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Draining Pilonidal Sinus Page 3 of 21

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The aggravation is normally a sign that its the right remedy.

Which doctor are you referring to?
fitness last decade
The homeopath that gave me all the medicines I listed when you first asked me. I'm not seeing him anymore, though.
cg8080 last decade

I have reviewed your case again, the remedy is right. Just wait for 1-2 days and then report back.
fitness last decade
Ok thank you. I will
cg8080 last decade
I am home now, so I had my mother look at it this morning. She was accompanying me to the osteopath when I was going and viewing my condition. She noticed that although the redness immediately around the actual opening is still red, the redness in the area between my cheeks where the pus and blood is constantly making it wet, is more pinkish. The drainage and pus still seems as bad, though.
cg8080 last decade
What does your mom say, is it better or worse as compared to before.
fitness last decade
It's a little less red for the amount of discharge coming out of me, which is still very bad and very smelly.
cg8080 last decade
Give it 2 days and we will review then.

In the meanwhile, we will use all non-medicinal means to boost your immune system.

Here is what you need to do:

Please get Turmeric powder from the grocery store. Put 1/2 tea spoon in a glass of warm milk, mix it well and drink it. Do it for three days.

It will accelerate the healing process from inside your body.

Turmeric causes constipation so watch your stool cycle, if you get constipated, stop its use.

Start eating yogurt with live cultures e.g. Dannon, plain yogurt. At least 3 table spoon per day. This will counter the constipating effect of Turmeric and boost your intestinal flora to boost your immune system.
fitness last decade
Ok, I will start this first thing tomorrow. Thank you for answering so quickly. I am on vacation from school this week, so I am hopeful that this can calm down before I go back for finals. I will keep you posted.
cg8080 last decade
My mom had turmeric so I took that with the warm milk last night. I am not constipated so far. I did have yogurt last night also. The bleeding has increased alot again. What do you think is happening? Thank you.
cg8080 last decade
I can only guess so much since I am not observing your day to day routine.

There are definitely markers & stressors that only you can identify and tell me.

Can you locate anything which you do which causes an increase or decrease in bleeding/pus/smell.

From your posts I gather that after Hep-S 200, your bleeding/pus/smell increased a lot, say, by 50%.

It continued like that and now it has increased even further, say, by 50%.

Was it before or after turmeric & yogurt?

This is HIGHLY unusual!

I'd say you need to see a classical homeopath who only uses single remedy, in person, as we definitely are missing out on something which this remote media is not helping.

If you are able to figure out what's going on which is causing these huge changes, I may be able to help.
fitness last decade
Please don't give up on me. I don't have anyone else to see. The only thing that's changed is that I'm less stressed, because I'm home and have a break from school. All I can tell you is the bleeding is more, and I took the turmeric and ate a full Dannon plain yogurt last night. I leave to go on a ship in 4 weeks. I will have my mother look at it again later.
cg8080 last decade
I am not giving up. I am just surprised since things don't just change without any reason.

Please confirm that your bleeding increased by xx% after taking Hep-S 200 and then stayed like that till yesterday when it increased by xx% after eating turmeric & yogurt.

Fill in the xx.

The bleeding/smell/pus never reduced after the Hep-S 200 dose?
fitness last decade
When I first took the Hep S 200, I noticed an increase in smell and blood. A percentage would be hard, but I knew it increased because when I wiped, it was very bloody and it hadn't been before. If I had to put a percentage, the blood was 50% more. I took another dose 12 hours later. The smell is easy to notice, because after an hour of sitting in class, I notice how much I smell. Now, the increase stayed for the whole week and now after drinking the turmeric in warm milk last night, I noticed this morning that it's even more worse by probably another 30%. Definitely worse than it was yesterday. The only thing different about my life would be that I'm resting more and probably eating better now that I'm home from college. I can have my mom look at it again when I get back home later.
cg8080 last decade
Ok, continue with the Turmeric & yogurt and keep me posted.
fitness last decade
Do you think this could have anything to do with the coffee? Also, the night before I came home, Friday night, I had three beers. Could that have done something? I know my mom was pretty mad that I did that, but I thought I read that alcohol couldn't affect it.
cg8080 last decade
Also, I didn't realize that I didn't answer your question from before about what makes it worse. Sailing always makes it worse, as well as sitting for long periods of time and stress. So, none of those factors come into play right now. Pretty much any remedy that the osteopath gave me when I was seeing him made it worse. Do you think the Hep S 200 is the right remedy? I would be willing to try anything this week when I'm home and don't have to be in such close surroundings with my friends.
cg8080 last decade
You mentioned about essential tremors, please give its details, symptoms, what makes it better, worse, how do you feel during it etc.
fitness last decade
I inherited this from my father. My hands shake very noticeably. It's worse when I'm nervous or when I'm trying to do steady work with my hands. Stress and exhaustion sometimes make it worse. I don't take any medication for it. I am able to overcome it most of the time and actually have pretty decent penmanship.
cg8080 last decade
Please give details of:

How are you feeling during this sinus drain issue, tell all your feelings e.g. afraid it won't get better or i might die etc.

Need details.
fitness last decade
Also details about your eczema

Are you a messy or organized person in everything you do

How is your memory

Do you smoke, drink, do drugs etc
fitness last decade
I am very angry that I have this problem and afraid it will never get better. I'm embarrassed to be around people because I smell. I am worried because I go out to sea in four weeks and will be in even closer quarters. This pilonidal cyst is all I think about even when I have more important things to focus on like school. My mom and sister keep trying to lift my spirits and tell me that this will work but after my experience with the osteopath, I have zero faith in curing this.

I get eczema on the back of my knees and the inside of my elbows. It's only moderate, more a light prickly skin rash that is itchy.

I am a very organized person.

I do not smoke or do drugs but I do have beer on the weekends with my friends.
cg8080 last decade
Also, in regards to my memory, when I read something, I usually remember it the first time. I don't take notes to study. I just read my textbooks to study and remember.
cg8080 last decade
Please take a dose of Calcarea Carbonica 200c and report back.
fitness last decade
Can I start with a lower dose? I would have to get to the city to pick up a higher dose and I don't know if I can do that today.
cg8080 last decade
I'd prefer to start with 200c but if you want to try right away with a lower dose, let's do that. Not less than 30c though.

Two doses, 12 hrs apart. That's it.

If you notice aggravation after first dose, don't take 2nd dose.
fitness last decade

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