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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


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terrible eczema in 2 year old Page 2 of 10

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Simone717 she had a fecal test by genova labs and it came back as very high candida and non specific parasite. But she does exhibit signs of parasites and is very fragile so I a hesitant to disregard homeopathic treatment of the parasites but also do not want to compromise the progress we have made for the first time in her life with the eczema.

Zady, since the homeopathic remedy for parasites is only 6 weeks do you think we could do them concurrently and then move on from there? or do you truly feel we do not need to address?

thank you as always for your time and patience with me as I navigate what is best for my daughter. much appreciated..
melissafox22 last decade
I know Zady does not want to interfere with the eczema
treatment and most likely you have to do one thing at
a time in order to see real results. For candida you need to
do a protein, vegetable regimen, No sugar bc it feeds candida,
and try to go very little on high glycemic carbs like bread.

You can also get a good childrens probiotic to reset the gut
flora, which takes about 2 months to do that and you
have to experiment with brands bc everyone reacts differently
to them.

I am sure Zady will not object to the diet part, but you
need to follow his advice on remedies and if probiotics are ok.
This will start to help candida without compromising the

I just did not understand the - for worms there is no need
simone717 last decade

Please give details of

1) stool type and color
2) parasite symptoms that u have noticed?
3) Any other symptom that we may have missed?

Simone: We should decide after investigation of the problem whether there is a need for a homeopathic deworming med.
Zady101 last decade
Hi Zady,

A non specific parasite does not sound like they
found worms. Perhaps Melissa could ask specifically
is this worms or what parasites come under
the heading of Non specific.
simone717 last decade
Hi Zady and simone717,

I am not sure why the lab test couldn't identify the specific type of parasite, though the Chinese medicine doctor suspects guiardia (not sure why). I cannot confirm this. They want to treat anyway bc of her health. I am not convinced.

1. currently her stool goes from medium to dark brown/balls/constipation to almost red like clay, cowpie/soft and very potent in odor. The latter stool makes her skin bright red immediately.

** she is two now but for three months after birth her stool was like black tar. She was in intensive care for much of this time and they could never figure out what was wrong with her. had major constipation for the first 8 months of life despite being solely on breatmilk.

2. I am not sure I have noticed parasite symptoms other than her two mysterious mult-day vomiting/diarrhea episodes last year. Her Chinese medicine doctor upon exam noted specks on her nails that indicated parasites. Also said it could manifest in eczema. not sure if this is true. She has a very sensitive stomach it seems.

3. Kinley has a very complex history given her prematurity. She definitely has leaky gut. She is very small in height and weight (19.5 pounds, 29 inches) but has a protruding tummy. craves meat and sweets. gets sick often with colds and coughs that last weeks. gets mysterious canker sores in her mouth and on fingers and has a hard time swallowing. She had metabolic acidosis upon birth and is still acidic today. Has candida as mentioned above.

I know this is a lot of information but wanted to include everything. complex case I know!!
melissafox22 last decade
Did you take lots of Iron tabs during pregnancy?

Would like to assure you that there is no problem of parasites here. Other issues, including candida overgrowth, we will control.

Please start giving her Calc Phos 6X and Nat Phos 6X, 2 tabs each twice a day.
Zady101 last decade
Okay, I will add both homeopathics. and to be clear, this is in addition to the antimonium crudum, correct?

I will post on Saturday her progress with the eczema...
melissafox22 last decade
a question about C vs. X. Here in the US I have not seen X; only M and C. Is it important that I get X? If so I will purchase online.
melissafox22 last decade
Hi Melissa,

Cal Phos 6x and Nat phos 6x are cell salts. These
are in Whole foods on another shelf-Hylands brand.
There are 12 cell salts, they are tiny tablets, and they
work by balancing out the cell interior so that
nutrients can be properly absorbed.

You should be able to find them in the store. They
are also called Schuessler';s Tissue salts-
Hylands just has a big red # on the bottle #2 for Cal Phos,
#10for Nat phos. you can buy online from Vitacost,
but put nat phos 6x Cell Salt in the search box-
they sell the same Hylands brand.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:58:32 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Can u please update?
Zady101 last decade
Yes and thanks for checking in. We have not started the cell salts yet, so we are just doing the antimonium at this point. Kinleys eczema has gotten markedly worse over the last two days. She is scratching until bleeding on her ankles hands and legs. The affected skin is red and raised. I started giving her a supplement called immuno core by orthomolecular products for her leaky gut and I believe that that caused the flare. I took that out but she has not gotten any better. Also yesterday when I sent her to day care her face was clear but when she came home she had a red rash around her mouth... So, it seems that she is regressing a quite a bit at this point.
melissafox22 last decade
And just an FYI, we haven't started the cell salts bc I haven't had a chance to ER them.
melissafox22 last decade
Please stop all dosing for 24 hours.

Please do consult us here before introducing any supplement.

Things will get better, so do not worry.

Update me after a day. Also mail your update in case i am not able to check the forum as i am travelling.
Zady101 last decade
okay thank you very much. I will consult with you before introducing anything new for now on and will email you tomorrow with an update on her condition.

thank you for being so encouraging and helpful. I really needed to hear some words of encouragement.
melissafox22 last decade
Hi Zady, 24 hour update for you.

Last night we used this homeopathic lotion on her that has been third party tested to not contain steroids. http://www.eczemacompany.com/calendulis-cream-homeopathic-tr...

I am skeptical bc it does calm her skin greatly in a matter of 12 hours.

today her skin is a bit more calm. She is not scratching today so her bloody scratches from yesterday are healing. Eczema still visible but not as hot and inflamed.

I did find some calc phos today if you suggest we use that as well...
melissafox22 last decade
hi there. one more update. at bedtime we were able to get a better look at her body. her ankles, knees, inner elbows and wrists have the 'burned with a hot iron' look. not bumpy but red hot covering the whole joint.

As for her spirits, she is happy and laughing. Strange symptom lately, she has an odd odor and her breath smells. not sweet and not horrible smelling, but a definite odor that wasn't there prior.

still doing no supplements.
melissafox22 last decade
Please dose twice a day from the same bottle and update me after 2 days.
Zady101 last decade

We reintroduced the antimonium and I gave her the nat phos only as I can't seem to find calc phos anywhere. Her skin has significantly improved in the last two days. However, this has happened many times, only to come back a day later. Still, I'm cautiously optimistic.
melissafox22 last decade
Be very optimistic, it will only get better. Please give a detailed update after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
thank you. Two quick questions:

1. her hand (the one in which she sucks her fingers and had staph) is the one place that still flares. Is it normal to have one spot that is stubborn?

2. Do you recommend food sensitivity blood tests? We just spend 45 minutes trying to draw her blood only to end in two blown veins, blood everywhere, none in a test tube. We are so determined to help her but the blood draw experience was horrific. Will this not be necessary with these homeopathics?
melissafox22 last decade

[message deleted by Zady101 on Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:19:14 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
Please don't do any tests as of now. Let her be on treatment for 2 months or so, then we can evaluate.

Yes that spot, however stubborn, will also go but healing with homeopathy in chronic cases takes time. I estimate around 2-4 months for your daughter to recover from most of her ailments.
[message edited by Zady101 on Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:51:26 GMT]
Zady101 last decade
thank you for your time and wisdom and I am more than willing to be patient for as long as it takes, as long as we are moving towards total healing, which I can see that we are.
I will update you on her condition in 6 days.

thank you!!!
melissafox22 last decade
update a day early...starting Friday she got a rash around her mouth. this happens most every Friday and I now attribute it to something she is eating at school. rash, though not horrible, has not gone away.

eczema is back and is looking bad on her hand, and bad on the back and front of both knees. regression there for sure.

stomach, back, arms still looking and feeling okay.

She has had a terrible cold and body rattling cough for three days...
melissafox22 last decade
Hepar Sulphur 30

Dissolve 3 pills in 2 tablespoons water, stir using a spoon and give it to her to drink. Do this thrice a day at 4 hours gap for ONLY 1 day.

PS: Stop Antim Crud. That rash on the mouth is part of the curative process.
Zady101 last decade
We finished one day on the hep sulf. I gave her the first dose right before naptime, at which time she had a red rash around her entire mouth and badly on legs. 2.5 hours later after her nap she awoke with a completely clear face, and her legs are starting to look better. your expertise with this is incredible and I am so humbled that you are working with us.

What should I do tomorrow? Also I have been giving her nat phos as well.
melissafox22 last decade

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