to burst even though I am constantly draining?
cg8080 last decade
If you are draining then no need to burst it. Sitting in a warm bath will do the same. Make a warm poultice of turmeric and oil in a cotton gauze and apply that. If it helps use it. Search Google about poultice.
fitness last decade
Ok I am so confused because the cyst is deep under my skin I think and it hurts. The boils which are leaking puss also hurt. This morning one of the boils came to a head again. I will try the poultice on the boils. Thank you always for your help.
cg8080 last decade
fitness last decade
From my understanding, when I saw the surgeon the pilonidal cyst is under my skin to the right of my crack. He felt it. It has made tracks. I have a drainage hole just above my anal opening. I also have pits above it. This is still draining. Most of the pain seems to be coming from the boils, which occurred while I was away. They are at the top of my butt just to the left of my crack. They are constantly draining slowly. The pain is constant and it gets worse at night. Its piercing pain after I have been sitting for a while, so pressure seems to increase the pain. So this pain I think is from the cyst. The worst pain is from the boils, but they do not have pressure when I sit.
cg8080 last decade
What do you think of me taking an antibiotic also? Would this affect what the Silicea is trying to do. I have a prescription that the surgeon gave me. It is Clavamox 875/125. Last time I took it in September it helped stop the drainage and smell.
cg8080 last decade
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