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Strange feeling in head Page 15 of 15

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How are you feeling?
Do not give up
It’s evening there and you must be again getting restless to sleep
Kindly reply
Kaps 3 years ago
I can’t sleep. I tried mindful meditation and yoga and everything imagineable. I feel cursed. I’m anxious and scared I won’t be able to sleep. So I probably won’t.
homeoEvangelist12 3 years ago
I understand did you order Ambra G
Kaps 3 years ago
Only two remedies for your fear of not falling to sleep
Ignitia and Ambra
Let yourself be do something constructive or watch your favourite video or something that takes your mind off the sleep
Kaps 3 years ago
Yes. Other homeopath wants me to try phosphoricum acidum. I didn’t mention ambra to her yet
homeoEvangelist12 3 years ago
How is your thought process once u can’t sleep
What do keep thinking other than that u r not getting sleep
Kaps 3 years ago
Any news on your husband’s skin tags
Hope u slept better
Kaps 3 years ago
No I did not sleep better. I took a sleeping pill about 1 a.m. because I was so desperate for sleep and anxious.

Haven’t heard any progress from my husband.
homeoEvangelist12 3 years ago
Ant C is in pills or liquid form
Kaps 3 years ago
How long did the effect of sleeping pill lasted
If you are to take one take at the time you have decided to sleep not at 1 2or 3 AM
Kaps 3 years ago
homeoEvangelist12 3 years ago
We’ll I’m trying not to take them. I don’t want to have to need them. I just got desperate enough when I couldn’t sleep and was still anxious at 1 a.m.
homeoEvangelist12 3 years ago
The whole idea was to have one good sleep cycle, to reestablish your sleep pattern when I suggested those
So tonight take it at the time when you normally retire to sleep only then it will show something
AC Ph suggested by your homeopath does suit your symptoms drowsy and fatigued during day
Let me know if you take it
Kaps 3 years ago
I did take phosphoricum acidum for the first time today. It has helped some with my anxiety. I hope it helps me sleep tonight. I will try not to take sleeping pill tonight. If I don’t sleep tonight then tomorrow I will try it at bedtime. What do you think?
My homeopath here said the ambra grisea would be fine to try too but it’s coming from Canada so won’t be here for a week I think
homeoEvangelist12 3 years ago
It must be about 7.15 PM there
Do that hope you sleep on time today
Antimonium Crudum liquid or pills?
Kaps 3 years ago
homeoEvangelist12 3 years ago
Kaps 3 years ago
I don’t think any prescriber is doing that too request the seeker to respond
But post if u feel like
Kaps 3 years ago

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