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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

terrible eczema in 2 year old Page 4 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
the fever broke right after the bryonia dose.

Her eczema at the moment is all but gone. one patch on hand.

she has a forceful, rattling cough now with lots of mucus coming from nose and in chest. but only coughs when lying down and at night. cough has subsided during the day.

She is unbelievably clingy to me. If I'm not holding her she is a mess and cries and throws tantrums.

Her stools are soft and redish/light brown. once to twice a day.

Her sleep is improving as her fever is broken.
melissafox22 last decade
Please wait 2-3 days more, cough will get better. Update me then.
Zady101 last decade
1. cold is finally better. cough has stopped. We have not done homeopathics for several days now.

2. She has been incredibly clingy/moody/demanding/angry. Today she seems in a better mood finally.

3. her skin is looking good except for behind her knees and on her left hand. Behind one knee she scratched bloody, but in general the trend is that of getting much better.

4. her stools seem pretty normal, once or twice a day, soft, but always more on the clay/reddish side in color.

5. sleep is good.

6. I am not sure I told you this but last winter her eczema also went away for 4 months. We suspect environmental sensitivities to elements in the air in the spring/ summer.

melissafox22 last decade
Please start Lyco again, once a day. Please update me after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
skin is looking good. smooth and soft except for slightly behind one knee and her left hand, which isn't terrible but her worst spot.

stools: BM'S twice to three times a day. potent in odor,color is more light brown.

sleep is still good.

appetite is big.

still very moody if she does not get her way. quick to lose her temper, throws many tantrums.

coughs/colds etc. are completely gone at the moment.
melissafox22 last decade
Please continue dosing. Update after 10 days or before if needed.
Zady101 last decade
dosage: lycopodium once daily

issue: her eczema is really flairing. round patches all over legs and both hands very inflamed. in fact we are concerned her right hand is already infected. very itchy, painful. hand is bleeding. patch on face now too.

--has a cold with a stuffy and runny nose as the main symptoms. waking up at night bc she cannot breath out of her nose.

stool: two bm's a day, nothing remarkable about them. maybe a bit on the hard side.

mood: in a decent mood. not particularly cranky or moody, but she is always clingy, so that remains the same.

appetite: very large appetite still.

--our main concern is the sudden flair and of course the hand which seems to be irritated very quickly...
melissafox22 last decade
Pls stop lyc

Ars alb 30

Dissolve 2 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once everyday for 3 days.

Update after 3 days
Zady101 last decade
MUCH earlier update then requested, but want you to know:

1. she has only had her one dose of Ars Alb 30 as indicated.

2. Her cold was terrible today. non stop runny nose and though she didn't cough much, when she did it was for 5 minutes straight and she would gag and gag, very violent.

3. the entire area around her mouth is raw and red from eczema, mucus. Very irritated.

4. Her eczema flaired horribly today. certainly the worst since you so generously started consulting us. both hands were as red as cherries.

5. the hand that had us worried remains the same but is very inflamed.

6. DISCLAIMER: I have NOT followed this directive by her naturopath. We went to her naturopath doctor to be sure her lungs were okay from the violent cough. Her doctor thinks we need to do another round of high dose psorinum. She says it is indicative bc my husband has a strong history of severe eczema, sinus and nasal issues, etc. All of that is true. My daughter exhibits everything he did as a young person. I absolutely have not and will not do anything that you do not endorse bc you have single-handedly gotten her eczema under control. I'm just sharing what the doctor said and would like your opinion. Keeping in mind that when she took psorinum last time it cleared her skin entirely for the first time in her life.

many, many thanks.
melissafox22 last decade
Please give her arsenic alb 30 every 2 hours for a total of 5 times in a day (5 doses). For 1 day only.
Zady101 last decade

Cold improved drastically. Just a small cough at night in bed.

Eczema still the same. Patches all over legs and behind knees. Left hand looks like it was burned as the entire hand is red and inflamed. Right hand still has the sores that cover her wrist. Eczema on mouth and face is slightly better as in its not as red or inflamed.

Mood is much better.
Great appetite.
Seems constipated.
melissafox22 last decade
Please post a pic of the affected areas here or mail me. Also, please give all current symptoms, mood, sleep, etc.
Zady101 last decade
will post pictures soon. wanted to let you know that her hand culture came back as positive for STREP A. and the whole family it seems has strep throat. not a great situation for sure!
melissafox22 last decade
Please give symptoms whatever it is...will go.
Zady101 last decade
update: pics are in your inbox.

REVIEW: kinley did have a positive test of strep on her skin. this coincided with a terrible cold which has gotten better. She gave it to my other daughter by the way (the staph kiddo) and her dad. doctor wants her on oral antibiotics which we have not started yet.

skin: her skin has gotten much, much worse over the last 24 hours. I have not given any homeopathics or anything orally for the last 48 hours. covering legs. very bad on hands. very bad around mouth.

mood: she is in a very, very good mood. she is being defiant and challenging us, but in a way she thinks is funny. She is laughing and being very silly.

BM's: she is constipated. hasn't had a good BM in 48 hours. no gas or anything.

sleep: sleep has been pretty good. She is coughing in the middle of the night but nothing that is keeping her awake.

Other: even though her skin is very inflamed she is not scratching it at all.

concerns: I need to make the decision in the next 12 hours as to whether to use antibiotics orally or not. We do not need this continuing to spread through our house.

thanks so, so much. I hope I have provided enough information. this is so incredibly appreciated and I am very grateful for your help.
melissafox22 last decade
Hepar Sulphur 30C

Dissolve 2 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 3 hours for a total of 4 times in a day (4 doses). For 1 day only. Update next day.

Others with strep throat can do the same. And yes if this doesn't control, go ahead with antibiotics.
Zady101 last decade

I am second guessing myself, but we are doing a round of oral antibiotics since strep is so contagious and our whole house has it.

skin: kinley's skin is horrible. I'm so sad. It looks just like the pic's I sent last night but more red. I still describe it as a burn look with very defined edges. not raised. not flaking or dry or pussy. Just very, very red, angry. Dots in some places and huge patches on and around her knees, down her legs, elbows, wrists.

--she is congested again, has a bad cough again.

--craving carbs carbs carbs

--very moody. wants to do 'everything herself' and if we do not allow she will lose it and scream/cry/kick/pout.

--she had one BM today and it was dark brown and mushy. Her BM's never look like this.

--we are on these horrible antibiotics for 8 more days. I pray that we can pull her through this without her eczema spiraling out of control. this is such a hard spot for you bc we are now using another drug. I'm so sorry.

--I am always happy to post pictures but usually take a pic with my phone so I hope it's okay if I just sent pics to your email in the future...
melissafox22 last decade
Keep giving hep sulph 30 alongside
Zady101 last decade
update: first of all, I want to thank you once more for you incredible and patient support. It's really amazing!

Kinley: after starting her antibiotics, she has blood in the discharge of her nose all day. She now has a runny nose and cough, not bad.

skin: her skin still has all the same patches but it's as if someone dialed down the redness. We aren't sure if she had scarlet fever (but she didn't have any bumps, it was just bright red burn looking). Last night when trying to apply soothing lotion she was hysterical and said her boo boo's hurt. She has never complained of her eczema hurting, just itching.

mood: she is just kind of nuts. Very hyper, aggressive, in your face.

stool: She has not had a BM in 24 hours.

appetite: she is hungry and eating normal.

--Zady, in your experience can eczema flair during illness? I'm not sure we will ever if it was eczema or scarlet fever but but we are so sad that her skin flaired so badly after all the incredible progress we made. thankfully it appears that things are going in the right direction.

have I given enough information to know how to proceed?
melissafox22 last decade
I will analyze the case after getting back home within approx 2 hours and suggest a remedy.

The answer to your last question is yes. Only positives to take out of this.
Zady101 last decade
You sure are awesome! And your encouragement means so much.
melissafox22 last decade
Ok, what about thirst?

Any fever is there?
possible to describe the cough?
What is coming out of mouth and nose?
type/color of mucous?
Is mouth dry?
Lips? dry, cracked, etc
Are you continuing with Hepar sulphur?
Zady101 last decade
she has not been overly thirty at all.

Any fever is there?
She never had a fever, unlike her sister.

is not perspiring or hot.

possible to describe the cough?
She has a very small cough, but when she does it sounds like there's phlem in there.

What is coming out of mouth and nose?
Her mucus is thick but clear with blood in it.

Is mouth dry?
mouth is not dry and lips aren't cracked.

We are continuing Hep Sulp currently and as mentioned, her skin has not changed in terms of the size of eczema or scarlet fever rash, but the redness is dialed down a bit.

thank you!!!
melissafox22 last decade
Is she still on antibiotics? If yes, then for how many days more?
Zady101 last decade
she is still on antibiotics and will be for one more week, until next Saturday. amoxicillin, 3 times a day.
melissafox22 last decade
Pulsatilla 6C

Dissolve 2 pills in 3 teaspoons water, stir multiple times and give to her to drink. Please do this 3 times a day for 2 days and update me.
The night dose should be given after amoxicillin and just before sleep.
Zady101 last decade

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