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Recurrent bronchitis in children - please help! 1



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Recurrent bronchitis in a child Page 9 of 13

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Please explain craters in tonsils.

Has she shown any desire to eat ice, ice cream or ice cold water.

Has she been checked by ENT doctor specifically for her adenoids.

Which lymph nodes are enlarged

Are they hard also

Do they hurt
[message edited by fitness on Wed, 09 Apr 2014 20:05:52 BST]
fitness last decade
I managed to take a very clear picture of her tonsils. They used to have a smooth intact surface, and this is what remained after tonsilitis with pus.
[message edited by salihnel on Wed, 09 Apr 2014 21:04:56 BST]
salihnel last decade
Haven't received pictures yet.
fitness last decade
Can't upload, will send them to your email in a min.

Has she shown any desire to eat ice, ice cream or ice cold water - yes, she wants to eat ice cream and drink cold water

Has she been checked by ENT doctor specifically for her adenoids - yes, in November, confirmed that she has a third tonsil enlarged.

Which lymph nodes are enlarged
One in the back of her neck, feels like a small hard ball, both lymph nodes in front of her neck, below the chin on both sides, they are soft and large.

Are they hard also - only the one in the back

Do they hurt - She says no
salihnel last decade
fitness last decade
What did the ENT say about adenoids.
fitness last decade
In November the two tonsils that you see in the picture were fine, I only wanted the ENT to check if she has a third one enlarged, and the ENT confirmed and also suggested surgery to remove it because it was enlarged even when my daughter was not sick and blocks normal airflow. She snores, speaks nasally and this could affect her speech in the future. Also, sometimes she stops breathing for a few seconds in her sleep.
salihnel last decade
Please give her Calcarea Carbonica 200c, one dose and report back.

Her respiratory system is inheriting weaknesses from two generations and requires serious effort to cure.

Also, please get Tuberculinum 200c.
fitness last decade
OK, will order tomorrow.
salihnel last decade
I gave her one dose of Calcarea Carbonica 200c last night (nearly 24 hrs ago). I don't see any change in her behavior or perhaps it's too early to tell. She continues to cough from time to time.
salihnel last decade
Nasal discharge appeared this morning, rather thick and greenish. Sniffles and sneezes. Cough is deep and loose, still infrequent. Normal appetite, good mood, her energy level is normal.
[message edited by salihnel on Sun, 13 Apr 2014 13:13:19 BST]
salihnel last decade
Keep me posted with regular updates.
fitness last decade
She's a little bit worse than yesterday in terms of cough and nasal discharge which is now more liquid, sniffles all the time and her blocked nose makes her irritable. Cough is dry, infrequent. She woke up with red cheeks and watery eyes in the morning but now these are fine. She asked for a massage on the forehead which made her feel better. No fever. Her energy level and appetite are normal.
[message edited by salihnel on Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:24:50 BST]
salihnel last decade
Hi! Her cough got worse last night, dry and very very frequent, she can't stop coughing, it's as if sth irritates her throat. I took her to her GP this morning to check if her lungs are clear (she said they are). Her energy level and appetite are just a little below the normal level due to this cough, she's restless and fidgety. No fever, slight nasal discharge.
salihnel last decade
How is her nose.

Give her warm saline gargles 2-3 times a day.

Give her a tea spoon of honey with a little pinch of ground black pepper in it.
fitness last decade
Nose is blocked, infrequent transparent nasal discharge. It's just this cough which even made her vomit once, she can't stop coughing, it's like 4-5 times a minute. Will try gargles and honey, thanks.
salihnel last decade
Hi! She's better, that is cough has become less frequent and loose. Coughs mainly at night and after running. Nose is still blocked, transparent infrequent nasal discharge. Energy level and mood are back to normal.
salihnel last decade
Keep me posted.
fitness last decade
Hi! My kid still coughs rarely and has slight nasal discharge. All her other issues remain unchanged, her behavior though is much better from my point of view, as she is more obedient and polite. Normal energy level and appetite.
salihnel last decade
Please report in % and with details about cough & nasal discharge.
fitness last decade
Her health condition in the past two months has been like this: imagine a curve going up and down, reaching full health of approx. 90% up and 50% down in terms of most of her issues (cough, nasal discharge, blocked nose, snoring). To sum up, she has not been healthy for the past two months or so.
As of this morning, I get the feeling that she's getting down with a disease again. Sniffles and coughs (rarely), nose seems more obstructed than it was yesterday.
If I have to compare the cough and nasal discharge to what it was approx. 10 days ago when shed this terrible dry cough, it's:
cough: 80% better
nasal discharge: 90% better.
She blows her nose only several times a day, it's rather blocked. Discharge this morning was yellowish. Cough I can hear as if it comes from her throat, sounds loose and deep.
Energy level is 10% down.
salihnel last decade
After the last dose of Cal-C, did she worsen and then started improving todate or the improvement stopped a few days back and now a decline is coming.
fitness last decade
It's the second option, she was imroving and I was expecting her to get well, but today she's approx. 10% worse than yesterday in terms of cough and nasal discharge. Her energy level is back to normal though, it was only reduced in the morning, it's early evening now.
Also - it's been raining in the last couple of days, weather is very changeable, I'm not sure if this has not affected her condition.
salihnel last decade
Continue to observe and keep me posted if symptoms start to worsen for 24 hrs or more.
fitness last decade
Hi! She got better after Friday but last night she started sniffling again and fever appeared early in the morning. I gave her one dose of Belladona 200c, it was approx. 8 hrs ago. Fever persists (varies between 37.3-38 oC. Low energy level, no appetite, not thirsty. Watery eyes, Fever is felt mainly on the forehead, cheeks, around the neck. Limbs are warm. Feels cold at times. She's been staying in bed. Nose is blocked but no discharge. Coughs rarely. Is there anything you could advise me?
salihnel last decade
You did right. If the improvement continues don't give any other dose, if it stalls or reverses, give another dose of Bell 200.

Do warm saline water gargles 3-4 times a day. Fresh orange juice etc.

Her body is struggling to overcome the genetic predisposition to respiratory infections, not to worry, we can overcome it with perseverance.
fitness last decade

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