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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

terrible eczema in 2 year old

Hoping someone can help. My daughters was born 3 months early, 2 pounds. She has had rough, scaly skin all her life. Her eczema used to be on her lower extremeties over the last 6 months it has gotten progressively worse, in every joint, and 2 weeks ago spread like wild fire to her entire body, head to toe. developed staph on one hand bc of the open sore.

We have a homeopath who has tried several different remedies. Last week prescribed 200 psorinum and within 48 hours her skin completely cleared for he first time in her life and her skin felt like silk. it was bliss.

now 6 days later it's already coming back on her hands, wrists, behind her knees. and it's rough, scaly, bumply, red, and insatiably itchy.

Can I do another high dose remedy of psorinum? any thoughts? we are desperate to get her out of discomfort and the incessant itching...
  melissafox22 on 2013-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please fill out the questionnaire.Copy questions from the below link:
Zady101 last decade
Paorinum is not the answer. Dont spoil the case further.
Zady101 last decade
1. ID- melissafox22
2. Age- 2
3. Sex- female
4. Single/Married- single
5. weight- 20 pounds
6. Height …. 29 inches
7. country- US
8. climate- Hot humid summers, dry, cold winters
9. List of your complaints-
micro preemie who was on high dose antibiotics for her first 7 days of life. 2 pounds at birth. Skin started out as sandpaper. By month 3 turned to eczema, flaming red, burning. As she has gotten older it has gotten worse and worse. 6 months ago it spread to every joint, joints looking like they got burned by a hot iron, deep cracks, scratch until bloody, staph infections bc of the wounds. One month ago it spread like a wildfire in a matter of two days to her entire chest and stomach, looked like a blanket of bumps and inflammation. Her scratching got out of control. She was insatiable, couldn’t stop. We tried every cream under the sun but declined steroids. Bleach baths, dead sea salt baths, apple cider vinegar, manuka honey, wet pajamas, nothing remotely touched the inflammation. Her skin would peel off of her lower extremeties and bloody open wounds on every joint.
She has had it since birth, much much more severe in the last 6 months.
She has been allergy tested, no known food allergies.
She has done NAET (allergy elimination technique) since 3 months of age. Has not helped.
She had severe reflux for 12 months as an infant and developed feeding aversions bc of the pain
She is prone to stomach infections, hospitalized twice last year for severe vomiting and diarrhea
Regularly develops sores in her mouth and on her fingers, very painful

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint-
Since birth, worse as she has aged.

11. am non-Diabetic
12. Desire sugar and meat
13. Thirst- very thirsty, wakes her often
14. Tongue and Taste- slight white coat on tongue
16. What exactly is happening?
Eczema is becoming all consuming, creating secondary infections

17. How do you feel?
She is very agitated, angry, upset, needy, clingy, averse, emotional,
18. How does this affect you?
very much. She runs away for diaper change and baths bc she knows we will put lotion on her. She is very guarded and defiant, upset,

19. How does it feel like?
restricted & restrained.
20. What comes to your mind?
She needs her ‘monkey’ (her lovey or blankie) at all times to soothe her. She is no longer coping well.

21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
Born 3 months early, in NICU for 2.5 months, poked and prodded hundreds of times. Won’t let anyone touch her feet or toes bc of the memory of pain in her foot being picked

22. How did that feel like?
She was very agitated in the hospital
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
She seemed like she could cry for hours

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand- sucks her fingers constantly

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?-

currently am taking no medication.

homeopathy- sulphur, psorinum,

26. Family Background- father, mother, older sister
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient-

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food- likes meat, cheese, sweets, and some vegetables

30. Name of foods which increase your problem-
not sure

31. Mind- very stubborn and bold. Brave. No fear.

32. Aggravation- (increases-time, season,)- not sure. Worse in baths, worse when warm, but we have found no correlation with food or season. Last year it mysteriously went away for 4 months in winter.
Amelioration (Decreases)-
Psorinum was the only thing that made her skin completely clear---for 5 days.

34. Location of the disease- entire body, worst on joints, lower legs, arms and hands.

35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)- both
36. Color of the secretions/discharges, bright, bold red, purple, puss is yellow, crusty,
melissafox22 last decade
Ok, please don't worry. God willing we will bring it under control. But you will have to be patient.

Please get Antimonium Crudum 6C and let me know when you have it, i will tell you how to dose.
Zady101 last decade
going to get some now. I need to express my fears of 'ruining' the only progress I have seen in her since birth...her skin was like silk for 5 days and of course is not anymore, but still...anyway, I will go get some now!
melissafox22 last decade
That was just symptom-relief. All eczema will come back, so please don't go back to that homeopath who gives a remedy like Psorinum when it is not indicated.
Zady101 last decade
I just got it but they only had 30c. I know that is not what you asked me to et but I'm desperate and hoping we can make it work
melissafox22 last decade

You can order off this remedies shop on this forum. Usually takes
around 4 days. With eczema, potency can make a big difference
in aggravation. Of course Zady will let you know on this.
simone717 last decade
Okay. I'm sure I can find it 6c somewhere else. Thanks so much.
melissafox22 last decade
Okay I have the correct dose of 6c I my hands!
melissafox22 last decade

glad you got it. Wait for Zady, he is in other time zones of
India /Saudi Arabia- so it is early for him right now.
simone717 last decade
Buy a small mineral or spring water bottle, around 250 ml in size. Normally you will find it in a convenience store marketed as a kid's mineral water or something.

Empty 25% of water, so that bottle has 75% of water left.

Put 3 pills of Antim Crud 6C in the bottle. Let them dissolve on their own.

Give the bottle 6 hits; this is done by holding the bottle in your right hand and hitting the bottom of the bottle against your left hand 6 times. Take out one capful of water and give to your child. This is one dose.

Give a dose every 3 hours in a day for a total 4 times (4 doses). Do this for 2 days and update me.
Zady101 last decade
thank you so much. your kindness in helping us is so appreciated. I started her with the remedy per your exact instructions this morning and will update you in 48 hours.

praying this is the beginning of internal and external healing!!
melissafox22 last decade
Okay, here is my 48 hour update:

starting from where she was pre: antimonium crudum.

for five days post high dose psorinum: silky smooth skin on 90% of her body for the first time since birth.

five days post psorinum: eczema flairing again and intensly itchy on hands, wrists, elbows, ankles, front and back of knees, patches re-emerging on stomach and face.

first 24 hours of antimonium: better in the morning, worse at night. made even worse upon bathing. very itchy. left side of body worse than right. flairing in all places mentioned above.

upon waking this morning: everything seemed calmer. face rash gone. elbows better. skin smooth. left hand (the one with previous staph) still bothersome. throughout day she did not scratch ONE TIME. seemed better upon bedtime.

WOW. I know its only been 48 hours but this leaves me hopeful!
melissafox22 last decade
Ok, give 3 doses a day now at 4 hour interval.

Please update after 2 days.
Zady101 last decade
second 48 hours of antimonium: same outcome as above. skin still feels smooth compared to before psorinum. intense itchiness is gone. eczema still gone from face, chest/stomach/back.

but you can see the inflammation of eczema coming back in some places, mainly right leg/knee ankle, slightly on left leg/knee ankle, and her left hand and wrist (sucks her fingers on this hand, fingers get red and spread up to hand) is the only place on her body that is bad again. This is the hand that previously had staph, which makes sense since she scratches it so much.

Also, to note, she is generally happy the last 48 hours. But is waking at night, not crying or upset, just waking and calling for me.

forget if I told you she had a stool test and showed a lot of candida, no absorpsion of fats, and possible parasite.

She also has a runny nose and has had this for 6 weeks.
melissafox22 last decade
Please continue dozing same way. Update after 2 days.
Zady101 last decade
48 hour update:

first 24: skin looked much better. only her left hand and right ankle remained bad. both had to be wrapped bc of her scratching until bleeding.

second 48: hand and ankle still inflamed and hand is getting worse. legs from the knees down are now inflamed with bumpy red skin.

Also, Chinese medicine doctor wants to put her on nat phos for acidity. and a homeopathic for parasites that has these homeopathics in it: silica 6x, teucrium 3x, filix 2x, spigelia 3x, sabadilia 12x, calcium carb 12x, tanacetum 6x.

I welcome all of your thoughts on this.
melissafox22 last decade
Ok, please first tell me how is her general mood and energy levels? How is her appetite?

Secondly, is there a parasite infestationin the wounds?
Zady101 last decade
Mood is great, happy, laughing. Eating great. Very hungry. Sleeping great. Thus far the eczema looks worse then it is making Her feel meaning she usually itches relentlessly ad now is only intermittently itching the hand.
melissafox22 last decade
Dont worry, this is how eczema recedes. No need for Nat Phos as Antim Crud covers the entire gastric sphere. However, there is no harm also in giving Nat Phos 6X, 2 tabs 3 times a day, if you wish to give.

Protect remedy bottle from direct sunlight at any cost.

Please hit the bottle 10 times now. Update me in 2 days.
Zady101 last decade
Great. I will follow just as you said and if there will be no harm I will do the nat phos. And the liquid homeopathic for parasites. Your advice and guidance is so appreciated!

Also I'm alm
melissafox22 last decade
For worms there is no need. These combination remedies will interfere with Antim Crud. So pls let me know in 2 days, atmost by Saturday evening.
Zady101 last decade

What are the parasites and how did you test for them?

Zady, what do you mean for worms there is no need?


simone717 last decade
Simone717 she had a fecal test by genova labs and it came back as very high candida and non specific parasite. But she does exhibit signs of parasites and is very fragile so I a hesitant to disregard homeopathic treatment of the parasites but also do not want to compromise the progress we have made for the first time in her life with the eczema.

Zady, since the homeopathic remedy for parasites is only 6 weeks do you think we could do them concurrently and then move on from there? or do you truly feel we do not need to address?

thank you as always for your time and patience with me as I navigate what is best for my daughter. much appreciated..
melissafox22 last decade

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