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Homeopathy Forum Archive: bacterial vaginosis

See also:
Bacterial vaginosis - user entered condition

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase bacterial vaginosis. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

23 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for bacterial vaginosis:
Argentum Metallicum3
Boracicum Acidum2
Calcarea Carbonica4
Nitricum Acidum2

Bacterial vaginosis 3

Hallo. I have bacterial vaginosis and trahilitis. I don t have discharge all the time but when i have is white and i fill an itcing in inside my vulva. Please help me.......
Started by Skot. Last post: 2023-10-11

Bacterial Vaginosis 10

Hello, I was wondering if I could get some assistance on picking a remedy for my condition: basically it started from what I believe was unprotected sexual encounter a few months a...
Remedies: Chelidonium Majus, Aqua Marina
Started by Erequoa. Last post: 2022-10-17

Bacterial vaginosis - only smell 2

Hello. I am 35 years old. I thought I'd ask help from this forum. I have bacterial vaginosis (doctor confirmed). Only symptoms are fishy odour and little bit yellow discharge...
Remedies: Kreosotum, Sepia
Started by JL85. Last post: 2020-01-10

Bacterial Vaginosis 2

Hi, I have suffered with BV since I was 17, I am now 20 years old. BV first started when I started having unprotected sex with my boyfriend and he was ejaculating inside of me duri...
Started by Keion1406. Last post: 2018-05-27

Seeking remedy/dose recommendations for chronic bacterial vaginosis 5

Having tried numerous allopathic and integrative therapies over the last 18 months, I would like to experiment with homeopathy. Primary symptom is thin, watery discharge with stron...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Staphysagria, Belladonna, Sepia
Started by Brorgioquia. Last post: 2017-10-26

For Dr Zady, bacterial vaginosis again 15

I am female 50, on menopause but with periods quite often. I never had BV before, i dont have a relationship, i swimmed in a polluted sea and got infected. The doctor gave me flagg...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus, Rhus Tox, Nux Vomica, Sepia
Started by Sun11. Last post: 2017-09-03

Bacterial vaginosis again 5

Again me, 35 years old female, with bacterial vaginosis, more symptomps on thread forum2.php/69625/... Please help...I started taking foliculinum 30cc 3 times a day...started on d...
Remedies: Luna, Tongo
Started by elviriux. Last post: 2017-08-16

Vaginal yeast, bacterial vaginosis in breastfeeding mother 16

Hi, I am suffering from recurring vaginal yeast and bacterial vaginosis since I gave birth to my baby ( 9 months old now), used prescribed antibiotics ( nifuratel, nistamin, Fenti...
Remedies: Juglans Regia, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by Skristi. Last post: 2015-04-23

Bacterial vaginosis with low immunity 15

my wife had pilesproblem, she was fine after she took nux vom and CALC FLUOR but now she is having bacterial vaginosis with pain in lower abdomen and thick white discharge. piles h...
Remedies: Kreosotum, Sepia
Started by fizspace. Last post: 2014-09-30

Recurring bacterial vaginosis 23

I have been dealing with recurring BV for over a decade. I've had an infection that is completely resistant to all antibiotics for three years. I've tried nitricum acid...
Remedies: Gelsemium Sempervirens, Argentum Metallicum, Boracicum Acidum, Nitricum Acidum
Started by caffeineaddict. Last post: 2014-03-23

Bacterial Vaginosis and/or Yeast Infection OH MY GOD 1

Age: 22 Monogamous On Ortho Trinessa BC Eat fairly healthy, mainly chicken, yogurt, oats, bananas, green bananas, eggs, potatoes, cheat with pizza, and a moderate sweet tooth. 12...
Started by LilyT. Last post: 2013-12-18

PMS, bacterial vaginosis 26

Hi there, I have been dealing with PMS and BV/yeast infections for a few years. I've tried a number of restrictive diets that seemed to help, but the problems are still there....
Remedies: Sepia
Started by Jill_ian. Last post: 2013-09-03

Vaginal discharge/ reoccurring yeast and bacterial vaginosis 3

Hello, I have been suffering with these problems for years, I have been to doctors, used antibiotics, washed my underwear separate in dye and perfume free soap, use the pull o...
Remedies: Cuprum Metallicum, Artemisia Vulgaris
Started by wmstedjee. Last post: 2013-01-10

Bacterial vaginosis 7

I've had BV several times since I have been pregnant with my daughter. I have it again! She is 7 months old. I am still breastfeeding. I crave sweets at night and have great d...
Remedies: Cina
Started by jazmine7. Last post: 2011-07-29

Bacterial Vaginosis during pregnancy 3

What is safe to use during pregnancy for this condition...
Started by Dionne. Last post: 2010-05-08

Bacterial Vaginosis 3

I'm befuddled because at a recent midwife appointment I was told I have bacterial vaginosis which normally isn't considered a big thing, but I'm pregnant and it can ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea
Started by PGmama. Last post: 2010-02-17

Bacterial vaginosis 12

Has anyone had any success in treating Bacterial Vaginosis with homeopathic remedies?...
Remedies: Lachesis, Ignatia Amara, Adrenalinum, Agnus Castus, Sepia, Nitricum Acidum, Natrum Muriaticum, Alumina, Lactic Acid., Lilium Tigrinum, Grindelia Robusta, Secale Cornutum, Capsicum Annuum, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by fionag1710. Last post: 2010-01-29

Bacterial Vaginosis please help 3

HI I am a 33 years old and just got back the results from my annual check-up, I have BV, this is the second time...(first time 7 years ago, treated with antibiotics) I have an appt...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by Lillypg. Last post: 2009-06-06

Bacterial Vaginosis Misery 5

I've been fighting bacterial vaginosis for over 7 months now. I'm so red and sore I'm just miserable. None of the doctor prescribed antibiotics or creams get the...
Remedies: Zincum Metallicum, Argentum Metallicum, Chlamydia, Boracicum Acidum, Camphora , Mercurius Solubilis, Mercurius Vivus
Started by callalily. Last post: 2008-10-24

Cure Bacterial Vaginosis 0

I am 36 and I too had suffered from bacterial vaginosis for almost 6 yrs before I discovered the cure. I don't know if it will work for everyone but I felt as if I had tried e...
Started by pinkberree. Last post: 2008-03-12

Bacterial Vaginosis 0

I have had recurrent infections which have been treated with Flagly. I would like to try an alternative....any suggesstions?...
Started by theoneliz. Last post: 2007-05-01

Bacterial Vaginosis + Gardenella 4

Hi, I'm 25 year old female that has bad odor from my vagina. I am very clean and wash well everyday. I wear cotton panties. I have had this odor for some years now. I have ...
Remedies: Argentum Metallicum
Started by tabitha. Last post: 2007-01-02

Bacterial Vaginosis 0

I have recently been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, and was given a prescription for flagyl. My symptoms seem to have gone away, I still have a few days left on the medicatio...
Started by angelicsand311. Last post: 2006-12-30

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.